Each of the family histories listed on the Menu Bar under “Books” has its own index. This page includes the indexes of the Sharp Family through the Whitney Family. Some may find it more convenient to search the Master Index, which has all twenty-nine histories listed together.
Sharp Family
Abell, Betha A., 298
Abell, James M., 298
Abell, Madin B., 298
Abner, Adam, 401
Abner, Benjamin, 28
Abner, Bertha, 401
Abner, Bessie A., 401
Abney, Howard S., 349
Abrell, Della Morene, 405
Abrell, Denton Edgar, 405
Abrell, Oscar Melvin, 405
Abrell, Uda Edith, 405
Acock, Alice, 429
Acock, James Decker, 427, 429
Acock, Mary Ellen, 427
Acres, Daniel S., 425
Acres, Henrietta, 422, 425
Acres, Ida Eliza, 414
Acres, John Milton, 413
Acuff, John Thomas, 512
Acuff, Rhoda Jane, 512
Adair, Martha Thomas “Mattie”, 455
Adair, Penina Walker, 490
Adair, Pleasant Walker, 456, 490
Adams, Andy, 399
Adams, Bertha Lee, 396
Adams, Buelah Christine, 396
Adams, Elizabeth “Betsy”, 245
Adams, Elizabeth Sharp, 135
Adams, Hazel Catherine, 396, 400
Adams, John, 351
Adams, Juanita Lewis, 396
Adams, June Bush, 396
Adams, Lorenzo, 351
Adams, Millie, 348
Adams, Nathan, 353
Adams, Reese Jackson, 396
Adams, Robert “Bob”, 395, 399
Adams, Robert Lewis, 396
Adams, Stella Lee Shimfessel, 399
Adams, William, 351
Adamson, Margaret Lucile, 359
Adamson, Paul Ira, 359
Adkins, Grover, 283
Ahlfinger, Earl Eugene, 478
Ahlfinger, Helen Joyce, 478
Ahlfinger, William Valentine “Willie”, 478
Akers, Daniel, 433
Akers, Henrietta, 433
Akers, Nancy Sartin, 433
Albertson, Lela, 358
Alcorn, John Jackson, 368
Alcorn, Mary Jane, 368
Alderson, Taswell S., 139
Alexander, Alfred “Frank”, 407
Alexander, Betha V. “Birdie”, 407
Alexander, Laura Estella, 481
Alexander, Marcus Lafayette, 481, 488
Alexander, Maude Lee, 484, 485, 488
Alexander, Nero “Clay”, 407
Allen, ______ (Dr.), 141
Allen, Alice Marie, 593
Allen, Avaline, 640
Allen, Bertha Pearl, 592
Allen, Bill P., 593
Allen, Charlotta “Lottie”, 172
Allen, Clara, 593
Allen, Commodore Armonzo, 130, 638
Allen, Commodore Alonzo, 59
Allen, Cora, 130
Allen, Cora Adelphia, 59
Allen, Cynthia Azalee “Aza”, 59, 130
Allen, Docia L., 592
Allen, Don, 593
Allen, Dorothy June, 593
Allen, Earl, 130
Allen, Earl O., 639-640
Allen, Edna LaVerne, 593
Allen, Elijah, 638
Allen, Elizabeth Ann, 59
Allen, Elizabeth “Betsy” Coffey, 157
Allen, Fern Irene, 593
Allen, Fred S., 335
Allen, Glen, 130
Allen, Glen Wakefield, 335
Allen, Grace Clark, 335
Allen, Hannah, 435
Allen, James, 53, 59
Allen, James C., 593
Allen, James Curtis, 593
Allen, James N., 130
Allen, James Noah, 58, 638
Allen, Jess A., 593
Allen, Johnnie Everett, 593
Allen, Jonathan, 130
Allen, Jonathan L., 161
Allen, Lottie Evelyn, 315
Allen, Martha Sarena, 628
Allen, Martha T., 632
Allen, Mildred K., 419
Allen, Morris, 130, 640
Allen, Nancy A. Sharp, 33, 53
Allen, Orville, 130
Allen, Orville Earl, 638, 639, 640
Allen, Orville Elmer, 59
Allen, Richard (Captain), 130
Allen, Reynolds, 10
Allen, Stuart A., 593
Allen, Theresa, 130, 638, 639
Allen, Truett Morgan, 593
Allen, Vivian Eileen, 593
Allen, W. A., 592
Allen, William Addison, 593
Allen, Zeura, 130, 638, 639
Alexander, Manerva Jane, 219
Alexander, Ripley P., 431
Alexander, Sarah Jane, 431
Altameyer, Bud, 126
Ammaker, Annie Lee, 300
Anderson, Corrinne, 490
Anderson, Everett Eugene, 300
Anderson, Loren Eugene, 300
Anderson, Maria G., 319
Anderson, Mariah Gist, 317, 318
Anderson, Martha, 289, 306
Anderson, Mary Bird, 439
Anderson, Samuel Morton, 395
Anderson, Thomas Jefferson, 319
Anderson, William C., 395
Anderson, William P., 438
Andrews, T. S., 97
Apperson, Allen Petty, 579
Apperson, Jack, 580
Apperson, Jack Lloyd, 580, 581
Apperson, Leland, 580
Apperson, Leland Bigby “Lee”, Jr., 579
Apperson, Leland Bigby, Sr., 579
Apperson, Rawlins, 579, 581
Apperson, Rella Elizabeth, 580
Archer, Wendell R., 481
Archibald, Amy Ray, 335
Archibald, Benjamin F., 335
Armstrong, John Lapsley, 329
Armstrong, Margaret Ann, 619
Armstrong, Mary Elizabeth, 329
Armstrong, Rebecca, 6, 141, 322
Armstrong, Robert (Captain), 182
Arnold, Clarence, 311
Arnold, Frank Ernest, 595
Arnold, Frank Ernest, Jr., 596
Arnold, Gertrude, 311
Arnold, Lois Ernestine, 595
Arnold, Manerva, 299
Arnold, May Sharp, 311
Arrington, Charles K., 469
Arrington, Edmund, 319
Arrington, L. B., 469
Arrington, Samuel Hale, 469
Arrington, Samuel Hale, Jr., 469
Arrington, Thelma R., 469
Arthur, John Preston, 150
Arthur, Julia Ann, 523
Ashbrook, Agnes, 104, 124, 271
Ashbrook, Amanda, 55
Ashbrook, John, 299
Ashbrook, Levi Louis, 299
Ashbrook, Martha Agnes, 271
Ashbrook, Mary Polly, 298
Ashbrook, John, 59, 108
Ashbrook, Thomas J., 33
Atchison, Irvin M., 399
Atchley, Carl, 368
Atkins, Nancy Ann, 355
Aughinbaugh, Jesse Augustine, 220, 223
Aughinbaugh, Sophia Suttenfield, 223-224, 225
Ausborne, Elizabeth, 210
Austin, Dorothy May, 359
Austin, Emma Thursey, 231
Averett, Albert M., 587
Averett, Exie Opal, 587
Babb, Andrew Jackson, 330
Babb, Iola G. “Ola”, 330
Babb, Mary Jane Matthews, 329, 330
Babb, Ola G., 329
Baber, Frank, 376
Baber, Hannah Delilah, 367
Baber, Jessie M., 376
Baber, Mamie, 348
Baber, Stanley, 348
Baber, Willie, 376
Back, Mike (Pastor), 281
Bagby, Alfred Parks, 625
Bagby, Charles E., 624
Bagby, Charles Edgar, 146, 625, 626
Bagby, Clarence, 146
Bagby, Clarence Orla “Orley”, 625
Bagby, Edgar, 626
Bagby, Gladys Fae, 626
Bagby, Nath, 146
Bagby, Nathe Parks, 625
Bagby, Raymond, 146
Bagby, Raymond Fred, 625
Bagby, Robert L., 626
Bagby, William Wallace, 625
Bahlow, Hans, 123
Bailey, J. D., 65
Bailey, Lawrence Andrew, 596
Bailey, Martin B., 332
Bailey, Martin Brachell, 324, 325, 331
Bailey, Martin Brachell, Jr., 324
Bailey, Martin Brachell, Sr., 324
Bailey, T.E., 297
Bailey, Thomas Leon, 477
Bain, Jesse Leonard, 328
Bain, Sylvia Francis, 409
Baker, ______, (Gov.), 167
Baker, Alvin H., 425, 426
Baker, Bernie, 344
Baker, Ernest, 344
Baker, Grant, 344
Baker, Hershel, 344
Baker, Ida Belle, 359
Baker, Kate, 397
Baker, James T., 376
Baker, Leonard, 344
Baker, Mildred, 344
Baker, Pearl, 376
Balsley, Howard W., 260
Bandy, Ada Norine, 546
Bandy, Agnes Elizabeth, 549
Bandy, Alice Marguerite, 536
Bandy, Ava Banoy, 545, 546
Bandy, Beatrice Frances, 536
Bandy, Benjamin Franklin “Ben”, 541
Bandy, Betty, 547
Bandy, Bill, 547
Bandy, Carole Ann, 536
Bandy, Charles Ernest, 536
Bandy, Charles George, 536
Bandy, Claudia Lee, 536
Bandy, Edgar Ray William, 540
Bandy, Edith Lenore, 547
Bandy, Emory Isaac, 542
Bandy, Ernestine Kay, 536
Bandy, Francis Allen, 545
Bandy, George Braxton “Little Boots”, III, 547
Bandy, George Braxton, Jr., 546, 547
Bandy, George Braxton, Sr., 546
Bandy, George Wesley, 535
Bandy, Gertrude E., 542
Bandy, Gladys Belle, 549
Bandy, Higson, 535
Bandy, Hubbard Milton, 542
Bandy, Ida Adeline, 538, 540
Bandy, Inez, 535
Bandy, Irwin, 535
Bandy, Iza Maude, 547
Bandy, James Alexander (Dr), 534, 535
Bandy, James Hubert, 540-541
Bandy, Josie E., 541
Bandy, Kingford A., 542
Bandy, Lewis Milton, Jr., 536
Bandy, Lewis Milton, Sr., 536
Bandy, Lillian Edith, 537
Bandy, Linnie Ruth, 540
Bandy, Loie Alameda, 542
Bandy, Lois Marie, 536
Bandy, Lucy Mae, 543
Bandy, Maggie J., 545
Bandy, Margaret C., 535
Bandy, Martha Allie “Mattie”, 535
Bandy, Mary Ada, 544
Bandy, Mary Florilla, 536
Bandy, Nancy Ann “Nannie”, 537
Bandy, Nellie, 536
Bandy, Nettie May, 541
Bandy, Norine, 546
Bandy, Ophilia Priscilla, 536
Bandy, Richard, 535
Bandy, Richard Albert, 542
Bandy, Richard T. (Mrs.), 51
Bandy, Richard Thomas “Dickie”, 535
Bandy, Roland Thomas, 547
Bandy, Samuel, 545
Bandy, Venice Franklin, 540
Bandy, Willa Mae, 542
Bandy, William Edward, 540
Bandy, William Franklin, 538, 540, 541
Bandy, William Milton, 535
Bandy, Zonia Lee, 542
Banfield, Sarah Lavina, 367
Bangerter, Samuel, 558
Bangerter, William Blick “Bill”, 558
Banks (General), 52
Bankston, Fannie Lou, 268, 270
Bapst, Karen (Bill), 259
Bapst, Taya, 259
Barbee, John, 175
Barber, Nellie Louise, 499
Bare, Ballard S., 424
Barghausen, August “Gus”, 474
Barghausen, Lawrence Robert, 474
Barker, L.S., 122
Barker, Louise Sexton, 121
Barker, Sylvia, 114, 121
Barker, Sylvia Pearl, 122
Barlow, Charles DeBow, 293
Barnard, Edith, 546, 547
Barnard, Henry C., 546
Barnard, Henry Campbell, 547
Barnard, John Anderson, Jr., 547
Barnard, Mary Alice, 546
Barnes, Alice, 375
Barnes, Alonzo, 322
Barnes, Anice, 374
Barnes, Christopher, 272, 279, 282, 287
Barnes, Don, 287
Barnes, Don (Colonel), 272, 278, 279
Barnes, Joseph, 374
Barnes, Julia, 367
Barnes, Kathleen Heard, 272, 278, 279, 282
Barnett, Amanda J., 345
Barnett, Angeline, 351
Barnett, Asa, 346
Barnett, Berry, 345, 358
Barnett, Bessie L., 346
Barnett, Edgar, 346
Barnett, Emma, 346
Barnett, Fanny, 351
Barnett, Ida, 346
Barnett, James, 351
Barnett, John, 351
Barnett, Moses, 351
Barnett, Nancy, 351
Barnett, William J., 345
Bart, Barbara A., 357, 435
Bart, John W., 357, 435
Bartlett, Albert, 357, 435
Bartlett, Leva, 357, 435
Bartlett, Lydia, 357, 433
Bartlett, Robert F., 357, 435
Bartlett, Troy, 357, 435
Bartlett, Zula, 357, 435
Bartley, Edward, 522
Bartley, Modena, 522
Bartley, Otis Edward, 522
Batchelor, Mabel, 624
Batchelor, Will, 624
Batson, Evelyn, 373, 374
Batson, Reuben Taylor, 373
Batson, Richard R., 373, 374
Baugh, Henry, 636
Bean, Mary, 303
Bearden, Oris Athens, Jr., 530
Bearden, Orus Athens, Sr., 530
Beaumont, Margaret, 315
Beazley, Charles, 75
Becker, Jana Fern Jessee, 372
Bedford, Thomas (Captain), 176, 179
Beebe, Betsy Janice, 556
Beebe, Clyde William, 556
Beebe, Earl Byron, 556
Beebe, Ethel Lois, 556
Beebe, Lucille Ruth, 556
Beebe, Samuel Byron, 556
Beebe, Wayne R., 557
Bell, David C., 582
Bell, James “Ernest”, 412
Bell, Mary Elizabeth, 412
Bell, Vivian Wyonna, 582
Bell, Walter Land, 412
Bell, William Keeling, 412
Belleu, Eliza J., 351
Beltrami, William, 301
Bennett, Janess Corinne, 505, 509, 512
Bennett, Lyle Merton, 505, 507, 508, 511
Benton, Thomas Hart, 370
Benzel, Amelia R., 635
Benzel, Antoinette, 631, 636
Benzel, Edna E., 631, 636
Benzel, Fred Mrs., 48
Benzel, Frederick W., 630
Benzel, Grace, 632, 633
Benzel, Gracie “Grace”, 630
Benzel, Lora May, 630
Benzel, Wilbur W., 631, 633
Bernard, Ada Lee, 553
Bernard, Alfred Parrish, 555
Bernard, Annie Pearl, 557
Bernard, Bernei Boyd, 552
Bernard, Blanche May, 549
Bernard, Bonnie Lois, 555
Bernard, Brunetta Gertrude, 550, 551
Bernard, Carolyn Suzanne, 557
Bernard, Celesta Alabel
Bernard, Charles Horatio, 479, 545
Bernard, Cicero Edgar, 550, 551
Bernard, Cicero Henry, 550
Bernard, Clair Lena “Clara”, 555
Bernard, Claude, 555
Bernard, Emily Sue, 552
Bernard, Emma Louise, 479
Bernard, George Edgar (Dr), Jr., 557
Bernard, George Edgar, Sr., 557
Bernard, George Francis, 555
Bernard, Glacus Lynn, 554
Bernard, Grayce Thelma, 557, 558
Bernard, Henry Milton, 549, 550, 551, 553
Bernard, Hubert A., 557
Bernard, Icaphena “Icy” Pauline, 453-454
Bernard, Infant, 556, 558
Bernard, Juanita Mae, 554
Bernard, Kenneth Lester, 554
Bernard, Lora May, 558
Bernard, Lela Mondena Alice, 549
Bernard, Lillie Bell, 556
Bernard, Lillie Maud Henry, 555
Bernard, Mary Caroline, 555
Bernard, Mary Caroline Rawlins, 547
Bernard, Nellie Elizabeth, 557
Bernard, Ona Frances, 558
Bernard, Paula Ruth, 552
Bernard, Raymond Conrad, Jr., 554
Bernard, Raymond Conrad, Sr., 553
Bernard, Rebecca Dianne, 557
Bernard, Ruby Lucy, 555
Bernard, Sallie Elizabeth, 552
Bernard, Sara M., 557
Bernard, Spencer Thomas, 550, 552
Bernard, Thomas Claude, 557
Bernard, Thomas King, 549
Bernard, Virgil William “Bill”, Jr., 552
Bernard, Virgil William, Sr., 551
Bernard, Virginia Emma “Virgie”, 553
Bernard, William Edgar 556, 558
Bernard, William Henry “Billie”, 555
Bernard, William Smith, 549
Bernard, Yula Yvonne “Yula-Nan”, 555
Berrier, Harry Edwar, 435
Berrier, Wallace B., 435
Berry, Clara Belle, 246
Berry, Francis Marion “Frank”, 246
Berry, Jessie Ann, 246, 247
Berry, Mary Elizabeth Williams, 246, 247
Berryhill, Glenn Day (Dr), 416
Berryman, Alva, 346
Berryman, Molly Shimfessel, 399
Berryman, Oneda S., 348
Berryman, William F., 348
Bethke, Avolt, 322
Bethke, Dennis K., 322
Bethke, Louis J., 322
Bethke, Marjorie J., 322
Bethke, Mary L., 322
Bethke, Sidney Dean, 322
Bevan, Loene Esther, 488
Biggers, Hannah, 298
Bigger, L., 298
Biggio, Albert Joseph, 589
Biggio, Albert Joseph, Jr., 590
Biggio, Leta, 589, 590
Biggio, Lynn Hudson, 590
Biggio, W. S., 590
Billie (Elder), 51
Billings, Dellie J., 245
Billings, Elizabeth A., 245
Billings, Francis Marion “Bud”, 245
Billings, Harriett, 639
Billings, Isabell V., 245
Billings, John J., 245
Billings, Margaret, 102, 244
Billings, Mary M., 245
Billings, Minnie V., 245
Billington, Mary Claudine, 259
Bingamann, Alice, 303
Bingham, Ernest Price “Ernie”, Sr., 481
Bingham, Perry Ellis, Jr., 481
Birch, Polly, 345
Bird, Nancy, 346
Bisonnette, Rose E., 510
Bittman, Frank Arthur, 388
Bittman, Violet D., 388
Bittner, Brody, 259
Bittner, Sarah, 259
Bivan, James, 301
Bixler, Franklin L., 302
Bixler, Harrison Edward, 302
Bixler, Ida May, 302
Bixler, James O., 302
Bixler, Samuel, 302
Black, Tolliver, 60
Blackmon, William Dorsey, 328
Blackmon, Willie Stinson, 328
Blair, George Jefferson, 645
Blair, June Kathleen, 645
Blakemore, Clarence Earl, 368
Blakley, William Rosedon, 605
Blalock, Mary A., 237
Blalock, William McKesson “Keith”, 238
Blanchard, Charles, 123, 244
Blevins, Alice Marie, 258
Blevins, Alfred, 258
Blevins, Alfred G., 256
Blevins, Alfred George “Skinny”, 257
Blevins, Alpha, 258
Blevins, Alpha Belle, 255, 256
Blevins, Alpha Lucille, 257
Blevins, Beverly Ann, 259
Blevins, Birdie, 258
Blevins, Birdie Luella, 259
Blevins, Bobby, 258
Blevins, Bobby Dean, 259
Blevins, Bruce, 258
Blevins, Bruce Robert, 259
Blevins, Clara, 258
Blevins, Clara Agnes, 255, 257
Blevins, Clara Ethel, 259
Blevins, Dave (Pilar), 259
Blevins, Doyle, 256
Blevins, Earl, 260
Blevins, Earl Weaver, 256
Blevins, Eugene, 256
Blevins, Grace, 258
Blevins, Grace Irline, 259
Blevins, Jennifer, 259
Blevins, Kaitlin, 259
Blevins, Kenneth George, 258
Blevins, Laura, 258
Blevins, Laura Earlis, 258
Blevins, Luella Sharp, 108
Blevins, Mable L., 256
Blevins, Mac, 259
Blevins, Mary Ethel (Gadd), 259
Blevins, Nathan, 108, 109, 259
Blevins, Nathan Weaver, 255
Blevins, Nic, 259
Blevins, Rick (Ginger), 259
Blevins, Roy, 258, 259, 260
Blevins, Roy (Juanita), 259
Blevins, Roy W., 259
Blevins, Roy Wayne, 259
Blevins, Roy William, 255, 256
Blevins, Theodore Earl, 256
Blevins, Thomas, 255, 258, 260
Blevins, Thomas George, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259
Blevins, Thomas Woodrow, 259
Blevins, William Alfred, 259
Blount, Ernest W., 493
Blount, Thomas W., 493
Blubaugh, Elizabeth, 341
Blue Jacket (Shawnee Leader), 178
Bluford, May Dixon, 337
Blust, Lenora Mary, 393
Blythe, James, 343
Blythe, William, 343
Boles, Franklin P. “Frank”, 536
Boles, John Arnold, Jr., 536
Boles, John Arnold, Sr., 536
Boles, Josephine “Josie”, 536
Bolton, Francis (Rev), 86
Boner, Carrie Mae, 344
Boone, Anna, 157
Boone, Daniel, 35, 36, 41, 150, 154, 157, 179
Boone, Elizabeth, 299
Boone, Ella, 440
Boone, Emma C., 440
Boone, Israel, 150
Boone, Milton, 440
Boone, Sallie C., 440
Boone, Thomas, 440
Borally, Susannah M., 140
Bordner, Ruby Temperance, 609
Boren, Brady McCulloch, 553
Borghardt, Lena Ann, 432
Bossier, Myrtle Etta, 563
Bossier, Robert D., 564
Boston, Elizabeth, 337
Boswell, Mary Jane, 411
Boulware, Archibald, 357, 378
Boulware, Edward Lawrence, 378
Boulware, Gertrude, 380
Boulware, Jane Bush, 380
Boulware, Ladie Euphania, 378
Boulware, Ludie Euphania, 378
Boulware, Mary Ellen, 378, 379, 402
Bourdette, Loyd Willis, 258
Bourland, James (Colonel), 224
Bowden, Agnes “Mary”, 407
Bower, Clara, 260
Bower, Elsie, 257
Bower, Fred Lewis, 257
Bower, Fred Weaver, 257
Bowles, Clarence F., 536
Bowles, James Franklin “Frank”, 536
Bowman, Curtis, 376
Bowman, Francis Louise, 376
Bowman, Katherine Jeane, 376
Bowman, Lowell Curtis, 376
Bowman, Maggie, 374
Bowman, Mary Virginia, 376
Bowman, Robert Bruce, 376
Bowman, Roscoe, 376
Bowman, Yvonna D., 376
Bowyer, Bins Oscar, 290
Bowyer, Mary “Mollie”, 246, 247
Boyd, Freda Virginia, 536
Boyd, Margaret, 332
Boyd, Margaret Madelyn, 437
Boyd, Mary, 316, 319
Boyd, William, 306
Boyter, Charles Edward, 442
Boyter, Linnie May, 441, 445
Bradford, Sarah “Sally”, 216
Bradley, Daniel Boone, 399
Bradley, Hoyt B., 399
Bradley, John, 386
Bradley, Laura B., 386
Brady, Charles L, 467
Brady, Dorothy Grace, 467-468
Brady, Frances Louise, 467
Braesfield, Alice Pearl Sharp, 116
Bragg, ______ (General), 106
Bragg, Albert Washington, 617
Bragg, Betty Joyce, 617
Bragg, Charley, 616
Bragg, Chita Louise “Oneta L.”, 616
Bragg, Clyde William, 615
Bragg, Delvia, 617
Bragg, Dennie Manuel, 478, 616, 617
Bragg, Eldred Ray, 616
Bragg, Evelian Faye, 616
Bragg, Faye Zella
Bragg, Gary L., 616
Bragg, Ira Milburn, 617
Bragg, James Madison, 478, 615, 616
Bragg, James Milburn “Buddy”, 617
Bragg, Jerry Donald, 478
Bragg, Larry, 616
Bragg, Lawrence Eldred, 616
Bragg, Manley, 615
Bragg, Mary Addylene, 478, 617
Bragg, Myrtle Mona, 616, 617
Bragg, Ona Jane, 617
Bragg, Rhilma, 617
Bragg, Ruby F., 616-617
Bragg, Thelma Irene, 617
Bragg, Thomas, 478
Bragg, Thomas James, 616
Bragg, Zelma Sarah, 617
Bramblett, Mary “Molly”, 292
Brand, Mary A., 307
Branmueller (Missionary), 7, 128
Brasfield, Alice Pearl Cape, 122
Brasfield, Alice S. 116
Brasfield, Clifton, 116
Breeze, Henry Arthur, 362
Breeze, Ida May, 362
Breeze, Thomas, 362
Brennan, Barbara Elizabeth, 295
Breshears, William F., 605
Bridges, Carol R., 318
Bridges, Ella Marie, 318
Bridges, James Alvin, 316
Bridges, James Alvis, 318
Bridges, James Delmnus, 318
Bridges, John, 318
Bridges, John Richard, 318
Bridges, Paul, 318
Briggs, Mary L. “Mollie”, 485
Briscoe, Betty Lou, 555
Briscoe, Lillie Clarene, 555
Briscoe, Melton John, Jr., 555
Briscoe, Melton John, Sr., 555
Briscoe, Peggy Sue, 555
Briscoe, Wilder Thomas Raymond, 555
Brock, Florence Cecelia, 436
Brock, James J., 436
Broden, Mamye Amanda, 445
Brohard, Elizabeth, 301
Brookes, Priscilla, 77
Brooks, Charlotte, 381
Brooks, Marion D., 573
Brooks, Phipps Ira, 573
Brooks, Thomas, 37
Brookshire, Amanda Katherine “Kittie”, 394
Brookshire, Elizabeth, 394
Brookshire, Ella, 394
Brookshire, Ellen, 394
Brookshire, Francis W., 395
Brookshire, Frankie, 394
Brookshire, George W., 394
Brookshire, John Newton, 394, 400
Brookshire, John Randolph Crankfield, 394
Brookshire, Joseph R., 394
Brookshire, Kitty, 394
Brookshire, Martin Allen, 394
Brookshire, Rodney, 394
Brookshire, William Walker, 394
Brown, Addison V., 251, 252
Brown, Antoinette, 633
Brown, Arthur Garfield, 631
Brown, Edith May, 390
Brown, Edna, 343
Brown, Elizabeth, 231
Brown, Ethel Belle, 298
Brown, James, 309
Brown, John Simpson, 631
Brown, Lorene, 298
Brown, Mary Alice, 358
Brown, Molly, 300
Brown, Paul, 298
Bruce, Abner Dalton, 419
Bruce, Abner Louis, 417, 418
Bruce, Ada Grace, 416
Bruce, Adam Vivion, 417
Bruce, Alfred, 404
Bruce, Alfred A., 404
Bruce, Alfred Amon, 419
Bruce, Alline C., 420
Bruce, Alpha A., 415
Bruce, Alpha Emma, 417, 419
Bruce, Archer Terry “Archie”, 404, 407
Bruce, Balsora Evelyn, 415
Bruce, Bessie Belle, 405
Bruce, Browder Franklin, 420
Bruce, Charley Victor, 404
Bruce, Claude Robert, 418
Bruce, Coleman, 415, 417, 418, 419
Bruce, Coleman Robert, 415, 418, 420
Bruce, Cora Belle, 418
Bruce, Daniel “Tucker”, 406
Bruce, Effie May, 403, 404, 406, 407, 408
Bruce, Ethel A., 410
Bruce, Ethel Ann, 405
Bruce, Eva Ella, 417, 419
Bruce, Floyd Coleman, 417, 419
Bruce, Frances Susan Vivion, 414, 417, 419
Bruce, George, 406
Bruce, George Washington, 405, 406, 410
Bruce, Georgia Mae, 405
Bruce, Glen Franklin, 419
Bruce, Hattie Everett, 405
Bruce, Hattie Mae, 420
Bruce, Hickman “Hick” Smith, 406
Bruce, Ina C., 416
Bruce, J. Smith, 417, 418, 419
Bruce, James Archie “Bud”, 405
Bruce, James Franklin, 418
Bruce, James Thomas, 414, 415
Bruce, Jerald Verlious, 406
Bruce, Jesse Lee, 404, 407
Bruce, Jonathan Willis, 416
Bruce, Katie V., 417
Bruce, Lena Ester, 420
Bruce, Lenora Jane, 417, 419, 420
Bruce, Leo Frank, 418
Bruce, Lloyd Raymond, 419
Bruce, Lucas Douglas, 420
Bruce, Maggie Myrtle, 417, 419
Bruce, Milton Terry, 405
Bruce, Morton, 417
Bruce, Moten Lindsey, 419
Bruce, Moten Rheudulph, 420
Bruce, Pleasant Alford, 419
Bruce, Pleasant Alfred, 416
Bruce, Plezzie Mays, 420
Bruce, Rachel Jane Hayter, 417, 418
Bruce, Richard Henry, 416
Bruce, Rose, 406
Bruce, Rose “Rosie” Ellen, 403, 405
Bruce, Roy Clyde, 420
Bruce, Susan J., 416
Bruce, Terrance “Terry” A., 403, 404
Bruce, Theodocia, 418
Bruce, Virginia, 404
Bruce, Virginia A., 420
Bruce, Virginia “Virgie” Olivia, 404, 406, 407
Bruce, Wesley Albert, 417
Bruce, Zelma Cleo, 405
Bruders, Sophia Friederika Johanna, 336
Bruton, Mary Ann, 421
Bryan, Hazel, 390
Bryan, Hazel S., 393
Bryan, James Calloway, 530
Bryan, John Robert, 392
Bryan, Lois Adelia, 530
Bryan, Mary Willie, 390, 392
Bryan, William Elery, 392
Bryant, Clyde E., 356
Bryant, Glenn Ju, 356
Bryant, Peter, 356
Bryant, Pirena Jane, 356
Bryant, Randolph, 225
Buchanan, James J., 441
Buchanan, James Joseph, 441
Buchanan, Martha Edmondson, 507
Buchanan, Miriam Coffey Sanders, 158
Buckner, George Washington, 409
Buckner, William Paschal, 408
Buford, Thomas (Captain), 12
Bumpass, Thomas Halliburton, 378
Bumpass, Virginia T., 378
Bunch, Charity Elizabeth “Bettie”, 333, 347
Bunn, Douglas A., 386
Bunnell, Lillian, 300
Burbridge, Frank C., 440
Burbridge, James Garrett, 440
Burgher, ______ (Infant), 345
Burgher, ______ (Infant Son), 338
Burgher, Aaron, 343
Burgher, Aaron Bud, 341, 342
Burgher, Aaron John, 143, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343
Burgher, Albert Manson, 339, 340
Burgher, Algin, 345
Burgher, Algin Lincoln, 348
Burgher, Alpha R., 345
Burgher, Alvin Eugene, 345
Burgher, Angeline, 344
Burgher, Anna, 349
Burgher, Anna Florence, 337
Burgher, Anna Florence “Tiny”, 338, 339
Burgher, Arron, 396
Burgher, Arthur, 341, 343
Burgher, Arthur E., 340
Burgher, Benjamin Franklin, 347
Burgher, Benjamin Lott, 345
Burgher, Benjamin S., 358
Burgher, Benjamin Sharp, 143, 333, 344, 346
Burgher, Berna Wilford, 345
Burgher, Bernard V., 340
Burgher, Bessie, 340
Burgher, Beulah, 345
Burgher, Bevie, 334, 335
Burgher, Biddie Ann, 345
Burgher, Carl Everett, 335
Burgher, Carrie A., 349
Burgher, Cary B., 345
Burgher, Cecil Franklin, 349
Burgher, Charles, 334, 350
Burgher, Clarence Baber, 348
Burgher, Clarence Everett, 348
Burgher, Clifton Henry, 348
Burgher, Cornelius Simpson, 144
Burgher, David M., 343
Burgher, Davis Henry, 342
Burgher, Delina May, 345
Burgher, Deloris, 342
Burgher, Demarcus, 342
Burgher, Demarcus D., 341
Burgher, Demarcus Lafayette, 343
Burgher, Demarcus Lafayette Pony, 143, 144
Burgher, Demargus Lafayette, 396
Burgher, Donald Richard, 335
Burgher, Duncan, 334
Burgher, Duncan Wilson, 335
Burgher, Edith, 345
Burgher, Edna, 345
Burgher, Edward, 334
Burgher, Edward Laurence “Ed”, 339, 340
Burgher, Edward Monroe, 335
Burgher, Edythe, 340
Burgher, Effie, 336
Burgher, Elizabeth, 347
Burgher, Ellen, 344
Burgher, Elvila, 343
Burgher, Elzie Lawrence, 345
Burgher, Emma C., 338
Burgher, Erman Ranson, 340
Burgher, Eugene M., 348
Burgher, Everette, 340, 344
Burgher, Everitt, 396
Burgher, Evilla, 143
Burgher, Fannie Bell, 348
Burgher, Fannie Sharp, 143
Burgher, Fannie F. Sharp, 143
Burgher, Frances Frankie, 343
Burgher, Francis “Fanny”, 143, 344
Burgher, Fern, 342
Burgher, Florence Blanche, 342
Burgher, Gladys Rose, 344
Burgher, Glenn D., 340
Burgher, Harley L., 340
Burgher, Harriet “Hattie”, 334
Burgher, Hazel, 348
Burgher, Henry G., 333, 346
Burgher, Hubert, 343
Burgher, Ida Mae, 348
Burgher, J. E., 207
Burgher, Jake H., 333, 347
Burgher, James Nicholas, 349
Burgher, Jay Creighten, 339
Burgher, Joe Arthur, 344
Burgher, Joe Bush, 343, 344
Burgher, John, 336, 340, 341, 343
Burgher, John E., Sr., 207
Burgher, John Evans, 143, 206, 343
Burgher, John H., 345
Burgher, John W., 343
Burgher, John William, 348
Burgher, Joseph, 345
Burgher, Josephine, 344
Burgher, Juana, 336, 349
Burgher, Kenneth, 340
Burgher, Kinney, 345
Burgher, Larkin B., 349
Burgher, Lawrence, 343
Burgher, Lay, 339
Burgher, Layman M., 340
Burgher, Leah, 340
Burgher, Lela Mae, 347
Burgher, Lem, 339
Burgher, Lena, 340
Burgher, Lena Bell, 348
Burgher, Lester E., 341, 342
Burgher, Lester Earl, 345
Burgher, Lillie, 333, 347
Burgher, Lou, 341
Burgher, Louis, 342
Burgher, Louis Albert, 341
Burgher, Luann, 340
Burgher, Malissa E., 344
Burgher, Manson, 19, 23, 24, 28, 143, 144, 207, 333
Burgher, Marcus McKinley, 348
Burgher, Margia B., 338, 339
Burgher, Mark Nevelle, 343, 344
Burgher, Marshall, 143, 344
Burgher, Martha, 340
Burgher, Mary, 340, 341
Burgher, Mary Elizabeth, 143, 339
Burgher, Mary Frances, 347
Burgher, Mary Jane, 345
Burgher, Mary Jane “Mollie”, 348
Burgher, Marzius Mannes, 344, 345
Burgher, Maude, 334, 336
Burgher, Mildred Cooksey, 336
Burgher, Nancy “Nanny”, 143, 343
Burgher, Nancy J., 347
Burgher, Naomi, 341
Burgher, Nicholas, 17
Burgher, Nicholas Duncan, 143, 144, 334, 336, 337, 339, 349
Burgher, Norma Grace, 344
Burgher, Norman, 334
Burgher, Norman Wesley, 336, 349
Burgher, Norris, 341
Burgher, Ola, 344
Burgher, Olivia, 347
Burgher, Olive “Ollie”, 335
Burgher, Oliver, 345
Burgher, Ollie, 334
Burgher, Orine M.E., 344
Burgher, Paul Richard, 335
Burgher, Pearl, 336
Burgher, Pleasant (Rev), 334, 336, 349
Burgher, Pleasant B., 344
Burgher, Polly, 207, 344
Burgher, Polly V., 207
Burgher, Rachel, 345, 346
Burgher, Ray, 344, 396
Burgher, Reese, 344
Burgher, Rex Lem, 340
Burgher, Rex Robert, 341
Burgher, Roger, 345
Burgher, Roy Smith, 348
Burgher, Ruby, 340
Burgher, Russell L., 343
Burgher, Ruth, 334, 342
Burgher, Ruth B., 341
Burgher, Ruth L., 344
Burgher, Sarah E., 344
Burgher, Sarah Frances, 339
Burgher, Shirley Allen, 344
Burgher, Sidney Mark, 339
Burgher, Ulley Virgil, 338
Burgher, Velma, 343
Burgher, Wallace Hampton, 348
Burgher, Wendell, 342
Burgher, William Duncan, 338, 339
Burgher, William Paul, 338
Burgher, William Robert, 344
Burgher, William Stanley, 348
Burgher, Zibia N., 338
Burness, Pete, 349
Burness, Wilson David “Pete”, 336
Burns, Chris, 283
Bush, Allie, 401
Bush, Ambrose, 36
Bush, Anderson Patterson, 384, 396, 397, 398
Bush, Anderson Patterson, Jr., 400
Bush, Ann, 372, 384, 396
Bush, Arnold Floyd, 401
Bush, Audrey, 402
Bush, Bernice, 398, 400
Bush, Blanche, 398. 399
Bush, Charles, 400
Bush, Clyde Vernon, 400
Bush, Corda, 398
Bush, Dorothy Lee, 398
Bush, Edd, 402
Bush, Edith E., 402
Bush, Eliza Crankfield, 384
Bush, Elizabeth, 364
Bush, Elizabeth F., 345
Bush, Elsie, 397
Bush, Emma Gentry, 383, 394, 395, 399, 400
Bush, Esther, 397
Bush, Francis, 36
Bush, Frances “Frankie” Jane, 382, 393, 394, 400
Bush, George W., 383, 385, 390
Bush, George Walton, 380, 381, 382, 384, 385, 389, 391, 393, 394, 395, 399, 400
Bush, Herbert Hanley, 397
Bush, Hettie, 401
Bush, Hezekiah Oldham, 384
Bush, Hoyt, 398
Bush, Hugh Lawrence, 402
Bush, Joe, 399
Bush, John, 36, 333, 364, 398
Bush, John Cleveland, 397, 398
Bush, John William, 380
Bush, Josephine “Josie”, 383
Bush, Joshia, 396
Bush, Josiah Joseph, 344
Bush, Lillie E., 402
Bush, Lindsey P., 400
Bush, Lucy Haseltine, 380, 389
Bush, Mamie G., 401
Bush, Margaret “Mag”, 398, 399
Bush, Mary, 400
Bush, Mary Ann, 343, 396
Bush, Mary B., 396
Bush, Mary Bell, 398
Bush, Mary Elizabeth, 381, 382, 385, 389, 390, 391
Bush, Matilda, 292
Bush, Nannie, 402
Bush, Nettie, 400
Bush, Phillip, 36
Bush, Polly, 384
Bush, Raymond C., 398
Bush, Sarah Ellen, 382
Bush, Susan Catherine “Kittie”, 382
Bush, Susannah/Ann, 333
Bush, Tandy James, 396, 397, 398
Bush, Thomas 24
Bush, Tuck, 344
Bush, Venie, 397
Bush, William, 35, 41
Bush, William “Billy” (Captain), 36, 38
Bush, William Goble, 402
Bush, William Kenneth, 400
Bush, William Walton, 380, 384
Bush, Woodie, 398
Bush, Woodford Dewey, 397-398
Bushey, George, 335
Bushey, John Calvin, 335
Buster, Joshua, 166
Butchler, W. W., 97
Butler, Elizabeth Ann, 298
Butler, James Clinton ‘Tackie’, 502
Butler, John H., 298
Butler, Pearl Cordelia, 298
Butler, Ronald Matthew, 502
Butt (or Butts), George N. (Major), 220, 224
Butt, Sophia, 224
Button, Thomas, 175, 196
Buzzard, Florence Nancy, 513
Buzzard, John B., 513
Bybee, Buford Elmer, 432
Bybee, Claude Stanley, 432
Bynum, Willfred Esque “Bodie”, 615
Caddell, Jim, 223
Cain, Edgar Dean, 581
Cain, Lloyd O., 297
Cain, Lois Marie, 581
Caldwell, Margaret E., 374
Campbell, Charles (Dr), 456
Campbell, Ellen Julia “Nellie J.”, 456
Campbell, James Albert, 436
Campbell, Samuel Blair, 456
Campbell, Susan E., 577
Campbell, Suzie Almira, 436
Campbell, Thomas Jefferson, 577
Campbell, William (Colonel), 184, 185, 194
Cannon, Keziah Malinda, 231
Cannon, Nancy Tyler, 159
Cantrell, Curtis R., 540
Cantrell, John Martin, 540
Cantrell, Lora Darlene, 540
Caplinger, Mary Christine, 388
Capps, Ambrose Bradley, 296
Capps, Ethel, M., 293
Capps, Ethel Marie, 293, 294, 295
Capps, Nellie, 115
Capps, Sarah, 112, 116
Capps, Sarah Miranda, 112, 115
Carlisle, Lillian Ola, 645
Carlton, Sarah Ann, 415
Carns, Roscoe Glen, 481
Carodeen, Henry, 162
Carpenter, George, 6, 201, 202
Carpenter, Lula Gertrude, 436
Carpenter, Marguerette Belle “Mattie”, 612
Carrell, Albert Raymond, 626
Carrell, Edna Ruth, 627
Carrell, Julia Pearl, 627
Carrell, Paris Alex, 626
Carrell, Thomas F., 627
Carroll, Elmo Dean, 554
Carroll, Michael, 554
Carroll, Ora Mable, 608
Carson, Harry, 418
Carson, Velma Irene, 418, 419
Carter, Ada Ellen, 605
Carter, Dorcas, 210
Carter, Mary Ellesine, 328
Carter, S.Y.T., 328
Carter, William, 307
Carter, William James, 605
Case, Allen Grant, 271
Case, Allen Leo, 271, 283
Case, Anna Mae Dilbeck Sharp, 282
Case, Irma Jane, 271, 284
Case, Lee Ann Sharp, 124
Case, Nellie Madge, 271, 283
Casey, Betty Jane, 321
Casey, Byron, 320
Casey, Ena, 320
Casey, Evelyn, 320
Casey, Florence, 320
Casey, George, 320
Casey, James, 320
Casey, Jennie, 320
Casey, John, 320
Casey, Marjorie, 321
Casey, Milo Guere, 321
Casey, Muriel, 321
Casey, Victoria, 321
Cash, James Greenville, 303
Cash, Samuel Newton, 302
Cassil, Bruce, 412
Cassil, Cora “Nola”, 410, 411, 412
Cassil, Fannie “Florence”, 412
Cassil, Florence M., 412
Cassil, Jesse Ward, 412
Cassill, Marguerite Alice, 304
Cathey, Annie May, 500
Cathey, Homer W., 500
Cathey, Jethro Brown, 500
Cathey, Max, 500
Cathey, Tom B., 500
Cathey, William Graham, 500
Cavender, Wanda Jean, 620
Cawthorne, Pauline Emily, 315
Cawthorne, Richard Ira, 315
Caylor, Isaac C., 362
Caylor, Peter Harrison, 362
Chambers, Alice E., 247
Chambers, Charlotte A., 247
Chambers, Edward Garrett, 247
Chambers, George, 247
Chambers, Herman Granville, 247
Chambers, Hiram, 247
Chambers, Isabella, 247
Chambers, James W., 245, 247
Chambers, Julia, 247
Champ, James Thomas, 390
Champ, Lydia L., 388, 390
Chancellor, John, 371
Chapman, Lelia Margaret, 573
Chapman, Nellie, 116
Chapman, S. L., 573
Cherry, Maria, 211
Cherryhomes, Arthur Daniel, 475
Cherryhomes, Arthur Jasper, 471, 474
Cherryhomes, Arthur John, 475
Cherryhomes, Benjamin David, 476
Cherryhomes, Blanche, 475
Cherryhomes, Donald Mark “Don”, 476
Cherryhomes, Esther, 474
Cherryhomes, Ethel King, 475
Cherryhomes, Floyd, 475
Cherryhomes, George Christopher, 475
Cherryhomes, Henry Smith, 474
Cherryhomes, John Earl, 476
Cherryhomes, Judd William, 475
Cherryhomes, Lloyd, 475
Cherryhomes, Polly May, 474
Cherryhomes, Robert Edward, 476
Cherryhomes, Ruth, 474
Cherryhomes, Virginia, 476
Cherryhomes, Wendell Melvin, 475
Cherryhomes, William, 475
Cheshier, Ada Maude, 477, 595
Cheshier, Alice Laura, 478, 611, 616
Cheshier, Allene, 600
Cheshier, Alvin, 597
Cheshier, Alvin Thomas, 595, 598, 599, 610
Cheshier, Anna Aldine “Annie”, 610, 612
Cheshier, Becky Rhunelle, 611
Cheshier, Ben Parks, 600
Cheshier, Ben Parks, Jr., 600
Cheshier, Benjamin P., 594
Cheshier, Betty Virginia, 600
Cheshier, Charles Lynn, 610, 614
Cheshier, Clara Dale, 596, 597, 598, 599
Cheshier, Clyde, 600
Cheshier, Clyde Estes, 594
Cheshier, Dora Parks, 594
Cheshier, Eldred Daniel, 609, 610
Cheshier, Edwin C., 614
Cheshier, Elmer Lee, 610, 614
Cheshier, Elvin Ray, 614
Cheshier, Ernest, 594
Cheshier, Ernest L., 477
Cheshier, Ernest L., Sr., 477
Cheshier, Estiel William, 613
Cheshier, Foy Eldred, 477, 594
Cheshier, Frances C., 614
Cheshier, Fred Bassett, 614
Cheshier, George, 611
Cheshier, Gertrude, 611
Cheshier, Gordon Louis, 614
Cheshier, Harry Dan, 611, 615
Cheshier, Herbert Paul, 611, 615
Cheshier, Ida Parks, 606, 608, 609
Cheshier, J. T., 600
Cheshier, James Henry, 614
Cheshier, James Thomas, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599
Cheshier, James Thomas, III, 610
Cheshier, Joe L., 614
Cheshier, John Byrd “Bert”, 611
Cheshier, John Maurice, 611
Cheshier, John Thomas, 477, 594, 595, 610
Cheshier, John Thomas “Tom”, 606
Cheshier, John Thomas, Jr., 477, 594
Cheshier, Johnnie, 614
Cheshier, Johnnie Alvin, 594, 600
Cheshier, Laura Alice “Allie”, 613
Cheshier, Laura Jean, 477
Cheshier, Lee Banie, 594, 600
Cheshier, Leona Elizabeth, 614
Cheshier, Leonard Andrew, 614
Cheshier, Lester Byrd, 610, 614-615
Cheshier, Lillie Mae, 592
Cheshier, Lois, 477, 595
Cheshier, Lue Ella, 614
Cheshier, Lura Dale Halteman, 597
Cheshier, Maggie Amelia, 611
Cheshier, Marie Iva, 614
Cheshier, Marion Byrd, 611
Cheshier, Mattie Lou, 595
Cheshier, Mattie Lou Ella, 472, 477
Cheshier, Millie Flettie, 611, 615
Cheshier, Nancy C. Parks, 611
Cheshier, Pam, 597
Cheshier, Pauline, 595, 598
Cheshier, Pearl Opal, 594, 596, 597, 599
Cheshier, Ralph Henry, 610, 615
Cheshier, Robert, 594, 595
Cheshier, Robert F., Jr., 477
Cheshier, Robert F. “Rob”, Sr., 476
Cheshier, Robert Woodford, 600
Cheshier, Sarah Elizabeth “Lizzie”, 477, 594, 600
Cheshier, Sharon Annette, 611
Cheshier, Stella F., 594
Cheshier, Terry Lee, 600
Cheshier, Thelma Louella, 477
Cheshier, Thelma Louise, 595, 597
Cheshier, Thomas Eldred, 610, 614
Cheshier, Thomas Floyd, 614
Cheshier, Viva May, 613
Cheshier, William Amos “Bill”, 610, 613
Cheshier, William E., 600
Cheshier, William Samuel, 606
Cheshier, William Thomas, 610
Cheshier, Willis Lloyd, 614
Cheshire, Ann Adline, 503
Cheshire, Ben Alvin, 600
Chesier, Dora Parks, 145, 146
Childs, Luther (Rev), 337
Childs, Paul, 342
Childs, Ross Alfred, 342
Childs, Thelma E., 342
Chilton, Ann, 16
Chism, Lula, 348
Chitwood, George Herman, 321
Chitwood, Leland, 320
Chord, J. W., (Rev.), 161
Chowning, ______ (Daughter), 615
Chowning, Charles F., 615
Chowning, Elmer Dale, 615
Chowning, Elton Daniel, 615
Chowning, Freeland F., 615
Chowning, John P., 611
Chowning, Lynn Alvin, 501, 615
Chowning, Maggie, 615
Chowning, Noma Ann, 615
Chowning, Pauline Bethell, 615
Chowning, Selma M., 615
Chowning, Thomas Fermin “Chubby”, 501, 615
Chowning, Thomas Jefferson, 501, 615
Chowning, Tommy Jeff, 615
Chowning, Verda Faye, 611
Chowning, Vernon Horace, 615
Chowning, Wayne O., 615
Christian, ______ (Colonel), 179
Christian, Jemima Jane Tuttle, 144, 627
Christian, Texana, 144, 627
Christian, Thomas J., 144, 627
Christie, Esther “Essie”Sharp, 627
Christopher, Gladdie, 346
Christopher, H.F., 345, 346
Christopher, Lella, 346
Christopher, Lillie, 345
Christopher, Pearl, 346
Christopher, Vernon, 346
Church, James, 19
Church, Mattie, 19
Church, Nancy, 19
Church, William, 19
Cinnamon, Eula Mae, 326
Cinnamon, John B., 326
Claer, Agnes, 562, 564
Claer, Alice, 562
Claer, Alice Johana, 561, 563
Claer, Blanche, 562, 565
Claer, Cheryl Ann, 563, 564
Claer, Gertrude, 562
Claer, Gertrude B., 564
Claer, Johnnie William, 564
Claer, Johnny, 562
Claer, Marguerette, 562
Claer, Marguerette Lena, 564
Claer, Melvin, 563, 564
Claer, Raymond, 562
Claer, Raymond Lewis, 564
Claer, Robert, 562
Claer, Robert Gustave, Jr., 563, 564
Claer, Robert Gustave, Sr., 563
Claer, Ruby Slayman, 564
Claer, William Frederick “Bill”, 561, 562
Clark, Benjamin Franklin “Frank”, 567
Clark, Bennett, 21
Clark, Elizabeth M. “Bess”, 593
Clark, Fenton Leone, 568
Clark, Franklin Clay, 567
Clark, George Rogers (General), 13, 182
Clark, Gilford Alton, 469
Clark, Gordon Gracy, Sr. (Dr), 569
Clark, Helen Dale, 568
Clark, J. D., 469
Clark, John Drury, 335
Clark, John Wesley, 593
Clark, Joseph Addison, 567
Clark, Joseph Franklin “Joe Frank”, 567
Clark, Leika, 569
Clark, Leonard Mason, 335
Clark, Marshall Franklin, 568
Clark, Minnie Lois, 567
Clark, Polly Faye, 568
Clark, Robert, 18
Clark, Robert Arthur, 469
Clark, Roswell Dale, 568
Clark, Roswell Lee, 568, 569
Clark, Thomas D., 20
Clark, Thomas Marshall, Jr., 568
Clark, Thomas Marshall, Sr., 568
Clark, Vivian, 302
Clark, Warren, 569, 570
Clark, William Rawlins, Sr., 570
Clarke, Nancy, 217
Clay, Alvin Brown, 416
Clay, Bertie May, 416
Clay, Henry, 416
Clay, Mary E., 416
Clay, Thomas V., 416
Claycomb, Frances Estelle, 454
Claycomb, John Harness, 454
Claycomb, Kay Henry, 454
Claycomb, Loreen, 454
Claycomb, Nellie M., 454
Claycomb, Nina E., 454
Claycomb, Octa U., 454
Claycomb, Opal Hortense, 454
Claycomb, Pauline, 454
Claycomb, Robert Taylor “Bob”, 454
Claypool, Elmer, 508
Clayton, Dexter Byton, 520
Clayton, George Byron, 520
Clayton, John R., 520
Clayton, John Robert, 520
Clayton, Roma Ethel, 520
Cleckley, Herman Baer, 300
Cleckley, Kathleen Schley, 300
Cleland, Sphia, 375
Clemmons, Verla M., 561
Clemmons, William M., 561
Clendenin, Elbertine Corinne, 301
Cleveland, Alice Aley Mathis, 68
Cleveland, Benjamin, 61, 71, 210
Cleveland, Benjamin (Colonel), 63, 64-66, 68, 69, 81, 82, 130, 176, 184, 185, 194
Cleveland, Elizabeth, 81, 163, 176, 211
Cleveland, Elizabeth “Betty”, 210
Cleveland, Elizabeth Coffey, 61, 66
Cleveland, Jeremiah, 210
Cleveland, John, 64, 209, 210
Cleveland, Larkin, 66
Cleveland, Martha “Patsy”, 210
Cleveland, Mary, 210
Cleveland, Reuben, 210
Cleveland, Robert, 66, 69, 71, 210
Cleveland, Robert (Captain), 67, 68
Clewell, Prudence, 336
Clifton, Kate Elizabeth, 511
Close, Janeta Mozelle “Jan”, 584
Close, Richard Forrest, 584, 585
Closner, Mildred, 302
Closs, Alvin Harold, 259
Closs, Jimmie Ray, 259
Cobb, William E., 377
Cockrill, Harrison Simpson, 386
Cockrill, Harry Simpson “Simon”, 386
Cockrill, Hazel M., 363
Cockrill, John L., 386
Cockrill, McKinley “Mack”, 386
Cockrill, Mannie, 386
Cockrill, Mary, 386
Cockrill, Robert E., 386
Cofer, Abraham, 306
Coffee, Ambrose, 221
Coffee, Anne, 73
Coffee, Holland, 221, 224, 225
Coffee, Jesse, 221
Coffee, Mildred (Moore), 221
Coffey, Abraham, 91, 92, 236
Coffey, Adolphus, 161
Coffey, Albert, 172
Coffey, Albert M., 234
Coffey, Alexander H., 216
Coffey, Alfred, 234
Coffey, Alfred Alphonz(s)o, 159, 160
Coffey, Alfred Boyd, 70
Coffey, Alfred H., 95, 244, 248
Coffey, Alfred Martin, 172, 211
Coffey, Alice, 219
Coffey, Allen, 220, 234
Coffey, Alvira, 218
Coffey, Amanda, 161
Coffey, Ambrose, 219, 220
Coffey, Ambrose (Ambers), 209, 212
Coffey, Amos, 234
Coffey, Andrew Jackson, 217
Coffey, Ann, 61, 62, 63, 175, 196, 197, 209
Coffey, Anna, 213, 215, 236
Coffey, Anna Boone, 156, 157
Coffey, Annie E., 166
Coffey, Annister (Ann), 64
Coffey, Archelaus, 91, 212, 235, 252
Coffey, Archilles, 219, 220
Coffey, Asbury, 171
Coffey, Asbury Madison, 212
Coffey, Austes (or Austin), 62, 63
Coffey, Austin, 158, 209, 213, 227, 228, 237, 238, 241
Coffey, B. F., 166
Coffey, Barlett, 152
Coffey, Benjamin, 79, 81, 82, 88, 158, 181, 183, 184, 185, 193, 211, 226
Coffey, Benjamin B., 216
Coffey, Benjamin F., 164, 165, 166
Coffey, Benjamin Franklin, 163, 219
Coffey, Bennet, 234
Coffey, Bernice, 235
Coffey, Bernice M., 234
Coffey, Bertha, 235
Coffey, Betsy, 164, 166
Coffey, Biddy, 164
Coffey, Birtha R., 234
Coffey, C., 59
Coffey, C. C., 59, 210
Coffecy, C. H., 102
Coffey, C. S., 91
Coffey, Caleb, 152, 153, 154, 155, 162
Coffey, Calvin, 156, 157
Coffey, Carolina, 218
Coffey, Caroline Lavinia, 237
Coffey, Carrey, 173, 174
Coffey, Carrey Elsworth, 174
Coffey, Celia, 1, 54, 95, 104, 157, 209, 244, 638
Coffey, Charles “Charlie” Martin, 252
Coffey, Charles Daniel, 150, 154
Coffey, Charles Lewis, 147
Coffey, Charlotte Stansbury, 91
Coffey, Christopher Columbus, 210, 211
Coffey, Clara, 235
Coffey, Clara L., 234
Coffey, Claude Eugene, 252
Coffey, Cleveland, 176, 236
Coffey, Cleveland L. (C.L.), 217, 219
Coffey, Clinton E., 239
Coffey, Collis, 236
Coffey, Columbus, 159
Coffey, Copernicus H., 172
Coffey, Cornelius, 172
Coffey, Cornelius (Rev.), 172
Coffey, Cornelius Jones, 161
Coffey, Cleveland, 228
Coffey, D. S., 169
Coffey, Daniel, 150, 154, 157
Coffey, Daniel Boone, 151, 153
Coffey, David, 236
Coffey, David Cullen, 97
Coffey, David Nathaniel, 237, 241
Coffey, David William, 236
Coffey, Delano, 236
Coffey, Delight, 236
Coffey, Della, 235
Coffey, Denisa (or Deniza), 91, 95, 140
Coffey Denisa, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252
Coffey, Denisa A., 248
Coffey, Denise, 244
Coffey, Dennis, 159
Coffey, Destemonia, 236
Coffey, Dicy, 174
Coffey, Dicy Sanders, 173, 174
Coffey, Drury, 170
Coffey, Drury D., 147
Coffey, Drury Dobbins, 167
Coffey, Ebin Cleveland, 217
Coffey, Edgar, 161
Coffey, Edith M., 211
Coffey, Edith Mae, 248
Coffey, Edmond, 79, 81, 210
Coffey, Edmund, 81
Coffey, Edward, 1, 61, 62, 63, 78, 79, 175, 195, 196, 197, 209, 210
Coffey, Edward, Jr., 63
Coffey, Edward Northcraft Cullom “EHC”, 234
Coffey, Eleanor, 213, 214, 227
Coffey, Eli, 212
Coffey, Elijah, 88, 89, 130, 131, 152, 158, 159, 160, 211, 225-226, 234
Coffey, Elisha Fountain, 248
Coffey, Elizabeth, 62, 63, 64, 67, 68, 79, 81, 88, 150, 152, 158, 209, 210, 211, 212, 215
Coffey, Elizabeth B., 225, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235
Coffey, Elizabeth “Betsey”, 213, 214, 217
Coffey, Elizabeth “Betsy” G., 219
Coffey, Elizabeth “Betty” L., 219
Coffey, Elizabeth (Collette), 150
Coffey, Elizabeth “Lizzie”, 219
Coffey, Ellen, 97
Coffey, Elmer W., 211
Coffey, Elvira, 159, 216
Coffey, Elvira Ann, 236
Coffey, Elzy, 161
Coffey, Emaline, 215
Coffey, Emily, 172
Coffey, Emily Biddy
Coffey, Esse, 235
Coffey, Eugenia Elizabeth, 220
Coffey, Eva A., 211
Coffey, F. H., 169, 170
Coffey, Frances E., 218
Coffey, Francis Caroline, 148
Coffey, George, 159
Coffey, George F., 234, 235
Coffey, George Washington, 220
Coffey, Gertrude, 239, 241
Coffey, Gilliam, 157
Coffey, Granville, 248
Coffey, H. C., 155, 156, 169
Coffey, Hamilton, 216
Coffey, Hannah, 92, 212
Coffey, Hardin, 215
Coffey, Harriet L., 218
Coffey, Hariette E. (Powell), 166
Coffey, Hazel B., 211
Coffey, Henderson, 163, 166, 219
Coffey, Henry Benjamin, 218
Coffey, Henry Bradford, 216
Coffey, Henry Clay, 147, 149, 150, 151, 153, 154
Coffey, Henry Edward, 234, 235
Coffey, Henry T., 218
Coffey, Hiram, 33, 91, 95, 220, 244, 245, 246
Coffey, Holland (Colonel), 220, 222, 223, 224
Coffey, Holland Thomas, 220
Coffey, Ira Austin, 247
Coffey, Isom, 95, 227, 244, 250, 252
Coffey, J. L., 152
Coffey, J.M., 165
Coffey, Jacob Zachariah, 236
Coffey, James, 64, 78, 80, 81, 88, 92, 163, 164, 165, 166, 170, 212, 213, 215, 226, 227, 251
Coffey, James (Rev.), 176, 209, 217
Coffey, James, Jr., 176, 215
Coffey, James B., 125
Coffey, James Bluford, 83
Coffey, James D., 91, 92, 227, 235, 236, 252
Coffey, James David, 236
Coffey, James Erwin (Rev.), 79, 210, 211, 212, 214, 215, 216, 218, 219, 220, 226
Coffey, James F., 148, 154, 155
Coffey, James Lewis, 163, 217, 219
Coffey, James Madison, 219
Coffey, James Martin, 210, 211, 508
Coffey, James Patterson, 211
Coffey, James W., 33, 95, 170, 171, 236, 244
Coffey, Jane, 88, 140, 225, 227, 228
Coffey, Jane/Jean, 80, 81
Coffey, Jane Graves, 210-211
Coffey, Jane Louisa, 234
Coffey, Jasper, 161
Coffey, Jason, 161
Coffey, Jerush, 216
Coffey, Jesse, 80, 163, 219
Coffey, Jesse B., 211
Coffey, Jesse F., 163
Coffey, Jesse Filmore, 237
Coffey, Jesse Finley, 161
Coffey, Jesse M., 217, 218
Coffey, Jesse More, 219
Coffey, Jesse Patterson, 236
Coffey, Jesse T., 88, 161, 162, 225, 226, 228, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243
Coffey, Jesse T., Jr., 228
Coffey, Joel, 133, 209, 212, 216, 218
Coffey, Joel A., 89
Coffey, Joel Anderson, 133, 159, 234
Coffey, John, 61, 62, 63, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 88, 95, 151, 159, 170, 175, 195, 196, 197, 199, 209, 210, 211, 215, 225, 228
Coffey, John B., 236
Coffey, John C., 147
Coffey, John D., 79, 210
Coffey, John Davidson, 236
Coffey, John Elbert, 161
Coffey, John F., 97
Coffey, John Franklin, 210
Coffey, John G., 236
Coffey, John Gibson, 251-252
Coffey, John Nelson “Jack”, 235
Coffey, John Reid, 216
Coffey, John Russell, 252
Coffey, John W., 236
Coffey, John Wesley, 236
Coffey, Jonathan R., 236
Coffey, Joseph, 88, 176
Coffey, Joseph Achelous, 225
Coffey, Joseph B. “Joe”, 219
Coffey, Joseph H. “Joe”, 215
Coffey, Joseph M., 236
Coffey, Joseph Reuben, 235, 236
Coffey, Judson, 172
Coffey, Julius Adore, 239, 241
Coffey, Julius Calvin, 236
Coffey, Larken, 171
Coffey, Larkin, 160, 161, 211
Coffey, Laura, 97, 148, 151
Coffey, Laura Henley, 234, 235
Coffey, Laurence H., 158
Coffey, Laurence Henry, 154
Coffey, Laurence Henry (Dr.), 150
Coffey, Lawson, 101
Coffey, Leonard Bealer, 236
Coffey, Leticia (Collins), 162
Coffey, Levi W., 236
Coffey, Levina, 97
Coffey, Lewis, 161, 164, 165, 166, 211, 215
Coffey, Lewis “Brandy”, 219
Coffey, Lewis Russell, 163, 165, 212, 217, 218, 219, 226
Coffey, Lorenzo, 161
Coffey, Louisa, 251
Coffey, Lucinda, 234
Coffey, Luther, 172
Coffey, Malena, 170, 172
Coffey, Malinda Caroline, 234
Coffey, Malissa, 97
Coffey, Margaret, 140, 150, 237
Coffey, Margaret Althea, 236
Coffey, Margaret E., 148, 149
Coffey, Margaret “Granny” Peggy, 228, 235, 236, 238
Coffey, Margaret S., 236
Coffey, Martha, 161, 216
Coffey, Martha (or Patsy), 61, 62, 63, 209, 211, 212
Coffey, Martha Corder, 171
Coffey, Martha E., 148
Coffey, Martha Jane, 251
Coffey, Martha L., 218
Coffey, Martha Serena, 236
Coffey, Mary, 156, 157, 159, 161, 165, 166, 226, 247, 251
Coffey, Mary Anne, 219
Coffey, Mary Blalock, 237
Coffey, Mary Dicy, 174
Coffey, Mary (Dyer), 89
Coffey, Mary Elizabeth, 151
Coffey, Mary G., 216
Coffey, Mary Jane, 162, 228, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243
Coffey, Mary L., 152
Coffey, Mary Louisa, 148
Coffey, Mary “Polly”, 211, 215, 219, 236
Coffey, Mary Polly (Hull/Hill), 159
Coffey, Mattie, 97
Coffey, McCaleb, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 154, 155, 161, 163, 226, 228
Coffey, Melvin, 173
Coffey, Melvin W., 173, 174
Coffey, Mesdames Charley, 169
Coffey, Milton, 159, 235
Coffey, Milton J., 234
Coffey, Minerva, 95, 159, 244, 248
Coffey, Minnie, 239
Coffey, Minter L., 236
Coffey, Miriam, 172
Coffey, Nancy, 88, 95, 101, 226, 237, 244
Coffey, Nancy A., 228, 233
Coffey, Nancy Alexander “Nannie”, 219
Coffey, Nancy Elizabeth, 236, 238
Coffey, Nancy Emaline, 234
Coffey, Naoma “Omy”, 213, 216
Coffey, Naomi, 95, 96, 216
Coffey, Nathaniel, 217, 218
Coffey, Nelson N., 215
Coffey, Newton Murray, 159
Coffey, Noah, 236
Coffey, Oscar F., 248
Coffey, Olin J., 237
Coffey, Oliver C., 213
Coffey, Orville Francis Marion, 248
Coffey, Osborn, 81
Coffey, Patrick, 159
Coffey, Polly, 158, 166, 213, 216
Coffey, Polly Dowell, 168, 172
Coffey, Raborn Scott, 236
Coffey, Rachel, 151, 166, 213, 235
Coffey, Rachel J., 219
Coffey, Rachel Minerva, 148
Coffey, Ramona, 236
Coffey, Reuben, 69, 71, 72, 77, 78, 79, 82, 87, 88, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 168, 176, 211, 212, 214, 215, 216, 225, 226, 227, 228
Coffey, Reuben (Rev.), 158, 160, 170, 172
Coffey, Reuben, Jr., 225, 243, 244, 246, 248, 250
Coffey, Reuben A., 211
Coffey, Reuben A. (Rev.), 211
Coffey, Reuben Alexander, 248
Coffey, Reuben Finley, 236
Coffey, Reuben Jesse, 228
Coffey, Reuben R., 248
Coffey, Rice, 125, 176, 212, 216, 217
Coffey, Rice Abner, 216
Coffey, Richard, 161
Coffey, Richard Ellsworth “Eli”, 211
Coffey, Richard L. (Judge), 166
Coffey, Riley, 227
Coffey, Robert (Dr.), 169
Coffey, Robert Roger, 252
Coffey, Robey Wilson, 234
Coffey, Roby C., 236
Coffey, Rosa, 173
Coffey, Rosa Carrey, 174
Coffey, Ross Elsworth, 174
Coffey, Rowena, 159
Coffey, Rublin, 81
Coffey, Rufus, 170, 172
Coffey, Russell, 159
Coffey, Sally, 88, 211, 226
Coffey, Samuel, 97
Coffey, Samuel W., 211
Coffey, Sarah, 161, 172
Coffey, Sarah A., 236, 248
Coffey, Sarah Amelia, 148
Coffey, Sarah Ann, 161, 249
Coffey, Sarah Camelia, 220
Coffey, Sarah Evelyn, 162
Coffey, Sarah Fields, 147, 161
Coffey, Sarah J., 211, 508
Coffey, Sarah Jeanette, 236
Coffey, Sarah Rockett, 98
Coffey, Sarah “Sally”, 213, 214, 236
Coffey, Sarah “Sally” L., 252
Coffey, Sarah “Sally” Matilda, 228
Coffey, Sephronia, 167
Coffey, Sephronia Tate, 150, 151, 154, 161
Coffey, Shelby, 165, 166, 219
Coffey, Shelby (Captain), 219
Coffey, Shelton, 172, 173, 174
Coffey, Smith W., 211
Coffey, Sophronia, 165
Coffey, Starling Timothy, 159
Coffey, Stella, 235
Coffey, Stella M., 234
Coffey, Stephanie Tate, 150
Coffey, Stewart, 150
Coffey, Susan, 172
Coffey, Sylvester, 161, 171
Coffey, Tabitha, 245, 247
Coffey, Telitha A., 219
Coffey, Temperance, 95, 100, 244, 245, 246, 247
Coffey, Terisia Jane, 97
Coffey, Theodore, 97
Coffey, Theodore C., 172
Coffey, Thomas, 79, 81, 88, 98, 99, 102, 126, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 164, 166, 167, 168, 170, 172, 173, 174, 176, 210, 226, 237, 244
Coffey, Thomas B., 171
Coffey, Thomas C., 166
Coffey, Thomas Coleman, 163
Coffey, Thomas Coleman “Cole”, 219
Coffey, Thomas J., 148
Coffey, Thomas Jefferson, 147, 148, 150, 151, 167, 220
Coffey, Thomas Ninevah, 161
Coffey, Thomas R., 95, 96, 97, 98
Coffey, Tilghman (Tilman) Hiram, 247
Coffey, Timothy, 159
Coffey, Ulysses S. Grant, 248
Coffey, W. C., 155, 156
Coffey, Warren Nathan, 252
Coffey, Weighstill Avery, 216
Coffey, Wilborn, 157
Coffey, Wilburn, 157
Coffey, Wiley H., 234
Coffey, William, 80, 81,101, 156, 157, 158, 210, 211
Coffey, William, Jr., 158
Coffey, William A., 236
Coffey, William C., 150
Coffey, William Clayton, 228, 236
Coffey, William Columbus, 147, 148, 150
Coffey, William H., 88, 227
Coffey, William Henderson, 227
Coffey, William Martin, 210, 211
Coffey, William Riley, 236
Coffey, William Trimble, 234
Coffey, Winford B., 237
Coffey, Winifred, 79, 210
Coffey, Wylie H., 93
Coffey, Zachary J., 235
Coghill, Margaret, 76
Coghill, Mary, 76, 200
Coghill, Mary Jane, 301
Coghill, Zachery, 75
Cole, Cora Ella, 413
Cole, Clyde Howard, 602
Cole, Frances, 413
Cole, John Edward, 602
Cole, John Thomas, 413
Cole, Robert J., 602
Cole, Ruth, 413
Cole, Thomas Harold, 413
Cole, Willie Mae, 413
Coleman, Alene Sophronia, 539, 540
Coleman, Alvin Ford, 540
Coleman, George Alvin, 540
Coleman, James Ford, 540
Coleman, Lorene, 540
Coleman, Samuel, 76
Coleman, Verlein Pauline, 540
Coleman, William Ransdell, 540
Coleman, Zachary Elmer, 538, 539, 540
Collect, H. E., 169
Collett, Abraham, 147
Collett, Eliabeth, 147
Collett, John, 147
Collins, A., 28
Collins, Alexander, 28, 441
Collins, Alexander Dillard, 206, 357, 433
Collins, Amelia Frances, 438
Collins, Amelia “Minnie”, 439
Collins, Angeline, 357, 433
Collins, Carolina, 441
Collins, Eliza Katie, 439
Collins, Elizabeth Beeler, 440
Collins, Emily, 440
Collins, Eveline, 441
Collins, Joseph, 28
Collins, Josiah, 438, 439
Collins, Luellen “Lou”, 440
Collins, Mary Ann, 440
Collins, Mary Anna, 438
Collins, Nancy Gentry, 435, 436, 437, 438, 441
Collins, Stephen, 264, 440
Collins, Stephen, III, 441
Collins, Steven, 264
Collins, Tabitha Sharp, 206
Collins, Walter Sterling, 440
Collins, Zerilda, 439
Colville, Silas Cheek, 221, 223
Compton, Lucy Ellen, 620
Compton, Robert Brown, 493
Conring, Louise B., 360
Conway, Ben D., 348
Conway, Edward Louis, 348
Cooke, William G., 223
Cone, Moses H., 152
Cook, Cleo Nadine, 424, 426
Cooksey, Lora, 336
Cooksey, Samuel, 336
Cooper, Clarence R. “Doc”, 617
Cooper, J. J., 90
Cooper, James Lloyd, 617
Cooper, Joe L., 617
Cooper, Josiah London “Joe”, 617
Cooper, Oscar Spencer, 617
Cooper, Narcissus Clementine, 605
Copeland, Martha L., 409
Copher, Jesse, 299
Copher, Sarah, 299
Corbit, John, 76
Cordill, Little Bess, 624
Cornish, George, 315
Cornish, Guy, 306, 307, 315, 322
Cornish, Sallie Ann Sharp, 306, 315
Cornish, William D., 315
Cornstalk (Shawnee Leader), 178, 179
Cornwallis, Lord Charles (General), 191, 192, 194
Cotton, William (Rev), 86
Council, W.B. (Judge), 150
Courcier, Alta Lois, 550
Courcier, Cecil L., 550
Courcier, Cicero William “Will”, 550-551
Courcier, Clorice, 549-550
Courcier, Lencious Bryan, 550
Courcier, Lencious N., 550
Courcier, Louis, 549
Courcier, Louis Karl, 550
Courcier, Philomina, 550
Courcier, V. Olene, 550
Cowden, Amanda Jane, 300
Cowden, Frederick R., 300
Cox, Emery William, 421
Cox, Eva E., 421
Cox, Julie Ann, 367
Cox, Posey W., 422
Cox, Posey Waymire, 421
Coyle, Nancy “Nannie” Francis, 390
Craff, Louis W., Jr., 392-393
Craig, Alexander, 639
Craig, Grover Cleveland, 332
Craig, Harriet A. “Hattie”, 638
Craig, Harvey, 307
Craig, Priscilla, 639
Craig, Samuel, 307
Crankfield, Eliza, 383
Crawford, Hazel H., 338
Crawford, Mary Emaline, 376
Crawford, Russell, 340
Crawley, Anna C., 386
Crawley, Thomas, 184
Creason, Ada R., 420
Creason, Charlotte, 420
Creason, Greene Darwin, 420
Creed, Elizabeth Bettie, 392
Creson, Malinda, 293
Crewsell, Richard DeLafayette, 577
Crewsell, Richard L., 577
Crewsell, Samuel Mack, 577
Crewsell, William Lafayette, 577
Crigler, John Richard, 211
Crocker, Patricia Anna Elizabeth Bowles, 125
Crombie, Edith Anne, 325
Croshaw, Joseph (Crosher), 86
Croshaw, Raleigh, 86
Crosthwaite, Charles “Chuck” J., 259
Crouch, David Aaron, II, 537
Crouch, Francis Marion, Sr., 537
Crouch, Isaac Shelby, 299
Crouch, James Francis “Jim”, 537
Crouch, John Gano, 299
Crouch, Lydia Ann, 534, 537, 539
Crouch, Marie, 537
Crouch, William B., 299
Crowell, David Washington, 602
Crumley, Frederic Jennings, 328
Crow, Burton, 343
Crow, Cinthey, 159
Crow, Elder, 343
Crow, Hettie, 343
Crow, Lelia, 343
Crow, Mary, 343
Crute, Joseph H., Jr., 53
Culpepper, Francis Daniel, 489
Culpepper, Howard Haskel, 489
Culpepper, Mary Ellen, 489
Cunningham, Anna Marie, 322
Cunningham, Earl Floyd, 322
Cunningham, Floyd Monroe, 322
Cunningham, Milfred Allen, 322
Cunningham, Rodney Lee, 322
Cunningham, William Wesley, 305
Cunnyngham, Thomas Morris, 412
Curry, Alta Lee, 607
Curry, Eleanor Doretha, 607, 610
Curry, Robert Leonard, 607, 609
Curry, William, 609
Curtis, Aaron Lewis, 549
Curtis, Alton Lee, 609
Curtis, Carrie L., 151
Curtis, Grace Elizabeth, 549
Curtis, James Robert, 309
Curtis, Joshua, 236
Curtis, Katie May, 549
Curtis, Lelia Mae, 549
Curtis, Mary, 345
Curtis, Raleigh Ardell, 549
Curtis, Samuel, 227
Curtis, Thomas Aaron, 549
Dabney, Cynthia A., 299
Dalton, Abner, 415
Dalton, Susie Frances, 415
Darnell, Jess Lawrence, 419, 420
Daughetee, Elizabeth Jane, 347
Daughetee, George Washington, 347
Davidson, Elizabeth, 360
Davidson, Martha, 410
Davies, Susannah, 301
Davis, A. Allene, 542
Davis, Bill, 602
Davis, Cecelia Evelyn, 437, 438
Davis, Clara Alma, 341, 342
Davis, Dorothy Jean, 493
Davis, Earnest Webster, 415
Davis, Edith Mae, 336
Davis, Edna Clark, 29
Davis, Elizabeth Ann Allen, 130
Davis, George, 602
Davis, Harlie Elzie, 602
Davis, Honor Gertrude, 415
Davis, Ima Ruth, 542
Davis, James William “Willie”, 415
Davis, Jeff (as Colonel), 142
Davis, John, 59, 322
Davis, John Braxon, 601
Davis, Leona M., 542
Davis, Lincoln Leroy, 125
Davis, Lincoln, Mrs., 122
Davis, Mable, 108
Davis, Mable Irene, 256
Davis, Ollie, 602
Davis, Orpha Mae, 415
Davis, Richard N., 542
Davis, Ruben Cleveland, 542
Davis, Walter Thomas, 322
Davis, William Francis, 414
Dawkins, John, 160
Dawkins, Julia, 160
Dawkins, Julia Annie, 159
Dawson, Eldora, 297
Dawson, Polly V. McKinney, 208
Dawson, Virgil, 345
Deatherage, Allen, 360
Deatherage, George W., 360
Deatherage, James Byrd, 360
Deatherage, James Perry, 360
Deatherage, Josiah, 360
Deatherage, Mary, 360
Deatherage, Samuel Phelps, 360
Deatherage, William, 359
Deatherage, Zelia W., 360
DeBow, Victor Winston, 294, 296
DeFreese, Jane, 282
DeFreese, John, 282
DeFreese, Scott, 282
DeGeest, Arie, 340
DeGeest, Cornelis, 340
DeHaven, Edith Mae, 359
Deion, Ashley, 272, 288
Deion, Ashley Marie, 279
Delaney, Clyde Edwin, 437
Dellinger, Bruce, 243
Dellinger, David, 239,
Dellinger, David Obediah, 242
Dellinger, David P., 240
Dellinger, David R. Philip, 240, 242
Dellinger, Dora, 237
Dellinger, Edward Harvey, 242, 243
Dellinger, Edward, M., 241
Dellinger, Elcanah, Hunter, 240
Dellinger, Eliza Jane Astor, 239, 241
Dellinger, Elizabeth A., 241
Dellinger, Elvah, 242
Dellinger, Fannie Mae, 240
Dellinger, Flavah, 241
Dellinger, George Henry, 238
Dellinger, Herbert, 243
Dellinger, Hugh M., 242
Dellinger, Ida V., 242
Dellinger, Jack David, 242
Dellinger, James or Joseph Pinckney G., 238, 241
Dellinger, James A., 240
Dellinger, John Ashford, 242
Dellinger, Joseph Lewis, 240
Dellinger, Joseph Newton, 236, 238
Dellinger, Joseph Pinkney, 240
Dellinger, Joseph W., 239
Dellinger, Kate, 242, 243
Dellinger, Kate B., 242, 243
Dellinger, Linnie Edward, 240
Dellinger, Lourah Irene, 241
Dellinger, Margaret E., 237
Dellinger, Marve, 239
Dellinger, Marvin Greenerry, 241
Dellinger, Mary, 237
Dellinger, Mary Belle, 241
Dellinger, Mary Coffey, 243
Dellinger, Mary Frances, 239
Dellinger, Mary Jane Coffey, 239
Dellinger, Matilda, 242
Dellinger, Melvin Frederick, 241
Dellinger, Minnie, 242, 243
Dellinger, Minnie D., 241
Dellinger, Pauline Mildred, 242
Dellinger, Reuben, 238, 239
Dellinger, Reuben David, 239
Dellinger, Robert, 240
Dellinger, Roger, 243
Dellinger, Rosa, 240
Dellinger, Rosey M., 237
Dellinger, Schuyler James, 242
Dellinger, Serina Eugenia, 243
Dellinger, Serina Ugenie, 241
Dellinger, Spencer Barney, 242
Dellinger, Thomas B., 237
Dellinger, William, 242
Dellinger, William H., 239
Dellinger, William Melvin, 242, 243
Dellinger, William Virgil, 242, 243
Dennis, Alice, 547
Dennis, Bethel, 646
Dennis, Guy E., 547
Dennis, Sarah, 327
Denton, Billy Joe, 493
Denton, Charles Raymond, 493
Denton, Clyde Overton, 493
Denton, Clydeen Rawlins, 493
Denton, George A., 493
Denton, Page Eugene, Sr., 493
Denton, Page Eugene “Bubba”, Jr., 493
Denton, Willard Anderson, 493
Dersch, Clarence Jerome, 359
Dersch, Eva, 363
Dersch, Frances M., 359
Dersch, Frank M., 359
DeRuiter, Harry White, 390
DeRuyter, Donald W., 390
DeRuyter, Grace Willis Shepherd, 392
Deubery, Archie Wyman, 332
Deubery, Emily Anne, 332
Dick, Charles Inglish, 428
Dick, David M., 325
Dick, Dorothy Vivion, 428
Dick, James Alexander, 325
Dick, John, 427
Dick, John W., 427
Dickey, Elizabeth, 205, 206
Dickey, Jane, 204, 205
Dickey, McClain, 205, 206
Dickey, Nancy, 204, 205
Dickey, Nancy Sharp, 205, 206
Dickey, Thomas, 19, 204, 205
Dickson, Jemimah Howard, 380
Dickson, John Thomas, 380, 402
Dickson, William Jordon, 380
Dilbeck, Anna Mae, 123, 124, 271, 272
Dillon, Jacqueline Ann, 581
Dillon, John Howard “Jack”, 581
Dixon, Edna Louise, 339
Dixon, Leland Francis, 596, 600
Dixon, Leland Francis, Jr., 600
Dixon, Lois Ernestine, 601
Dixon, Lynn Marvin, 601
Dixon, McKenzie, 601
Dixon, Ralph Oral, 339
Dixon, Elsie May Stober, 339
Dixon, Ralph Oral, 339
Dixon, Ruth Wood, 600
Dixon, Taylor, 601
Dixon, Tyler, 601
Dixon, Wesley William, 338
Doane, Charles Marion, 389
Doane, Norman Harold, 388, 391
Doane, Virginia Shepherd, 392
Dobbs, Myrtle, 321
Dodson, Avery Ora Rawlins, 585
Dodson, Edward D., 585
Dodson, Fred T., 585
Dodson, James Monroe, 585
Dodson, Lilly Maedel, 585
Donalson, Angus Washington, 593
Donnor, John, 322
Donovan, Marion David, 437
Dooley, Adolph, 299
Dooley, Agnes, 300
Dooley, Andrew, 292
Dooley, Ann, 5
Dooley, Anne, 305, 306
Dooley, Annie T., 300
Dooley, Arthur D., 299
Dooley, Aubrey Clarence, 290, 291, 292
Dooley, Aubrey Mark, 291
Dooley, Bernice, 300
Dooley, Brainard, 300
Dooley, Caleb, 14
Dooley, Catherine, 298
Dooley, Charles E., 301
Dooley, Charles W., 300
Dooley, Christopher, 299
Dooley, Christopher Newton, 299
Dooley, David N., 299
Dooley, Demaris, 301
Dooley, Dolly, 299
Dooley, Dosha “Derosha”, 292
Dooley, Dwight, 301
Dooley, Earl Harvey, 301
Dooley, Edney, 300
Dooley, Elander, 299
Dooley, Elizabeth, 9, 292, 301
Dooley, Elizabeth Keziah, 292, 293, 295, 296
Dooley, Elkanah, 300
Dooley, Ellen T., 292
Dooley, Emma C., 300
Dooley, Ephraim, 298
Dooley, Eugene, 299
Dooley, F.M., 299
Dooley, Felix Grundy, 291, 292
Dooley, Felix Grundy “Took”, 290, 291
Dooley, Ferne A., 300
Dooley, Florence M., 300
Dooley, Frances, 299
Dooley, Francis M., 299
Dooley, Frederic William, 301
Dooley, George, 14, 292
Dooley, George E., 300
Dooley, George Irvin, 301
Dooley, Gladys May, 301
Dooley, Harvey C., 299
Dooley, Henry, 289, 299, 303, 306
Dooley, Henry B., 14
Dooley, Henry E., 299
Dooley, Henry S., 300
Dooley, Hiram A., 290, 291, 292
Dooley, Hiram Lafayette, 290
Dooley, Iris G., 300
Dooley, Jabez, 301
Dooley, James, 299
Dooley, James Harvey, 292
Dooley, Jane, 14, 139
Dooley, Jane “Jenny”, 319
Dooley, Jemimah, 289
Dooley, Jeremiah, 298
Dooley, Jerusha, 299
Dooley, Jesse, 299
Dooley, Jesse William, 290
Dooley, J.M., 300
Dooley, Joanna, 299, 301
Dooley, Joel C., 299
Dooley, John, 289, 290, 291, 292, 299
Dooley, John Carey, 300
Dooley, John E., 289, 290, 291, 292
Dooley, Joshua, 14
Dooley, Joshua Luoliver, 299
Dooley, Keziah, 289
Dooley, Kliffe, 301
Dooley, Leatha, 299
Dooley, Lena Tate, 291
Dooley, Lillian A., 300
Dooley, Linville, 292
Dooley, Lodemia, 299
Dooley, Loreane, 301
Dooley, Lucy, 299
Dooley, Lucy Cornelia, 291
Dooley, Luther, 299
Dooley, Margaret, 299, 301
Dooley, Martha, 292
Dooley, Martha Doke, 292
Dooley, Mary, 289
Dooley, Mary Ann, 299, 303
Dooley, Mary Elizabeth, 290, 291, 292
Dooley, Mary Polly, 299
Dooley, Mattie, 299
Dooley, Millinda, 292
Dooley, Minerva G., 301
Dooley, Morris E., 300
Dooley, Moses, 14, 306, 316, 319
Dooley, Nancy, 289, 316
Dooley, Obadiah, 292, 298, 299, 301, 303
Dooley, Obadiah Guthrie, 300
Dooley, Orville Clement, 299
Dooley, Patsey H., 289
Dooley, Patsy, 306
Dooley, Paul Felix, 292
Dooley, Pearl, 301
Dooley, Polly, 292
Dooley, Rachel, 289, 292
Dooley, Rachel A., 290
Dooley, Raymond, 300
Dooley, Rebecca, 289
Dooley, Robert, 301
Dooley, Romulus W., 300
Dooley, Sally, 292
Dooley, Samuel C., 300
Dooley, Sarah, 299
Dooley, Sarah E., 299
Dooley, Sarah Frances, 290
Dooley, Sarah J., 299
Dooley, Sarah Jane, 299
Dooley, Sophia, 298
Dooley, Stephen, 292
Dooley, Susan Jane, 292
Dooley, Susan Jane “Sue”, 290
Dooley, Theodor R., 299
Dooley, Theodosia, 292
Dooley, Thomas, 5, 10, 12, 14, 15, 19, 176, 289
Dooley, Thomas (Lt.), 179
Dooley, Thomas, Jr., 14
Dooley, William, 299
Dooley, William Adams, 291
Dooley, William Adams “Bill”, 292
Dooley, William B., 14
Dooley, William F., 301
Dooley, William H., 300
Dooley, William L., 300
Dooling (Dulin), Robert, 62
Dooling, Thomas, 62
Dooling, William, 62
Dorman, Joseph Millard Lee, 552
Dorney, Mary Margaret, 295, 296
Dorney, Maurice Martin, 296
Dorney, Wilhelminia Cecelia, 296
Douglass, Carol Bernard, 555
Douglass, Jean Elizabeth, 555
Douglass, Karl Charles Henry, II, 555
Douglass, Ralph Karl, 555
Dowell, Martha “Polly”, 211
Dowell, Mary Sharp, 188
Dowell, Polly, 172
Downing, John, 289, 292
Dralle, Lois Estell, 582
Dralle, Walter Edwin, 582
Draper, Paul, 283, 287
Draper, Sue, 287
Driskell, Nancy, 306, 308
Dry, John Bailey, 456
Dry, Robert Bailey, 456
Dudley, Lizzie Lavenie, 327
Dulin, Wanda O., 471
Dumas, Alice Helen, 340
Duncan, Mary Rose, 444-445
Dundas, Elizabeth A., 427
Dunham, William Henry, 418
Dunmore, Lord, 177
Dunning, Paris C. (Gov.), 166
Dunsmore, Eldridge, 412
Dunsmore, Luther, 412
Dunsmore, Minnie Belle, 412
Duran, Rodney, 283
Duren, Emma Myrtle, 535
Duren, Eva Ethel, 535
Duren, George Calvin, 535
Duren, James William, 535
Duren, Jim Hog, 535
Duren, Lillie Ann, 535
Durham, Elizabeth Louisa, 217
Durham, James, 212
Durham, John A., 212
Durham, John J., 212
Durham, Mastin, 212
Durham, Molly, 212
Durham, Nelson Ramsey, 212
Durham, Saiah, 212
Durham, Sarah “Sally”, 212
Durrett, Grace F., 469
Durrett, Mary L., 469
Durrett, Morpheus A. Marcus, 469
Durrett, William Gatewood “Will”, 469
Dwyer, Sarah Ann, 338
Dyer, Abby, 125
Dyer, Frederick H., 107
Dyer, Joel Anderson, 226
Dyer, Mary Abby, 226, 234
Dyer, Mary “Polly”, 89
Dyer, Sarah, 243
Eades, Tandy, 376
Eakes, Alma L., 328
Eakes, William H., 328
Eakin, John, 636
Early, Jubal (CSA), 151
Easley, Alonzo, 318
Easley, Bertha May, 332
Easley, Edith, 316, 318
Easley, Ethel, 318
Easley, Eva Irene, 332
Easley, Eva Jean/Jane, 332
Easely, Jame P., 317
Easley, James Edward, 316, 317
Easley, Joseph Franklin, 332
Easley, Joseph Pyrant, 332
Easley, Laura A., 318
Easley, William Daniel, 332
Easterwood, Rowena, 412
Eaton, Anna, 339
Eckiss, Dean Arthur, 586
Eckiss, Mary Lee Rawlins, 586
Eckley, Bridgett “Bidy”, 344, 345
Edgerton, Carolina Almira, 424
Edmisten, Margaret Nancy, 225
Edmisten, Margaret “Peggy”, 228
Edmisten, Nancy Margaret “Peggy”, 161
Edmondson, Algenon Griggs, 505
Edmondson, Amanda Jane Hathaway, 504
Edmondson, Anna L., 511, 513
Edmondson, Carrie Belle, 513
Edmondson, Charles T., 513
Edmondson, David Porter, 501, 505
Edmondson, Dean Clarence, 513
Edmondson, Emma C., 513
Edmondson, Emma F., 505
Edmondson, Esther May, 513
Edmondson, George W., 512
Edmondson, George Washington, 501, 505
Edmondson, Grace, 513
Edmondson, Guy, 510
Edmondson, Hiram L., 512
Edmondson, Hubbard Milton, 511, 512
Edmondson, James Madison, 502, 503, 505, 506, 507, 509, 510
Edmondson, John (Rev), 507
Edmondson, John E., 511
Edmondson, John Ewing, 512, 513
Edmondson, Marion Myrtle, 509
Edmondson, Martha E., 511
Edmondson, Mary Caroline, 506
Edmondson, Mary E., 512
Edmondson, Mary Florence, 512, 513
Edmondson, Minnie, 503
Edmondson, Minnie W., 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 511
Edmondson, Nancy, 31
Edmondson, Nancy S., 512
Edmondson, Nancy Sharp, 33, 34
Edmondson, Paul Layton, 513
Edmondson, Rachel, 512
Edmondson, Ralph Ernest, 510
Edmondson, Richard Lee, 506, 507
Edmondson, Sarah R., 506
Edmondson, Thomas Jefferson (Rev), 504-505
Edmondson, Walter, 503
Edmondson, Walter Ernest, 502, 509
Edmondson, Walter Ernest, Jr., 506, 510
Edmondson, Walter R. “Bob”, 506
Edmondson, William, 504
Edmondson, William James “Jim”, 506
Edmondson, William M., 34
Edmondson, William Madison, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510
Edmondson, William P., 511, 513
Edwards, Ann, 329
Edwards, Henry Stoughton, 308
Eggenberger, David, 193, 194
Eihart, Nancy, 368
Elam, Burnett, 213
Elam, Burrell, 217
Elam, Julia A., 213
Elam, Margaret “Peggy” Ann, 213
Elam, Mary Ann “Polly”, 218
Elam, Minerva, 213
Elam, Surrelda Jane, 217
Eliett, Daniel, 130
Elkin, Cleva McKinney, 208
Elliott, George E., 554
Elliott, Sudie Belle, 554
Elrod, Ann, 231
Emery, Zina, 359
Endwright, Frances, 95
Engle, Georgia Ellen, 383
Engle, Robert, 383
Enloe, Osee Colbert, 431
Enzminger, Albert Harry, 259
Epperson, Harley, 342
Epperson, Thomas, 185
Erwin, Jonas, 299
Erwin, Mary Ann, 298
Eshbaugh, Ted, 349
Estes, Acenith Sena, 229
Estes, Clarissa, 151, 154
Estes, Eliza, 219
Estes, Henderson, 219
Estes, James C., 219
Estes, Lance, 219
Estes, Langston C., 219
Estes, Lewis Joseph, 219
Estes, Lotte, 230
Estes, Minerva America, 219
Etherton, Delmar Homer, 300
Etherton, Doris Allene, 300
Etherton, Edson, 300
Etherton, George C., 300
Etherton, Glen Harmon, 300
Etherton, Homer David, 300
Etherton, Lillian Lucille, 300
Eubank, Eva Jane McKinney, 208
Eury, Amos, 389
Eury, Amos Willis, 388
Eury, Charles David, 388
Eury, George, 390
Eury, George Wallace, 388
Eury, Lenora, 390
Eury, Peter Joseph, II, 388
Eury, Peter Joseph, III, 388, 389
Eury, Robert, 389
Eury, Robert Eugene, 388
Evens, John, 301
Everman, Tabitha Jane, 236
Ewing, Laura A., 320
Ewing, Mary, 325
Ewing, Robert, 10
Ewing, Thomas, 320
Fairchild, Clara, 162
Faith, Leroy, 283
Falkner, Martha, 161
Fanciance, Ky (Rev.), 281
Fann, Frank Fair, 435
Farley, Peter, 571
Farmer, June Luette, 119
Farthing, David J., 151
Farthing, Francis Caroline Coffey, 151
Faulkner, E. F., 167
Faulkner, Martha F., 167
Faulkner, Mary, 227, 635
Fenton, Mary Ellen, 299
Ferguson, Alonzo Morton, 357, 433
Ferguson, Edwin Albert, 438
Ferguson, Edwin Albert, II, 438
Ferguson, Ethel, 358
Ferguson, Faye, 257
Ferguson, Helen Jean, 438
Ferguson, Irene, 257
Ferguson, John Clem, 257
Ferguson, Martin, 438
Ferguson, Nancy, 438
Ferguson, Patrick (Colonel), 67, 68, 184,
Ferguson, Patrick (Major), 194
Ferguson, Thomas Claud T., 257
Ferguson, William P., 438
Fetwell, Frances, 299
Field, Betty, 81
Fields, Marion, 634
Fields, Sally, 158
Fields, Sarah, 157
Fields, Sarah “Sally”, 210
Figger, John M., 481
Figger, Thelma, 481
Findley, Mary, 48
Finnell, Catherine Ann, 376
Fitzgerald, Bonnie Marie, 555
Fitzgerald, Timothy David, 555
Fitzhugh, Henry Rawlins, 494
Fitzhugh, Irby Booth “Boots”, 494
Fitzhugh, Jasper N., 494
Fitzhugh, Laura Frances, 495
Fitzhugh, Lester Newton, Jr., 494
Fitzhugh, Margaret, 495
Fitzhugh, Margaret Kay, 495
Fitzhugh, Sally Glenn, 494
Fleming, Donia Lourine, 546
Fleming, John Waller, Jr., 546
Fleming, John Waller, Sr., 546
Fleming, Mary “Polly”, 303
Fleming, Stephen Clement
Fleming, Waldo Allen, 546
Flemming, John Waller, 545
Flemming, Mabel, 340
Fleshman, Edna May, 361
Fletcher, Ella Nora A., 317
Fletcher, Joseph, 318
Flute, Henry (Captain), 86
Fly, Laura Belie, 257
Fodery, Margaret E., 345
Forgery, Malendia Rawlins, 145, 547
Forgy, Henrietta “Etter”, 530, 532
Forgy, James Monroe, 532
Forgy, Lydia Ann, 532
Fogy, Mary Louvenia, 533
Forgy, Samuel Clement, 532
Forgy, William Asberry, 532
Forgy, William Monroe, 532
Fornoff, Eugene, 301
Forrest, Nathan Bedford (General), 159
Forsythe, Mary, 289
Foster, Mary Elizabeth “Sis”, 290, 291
Fouts, Ida, 341
Fouts, Jesse, 341
Fouts, Frances Ellen, 304
Fowler, Blewitt, 631
Fowler, Forrest Granger, 630, 632
Fowler, Grace Benzel, 632
Fowler, Granger, 632
Fowler, Ironton, 360
Fowler, John, 361
Fowler, William Wallace, 631
France, Alma Kate Rollison, 174
Franklin, Claribel, 300
Franklin, Mathias, 375
Frazier, Elizabeth A., 248
Frazier, Margaret or Marget V., 299
Frazier, Thomas N., Jr., 248
Frederick, Melanie (Dr.), 283
Freeman, Abraham “Abe”, 457
Freeman, Beatrice, 363
Freeman, Charles David, 629
Freeman, Clarkson, 457
Freeman, Gerald Lester, 629
Freeman, James Harrison 629
Freeman, Mary Ann, 457
Freeman, Nancy M. “Nana Lee”, 457
Freeman, Ollie, 632
Freeman, Ruby Cecile, 629
Freeman, Vivian Lucille, 629
Freeman, Walter Leland, 629
Freeman, Walter, 629
Freeman, William Hubert, 359
Freeman, Willis Thomas, 359
French, Dennis Ray, 483
French, Melvin Louis, 483, 494
French, Richard (Judge), 23
French, Stanley Frederick, 483
Frost, Barbara J., 327
Fulco, V.J., 283
Fulks, James C., 358
Fulks, Vernie John, 358
Fullen, John, 248
Fullen, Rachel, 248
Fuller, Bill, 160
Fultz, Dorothy M., 358
Funkhouser, Magdalena, 421
Fuston, Arthur Lester, 467
Fuston, Jesse Newton, 467
Fuston, John Andrew, 467
Fuston, Mary J., 467
Fuston, Pauline, 467
Gadd, Mary Ethel, 257
Gadd, William Alfred, 257
Galliker, Malvina, 344
Galloway, Charles A., 220
Galloway, Charles Ashton, 223
Garner, Sally Elizabeth, 213, 227
Garrett, James Rice, 351
Garrett, Sophia, 351
Garrison, Nora Rollison, 174
Garroway, Dave, 370
Garten, Mary Jane, 435
Gates, Louis, 359
Gatliff, Loraine, 572
Gatliff, William Walker, 571, 572
Gatson, Angela, 293
Gatson, Angela Marie, 296
Gatson, Anne, 295
Gatson, Buck, 295
Gatson, Cecelia, 295
Gatson, Charles A., 297
Gatson, Charles “Buck”, 293
Gatson, Charles “Charlie” Michael, 297
Gatson, Charles Lawrence, 297
Gatson, Charles Raymond, 294, 295, 296
Gatson, Charles Raymond “Buck”, 295
Gatson, Delia, 297
Gatson, Donald L., 297
Gatson, Donald Paul, 296
Gatson, Elizabeth Malinda, 293
Gatson, Genevieve, 297
Gatson, Geraldine, 293
Gatson, Geraldine Ruth, 294, 296
Gatson, Hiram, 298
Gatson, James, 298
Gatson, James Thomas, 298
Gatson, James W., 298
Gatson, John, 293, 295, 296, 298
Gatson, John Bradley, 294, 296
Gatson, John Charles, 295
Gatson, John “Jay”, 293
Gatson, John L., 293
Gatson, John Lawrence, 293, 294, 295
Gatson, John S., 295, 298
Gatson, John Smith, 293, 295
Gatson, Junior L., 296
Gatson, Larry, 295
Gatson, Lillian “Lilly”, 297
Gatson, Lizzie A., 296
Gatson, Louis, 297
Gatson, Male, 295
Gatson, Malinda, 295, 298
Gatson, Margaret, 295
Gatson, Margurite Cordelia, 297
Gatson, Martha A., 295
Gatson, Mary, 295
Gatson, Mary Dorney, 295
Gatson, Mary E., 295
Gatson, Mary Ellen Curtis, 297
Gatson, Mary Jane, 298
Gatson, Nancy, 298
Gatson, Peter, 293
Gatson, Robert L., 297
Gatson, Rose M., 297
Gatson, Sarah Cerelda, 298
Gatson, Smith Mather, 298
Gatson, T. Andrew, 297
Gatson, Thomas, 296, 298
Gatson, Tom, 295
Gatson, Virginia Elizabeth “Betsie”, 298
Gatson, William, 292, 295, 297
Gatson, William, II, 298
Gatson, William H., 298
Gatson, Willoughby Henry, 298
Gatson, Willoughby S., 298
Gatson, Willoughby Scott, 296, 297
Gebert, Herbert Leroy, 441
Gedding, George, 24
Geller, James Willis, 419, 420
Geller, Leonard Ray, 418, 419
Gentry, Jim, 376
Gibson, Alonzo Kennedy, 374
Gibson, Elizabeth May Shimfessel, 375
Gibson, James Ewing, 375
Gibson, Lanora Katherine “Nora”, 561
Gibson, Mary, 75, 199
Gibson, Rebecca “Becky”, 251
Gid(d)eons, William, 184, 216
Gilbert, Grover Cleveland, 348
Gilbert, Jonathan, 130
Gilbert, Lora “Lovey”, 230
Gilkerson, Effie Agnes, 424
Gilkerson, John Alexander, 424
Gilliland, Anne Clarke, 496
Gilliland, Blanche, 472, 496
Gilliland, Eli, 471, 472, 496
Gilliland, Haynie G., 472, 496
Gilliland, Infant Son, 472, 496
Gilliland, John Haynie, 496
Gilliland, Linnie Rae, 471, 472, 496
Gilliland, Mary Josephine, 472, 496
Gilliland, Mary Lynn, 471, 496
Gilliland, Ruth Mae “Ruthie”, 472, 496
Gilliland, Samuel Houston “Sam”, 471, 472, 495-496
Gilliland, Virgil Rawlins, 471, 472, 496
Gillis, Anna Russell, 347
Gilmore, Lester Irvin, 300
Gilmore, Mary Ellen, 300
Gilmore, Sarah Isabelle, 236
Ginter, Eva, 376
Ginter, George William, 376
Gist, Joe, 624
Givens, Evalina E. “Effie”, 406
Givens, Isaiah, 403
Givens, Julia Ann, 403, 404, 405, 406
Givens, Sarah, F., 410
Givens, Sarah Frances, 405
Glanton, John, 76, 199
Glass, Caroline Frances McKinney, 208
Glass, Milly Mary, 361
Glasscock, Walter Drew, 447
Glasscock, Walter Drew, II, 447
Goldenstead, Minnie, 350-351
Golding, Casandrey, 175, 198
Golding, John, 175, 198
Gooch, Elton Eugene, 379
Gooch, Emmitt Rayburn, 379
Gooch, Emmett Roland, 379
Gooch, Marjorie W., 379
Goodlet, Charley, 13
Goodsell, William Sherman, 407
Goodwin, Andrew W., 561
Goodwin, Harless Abner, 561, 563
Goodwin, Maureen E., 562
Gordan, Chalmus Moody, 501
Gordan, Marvin William, 501
Gordan, Marvinette, 501
Gorman, Willis A. (Colonel), 99
Gortmaker, Charlotte Marie, 340
Gouldman, Francis (Colonel), 175
Gower, Cora Adelia, 482
Gower, Marcus, 482
Grace, Margaret, 253
Grady, Mary Jane, 299
Graff, Louis William, 393
Gragg, Allen, 232
Gragg, Barton, 233
Gragg, Baxter Boyd, 234
Gragg, Burton, 232
Gragg, Burton Monroe, 233
Gragg, Cenia Matilda, 234
Gragg, Charles, 232
Gragg, Charles Lemuel, 233
Gragg, Claude Moore, 234
Gragg, Clyde, 234
Gragg, Coma Henley, 233
Gragg, Cora Ella, 233
Gragg, Ella, 232
Gragg, Exie Loama, 234
Gragg, Hardie Columbus, 233, 234
Gragg, Harrison Gustavus, 233, 234
Gragg, Henry Bealor, 234
Gragg, Henry W., 233
Gragg, Inex Rebecca, 234
Gragg, Jesse Bynum, 234
Gragg, Jesse D., 234
Gragg, Joseph M., 233
Gragg, Julius, 233
Gragg, Julius A. L., 233
Gragg, Julius Leander, 232, 233
Gragg, Leona, 234
Gragg, Lura Serina Mae, 243
Gragg, Lura Serina Mar, 242
Gragg, Margaret Jane “Maggie” Henley, 232, 233
Gragg, Marilda Adelaide “Addie”, 231
Gragg, Martha Elizabeth, 235, 236
Gragg, Mary “Polly”, 228
Gragg, Milton, 232
Gragg, Nannie M., 234
Gragg, Rhoda Alice, 234
Gragg, Wallace, 232
Gragg, Walter Sylvester, 233
Gragg, Willard, 232
Gragg, William Harrison, 233-234
Graham, Carried Belle, 320
Graham, Charles, 320
Graham, Charles Verniece, 313
Graham, Cyrus, 311
Graham, Elizabeth, 307
Graham, Erastus, 311
Graham, James W., 311
Graham, Jesse, 320
Graham, Joseph, 320
Graham, Mary Celestus, 312, 313
Graham, Susan Elizabeth, 311, 313
Graham, Thomas, 320
Graham, William Lee, 312
Graves, Ann, 83, 87
Graves, Benjamin, 83
Graves, Beryl Eddie, 537
Graves, Francis, 84, 87
Graves, George 87
Graves, James, 83
Graves, James Richard, 537
Graves, Jane/Jean, 78, 79, 83, 210
Graves, Johannah, 83
Graves, John, 83, 84, 85, 87, 197
Graves, Katherine, 85, 87
Graves, Loretta Edith, 537
Graves, Marion Ophie, 537
Graves, Martha, 83
Graves, Ophilia Priscilla Bandy, 534
Graves, Samuel Meads, 534, 536
Graves, Sedora Frances, 534
Graves, Thomas, 84, 85, 86, 87
Graves, Thomas (Captain), 83, 84, 86, 87, 127
Graves, Thomas, Jr., 87
Graves, Verlinda 87
Graves, Will, 181, 183, 185
Gravett, Ida Bell, 343
Gravett, Mamie V., 374
Gravit, Nancy “Nannie”, 400
Gravitt, Albert, 345-346
Gravitt, Ellis D., 345
Gravitt, Fannie, 374
Gravitt, Florence Alice, 338
Gravitt, Hugh, 345
Gravitt, John William, 338
Gravitt, Martha Patsy, 345
Gravitt, Melvin Green, 343, 374
Gravitt, Robert H., 345
Gray, Alice Mabel, 422
Gray, John Wesley, 422
Green, Elijah, 227
Green, Lawry (Rev), 111
Green, Phebey, 242
Green, Virginia Garland, 363
Greene, Abel, 228
Greene, Albert A., 231
Greene, Alma, 232
Greene, Amos, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 235
Greene, Benjamin, 229
Greene, Benjamin J., 231
Greene, Caladona, 231
Greene, Daniel M., 228
Greene, David, 228
Greene, Delia, 231
Greene, Drucilla, 231
Greene, Elijah, 228, 229, 231
Greene, Elinder, 228
Greene, Elisha, 229, 230
Greene, Eliza Caroline, 228
Greene, Elizabeth Naomi, 232
Greene, Emily, 228
Greene, Emma, 231
Greene, Felix F., 231
Greene, Henry, 231
Greene, Henry Taylor, 228
Greene, Isabelle, 228
Greene, James, 231
Greene, James Madison, 228
Greene, Jane, 228
Greene, John Enzer, 231
Greene, John “Moccasin”, 228, 229
Greene, Loanna, 231, 232, 234, 235
Greene, Lora Elizabeth, 231
Greene, Lott, 231
Greene, Margaret, 228
Greene, Margaret Phoebe, 242
Greene, Mary, 231
Greene, Mary Elmira, 229, 230
Greene, Mary Sophine “Polly”, 232
Greene, McDuffy, 231
Greene, Mindy, 231
Greene, Nancy, 231
Greene, Nancy E., 228
Greene, Nancy Elizabeth, 228
Greene, Nathaniel (General), 191, 192, 193
Greene, Nellie, 228
Greene, Rachel, 241
Greene, Robert, 228
Greene, Romulus, 231
Greene, Roxie Lee, 231
Greene, Sarah, 228, 236
Greene, Silas, 228
Greene, William Jones, 615
Greening, Oliver Mitchell, 347
Greening, Otis Mitchell, 347
Greer, Eternia, 152
Greer, Jesse James, 531
Greer, Lois Jean, 531
Greer, Mary “Mollie”, 150
Gregg, Brice Henry “Harry”, Sr., 475
Gregg, Darah May, 475
Grey, Romer, 349
Griffin, Ransom Mrs., 125
Griffith, John Paul, 552
Griffith, Joseph Bernard, 552
Griffith, Joseph Leslie, 551, 552
Griffith, Melanie, 552
Griffith, Raymond T., 551, 552
Griggs, John, 376
Grimes, Annie, 314
Grimes, Foy M., 626
Grimes, J. F., 626
Grimes, John F., Jr., 626
Grimes, John Frank, 626
Grimes, John Frank, Sr., 146
Grimes, Lettie M., 626
Grimes, Loura, 626
Grimes, Luna A., 626
Grimes, Martha J., 619
Grimes, Parks, 626
Grimes, Pearl, 626
Grimes, Pearl Parks, 146
Ground, Berta Viola, 565
Ground, Della E., 561
Ground, Hazel Maxine “Shorty”, 561
Ground, Infant, 561
Ground, James William, 560
Ground, John, 559
Ground, John Perry, 560
Ground, Lena Elizabeth, 561, 562
Ground, Lenora Balsora, 560, 561
Ground, Marietta E., 561
Ground, Nell Berta, 561
Ground, Percy, 560
Ground, Robert Letcher, 559
Ground, Verla, 561
Ground, William Robert “Willie”, 559, 561
Groves, Clara, 319
Groves, Henry, 319
Guest, Moses (Captain), 213
Gulley, Ethel, 567
Gulley, Thomas Samuel, Sr., 567
Gumm, Eliza Jane, 351
Gumm, Stephen Barker, 351
Gumm, Thomas E., 351
Gunnel, Elizabeth, 320
Guthrie, Betsy, 254
Guthrie, Elizabeth “Betsy”, 254
Guthrie, John, 254
Guthrie, Leroy, 254
Guthrie, Molley, 254
Guthrie, Nelle, 254
Guthrie, Nelly, 254
Guthrie, Robert, 254
Guthrie, Thomas, 254
Guthrie, William G., 254
Hackman, Mary A., 413
Haden, Elizabeth Ann, 438
Hall, Bernie Jane, 345
Hall, David Riley, 345
Hall, Ephraim, 506
Hall, Erasmus Baxter, 620
Hall, John, 506
Hall, Mary, 211
Hall, Mary Elizabeth, 506
Hall, Nora K., 416
Hall, Sam Presley, 620
Hall, Sylvia Claire, 255
Hallowes, John (Major), 76, 200
Halsey, Stewart, 322
Halteman, Andrew Jackson, 598
Halteman, Lua Dale, 595, 598
Hamer, Elizabeth, 322
Hammond, J.M. (Rev), 116
Hammond, W.D. (Bishop), 260
Hampton, Faye Lannell, 598
Hamric, Alma, 499, 500
Hamric, Anneta Kay, 501
Hamric, Audron Addison, 496
Hamric, Byrd Herman, 497
Hamric, Charles R., 500
Hamric, Charley D., 504, 612
Hamric, Curtis, 501
Hamric, Goldei, 497
Hamric, Karen Lee, 501
Hamric, Hannah, 146
Hamric, Izora May, 499, 501
Hamric, James Harrison “Jim”, 499
Hamric, James Hoyt, 504, 612
Hamric, Myrtle P., 497
Hamric, Nancy C., 499
Hamric, Robert, 146
Hamric, Robert F., 499
Hamric, Robert Francis, 497
Hamric, Robert Vincent, 146, 496, 497
Hamric, Robert Vincent “Bob”, 566, 612
Hamric, Rubie, 497
Hamric, Sona Adeline, 500
Hamric, Stephen, 499
Hamric, Susan Jane “Susie”, 498, 499
Hamric, Virgil Vandever “Verge”, 499, 500
Hamric, William Arthur, 503, 612
Hamric, Willis Peter, 496
Hamrick, Sarah S., 497, 566
Hancher, Addie B., 470
Hancher, Charles Oral, 470
Hancher, Oscar Eugene, 470
Hancock, Drusilla Jane Riley, 522
Hancock, Lewis, 522
Hanna, Hilary E., 284
Hansford, Mary, 212
Harbord, William C., 228
Hardman, Frances Elizabeth, 394
Hardman, Lillian Bush, 394
Hardman, Ollie Clay, 394
Hardman, Ray, 394
Hardman, Vivian Gateskill, 394
Hardman, William Randolph, 394
Hardy, Andrew, 292
Harelick, Haskell, 461
Harelick, Louis Gilbert, 461
Hargrave, Ida M., 342
Haries, Catharina, 2
Harmon, Cicero Decatur, 232
Harmon, Lilly F., 232
Harriman, Regis Alexander, 630
Harriman, Virginia Grace, 630
Harris, ______ (Rev), 111
Harris, Bertie Joan, 359
Harris, Cypressa Jane, 465
Harris, Idabelle, 363
Harris, James C., 465
Harris, John, 359
Harris, John Bert, 359
Harris, John Cary, 359
Harris, Leonard (Colonel), 58, 107
Harris, Lucille, 641
Harris, Mary J. Knighten, 643
Harris, Max Fadden, 304
Harris, Oliver Knighten, 642, 644
Harris, Rice C. (Dr), 641, 643
Harris, Thomas, 643
Harris, Winnie Sharp, 112, 642
Harrison, Samuel, III, 528
Harrison, Samuel, Jr., 528
Harrison, Samuel, Sr., 528
Harrison, William, 76
Hart, Betty, 366
Hart, Flora Catherine “Kate”, 364, 365
Hart, Iova Arena, 319
Hart, Irene, 368
Hart, Irene Lucille, 366
Hart, John, 365, 368
Hart, John E., 366
Hart, John Moore, 366
Hart, John Nelson, 365, 366, 367
Hart, Juanita, 366
Hart, Margaret B., 365
Hart, Marietta, 365
Hart, Mary, 366
Hart, Maude, 366, 368
Hart, Pat, 366
Hart, Patricia, 366
Hart, Stella J., 366
Hart, William P., 366
Hartle, Cornelius Nathaniel, 427
Hartle, Erma Helen, 427
Hartman, Amanda Belle, 366
Harvey, Sarah Jane, 159
Hash, Ada “Gypsy”, 469
Hash, Clayton William, 469
Hash, Clayton William “Bill”, Jr., 469
Hash, Clayton William, Sr., 469
Hash, Emory Watson, 603
Hash, George G., 603
Hash, George H., 603
Hash, Gladys Ray, 470
Hash, Guilford Bridges “Harry”, 469
Hash, Guilford “Giff” Bridges, 468
Hash, Hattie Minerva “Mattie”, 476
Hash, Ina L., 603
Hash, Infant, 468
Hash, Jack Joseph, 469
Hash, Jack Joseph, Jr., 470
Hash, Jack Joseph, Sr., 469
Hash, John, 468
Hash, Lola J., 603
Hash, Lottie, 603
Hash, Lucy Blanche, 469
Hash, Mattie Minerva, 468
Hash, Millie A., 469
Hash, Naomi Isbell, 603
Hash, Ola K., 603
Hash, Stella V., 603
Hash, Thomas Orla, 603
Haskins, Kathleen, 633
Hatch, Estelle Linnier Stella, 389
Hatfield, Alma Driscoll, 306
Hatfield, Jacob Lynn, 441
Hatfield, Lockwood Gregory, 441
Hatfield, Myrtle Cornish, 306
Hathaway, Amanda Jane, 504, 511
Hathaway, John, 511
Hathor, Harry, 283
Havill, Mary Louise, 486
Hawkins, Clyde E., 633
Hawkins, Ned, 30
Hayden, Bessie, 337
Hayes, Constance Paralee, 162
Hayes, Ella Belle, 162
Hayes, Elizabeth (Cook), 162
Hayes, George, 185
Hayes, George Ervin, 162
Hayes, John, 161
Hayes, Julia, 162
Hayes, Launa E., 162
Hayes, Laura, 162
Hayes, Lettie M., 162
Hayes, Mary Jane Coffey, 162
Hayes, Milla Medaris, 161
Hayes, Naomi, 92, 94, 243
Hayes, Polly, 211
Hayes, Ransom, 185
Hayes, Rice, 162
Hayes, Sally, 161
Hayes, Sarah, 226
Hayes, Sarah Ann, 162
Hayes, Sarah “Sally”, 228
Hayes, Thomas, 243
Hayes, Tom, 344
Hayes, William Hardin, 162
Hayes, Wyatt, 162
Hays, Elizabeth Iola, 336
Hays, George, 184
Hays, Jack (Colonel), 142
Hayter, Israel, 428
Hayter, John, 419
Hayter, Mary Jane, 432
Hayter, Rachel, 428
Hayter, Rachel Jane, 419
Hayward, Bethiah Elizabeth, 301
Hayward, Thomas, 302
Haywood, Charles, 283
Hazelrigg, Nancy, 351
Headdy, Dal, 634
Headdy, Thomas, 634
Headen, Ellen, 143
Healy, Melvin Charles, 509, 512
Healy, Rosaland Bridget, 569, 570
Heard, Betty, 282
Heard, Delton O., 282
Heard, Delton Orlando, 277
Heard, Kathleen “Kathy”, 284
Heard, Lee Ann, 281, 282
Heard, Lee Ann Sharp, 260, 273, 274-275, 276, 281, 282
Heard, Lee Ann Sharp Case, 283
Heard, Neil, 282
Heard, Robert, 278, 279
Heard, Robert Delton, 124, 273, 276, 277, 281, 284
Heard, Rosa Stevens, 277, 282
Heard, Valerie, 274-275, 276, 277
Heard, Valerie Lee, 272
Heard, William Neil, 282
Hearn, Benjamin (Colonel), 184
Heath, Amos T., 589
Heath, Amy, 531
Heath, Betty Jo, 590
Heath, Celestia, 591
Heath, Christopher, 525-526
Heath, Christopher Curtis, 591
Heath, Cullie, 530
Heath, Curren A., 591
Heath, Dora A., 590
Heath, Edwin Lewis, 529
Heath, Eleanor Ruth, 529
Heath, Esther Lea, 529
Heath, Frank Byron, 529
Heath, George F., 590
Heath, Henry Austin, 527, 529, 530
Heath, Henry Hugh, 528
Heath, Hugh, 529
Heath, Ira Sydney, 590
Heath, Irma A., 529
Heath, Jack, 590
Heath, James Edwin “Ed”, 590
Heath, Jana Lynn, 530
Heath, John Alvin, 591
Heath, Julia, 591
Heath, Laura Ellen, 589
Heath, L. J., 591
Heath, Mark Amos, 59
Heath, Margaret Alma, 530
Heath, Mary Ann, 526
Heath, Max Lewis, 59
Heath, Melba, 529
Heath, Richard Allen “Rick”, 530
Heath, Roy Ashley, 590
Heath, Sarah, Saphronia “Sone”, 591
Heath, Vera Faye, 590
Heath, Walter Clyde, 529
Heath, William Christopher, 526, 527, 529
Heath, William Harley, 527
Heath, Zebedee, 525
Heath, Zebedee William “Zeb”, 529, 530
Heath, Zelner Wayne “Bill”, 529, 530
Heath, Zuda Susan, 526
Hefferline, Laura Belle, 358
Heflin, Katherine McKinney, 208
Heflin, Mary Alice McKinney, 208
Henderson, Carl Archie, 338, 339
Henderson, James Sels, 338
Henderson, Ruby, 337
Hendricks, ______ (Gov.), 167
Henley, Amos, 234
Henley, Amos E., 234
Henley, Amos Edgar, 232, 233
Henley, Bessie, 233
Henley, Cecil R., 233
Henley, Charles, 231
Henley, Coma, 230
Henley, Coma Adelaide, 233
Henley, Dean Stanley, 233
Henley, Edgar Herring, 233
Henley, Ethel, 233
Henley, Henry, 231, 232
Henley, John E., 230
Henley, John Elzar, 231
Henley, Herman Merritt, 233
Henley, John Moore, 233
Henley, Laura Ann, 234
Henley, Laurie, 230
Henley, Loanna Greene, 230, 231, 232, 233
Henley, Luther Henry, 233
Henley, Margaret “Maggie” Jane, 233
Henley, Mary, 231
Henry, Julia Ann, 320
Henry, Robert, 344
Henson, S.S. (Rev), 350
Henson, Sarah E., 339
Henson, Thomas Lester, 379
Henson, Winona Pearl, 379
Herndon, Albert Edmund, 406
Herndon, Dennis Jack, 406
Herndon, Edmund, 411
Herndon, Edna B., 406
Herndon, Elizabeth Franes “Lizzie”, 411
Herndon, Emma Lee, 411
Herndon, Pierce Buchanan, 405, 411
Herndon, William Thomas “Tom”, 411
Hess, Madalyn, 441
Hickox, ______ (Infant Daughter), 328
Hickox, Charles Edward, 328
Hickox, Charles Ewing “Hick”, 328
Hickox, Harry Elvin, 328
Hickox, Willie Adele, 328
Hiden, P.W., Mrs., 127
Hiegert, Frank Joseph, 595
Hiegert, Frank Joseph, Sr., 472, 477
Hiegert, Mary Josephine, 477
Hiegert, William Pius, 595
Highey, Mary Polly, 343, 374
Highley, Malisia, 344
Highley, Stella, 344
Hill, Alva “Alvie”, 612
Hill, Audra Mae, 612
Hill, Caleb Constantine “Cape”, 503, 612
Hill, Charlie Byrd, 613
Hill, Clarence William, 612
Hill, Eldred James, 612
Hill, Elza, 613
Hill, Estella, 610
Hill, Finos Lynn, 613
Hill, Henry, 612
Hill, Ilean Bessie, 613
Hill, J. L., 612
Hill, Lillie L., 613
Hill, Lottie May, 503
Hill, Lutie, 612
Hill, Nannie, 613
Hill, Nellie Flettie, 612
Hill, Ploma Clara, 613
Hill, Rennie Cape, 613
Hill, Rosazina Aletha, 612
Hill, Samuel Eldred, 612
Hill, Thomas D., 614
Hill, Thomas David, 610
Hillis, James, 309
Hiner, Ernest Frank, 411, 412
Hiner, Harvey, 410, 411, 412
Hisaw, Elizabeth, 214
Hisaw, James, 214
Hisaw, Joel, 214, 227
Hisaw, Joel Coffey, 214
Hisaw, Mary Ann, 214
Hisaw, Sarah, 214
Hisaw, William Riley, 214
Hisle, Anna Louisa, 376
Hisle, Eliza, 376
Hisle, Fannie, 376
Hisle, Ida, 376
Hisle, John, 376
Hisle, John Wesley, 376
Hisle, Louann, 376
Hisle, Lucy, 376
Hisle, Lucy Lee, 376
Hisle, Maggie, 376
Hisle, Nettie Mae, 376
Hitner, Leona Maria, 551
Hitner, William, 551
Hodeshell, John, 367
Hodeshell, Nellie Grace, 367
Holcin, Thelma Sharp, 311
Hoff, Leroy, 315
Hoffman, Donna VanArsdall, 329
Holder, Billie Dell, 503
Holder, Frank Henry, 503
Holder, Ray Wesley, 503
Holder, William Henry “Bill”, 502
Holeman, Nina Ellen, 419
Holiday, Gideon, 109, 110
Holiday, Ida, 110
Holiday, Roy C., 110
Holiday, Theresa, 109, 110
Holland, Emory Isaac, 544
Holland, Isaac Walter, 544
Holland, James Bryant, 544
Holland, Mary Frances, 545
Holland, Mary Maude “May”, 544
Holland, Peter, 175, 196
Holland, Ralph Leslie, 545
Holland, Robert Emory, 544
Holland, Samuel Isaac, 544
Hollar, Aileen Lee, 544
Hollar, Diana, 544
Hollar, Dora Nell, 544
Hollar, Emory Dallas, 544
Hollar, Fern Eulalia, 544
Hollar, Isaac Dolph, 544
Hollar, Jan C., 544
Hollar, Jesse M., 544
Hollar, Lee Alexander, 544
Hollar, Maxwell “Max”, 544
Hollar, Willie Jean, 544
Hollett, John, 338
Hollett, Sarah Ellen, 338
Hollett, Susannah, 335
Holliday, Theresa, 270
Holliman, H., 473
Holliman, Mary Florida, 473
Holloway, Adelia W., 437, 438
Holloway, Alexander M., 435
Holloway, Anna, 435
Holloway, Charles Enoch, 436
Holloway, Charles Oldham, 436, 437
Holloway, Cyrene, 435
Holloway, Delbert Raymond, 436, 437
Holloway, Dot H., 441
Holloway, Edna, 435
Holloway, Elizabeth Cordelia, 437
Holloway, Emily A., 438
Holloway, Evelyn, 436
Holloway, Gregory, 435
Holloway, Jeremiah L., 435, 436, 437
Holloway, John C., 435
Holloway, John Enoch, 436
Holloway, John Gregory, 435
Holloway, Leonora S., 438
Holloway, Lewellen Frances, 438, 441, 442, 444, 445, 446
Holloway, Rena Nora, 435
Holloway, Thomas, 435
Holloway, William, 437
Holloway, William Allen, 441
Holt, Emma Virgina, 473
Holt, Mary Elizabeth, 583, 585
Holt, William Askew, 473
Homewood, Billie Jean Sharp, 270
Hon, Harvey Thomas, 418
Horn, Aaron B., 339
Horn, Ella, 340
Horn, Evaline, 339
Horn, Sarah, 334
Hornsby, Mary, 351
Hosmer, Clarence M., 424
Hosmer, Earl Eugene, 424
Hosmer, Ralph C., 425
Hosmer, William H., 424
Houston, Margaret A., 211, 508-509
Houston, Sam, (General), 220, 221, 222, 224, 471
Howard, Altha Earl, 606
Howard, Annie, 350
Howard, Betty C., 379
Howard, Billy Joe, 380
Howard, Charles Curtis, 605
Howard, Darleene, 379
Howard, Euphania Lois “Jackie”, 380
Howard, Eva J., 605
Howard, Frank Thomas, 380
Howard, George William, 605
Howard, George Wilson, 378
Howard, Gertie, 378
Howard, Grace Magdalene, 379
Howard, James Monroe, 319
Howard, James Napoleon, 605
Howard, Jemimah, 402
Howard, Joe Marshall, 380
Howard, John Byrd, 605
Howard, John Thomas, 378
Howard, Joycie C., 605
Howard, Julia F., 605
Howard, Lowell Norman, 379
Howard, Maggie Viola, 606
Howard, Marcus De Lafayette, 378
Howard, Mary E., 319
Howard, Nelson E., 378
Howard, Raymond Chase, 315
Howard, Robert Lee “Bobby”, 605
Howard, Thomas Napoleon, 605
Howard, Uda W., 378
Howard, William Allen, 379
Howard, Willoughby Allen, 378
Howdeshell, Jesteene V., 368
Howdeshell, Samuel Shelby, 367
Howdeshell, Samuel “Sheetz”, 367
Howe, Amon, 161
Howe, Samuel T., 161
Howland, David, 416
Howland, Mary Elizabeth, 416
Howlett, Frederick H. “Fred”, 348
Howlett, Helen, 348
Hubbard, Lura Elizabeth, 609
Hudkins, Alice Lacricia, 346
Hudson, Amos Isaiah, 589
Hudson, Isiah Banks, 589
Hudson, J.R. (Rev.), 268
Hudson, Leta, 589
Hudson, Lynn Banks, 589
Hudson, Una Lynn, 590
Hughart, John C., 440
Hughart, Mollie C., 440
Hughes, Lillian Bell, 275
Hull, Arthur Elmer, 386
Hull, Richard J., 385, 386
Hull, (or Hill) Mary Polly, 158
Hultz, Edith Gay, 257
Humborth, Eliza, 365
Humphrey, Christena C., 303, 304
Hunt, Shelly, 259
Hunter, Frances Isabel, 253
Hurlburt, Iola Imerina, 320
Hurst, Jane A., 504, 511
Hurst, Joseph McAllister, 259
Hurt, Spencer, 259
Hurt, Wyatt, 259
Huss, Hope Sharp (Hoff), 311
Hussey, Jennie, 465
Hutchings, Jal, 283
Hutchinson, Sarah Ann, 505
Hutton, Mary Todd, 324
Inglish, Abbie Gray, 427, 429
Inglish, Alexander Brown “Eck”, 431
Inglish, Amon, 422, 426, 427, 428, 430, 431, 432, 433
Inglish, Betty, 425
Inglish, Boyd David, 429, 430, 433
Inglish, Carl Lester, 428, 429
Inglish, Cecil, 432
Inglish, Charley R., 432
Inglish, Claude, 425
Inglish, Claude Raymond, 424, 426
Inglish, Clyde, 432
Inglish, David Boyd, 429
Inglish, David Yount, 426
Inglish, Eliza, 421, 422
Inglish, Emily P. “Emma”, 427
Inglish, Harvey Alexander, 431
Inglish, Hazel, 427
Inglish, Hazel Lucille, 424, 426
Inglish, Henrietta Akers, 426
Inglish, Henrietta Elizabeth, 425
Inglish, Henrietta Elizabeth “Bety”, 426
Inglish, Hugh, 424, 425, 427
Inglish, Hugh Jonathan, 424, 426
Inglish, J. T. (Dr), 433
Inglish, James, 432, 433
Inglish, James B., 432
Inglish, James “Bacon Jim”, 420, 421
Inglish, James Israel, 428
Inglish, James R. “Jim”, 432
Inglish, John, 420, 421
Inglish, John E., 431, 432
Inglish, John Ellen “Dr. Jack” (Dr), 430
Inglish, Jonathan (Dr), 432, 433
Inglish, Jonathan Martin (Dr), 422, 423, 425, 426, 427, 428
Inglish, Judy, 425
Inglish, Laura Lee, 431
Inglish, Leo Glen, 428, 429
Inglish, Mary A., 427
Inglish, Mary E., 429
Inglish, Mary Naomi, 432
Inglish, Mary Vivion, 432
Inglish, Milton A., 433
Inglish, Milton Acres Vivion, 423, 424, 425
Inglish, Milton Anderson “Milt”, 431
Inglish, Milton Vivion, 426, 433
Inglish, Nadine, 432
Inglish, Nero Jefferson “Tom”, 432
Inglish, Rachel Hayter, 422
Inglish, Veva Rae, 429
Inglish, Violet, 425
Inglish, Violet M., 426
Inglish, Violet Marie, 424
Ingram, Margaret Ann, 320
Ippolito, John, 296
Ippolito, Lilly, 296
Ippolito, Margherita, 296
Irwin, Beaulah Floy, 498
Irwin, Charles, 498
Irwin, Sherman T., 498
Isbell, Sarah Ann, 218
Isler, Mary Catherine, 220
Ives, Burl, 370
Jackson, Clarinda Jane, 304
Jackson, Darthula, 60
Jackson, Margaret, 318
Jackson, W. J., 636
James, II (King), 175
James, Anna R., 514
James, Jackson Jay, 572
James, Jesse, 30
James, Mary, 514
James, Samuel, 514
James, William Humphreys, 572
James, William L., 514
Jameson, Julia Ann, 633
Jane, Sarah, 93
Jarrett, Mary Margaret, 607
Jarvis, John, 325
Jarvis, John Lapsley, 326
Jarvis, Margaret, 325, 326
Jarvis, Moses, 325, 326
Jeffries, James, 97
Jenkins, William, 307, 308
Jennings, Elizabeth Ellen “Lizzie”, 507
Jennings, Hiram William, 506
Jennings, Mary Caroline Rachel, 507
Jennings, Nancy Jane, 507
Jessee, Catherine Hart, 368, 370, 371
Jessee, Daniel Boone, 364, 365, 368
Jessee, Fern Evelyn Titus, 368
Jessee, Fern Titus, 368
Jessee, Jana Fern, 370
Jessee, Lance Hart, 369, 372
Jessee, Mary Margaret, 364, 365
Jessee, Randall Boone, 369, 372
Jessee, Randall Smith, 366, 368, 369, 370, 371
Jessee, Ruth, 364
Jessee, Ruth Hart, 365, 366
Jeter, John, 75
Jillson, Willard, 20
John, Angeline, 335-336
Johns, Elizabeth Ann, 301
Johns, John T., 301
Johnson, ______ (Captain), 129
Johnson, Addie May, 604
Johnson, Alfred Preston, 533
Johnson, Amelia Elizabeth “Lizzie”, 604
Johnson, Anna, 99
Johnson, Anna Maud, 605
Johnson, Bertie, 372
Johnson, Charles, 283
Johnson, Edward, 372
Johnson, Emory Clay, 533
Johnson, Floriene, 539
Johnson, Frances Mrs., 127
Johnson, George, 37, 38
Johnson, George A., 422
Johnson, Henry, 604
Johnson, Jeremiah, 335
Johnson, John, 254
Johnson, Laura A., 605
Johnson, Margaret A. “Maggie”, 605
Johnson, Mary, 103
Johnson, Mary A., 244
Johnson, Mary Elizabeth, 335
Johnson, Mary Mae, 423
Johnson, Mary Roxy, 362
Johnson, Mont, 372
Johnson, Myrtle Lela, 423
Johnson, Orville Clay, 533
Johnson, Perry C., 422
Johnson, Robert L., 533
Johnson, Roy, 368
Johnson, Susan Elizabeth “Sue”, 605
Johnson, Thomas J., 37
Johnson, Violet, 368
Johnson, Wilbert, 533
Johnson, Will, 372
Johnson, William (Sir), 177
Johnson, William Oscar, 539
Johnston, ______ (General), 150
Johnston, ______ (Unnamed Child), 124
Johnston, Absalom, 128
Johnston, Amos, 37
Johnston, Betsey, 186, 188
Johnston, Cinthy, 186, 188
Johnston, Elizabeth, 40, 124
Johnston, Elizabeth “Betsy”, 254
Johnston, Frances, 134, 186, 187, 188
Johnston, Frances Estes, 127
Johnston, Frances “Fanny”, 253
Johnston, George, 31, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 124, 126, 127, 132, 133, 134, 254
Johnston, George H., 186, 188
Johnston, George W., 186, 187
Johnston, George Washington, 254
Johnston, Henry, 186, 188
Johnston, Jane, 41, 124
Johnston, Jean, 40, 124, 254
Johnston, John, 41, 123, 186, 187, 253, 254
Johnston, John Roberts, 188
Johnston, John Robinson, 186
Johnston, Laurance, 188
Johnston, Lawrence, 186
Johnston, Leanah, 254
Johnston, Martin, 35, 40, 124, 181, 185, 186, 188, 189, 192, 193, 253
Johnston, Mary, 41, 128, 186
Johnston, Matilda, 186, 188
Johnston, Mildred, 42
Johnston, Milly, 255
Johnston, Mr. or Ms., 40
Johnston, Nancy, 186, 188
Johnston, Nancy Wright, 186
Johnston, Robert, 41, 123
Johnston, Sally, 637
Johnston, Sarah, 1, 31, 39, 45, 124, 128, 186, 254
Johnston, Sarah “Sally”, 35
Johnston, Seanah, 40, 124
Johnston, Thomas, 36, 128
Johnston, William, 1, 35, 36, 40, 41, 124, 186, 188, 253, 254
Johnston, William, J., 35, 128, 131, 138, 139
Johnston, William, Jr., 39, 124
Johnston, William, Sr., 40, 123
Joiner, John T., 335
Joiner, Mary Wilma, 335
Jones, Absolom, 217
Jones, Alice Irene, 475
Jones, Allen S., 218
Jones, Anceil Arthur, 475
Jones, Andrew Jackson, 218
Jones, Ann, 332
Jones, Aquilla, 217
Jones, Aubrey Taylor, 544
Jones, Barbara, 486
Jones, Bobby, 475
Jones, Clara A., 604
Jones, Donna Jean, 486
Jones, Elizabeth, 217
Jones, Elizabeth Ruth “Betty”, 475
Jones, Emma, 218
Jones, George (Attorney), 73
Jones, George Charles, 475
Jones, George Dewey “Pete”, 486
Jones, Hamilton Franklin, 218
Jones, Henry Draper, Jr., 604
Jones, Henry Draper, Sr., 604
Jones, Jack, 486
Jones, James Ham, 475
Jones, James M., 361
Jones, James Wesley, 218
Jones, John J., 218
Jones, John William, 217-218
Jones, Lewis Russell, 165
Jones, Martha L., 218
Jones, Mary E., 218
Jones, Mary Katherine “Kate”, 544
Jones, Morton Van Buren, 407
Jones, Nellie May, 337, 338
Jones, Norman, 308
Jones, Olive, 410
Jones, Polly May, 475
Jones, Rachel J. Coffey, 163, 165
Jones, Rebecca Jane, 218
Jones, Rice, 76
Jones, Serilida Ellen, 218
Jones, Thelma Cleo, 408
Jones, Thelma Louise ‘Tim’, 388
Jones, Peyton Smith, 475
Jones, Walter Addran, 544
Jones, William Lee, 604
Judson, Janice, 490
Karnes, George, 6, 11
Karnes, Katherine June, 5, 201
Karnes, Michael, 5, 11
Keagler, Grace Legatt, 551
Keenan, Paul J., 471
Keet, Annie, 246
Kelien, Elmer, 314
Kelly, Christian Franklin, 634
Kelly, William, 634
Keltner, Clarence Bert, 435
Kemmer, Hazel Fern, 359
Kennady, William R., 301
Kennamer, Luther Presley “Pres”, 463
Kennedy, Floyd Earl, 363
Kennedy, Harold D., 362
Kennedy, James Marion, 467
Kennedy, James Presley, Sr., 467
Kennedy, Jesse Presley, Jr., 467
Kennedy, Margaret May, 475
Kennedy, Paul D., 475
Kennedy, Walter, 362
Kennoy, Flora Sharp, 311
Kennoy, James W., 311
Kennoy, John Sharp, 311
Kesterson, Ashley, 280, 288
Kesterson, Aubrey, 272, 280
Kesterson, Aubrey Faith, 288
Kesterson, Austin, 280, 281, 287, 288
Kesterson, Austin Wayne, 272, 278, 279
Kesterson, Don, 283
Kesterson, Joel, 272, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 287
Kesterson, Valerie, 279, 280, 281
Kesterson, Valerie Heard, 280
Kesterson, Valerie Lee, 282
Kesterson, Valerie Lee Heard, 276, 278
Kibbey, Gerald Sturtevant, 301
Kilpatrick, Alexander Joseph, 301
Kilpatrick, Alfred Scott, 301
Kimbrell, Lucinda Lurany, 348
Kindler, Esther, 248
Kines, Anna Lewis, 314, 315
Kines, Lewis, 311
Kines, Lewis Tilden, 315
Kines, Margaret, 315
Kines, Margaret Sharp, 311
Kines, Otha R., 315
Kines, Russel, 311, 315
King, India T., 357, 435
King, John, 344
King, Martin Luther, 287
King, Nancy, 376
King, Walter H., 363
Kinkead, Henry Clay, 429
Kinkead, Samuel, 429
Kinkead, Vesta LaVerne, 429
Kirchoff, August H., 429
Kirchoff, Edward “Eddie” August, 429
Kirk, Edgar Otis, 318
Kirksey, Fred, 420
Kiser, Irene V. “Rena”, 246
Kiser, Riley, 246
Klug, ______ (Rev), 129
Knight, Alice Caroline, 559, 561, 562
Knight, Charles Irwin “Charlie”, 498, 566
Knight, Charles Kearn, 499, 566
Knight, Grenfall William “Billy”, 499, 566
Knight, Irwin “Buddy”, 497, 566
Knight, James William “Jim”, 498, 566
Knight, Kelma L., 499, 566
Knight, Lelah Garnett, 359
Knight, Margaret Lee., 498, 566
Knight, Robert Earl, 498, 566
Knight, Robert Elijah, 359
Knight, Rose Maud, 498, 566
Knight, William Wallace, 497, 559, 561, 562
Knighten, Mary J., 641
Knighten, Oliver (Dr), 641
Knous, Benjamin Burt, 537
Knous, Bertram Thomas, 537
Knous, Buddy Ray, 537
Knous, David Allen, 537
Knous, Edith Marie, 537
Knous, Mary Evelyn, 537
Knous, Virginia Lee, 537
Knuckle, Mabel J., 388
Korchart, Anna Barbara, 637
Krigbaum, Benny May, 294
Krigbaum, Elizabeth Nancy, 294
Krigbaum, Ida Lou, 295
Krigbaum, John Anderson, 294
Krigbaum, Thomas Solomon, 294
Krueger, Leroy, 327
Krueger, Samuel Gottfried, 327
Kulp, Frances, 161
Kurkiewiez, Andre, 283
Lacy, Eddie, 624
LaHue, Betty Virginia, 442, 445
LaHue, Orville Richard, 443
LaMar, Agnes Skillen, 446
LaMar, Alexander Gilbert, 447
LaMar, Burris Dwayne, 448
LaMar, Charles Gregory, 443, 445, 447
LaMar, Edward Lange, 442, 445
LaMar, Elden E., 446
LaMar, Eleanor Marie, 441, 445
LaMar, Fannie Alice, 445
LaMar, Frank William, 441, 445
LaMar, Frederic West, 446
LaMar, Gilbert Alexander, 443
LaMar, Harold Wilbur, 445, 446
LaMar, Henriett, 447
LaMar, Henry Norvell, 443, 447
LaMar, James Callaway, 443, 446, 447
LaMar, John, 441, 446
LaMar, John Alan, 443
LaMar, John Allen, 443, 446
LaMar, John Orville, 445, 446
LaMar, Lawrence Edward, 441, 445
LaMar, Lewellyn, 443, 444, 446-447
LaMar, Margaret “Maggie” Roseta, 442, 443, 445
LaMar, Martha Louise, 447
LaMar, Mary Elizabeth, 447
LaMar, Nadine Yates, 445
LaMar, Nora, 444
LaMar, Nora Anna, 443, 446
LaMar, Norman Edgar, 441, 445
LaMar, Raymond Leslie, 441, 445
LaMar, Virgil Callaway, 444, 446
LaMar, William Edgar, 441, 443, 444, 445
LaMar, William Welcom, 441, 442, 443, 448
Lamb, Martha, 428
Lambert, Joyce, 75, 198
Lamberth, Sarah, 75, 198
Lambeth, Ernest G., 426
Lambeth, Joseph, 426
Lambeth, Joseph Irvin, 424
Landreth, Allen, 436
Landreth, Charles, 436
Landreth, Mary, 436
Lane, Sandy, 94
Lange, Ursual, 638
Lankford, John Franklin, 416
Lankford, Opal Celeste, 416
Latson, Jonnie D., 491
Latson, Oliver Washington, 491
Laurence, Elizabeth, 186, 188
Lavender, Nannie, 624
Lawrence, Lucille, 375
Lawrence, William Frank “Willie”, 347
Lawson, John Robert, 357, 435
Lawson, Louise, 376
Lawson, Myrle L., 357, 435
Lawson, Robert F., 435
Lawson, Robert Russell, 357, 435
Lawson, Ruby Orvetta, 357, 435
Layman, Emily Jane, 633
Leach, Leona Lee, 446
LeCompte, Landon Mark, 272, 288
Ledford, Asher William, 393
Ledford, Curtis Burnham, 393
Ledford, James “Jim”, 393
Ledford, Jesse, 393
Ledford, Jesse B., 392, 393
Ledford, Miriam, 393
Ledford, Noble, 393
Ledford, Sarah, 393
Ledford, Sarah Elizabeth, 392, 393
Ledford, Speed, 393
Ledford, Vesta Jones, 393
Lee, Aaron Henry, 457
Lee, Edwin James, 457
Lee, Esther, 458
Lee, George Glaucus (Rev), 457-458
Lee, Judith Ann, 397
Lee, Lois E., 458
Lee, Mary Edith, 321
Lee, Mary Kay., 458
Lee, Robert E. (General), 152, 162
Lee, Wesley Ralph, 217
Leffer, Barbara, 322
Lehman, J.M.C., 116
Lehmann, Charles J., 421
Lehmann, Johannes, 421
Lenoir (Captain), 129, 130
Leonard, Josephine, 536
Lessly, Alemda, 455
Lewis, ______ (General), 179
Lewis, Andrew, 12, 177, 179
Lewis, Aubrey Lee, 463
Lewis, Cora Pearl, 462
Lewis, Daisey A., 462
Lewis, Daniel T., 462
Lewis, David Clinton, 463
Lewis, Eva Marie, 463
Lewis, Garland D., Jr., 589
Lewis, Garrett Earl, 461, 462
Lewis, George Lock, 462, 463
Lewis, Gordon Earl, 462
Lewis, Horatio, 462
Lewis, Infant, 463
Lewis, James Dudley, 462
Lewis, James Smith, 463
Lewis, John, 97, 461
Lewis, John Edward, 462
Lewis, John J., 461
Lewis, John Thomas, 463
Lewis, Louisa Jane, 463
Lewis, Lucy Margaret, 344
Lewis, M. Lillian, 462
Lewis, Margaret Ann, 479
Lewis, Merida Ayer, 461, 462
Lewis, Nettie B., 462
Lewis, Opal Mina “Minnie”, 462, 607
Lewis, Ralph B., 462
Lewis, Ruby C.M., 462
Lewis, Sallie Catherine Parks, 461
Lewis, Sarah Burzelan, 462
Lewis, Sedora Frances “Fanny”, 534
Lewis, Sybil Emma, 461-462
Lewis, Thomas L., 461
Lewis, William C., 462
Lewis, William Lock, 463
Lewis, Winfield Scott, 461
Lighter, Kathryn, 640
Limber, Mary, 57, 124
Limber, Thomas J., 57
Lindsey, Isabella, 225
Lindsey, James Alfred, Sr. (Dr), 455
Litten, Margaret, 161
Littlepage, James, 333
Livingston, Netta Belle, 340
Lloyd, Anna Margaret, 325
Lockhart, Elizabeth, 290
Locknane, Elizabeth B., 348
Locknane, John Wesley, 348
Logan, Alexander, 324
Logan, James Harvey, 646
Logan, John Sharp, 646
Logan, Joseph Lee, 646
Logan, Mary Elizabeth, 323, 324, 330, 331, 646
Logan, Mary H. McMurtry, 141
Logan, Rosa Beatrice, 570
Logan, Samuel McCampbell, 141, 324
Loman, Myrtle Lee, 316, 318
Lomes, Cassie E., 174
Londergan, Minnie Alice, 302
Long, Gabriel, 76
Long, Philip, 129
Long, Richard, 75
Losey, George Washington, 305
Losey, Maria A., 338
Losey, Stephen, 305
Losey, William, 304
Loucks, Donna Jean, 385
Loucks, Margorie Donna Jean, 386
Loucks, Samuel H., 386
Love, H. Terrell, 595
Lowe, Daniel, 367
Lowe, Elizabeth, 367
Lowe, Sarah L., 249
Loyd, George Walter, 518
Loyd, Goldie Irene, 518
Loyd, Hester Regina, 518
Loyd, May E., 518
Loyd, Thomas W., 518
Lucas, Jane, 76
Lucas, Mary Viola Riley, 522
Luedde, Philip Naumann, 344
Luette, Herman, 119, 120, 125, 645
Luette, Herman, Jr., 119
Luette, Marion, 123
Luette, Marion “Miriam” Sharp, 119
Luette, Paul, 119
Lunderman (Captain), 99
Lunsford, Virginia Elmira, 378
Lusby, Edd, 479
Lusby, Richard, 479
Lusby, Quentin, Jr., 479
Lusby, Quentin, Sr., 479
Lusk, James Faulkner, 543
Lusk, John Robert, Jr., 543
Lusk, John Robert, Sr., 543
Lusk, William, 289
Lykins, George H., 345
Lyle, Anderson, 396
Lyle, Daniel, 396
Lyle, Daniel Talbert, 396
Lyle, Elizabeth, 396
Lyle, Frances B., 396
Lyle, George Walton, Sr., 396
Lyle, John Martin, 396
Lyle, Martin Van Buren, 396
Lyle, Mary Polly, 396
Lyle, Nancy Ann, 372, 396
Lyle, Rachel Bush, 396
Lyle, William Daniel, 372, 396
Lyle, William Henry, 396
Lymon, R.J., 283
Lynch, ______ (Colonel), 182
Lynch, Charles, 8
Lynch, Charles (Colonel), 307
Lyon, Patsy, 183
Lytton, Lorance, 166
Lytton, Margaret, 166
McAfee, Alabama, 329
McCampbell, Jane, 324
McCampbell, Samuel, 646
McCarty, Ruth, 506
McCarty, William R., 336
McClannahan, Rachel, 289
McClelland, Edwin, 440
McClelland, Edwin Amsden, 440
McClelland, John Tilford, 440
McClure, Mary A., 211
McComas, Cecil Bernard, 259
McCombs, John Richard, 458
McCombs, Louie, 458
McCombs, N. (Mr), 458
McCombs, Orlene, 458
McCombs, Parks, 458
McCombs, Robert Davis, 458
McConnaughy, John, 487
McConnaughy, May, 487
McCord, Rosa Ellen, 578
McCown, Elizabeth, 183
McCreary, Lewis (Rev.), 324, 331
McCreary, Martha Ann Shackleford, 331
McCreary, Mary E., 331
McCreary, Mary Elizabeth, 324, 331
McCreary, Mary Elizabeth “Betty”, 324
McCreary, Miller Aaron, 323, 324, 331
McCreary, Miller B., 330, 331
McCreary, Miller Brown, 324
McCreary, Pearl, 325
McCreary, Robert, 331
McCreary, Ruth, 325
McDonald, Ada W., 348
McDonald, Carlos Clifford, 359
McDonald, Charity, 91
McDonald, Harriett, 93
McDonald, Louise Sharp, 270
McDonald, Ruth, 91
McDonald, William, 91, 130
McDowell, Jennie, 364
McDowell, Joseph (Colonel), 184
McElwee, Margaret, 367
McEwen, Ada Lenora, 546
McFall, Asia, 465
McFall, Robert Lee, 464
McFall, William Parlie, 464
McFalls, Porter, 464
McFalls, Samuel G., 464
McGranahan, Edna Mae, 555
McGranahan, James Rufus, 555
McGranahan, Ruby Lee, 555
McGregor, Alexander, Jr., 543
McGregor, Alexander, Sr., 543
McGregor, Bandy Jack, 543
McGregor, Jack, 543
McGregor, Marjorie Elizabeth, 543
McGuire, Ann Sharp, 28
McGuire, Archibald, 24
McGuire, Grace Irene, 538
McGuire, Hiram, 28
McHenry, Flossie, 629
McIntosh, Mary Ann, 391
McKinner, Analisa Lydia, 360
McKinney, Abagail R., 363
McKinney, Ann, 376
McKinney, Anna, 372
McKinney, Archibald M., 363
McKinney, Belle F., 345
McKinney, Benjamin Franklin, 208
McKinney, Betty, 363
McKinney, Caroline “Callie” Francis Burgher, 206, 207, 208
McKinney, Cecil, 363
McKinney, Charles A., 362, 363
McKinney, Cinderella, 26
McKinney, David Russell, 362, 372
McKinney, Dillard, 207, 208
McKinney, Elizabeth, 372
McKinney, Elizabeth H., 362
McKinney, Elizabeth Jane 373
McKinney, Emma, 376
McKinney, Floyd, 363
McKinney, Herley, 376
McKinney, Hiram Bush, 373
McKinney, James Franklin, 345
McKinney, John, 376
McKinney, John N., 359
McKinney, John Wilmott, 208
McKinney, Julia Ann, 361, 362
McKinney, Justina, 374, 375
McKinney, Louisa Eliza, 376
McKinney, Louise, 363
McKinney, Luanna, 376
McKinney, Lucy Ann, 362
McKinney, Margaret, 363
McKinney, Mariam, 362
McKinney, Mary Hepseybeth, 363
McKinney, Mary Jane, 359
McKinney, Mildred Katherine, 376
McKinney, Monimia Minerva, 358, 363
McKinney, Moses, 376
McKinney, Mountz, 376
McKinney, Nancy Evermont, 373, 374
McKinney, Nancy McPherson, 358
McKinney, Nicholas, 360
McKinney, Rosa, 343
McKinney, Ruth, 363
McKinney, Sarah, 362
McKinney, Sarah F., 377
McKinney, Shirly, 376
McKinney, Thomas, 343, 376
McKinney, Wilday, 358, 363
McKinney, Wildy, 372
McKinney, William, 358
McKinney, William H., 373
McKinney, William Evermont, 372
McKittrick, Paul Ralph, 486
McMahan, Sam, 17
McMilan, Olivia, 325
McMillan, Sarah Elizabeth, 324
McMullen, Teresa, 578
McMurtry, John, 324
McMurtry, Kate Amanda, 325
McMurtry, Mary H., 323, 324, 330, 331, 646
McMurtry, Priscilla Sharp, 141
McMurtry, Sally, 324
McMurtry, Sarah, 136
McMurtry, William, 141, 324
McMurtry, William S. (Dr.), 141
McMurtry, William Sharp, 141, 325
McNeese, John E., 251
McNulty, Arthur, 344
McNulty, Blanche Elizabeth, 343, 344
McNulty, Mary Beatrice, 441
McNutt, William, 37
McPherson, Ada P., 357, 358, 433
McPherson, Albert, 357, 433
McPherson, Dora, 357, 434
McPherson, Edward, 433
McPherson, Elizabeth, 345, 358
McPherson, Frances, 344
McPherson, Francis, 358
McPherson, Jessie Lee, 357, 433
McPherson, Martha, 357
McPherson, Nancy, 357, 358, 360, 363
McPherson, Nicholas, 357
McPherson, Othaniel, 18, 356, 433
McPherson, Othniel, 344
McPherson, Rachel Sharp, 21, 22
McPherson, Sarah Jane, 357, 435
McSorley, John Andrew, 389
McSorley, Philip Earl, 389
McSorley, Philip Earl, Jr., 389
McVay, Joseph, 574
McVay, Virginia R., 574
McVay, William Nelson, 574
Mabra, Frank M., 592, 593
Mabra, Larry, 592
Mabra, Lola Mae, 592
Mabra, Mable Clara, 592
MacDonald, Beatrice, 358, 359
MacDonald, Bert, 359, 363
MacDonald, Bertie Garnett, 359
MacDonald, Edward Franklin, 358
MacDonald, Eva, 359
MacDonald, Gladys Pauline, 358
MacDonald, Idabelle, 359
MacDonald, Mary Lou, 359
MacDonald, Rex, 359
MacDonald, W.R. Budd, 363
MacDonald, Wilday Albert “Wiley”, 358
MacDonald, William Robert, 359
MacDonald, William Wallace, 358
Mack, Lucy, 137, 139
Mack, Lucy Johnston, 35
Magill, Mary Sharp, 135
Mahan, Adah, 284
Mahan, Robert, 284
Maines, Geneva Mae, 304
Mallicoat, Sabrina, 512
Manafee, Mary, 123
Manafee, Mildred, 123
Mann, Aaron, 324, 331
Mann, Clarrisa Helen, 323, 324, 330, 331
Mann, Mary E., 331
Manuel, Darwin, 282
Manuel, Heidi, 282
Marchman, Faye, 624
Margas, Charles, 253
Margas, Harris, 253
Margas, Johnny, 253
Markham, Maria, 143
Marksbury, James, 60
Marr, Janie Sharp, 311
Marshall, Belva Maye, 416
Marshall, Charles Thomas, 377
Marshall, David Ory, 415
Marshall, James Allen, 415
Marshall, LaVerne Lucille, 446
Marshall, Lucille, 445
Marshall, Opal Fern Rawlins, 486
Marshall, Walter Claire, 445
Marshall, Woodrow Jessie, 486
Martin, Cathy, 1, 66
Martin, Eugene Franklin, 259
Martin, Eva Lee, 560
Martin, James Edwin, 591
Martin, Jane, 282
Martin, Jonathan, 54
Martin, Karen, 54
Martin, Lettie L., 591
Martin, Mary Lou Ella, 379
Martin, Nancy, 1
Martin, Rebecca, 1, 2, 51
Martin, Richard, 1, 4, 67, 85, 94, 96, 104, 120, 125, 126, 181, 194, 201-203, 255, 260-267, 273-275, 289, 448
Martin, Ron, 1, 6, 20, 54, 82, 104, 126, 181, 263
Martin, Samuel, 591
Martin, William George, 560
Martin, William O., 122
Martindale, John J., 521
Martindale, John Jackson, 523
Martindale, Wade Stanford, 521, 524
Martindale, Ward Wendal, 521, 524
Mason, J. Hill, 167
Mason, Julia M., 167
Mason, Lucy, 167
Mason, Lucy J., 167
Mason, Mary Alice, 561
Mason, Mattie, 161
Mason, Richard, 167
Mason, William, 167
Mason, William M. (Dr.), 167
Massengill, Anthony Geneva, 368
Massengill, Dollie, 368
Massengill, Earnest Edward, 368, 372
Massengill, Inez, 368
Massengill, Lewis, 368
Massengill, Margaret Maxine, 368
Massengill, Ronald, 368
Massengill, Ulas, 368
Massengill, Walter, 368
Massengill, Warren P., 368
Masters, Charles C., 427
Masters, Richard L., 427
Masterson, Elzy B., 420
Masterson, Louis E., 420
Masterson, Louis Franklin, 420
Masterson, Raymond Rudolph, 420
Mastin, Surrena, 386
Mathers, Frances Ethel, 363
Mathers, Tabitha L., 247
Mathers, William Parker, 363
Mathews, Mary Jane, 330
Matthews, Catherine, 307
Matthews, Elizabeth Ann, 308, 310, 315
Matthews, Elizabeth Jane, 372
Matthews, Flo L., 603
Matthews, Joel Gant, 308
Matthews, Lavinia, 308
Matthews, William L., 307
Matson, Don, 95, 96
Maupin, Lucy A., 431
May, J. R., 604
May, Larkin Herbert, 604
May, Marguerite Charity “Rita”, 604
May, Merrell Larkin, 605
Mayfield, Denise Coffey, 140
Mayfield, Henry W., 211
Mayfield, Isaac William, 248
Mayfield, James B., 248
Mayfield, Rachel Sophronia, 211
Mayfield, William, 140
Mayfield, William D., 211, 248
Mattson, Catherine Downey, 127
Mayfield, Charles N., 249, 250
Mayfield, Ida J., 250
Mayfield, Isaac Edgar, 249, 250
Mayfield, Isaac William, 250
Mayfield, James B., 249
Mayfield, James H., 250
Mayfield, Jean, 83
Mayfield, Jesse W., 211
Mayfield, Levi N., 249
Mayfield, Margaret S., 249, 250
Mayfield, Mary A., 250
Mayfield, Mary Margaret Jessee, 368
Mayfield, Perlie, 249, 250
Mayfield, Reuben T., 250
Mayfield, Sarah Eliza, 249, 250, 251, 252
Mayfield, Sarah Jane, 249
Mayfield, Walter Weatherby, 365, 366
Mayfield, William A., 249
Mayhan, Robert, 283
Maxwell, Sarah, 433
Means, James Clyde, 345
Means, William Jefferson, 345
Meazell, Billie Ruth, 606
Meazell, Hutson Erastus, 606
Meazell, Joy Ellen, 606
Meazell, Moses, 606
Mechum, Carl Weston, 495
Mechum, Gracie Florence, 495
Meeker, Beth, 362
Meeker, Robert, 362
Mefford, Priscilla Adelkine, 359
Merrell, Albert William, 605
Merrell, Anna Mae, 605
Merrell, Clara Christina, 604
Merrell, Helen Ann “Annie”, 605
Merrell, Henry Adolphus, 604
Merrell, Robert William, 605
Merrell, Synthia Serena “Rena”, 604
Messick, Mary, 152
Metelko, Joseph “Joe” F., 259
Meuller, Adam, 129
Meyer, Conrad, 423
Meyer, Henry Lee, 423
Meyer, Joy Lee, 423
Meyer, Mavis Maxine, 423
Meyer, Rosina L., 423
Mickley, May Harriet, 335
Millard, Mary Mathews, 329
Miller, A. G., 462
Miller, Alverta Anna, 339
Miller, Aran, 432
Miller, Arlie A., 321
Miller, Bernice G., 321
Miller, Bessie Eunice, 323, 324
Miller, Calvin L., 321
Miller, Carl Eugene, 321
Miller, Carolyn Jeanette, 321
Miller, Delbert, 259
Miller, Delpha Marie, 299
Miller, Delbert J., 320
Miller, Dorothy, 320
Miller, Edwin Rutherford, 324
Miller, Eleanor I., 321
Miller, Elizabeth, 320
Miller, Florence Amanda, 461, 462, 608
Miller, Gail, 320
Miller, Harry Alvin, 320
Miller, Henry, 307, 320
Miller, Hope Alouise, 443
Miller, James Lemuel, 321
Miller, Jefferson Hays, 320
Miller, Jennifer, 282
Miller, John Austin, 320
Miller, Jonathan Paris, 432
Miller, Lemuel B., 321
Miller, Marjorie A., 320
Miller, Merle W., 321
Miller, Rose Garnet, 489
Miller, Sonora E., 320
Miller, Theron C., 321
Miller, Violet Ina, 486, 489
Miller, Winaferd, 321
Mills, Anderson B., 236
Mills, Everett W., 358
Mills, Helen, 45
Mills, Helen Younger, 32
Mills, John, 185, 311
Mills, Mary “Polly” Coffey, 236
Mills, Warren H., 359
Minter, Elizabeth A., 606
Mitchell, Grace, 302
Mitchell, Hugh, 389
Mitchell, Lewis, 183, 184, 185
Mitchell, Lydia Beve(a)line, 340, 343
Mitchell, Murline Alice, 359
Mitchell, Hugh, 391
Mitchell, Thomas H., 340
Mize, Fannie D., 385, 386
Mize, Hattie, 402
Mize, John W., 386
Mize, Mattie, 402
Mize, William, 402
Mobly, Charles Barton, 619
Mobly, Dorothy Guthrie, 620
Mobly, Eugene Walter, 619
Mobly, Joe Ben, 620
Mobly, Joseph Middleton, 619, 620
Mobly, Laura Nell, 620
Mobly, Mamie Alice, 622
Mobly, Marvin Voorhies, 620
Mobly, Sam, 622
Mobly, Virgil Clyde, 619
Mobly, Wallace Elvis, 619
Monahan, Cathie (Tom), 259
Monahan, Mikaylee, 259
Monahan, Ryan, 259
Monks, R.H., 374
Monroe, Catherine “Kate”, 408
Monroe, James (President), 186, 189, 192
Monroe, Jane, 346
Monroe, John, 408
Monroe, Marilyn, 287
Montgomery, Anne Deubery, 124
Montgomery, Elizabeth, 306
Montgomery, Jane A., 332
Montgomery, Mary Eliza, 328
Montgomery, Murray M., 332
Montgomery, Murray Mathews, 332
Moody, Mary Polly, 228
Moody, William A., 546
Moore, ______ (Bro), 80
Moore, Alley, 231
Moore, Alley Johnson, 163
Moore, Alpha Ann, 418
Moore, Bident “Biddy”, 163, 219
Moore, Ida E., 407
Moore, Isaac N., 439
Moore, James, 407
Moore, James Franklin “Frank”, 405, 407
Moore, Jesse, 163
Moore, Lawson, 439
Moore, M. E., 169
Moore, Mildred Millie, 219
Moore, Sarah Alley, 229
Moore, Sarah Angeline, 232, 233
Moore, Nancy Bell, 410
Moore, T. S., 636
Moore, William, 410
Moore, William R., 439
Moran, Nicholas, 210
Moran, Winifred, 81
Moreland, Alfred, 101, 102, 244
Moreland, Bertha C., 244
Moreland, Celia, 101, 244
Moreland, Elizabeth, 101, 244
Moreland, George, 102, 103
Moreland, George W., 244, 245
Moreland, John D., 101, 244
Moreland, Lawson, 101, 102
Moreland, Lawson H., 244, 245
Moreland, Margaret (Billings), 244
Moreland, Matilda, 95, 101, 102, 103, 104, 244, 245, 246, 247
Moreland, Minnie D., 244
Moreland, Myrtie M., 244
Moreland, Nancy Ann, 101, 244
Moreland, Sankie, 244
Moreland, Temperance Coffey, 95
Moreland, William, 100, 102, 103, 244
Morgan, Daniel, 192
Morgan, John Hunt (General), 30
Morgan, Myrnice Noreen, 362
Morgan, Nobel, Jr., 528
Morgan, Robert Ray, 531
Morgan, Robert Ray, Jr., 531
Morgan, Robert William, 531
Morgan, Rose Jean, 528
Morgan, Sally, 161
Morris, Bonita L., 607
Morris, Dilmus, 639
Morris, Elza George, 462, 607, 608
Morris, Evelyn Grace, 462, 608
Morris, Flora Viola, 639
Morris, George David, 607
Morris, George H., 462
Morris, George Harrison, 606, 607
Morris, Hamilton Rowan, 607
Morris, Homer Jarret, 599, 608, 609, 610
Morris, Idella Maude, 468
Morris, Infant Son, 468
Morris, John Ervin, 468
Morris, Lillie Amelia, 607, 609
Morris, Lonita, 597, 599, 610
Morris, Lyman Fain, 468
Morris, Martha, 300
Morris, Mildred “Millie”, 213
Morris, Minerva, 300
Morris, Oscar Parks, 608, 610
Morris, Onas Eldred, 607, 608
Morris, Oneita Olive, 468
Morris, Samuel, 300
Morris, Thomas Jefferson, 608, 610
Morris, Victor Leon, 607, 609
Morris, Vona L. “Vonie”, 609, 610
Morris, William Estile “Will”, 607, 608
Morris, William Zachariah, 468
Morris, Zenus O., 468
Morrison, Charles Burton, 327
Morrison, Mary Loucinda, 327
Moseley, John, 196
Mosely, Edward, 175, 195
Mosely, Mary Elizabeth Jewell, 225
Mosley, William (Captain), 72, 73
Moss, Bobby Gilmer, 68
Moss, John Thomas, 444, 446
Moss, Johnston, 446
Moss, Lewellen Jane, 444, 446
Mountz, Adam, 376
Mountz, Adam F., 377
Mountz, David Russell, 376
Mountz, Ella Rebecca, 377
Mountz, Fannie Winnie, 376
Mountz, Helen Joyce, 377
Mountz, Helen Marie, 377
Mountz, Herman A., 377
Mountz, Hjalmer, 377
Mountz, Ida Ruth, 377
Mountz, Joe, 377
Mountz, Joel William, 376
Mountz, Mary Louise, 377
Mountz, Mary Margaret, 377
Mountz, Mildred Ruth, 377
Mountz, Montford McKinney, 377
Mountz, Nellie Russell, 377
Mountz, Paul Ransom, 377
Mountz, Quida Mattie, 376
Mountz, Rebecca Hope, 377
Mountz, Sarah Katherine, 377
Mountz, Taulbee Preston, 377
Mountz, Thomas Gordon, 377
Mountz, Thomas McKinney, 377
Mountz, William Alberta, 376
Mountz, William J., 377
Mousner, John, 578
Mousner, Katherine Fay “Katie” McMullen, 578
Moyer, Elisha Oto “Mac”, 518
Moyer, Eva Lula, 518
Moyer, James Otto, 518
Moyer, John A., 519
Moyer, Josiah, 517
Muir, Alexander, 631
Muir, Sarah, 440
Mulky, J. B., 161
Mullen, Allen Glenn, 440
Mullen, Curtis G., 440
Mullen, Gilbert P., 441
Mullen, John Edward, 440
Mullen, John Wells, 440
Mullen, Madalyn, 441
Mullen, Mary Jane, 441
Mullen, Nelson H., 441
Mullen, Russell Sage, 441
Mullen, William Patrick, 440
Muller, George Allen, 565
Munger, Adrian Russell, 483
Munger, Charles LeRoe, 483
Munger, Delmer Lee, 483
Munger, Marsha Kathleen “Kay”, 483
Murphy, Ellen, 206
Murphy, Eva Mae, 591
Murphy, James Frank, 591
Murphy, John, 206
Murphy, Mary Ann, 206
Murphy, Matilda, 186, 187
Murrow, Edward R., 370
Muscoe, Salvator, 175, 196
Myers, Georgianna, 426
Myers, John Winslow, 426
Myers, Mary Margaret, 426
Myerts, Mary Margaret, 424
Nagel, Herman August, 441
Nagel, Laura Hermine, 441, 444
Nail, Lloyd, 119
Nail, Lloyd Oscar, 645
Nail, June Kathleen, 645
Nail, Paul, 645
Nathan, Raghu (Dr.), 283
Neal, Dortha, 318
Neal, John Logan, 318
Neal, Josiah Harris, 318
Neal, William, 30
Neese, Albert, 252
Neese, Albert W., 250
Neese, Dora A., 252
Neese, Dora Alice, 250, 251, 252
Neese, John E., 250
Neese, Lewis, 250, 252
Neese, Lucy V., 250, 251
Neese, Madison, 252
Neese, Madison A., 250
Neese, Malissa, 250, 252
Neese, Mary, 252
Neese, Mary E., 250
Neese, William, 252
Neese, William A., 250, 251
Neill, Ann, 248
Neill, Edward, 248
Neill, Gilbert William, 248
Neill, Naomi Elizabeth, 248
Neill, William, 248
Nelson, George W., 148
Nelson, Margaret, 365, 366
Nelson, Mary, 152
Nelson, Mary L. Coffey, 148
Nelson, Susan J., 300
Netherton, Alma Lou, 410
Netherton, Charles Henry, 410
Netherton, Charles Vivion, 410
Netherton, Florence Amanda, 410
Netherton, Lillian Kate, 410
Newkirk, Conley, 376-377
Newport, Christopher (Captain), 84
Newton, Charles P., 223
Niblack, James, 28
Niblack, Jemima McKinney, 208
Nicholas, Jacob, 129, 635
Nichols, Dennie Curtis, 604
Nichols, Dora C., 604
Nichols, Lorenzo David, Jr., 604
Nichols, Lorenzo David, Sr., 604
Nichols, Mary Caroline, 328
Nichols, Ruth E., 328
Nicholson, Ellen E., 614
Nicholson, Frances, 374
Nicholson, Tom, 374
Noble, Margaret, 527
Noble, Thomas Barbour, III, 527
Noble, Thomas Barbour, Jr., 526
Noble, Thomas Barbour, Sr., 526
Noggle, Eliza J., 300
Noggle, Samuel, 300
Nooe, Mary Helen, 330
Norman, Betty Marie, 641
Norman, Hugh Woods, 641, 642
Norman, James L., 641
Norman, Lucille Harris, 642
Norman, Lucinda, 319
Norman, Suzanne, 641
Norris, Hamilton, 376
Norris, Simpson, 376
Norvell, Daniel Gregory, 438
Norvell, Hattie M., 437
Norvell, Henry Elmer, 438
Norvell, Lula, 438
Norvell, Nora Bell, 437
Norvell, Stella Adelia, 437
Norvell, William E., 438
Norvell, William H., 437
Nossaman, Mary, 340
Nunn, Joseph Richey, 367
Oatts, Mary J. Coffey, 163
Offen, Harold, 356
Ogez, Charles, Jr., 518
Ogez, Charles, Sr., 518
Ogez, Edwin, 519
Ogez, Ernest Lee, 519
Okeefe, Frances Jean, 455
Oldham, Absalom, 18, 24
Oldham, Sallie Ann, 438
Oldham, Zere, 17, 438
O’Neal, Martha, 300
Orr, ______ (Infant Son), 457
Orr, Calvin Taylor, 456
Orr, Charles Taylor, 456
Orr, Charles Thompson, 456
Orr, Jane, 455, 456
Orr, Lydia Carson, 302
Orr, Margaret Ann, 457
Orr, Nell Emeline, 456
Orr, Robert Parks, 457
Orr, William George, 455, 457
Orr, Willis Walker, 612
Osborn, John William “Bill”, 346
Osborn, Ruth V., 346
Osborne, Allen, 346
Osborne, Elizabeth C., 348
Osborne, Eva L., 346
Osborne, Millard Fillmore “Tuck”, 346
Osborne, Robert Fillmore, 346
Osborne, Thomas, 346
Osborne, Walter, 346
Overstreet, Mildred, 326
Owen, Jesse W., 347
Owens, Alexander, 133
Owens, Allen Clifford, 536
Owens, Almira Jeanette, 215
Owens, America Legrande, 215
Owens, Charles Oliver, 215
Owens, Cyrene Anne, 215
Owens, Dorothy P., 545
Owens, Elizabeth, 216
Owens, Garry, 536
Owens, Harriett Evaline, 335
Owens, Jane, 216
Owens, John, 133, 216
Owens, John A., 335
Owens, John Wesley, 545
Owens, Joseph, 214, 215
Owens, Joseph Singleton, 215
Owens, Katherine Ann, 536
Owens, Lucinda, 216
Owens, Marguerite, 545
Owens, Mary, 215
Owens, Mary “Polly”, 216
Owens, Reuben Asbury “R.A.”, 215
Owens, Samuel Washington, 215
Owens, Sarah Malissa, 215
Owens, Sarah “Sally” Coffee, 214
Owens, Sidney Coffee, 215
Owens, Simeon, 216
Owsley, Emma M., 373
Pace, Arland A., 527
Pace, Cecille M., 527
Pace, Georgia, 368
Page, Geraldine, 493
Page, Grover Cleveland, Sr., 493
Page, John F., 493
Painter, Samuel O., 435
Pannell, Thomas, 76
Panter, Arthur Alfred, 492
Panter, Arthur Alfred, Jr., 492
Panter, Jack Bernard, 492
Panter, Sharon Virginia, 492
Panter, William M., 492
Pardee, Winifred, 361
Parido, Martha Calpurnia, 348
Papworth, Lillian Elizabeth, 393
Papworth, Robert, 393
Park, Chester, 524
Parker, Abraham Lincoln, 427
Parker, Abraham Vincent, 427
Parker, Marjorie Ellen, 427
Parker, Philip Alexander, 427
Parker, Robert, 175
Parks, Abigail “Abbey”, 623
Parks, Abigail D., 626
Parks, Albert E. “Bertie”, 457
Parks, Alfred James, 453
Parks, Amelia A., 46, 144
Parks, Amelia Ann, 453
Parks, Amelia Sharp, 46, 145, 146, 617
Parks, Anna R., 457
Parks, Arminta “Minta” Dora, 602
Parks, Benjamin, 130
Parks, Benjamin Curtis, 454, 455, 465
Parks, Benjamin K., 457
Parks, Benjamin Walker, 456
Parks, Betty Jim, 460
Parks, Carrie Virginia, 591, 592
Parks, Catherine, 46, 48, 450-453, 461
Parks, Catherine Reeds, 52
Parks, Charles Curtis, 589, 627
Parks, Charlie Rowan Alexander, Sr., 602
Parks, Clara M., 146
Parks, Clara May, 145, 624, 625
Parks, Claudie, 602
Parks, Curtis, 46, 52, 144, 588, 617, 618
Parks, Dona Elizabeth, 591
Parks, Dona Etta, 591
Parks, Dora Ella, 591, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598
Parks, Dorothy F., 457
Parks, Elias, 450
Parks, Elias R., 453, 463, 465
Parks, Elihu, 591
Parks, Ellen P., 591
Parks, Eugene Volney, 458
Parks, Fannie G., 601, 602, 603
Parks, Faye, 458
Parks, Faye Lee, 459
Parks, Fred Stuart, 457
Parks, George, 41, 44, 52, 129, 628
Parks, George Carrol, 450, 459
Parks, George Carrollton, 453, 458
Parks, George M., 146
Parks, George Meredith, 589, 601
Parks, George Merida, 602, 603, 618
Parks, George P., 46
Parks, George Sharp, 589
Parks, George Taylor (Dr), 454, 455, 456
Parks, George Washington, 458
Parks, Gladys Louise, 457
Parks, Graydon Thomas Kirwin, 623
Parks, Hannah Malinda, 146, 457, 496
Parks, Harold Darby, 619, 624
Parks, Harrison R., 458
Parks, Harrison Monroe, 458
Parks, Hattie K., 460
Parks, Hobard Perry, 623
Parks, Ida Pearl, 625, 626, 627
Parks, Ila Loyd, 624
Parks, Iva Ann “Effa”, 601, 602
Parks, J. J., 52
Parks, James, 45
Parks, James C., 46
Parks, James Johnson, 589, 591, 592, 593
Parks, James “Jim” Johnston, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598
Parks, James Lester, Sr., 458
Parks, James Meredith, 455
Parks, Jennie, 624
Parks, Jennie Amelia, 601
Parks, Jennie Campbell, 455, 456
Parks, Jennie Vashti, 460
Parks, Jesse Lee, 456
Parks, John Alexander, 589, 617
Parks, John Curtis “Curt”, 591
Parks, John Lafayette, 602
Parks, John M., 458
Parks, Joy, 601
Parks, Kirtland Garvin, 457
Parks, Laura, 146
Parks, Laura Alice “Lena”, 626
Parks, Laura Malinda “Aunt Sis”, 589, 618, 621
Parks, Laura T., 601
Parks, Leila Ruth, 458
Parks, Lena, 624
Parks, Leon Boyce, 458
Parks, Lille, 461
Parks, Lillie, 591
Parks, Lillie May, 460
Parks, Lina G., 456
Parks, Lottie M., 591
Parks, Lou, 601
Parks, Loura A., 623
Parks, Loura Alice, 625, 626
Parks, Mable Lyter, 458
Parks, Mack Donald, 458
Parks, Malinda, 31, 454, 455, 465, 467
Parks, Malinda Sharp, 48, 146, 448, 450-453
Parks, Marta Gertrude, 457
Parks, Marvin George, 458, 459
Parks, Marvin Lamont, 460
Parks, Mary, 458, 602
Parks, Mary E., 458
Parks, Mary Elizabeth, 457
Parks, Mary Elizabeth “Bessie”, 454
Parks, Mary Jane, 589, 605
Parks, Mary Jane Voorhies, 146
Parks, Mary L., 460
Parks, Mary M., 46
Parks, Mary Minerva “Polly”, 467, 468, 470, 476, 479, 623
Parks, M. Rena, 592
Parks, Meredith, 48, 53, 450-453
Parks, Milly, 47
Parks, Minnie, 458
Parks, Minnie L. “Peggy”, 458
Parks, Mollie Ella, 601
Parks, Molly “Polly” Minerva, 453
Parks, Nana Lena, 591
Parks, Nancy Catherine, 589, 606, 607, 608, 610-615
Parks, Nancy E., 100, 453, 465
Parks, Nell Neill, 458
Parks, Nellie Estelle, 460
Parks, Odie E., 592
Parks, Paris A., 591
Parks, Pearl, 146, 623, 627
Parks, Peter Henry, 458
Parks, Pine McKenzie “Mack”, 460
Parks, Polly Minerva, 470, 471, 592
Parks, Rebecca S., 453
Parks, Rebecca Serena “Becky”, 457
Parks, Rebecca Serena or Syrena “Rena”, 589, 603
Parks, Robert, 458
Parks, Rosa Lee, 459
Parks, Ruth, 458
Parks, Sallie Catherine, 453
Parks, Serena “Rene”, 623
Parks, Serena Jane “Rena”, 626
Parks, Sam Brown, 459
Parks, Samuel, 619
Parks, Samuel Nathe, 623, 624
Parks, Sarah Ann “Sally”, 628
Parks, Sarah C., 46
Parks, Sarah Louisa, 589, 590
Parks, Susan Ollie, 464
Parks, Susie Molly, 456
Parks, Tex, 146, 628
Parks, Texana Christian, 622
Parks, Thomas, 144
Parks, Thomas Jefferson, 145-146, 589, 619, 622, 623, 624, 624, 625, 626, 627
Parks, Tom, 146, 627
Parks, William Benjamin, 457
Parks, William E., 591
Parks, William Meredith “Bub”, 457
Parks, William P., 589
Parks, Zue Serina, 602
Parr, Dolly, 139
Parr, Dolly Johnston, 35
Parr, George, 39
Parr, Stuckey, 139
Parr, Stuckey Johnston, 35
Parr, William, 131
Parrish, Leslie Clay, 348
Parrish, Ruby Lee, 347
Pasley, James W., 345
Pasley, Lavinia, 345
Passmore, ______ (Mr), 373
Patrick, Polly A., 376
Patterson, Alta, 249
Patterson, Cora Mae, 249
Patterson, Harvey Jackson, 420
Patterson, Joseph Austin, 249
Patterson, Josephine Lunella, 249
Patterson, Lloyd Henry, 420
Patterson, Mabel Beatrice, 355
Patterson, Mabel Elizabeth, 249
Patterson, Margaret Lucille, 249
Patterson, Minnie Lee, 249
Patterson, Robert William, 249
Patterson, Roy Glen, 249
Patterson, Sarah Jane Mayfield, 250
Patton, Homer, 463
Patton, James Robert, 463
Patton, Martha A., 351, 353
Patton, Robert Locke, 463
Patton, William Sebastian, 463
Pauley, William, 636
Payne, Lucy, 325, 332
Pearcy, Sarah, 320
Pearson, Everett Van Dyke, 562
Peck, Helen May, 300
Peck, Mary, 320
Pelkey, Clarence Raymond, 616
Pence (Pense), Jacob, 6, 201, 202, 203, 635
Pence, Valentine, 129
Pender, Betty, 97
Pender, Deck, 97
Pender, Deller, 97
Pender, M. M., 97
Pender, W. R., 97
Pendergraft, Elizabeth, 420
Penn, Ada, 151
Pennington, Annie May, 610
Perdue, Charles Herman, 318, 319
Perea, Maria, 360
Perkins, Sarah E., 429
Perry, Eva Rollison, 174
Perry, Henry Fales, 107
Perryman, Noble, 420
Perryman, Phoebe Jane, 420
Peterson, Harriet “Hattie” Wilcox
Pettitt, Asa, 396
Pettitt, Marie, 397
Pettitt, Victor, 397
Pfornt, Anna Barbara, 2, 5
Phelps, Charles Clarence, 380
Phelps, William Harold, 380
Pickles, Martha, 340
Pierce, Barbara Fern, 259
Pierce, Billy (Rev.), 281
Pierson, Anna, 300
Pillow, William N., 139
Pinkston, Hannah Ellen, 435
Pinner, Iva Beatrice, 619
Pitman, Mary Jane, 240
Place, Francie, 77
Place, Francis, 76, 77, 175, 198, 200
Place, Margaret, 76, 77, 200
Place, Mary, 72, 76, 77, 175, 195, 196, 200
Place, Rowland, 77
Plemmons, Charles H., 553
Plemmons, Howard Thomas, 553
Plemmons, Joe, 553
Plemmons, Larry Wayne, 553
Plemmons, Rosemary Ada, 553
Plemmons, Sallie, 553
Plessner, Ida May, 338
Poe, Allen, 125
Pogue, Ashley Buford, 478
Pogue, Ashly B., 592
Pogue, Billy Joe, 603
Pogue, Charlie Thompson, 592
Pogue, Clifford Hamilton, 478, 592
Pogue, Frederick Leonidas, 462
Pogue, Gerald, 478
Pogue, Goldie Rea, 593
Pogue, Hammond Allen, 592
Pogue, Rosa Lee, 610
Pogue, Ruby Nebb, 478
Pogue, Samuel Hamilton, 592
Pogue, Samuel Mason (Rev), 603
Pogue, Thomas Ray, 603
Pogue, Von Ray, 592
Pogue, William Washington, 610
Pogue, Woody Ray, 593
Pohl, John, 296
Poindexter, Larkin Money, 416
Poindexter, Wilson Bryan, 416
Poland, Carl, 368
Polette, Thomas Maurice, 344
Polk, James K. (President), 39, 127, 131, 132
Polk, Sarah Childress, 132
Pomeroy, William Harold, 300
Poole, Richard, 73
Pope, Claudie, 520
Pope, Loren, 519
Pope, Nina Louise, 520
Pope, Ruth, 519
Poppleton, Donna Mae, 408
Poppleton, Robert James, 408
Porter, Anna Amelia, 453
Porter, Annie Amelia, 455
Porter, David Garrett, 462
Porter, Icy Mary, 462
Porter, James (Judge), 220, 224
Porter, John Franklin, 453, 464
Porter, Joshua, 453
Porter, May Fanny, 454
Porter, Medlock Horatio, 462
Porter, Sophia Suttenfield, 223
Porter, Susan Jane, 464
Porter, Tom Benton, Jr., 462
Porter, Tom Benton, Sr., 462
Posey, John, 421
Potter, Clara Anna, 362
Powe, Florence Kate, 328
Powell, Andrew, 76
Powell, Ann, 62, 63, 209
Powell, Ann Ester, 175, 196
Powell, Frances, 73
Powell, Honorias (Honours), 73, 74, 75, 195, 199
Powell, Honorias, Sr., 198
Powell, John, 72, 75, 76, 195, 199
Powell, Lucretia, 76
Powell, Mary, 73, 74, 75, 76, 199
Powell, Nathaniel, 76
Powell, Place, 73, 74, 75, 175, 197, 198
Powell, Robert, 72, 76
Powell, Thomas, 72, 73, 74, 76, 175, 196, 198, 199, 200
Powell, Thomas, Jr., 75, 76, 199
Powell, William, 73
Price, Dowell Francis, 379
Price, Earl C., 314, 315
Price, Elizabeth, 427
Price, Francis Marion, 379
Price, Polly Gillum, 300
Priebe, Albert August, 565
Priebe, Carolina Lucille “Callie”, 565
Priebe, Charles Leonard, 565, 566
Priebe, Dorothy Grace, 566
Priebe, Kenneth Wayne, 565, 566
Priebe, Lee Andrew, 566
Priebe, Lester John Harlis, 566
Priebe, Mary Elizabeth, 566
Priebe, Patricia Jean “Patsy”, 565, 566
Prince, Arthur A., 499
Prince, Bently, 499
Prince, Bessie, 499
Prince, Charles Hiram, 499
Prince, Delia, 499
Prince, Isaac Madison, 498, 499
Prince, Norine, 499
Prince, Steve Grandver, 499
Prince, Virgil, 499
Prince, William Robert, 499
Privett, Frances Indiana, 309, 320
Privett, Jacob, 320
Probasco, Thomas, 342
Procter, Lloyd Green, 431
Procter, Robert Newton, 431
Procters, George, 175, 197
Procters, William, 175, 197
Pruitt, Ida May, 296
Pruitt, Vera Ester Viola, 564
Prutzman, Margaret, 456
Puckett, Ed, 17
Puckett, Edward, 19, 21, 27
Puckett, Serena Jane, 367
Puckett, William Riley, 367
Pyle, Jack Leon, 410
Quantrill, William C., 224
Quinn, John R., 295
Quinn, Nancy “Nannie” Ellen, 295
Ragland, Jack, 455, 619
Ragland, John Brown, 619
Ralston, Mary Beatrice, 419
Rambo, Stacy, 150
Ramey, Alexander “Alec” H., 357, 358
Ramey, Alexander H., 433
Ramey, Leorin H., 357, 433
Ramey, Mary Ethel, 357, 433
Ramsey, Salley, 213
Ramsey, Thomas, 175
Randel, Cyril A., 363
Randel, Edward William, 363
Randel, Russell Ira, 363
Randel, Sylvia J., 363
Randolph, James Mayberry, 221
Ransom, Temperance Lord, 300
Ransom, Thomas Lord, 300
Ranson, Jessie R., 336
Rawdon, Moura Lee, 613
Rawdon, Orlie Clyde, 613
Rawdon, Patsy Darlene, 613
Rawdon, Ruth Ann, 613
Rawlings, Hubbard Melton, 145
Rawlins, A. Bledsoe, 456
Rawlins, Addie May, 471, 473
Rawlins, Addison Clark, 473, 479, 480
Rawlins, Addison Clark, Jr., 480
Rawlins, Addison Clark, Sr., 481
Rawlins, Alan Azel “Zell”, 490
Rawlins, Albert Edward, 587
Rawlins, Aleda M., 479-480
Rawlins, Allen, 51
Rawlins, Allen Grove, 573
Rawlins, Alton Mark, 483
Rawlins, Amelia Ann, 535
Rawlins, Attie Viola, 567, 568
Rawlins, Barbara L., 574
Rawlins, Barbara Leah, 588
Rawlins, Barbara Lee, 488
Rawlins, Beatrice Michelle, 470
Rawlins, Beatrix, 471, 490
Rawlins, Beatrix Michelle, 471-472, 493
Rawlins, Belah Arthur, 487
Rawlins, Benjamin Parks, 472
Rawlins, Bert, 585
Rawlins, Berta Lee, 472, 493
Rawlins, Bettie Zane, 582
Rawlins, Betty Ann, 582
Rawlins, Betty Sharon, 483
Rawlins, Billie (Elder), 47, 526
Rawlins, Billie Jack, 485
Rawlins, Billy, 582
Rawlins, Campbell Alvin, 582
Rawlins, Carolyn Janet, 490
Rawlins, Charles Franklin, 574
Rawlins, Charles Lelan, 483
Rawlins, Charles William, 479
Rawlins, Charlotte Sue, 588
Rawlins, Chester, 485
Rawlins, Chester “Chet”, 489
Rawlins, Claude, 580
Rawlins, Claude Leslie, 577, 578
Rawlins, Clay Azell, 490
Rawlins, Clifford, 485
Rawlins, Clifford Douglas, 488
Rawlins, Clifford Ruben, 488. 489
Rawlins, Cora, 471
Rawlins, Cora Henrietta, 492, 494
Rawlins, Daniel Latson, 492
Rawlins, Deloris A., 487
Rawlins, Deral Leon, 482
Rawlins, Donald Robert, 492
Rawlins, Eddie May, 473
Rawlins, Elizabeth Joyce, 588
Rawlins, Elizabeth Louise, 574
Rawlins, Elsie Rae, 472, 495
Rawlins, Emily Adeline, 468
Rawlins, Ernest Martin, 488
Rawlins, Eula, 484, 494
Rawlins, Evelyn Billington, 482
Rawlins, Francis Allen, 566
Rawlins, Francis Allen Roderick, 567
Rawlins, Francis Carol, 586
Rawlins, Frank, 51
Rawlins, Fred, 480
Rawlins, Fred Lee, 484, 485, 487, 488, 489
Rawlins, Fred Lee, Jr., 487, 490
Rawlins, Fred Lee., Sr., 480, 481, 483, 486
Rawlins, Freddie, 485
Rawlins, Fredrick Lee, 482
Rawlins, Galen Lyle, 484
Rawlins, Gary Lynn, 488
Rawlins, Gayle Ginnene
Rawlins, George, 51
Rawlins, George Clement, 472
Rawlins, George Edgar, 568, 573, 583, 586, 588
Rawlins, George Edgar, Jr., 584, 587
Rawlins, George Edgar, Sr., 587
Rawlins, George Roderick, 145, 566, 567, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588
Rawlins, Georgia Mae, 583
Rawlins, Gerald Steven “Jerry”, 488
Rawlins, Glenda, 568, 574
Rawlins, Grace Eleanor, 573
Rawlins, Grace Monica, 568
Rawlins, Gracie, 487
Rawlins, Gracie Pearl, 586
Rawlins, H. B., 482
Rawlins, Harold Alfred, 490
Rawlins, Harold Lea “Pete”, 482
Rawlins, Helen Rose, 570, 571, 575
Rawlins, Henry B., 482
Rawlins, Henry Clay, 470, 471, 472, 490, 494, 623
Rawlins, Henry Grove, 568, 572
Rawlins, Herbert Earl “Bert”, 482
Rawlins, Howard Dean, 483
Rawlins, Howard DeWitt, 483
Rawlins, Hubbard, 51
Rawlins, Hubbard Melton/Milton, 525, 547, 576, 577, 578, 579, 580, 582
Rawlins, Hubert Ham, 568, 574
Rawlins, Hubert Thomas, 574
Rawlins, Jack L., 574
Rawlins, Jacquelyn, 490-492
Rawlins, Jacquelyn Ann, 483
Rawlins, James, 585
Rawlins, James A., 98, 549, 577, 578, 579, 580
Rawlins, James Alfred, 471, 486
Rawlins, James Alfred “Jim”, 481
Rawlins, James Alfred “Jim”, Sr., 479, 480, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 489, 491, 492, 493
Rawlins, James “Jim”, 484
Rawlins, James Otis “Jim”, 488
Rawlins, James Ralph “Jim”, 489
Rawlins, Jewis “Judy”, 483
Rawlins, Jim, 482
Rawlins, Joe Alvin, 582
Rawlins, John, 471, 492
Rawlins, John Allen, 473
Rawlins, John Allen, Jr., 473
Rawlins, John David, 586
Rawlins, John David, Jr., 586
Rawlins, John Duane, 488-489
Rawlins, John Jay Crittendon, 470, 471
Rawlins, John Martin, 467, 468, 623
Rawlins, Joy J. “Rita Joyce”, 587
Rawlins, Joyce, 489
Rawlins, Judith Kay “Judy”, 488
Rawlins, Julia Fae, 582
Rawlins, Katherine, 580
Rawlins, Lena Belle, 471, 492
Rawlins, Leona Edna, 579, 580
Rawlins, Leona M., 479, 480
Rawlins, Lessie Fay, 582
Rawlins, Lillie Arthus ‘Dolly’, 572, 573
Rawlins, Lillie Mae, 588
Rawlins, Lillie Naomi, 584, 585
Rawlins, Linda Lee, 490
Rawlins, Lois Estella, 481
Rawlins, Lois Verna, 472, 493
Rawlins, Lola Dell, 490
Rawlins, Louisa A., 468
Rawlins, Lucinda, 51, 497
Rawlins, Lydia, 582
Rawlins, Lydia Adaline Parks, 582, 583
Rawlins, Lydia Annette, 586
Rawlins, Mae A., 577
Rawlins, Mabel, 582
Rawlins, Malendia, 532
Rawlins, Malinda, 51
Rawlins, Malinda Euphamia “Linnie”, 471
Rawlins, Malinda Euphamia “Linnie E.’, 472, 495
Rawlins, Manuel Oneida, 483
Rawlins, Marcus Duane, 490
Rawlins, Marie Louis, 588
Rawlins, Marie Robinson Frederick, 580
Rawlins, Mark David, 492
Rawlins, Mark Stephen, 490
Rawlins, Martha Oretta, 568, 571, 572
Rawlins, Martha Virginia, 456
Rawlins, Marvin E., Jr. (Col), 580, 581
Rawlins, Marvin Earl “Bum”, 578, 579, 580
Rawlins, Mary Caroline, 549, 559
Rawlins, Mary Elba, 582
Rawlins, Mary Jane, 473, 577
Rawlins, Mary Lee, 586
Rawlins, Mary “Polly” Minerva Parks, 471
Rawlins, Mary Ruth, 587
Rawlins, Meredith Alexander, 456
Rawlins, Matthew Lee, 490
Rawlins, Mattie Blanche, 473
Rawlins, Melinda Jean “Mindy”, 490
Rawlins, Mildred Adele, 492
Rawlins, Mildred Louise, 488
Rawlins, Milton “Hal”, 576
Rawlins, Muriel Oneida, 494
Rawlins, Myrtle Mae, 493
Rawlins, Myrtle May, 472
Rawlins, Nancy Angeline, 525, 526, 527
Rawlins, Naomi, 570
Rawlins, Naomi Grace Monica, 574
Rawlins, Opal Fern, 489
Rawlins, Opal Regal, 485
Rawlins, Orpha Mable, 579, 582
Rawlins, Orville A., 483
Rawlins, Otis, 485, 488
Rawlins, Otis DeWitt, 488
Rawlins, Otis Donald, 488
Rawlins, P. M., 448
Rawlins, Pamela Kay, 586
Rawlins, Patrice DeLane, 490
Rawlins, Philip Alexis, 456
Rawlins, Pleasant Alfred, 471, 490
Rawlins, Polly Minerva Parks, 453
Rawlins, Ralph, 485
Rawlins, Reauben Levi “Bud”, 483
Rawlins, Redgal Addison, 485, 488
Rawlins, Rella, 580
Rawlins, Ressie, 578
Rawlins, Ricardo Paul, 568, 574
Rawlins, Richard Bell, 574
Rawlins, Richard Harold, 492
Rawlins, Richard Robert, 587, 588
Rawlins, Rick, 482
Rawlins, Robert, Jr., 580
Rawlins, Robert Dean “Bobbie”, 488
Rawlins, Robert E., Jr., 582
Rawlins, Robert E. “Skeet”, Sr., 581
Rawlins, Robert Merton, 574
Rawlins, Roderick, 47
Rawlins, Roderick (Elder), 51, 525
Rawlins, Rodreca Louise, 491
Rawlins, Rollie Jerome, 582
Rawlins, Rollie Joe, 580
Rawlins, Ruby “Rube”, 480, 481, 483, 494
Rawlins, Ruth Darlen, 588
Rawlins, Ruthey, 484
Rawlins, Sid Sidmoyen, 580
Rawlins, Sue Nina “Susie”, 492
Rawlins, Susan, 585
Rawlins, Susan Gayle, 586
Rawlins, Tarleton Cline, 568, 574
Rawlins, Theodore F., 471
Rawlins, Thomas Allen, 577
Rawlins, Thomas Edward “Ed”, 473
Rawlins, Thomas Elsworth, 572
Rawlins, Thomas Franklin “Frank” (Rev), 567, 568, 569, 570, 571, 572
Rawlins, Trudy Jean, 588
Rawlins, Turns, 580
Rawlins, Valeda Jeanne, 489
Rawlins, Vernon, 487
Rawlins, Walter James, 587
Rawlins, William, 51, 532, 575, 582
Rawlins, William (Elder), 51
Rawlins, William “Elder Billy”, 525, 526
Rawlins, William, Sr., 145
Rawlins, William B., 577
Rawlins, William Franklin, 569, 571, 575
Rawlins, William Franklin, Jr., 570
Rawlins, William Franklin, Sr., 568, 570
Rawlins, William H., 583
Rawlins, William Henry, 586
Rawlins, William Holt, 473
Rawlins, William Jackson “Billy Jack”, 490
Rawlins, Willie Lou, 471, 492
Rawlins, William Meredith, 471
Rawlins, William Owen, 582
Rawlings, Dolly, 480
Rawlings, Polly, 31
Ray, Bertha, 636
Ray, George Carroll, 631
Ray, George Elizabeth, 590
Ray, Jonathan Mrs., 48
Ray, Jonathan Woolery, 631
Ray, Larry, 94
Ray, Lotta E., 632
Ray, Mary 632
Ray, Mary Estelle, 632
Ray, Mary M., 635
Ray, Ruth S., 127
Ray, Squire, Sr., 631
Ray, Truly D., 632, 636
Read, Ann, 320, 332
Read, Francis, 306, 332
Reavis, Cecil L., 591
Reavis, Don Heath, 591
Reavis, Ira Heath, 590
Reavis, Lewis Andrew, 591
Reckard, Ira D., 448
Reckard, Thelma Dean, 448
Redden, Amanda, 332
Redden, Nehemiah, 332
Reder, H., 129
Ree, James, 34
Reed, Claude Bennett, 495
Reed, Elsie Mae, 495
Reeher, Max Moore, 302
Reeher, Robert Llena, 302
Reid, Arthur Fount, 428
Reid, Barbara Ellen, 428
Reid, Claris, 428
Reid, Jane, 373
Reid, Mary Jane, 428
Reid, Robert Euell, 428
Renfro, Heath, 590
Renfro, Henry Boykin, 590
Renfro, Henry Washington, 590
Renfro, Robert Cummings, 379
Renfro, William Harvey, 379
Reynolds, Elizabeth, 351
Rhoads, Charles Henry, 302
Rice, Ben, 296
Rice, Catherine S. Kittie, 382
Rice, Connie, 382
Rice, Emma K., 345
Rice, George Bush, 382
Rice, George W., 381
Rice, James Clark, 381, 389
Rice, John N., 294
Rice, John Talbot, 382
Rice, John Vaughn, 381
Rice, Julia Patterson, 381-382
Rice, Julius, 296
Rice, Leo, 296
Rice, Littleton Crankfield, 381
Rice, Littleton Crankfield, II, 381
Rice, Littleton Crankfield, III, 381
Rice, Lois, 296
Rice, Malinda J., 293
Rice, Margaret Ann, 631
Rice, Martha Ellen, 294
Rice, Pauline, 296
Rice, Rose, 296
Rice, Sallie, 382
Rice, Samuel Laughan, 381
Rice, Thomas C., 293
Rice, William Jefferson, 381
Richards, Etta May, 338
Richards, Mary Bush, 36
Richardson, Elizabeth “Lizzie” Trussel, 345
Richardson, Elizabeth Wood, 578
Richardson, Harry H., 565
Richardson, Lucy, 345
Richardson, Nancy, 210
Richardson, Rella Elizabeth Wood, 579
Rickard, Lawrence Edward, 358
Richard, Virginia May, 358
Ricketts, Anna Elizabeth, 544
Ricketts, Flora Faye, 544
Ricketts, James M. “Jimmie”, 544
Ricketts, James Walter, 543
Ricketts, Jennie May, 544
Ricketts, Lola Marie, 543
Ricketts, Luther W., 543
Riddle, Joe, 368
Rider, Alma, 447
Rider, Charles, 447
Riggs, Maurine Ruth, 447
Riggs, Warren Arthur, 447
Riggs, William Henry, 447
Riley, Berthaniel B., 521
Riley, Estel “Doc”, 522
Riley, Eva, 523, 524
Riley, Lena Edith, 521, 523
Riley, Louisa Sharp, 522, 523
Riley, Oscar Leo, 521
Riley, Rachel, 521, 523
Riley, Rebecca Jane Daily, 522
Riley, Robert Elsworth, 522
Riley, Theodore Alonzo, 521, 522
Rivers, Lenawright, 386
Roach, Stephen (Dr.), 132
Roark, Franklin, Jr., 547
Roark, Franklin, Sr., 547
Roark, Joseph, 547
Robards, Nathaniel, 139
Roberts, Margaret, 357
Robinson, Frances Sharp, 309
Robinson, Francis Sharp, 322
Robinson, Grace Marjory, 309, 322
Robinson, Jessie, 322
Robinson, Pinckney Clark, 446
Robinson, Ralph Aldus, 445
Robinson, Sarah J., 320
Roby, ______ (Mrs.), 150
Rockett, America Serepta, 465, 466
Rockett, Anna, 97, 100
Rockett, Archie Lee, 466
Rockett, Christinia “Tinsey”, 458
Rockett, Emma Gerture, 468
Rockett, Grace Lena, 467
Rockett, Harmon J., 99
Rockett, Herbert Ernest, 468
Rockett, Irvie Worth, 466
Rockett, John, 97, 98, 99, 100
Rockett, John Wilfred, Jr., 458, 466
Rockett, Joy Ira Worm, 466
Rockett, Laura M., 468
Rockett, Lydia J., 468
Rockett, M. F., 98
Rockett, Nueva G. “Eva”, 468
Rockett, Paris Q., 468
Rockett, Pauline Joy, 468
Rockett, Robinson J., 100, 465
Rockett, Rosa, 468
Rockett, Sarah, 97
Rockett, Sarah F., 467
Rockett, Stella, 467
Rockett, Thomas M., 467
Rockett, William, 468
Rockett, Willis Owen, 468
Rockhold, Francis Adeline, 447
Roddy, Beulah Benton, 590
Roebuck, Evelyn Deane, 496
Roebuck, Isaac Field, 496
Roebuck, Isaac Fields “Ike”, 472, 496
Roebuck, Ruth Mae Guilliland, 32
Roebuck, Thomas William Coleman, 496
Rogers, Diane, 28
Rogers, Jim (Dr.), 283
Rogers, Martha Jane “Jennie”, 599
Rollison, Charles Shelton, 174
Rollison, Cora May, 174
Rollison, Estella, 174
Rollison, Mable, 170, 171, 172, 174
Rollison, Nathan Jersey, 174
Rollison, Ralph Thaddeus, 174
Rollison, Rosa Coffey, 173, 174
Rollison, Rosa Etta Coffey, 174
Rollison, Thaddeus, 173, 174
Rollison, Thaddeus Warsaw, 174
Roosevelt, Theodore (President), 12, 488
Rosette, Catherine, 302
Rotchy, Irwin Alfred, 574
Rotchy, Jeanne, 574
Rotchy, Lee McVay, 574
Rotchy, Marcel Edward, 574
Roushey, Charles Wesley, 613
Roushey, Lewis Edward, 613
Roushey, William Lewis “Billy”, 613
Rowe, Albert A., 610
Rowe, Ralph Blain, 609
Rowlins, Debbie, 587
Rowlins, Mike, 587
Rowlins, Richard L., 587
Rowlins, Ricky J., 587
Rowlins, Robert, 587
Rowlins, Tammy, 587
Rubarth, Robert “Lee”, 410
Ruf, Blanche Marion, 301
Ruggles, Oliver, 303
Runnels, Richard Lee, 437
Runnion, Woodrow, 444
Runyon, Ira, 446
Runyon, Woodrow, 446
Rupert, Cesotas, 374
Rupert, Daniel B., 373
Rupert, Margaret, 374
Rupert, Margaret E., 373
Rupert, Maybel D., 373
Rupert, Tony Van, 374
Rupert, Vova Fae, 374
Rupert, William, 374
Rushford, Bethel Clay, 349
Rushford, Walter T., 349
Russell, Bertha, 404, 408
Russell, Betha, 409
Russell, Clarence Paris, 404, 408
Russell, Elsie, 407, 408, 409
Russell, Elsie Mae, 404
Russell, Ethel, 404
Russell, Karol “Woodrow”, 404, 408, 409
Russell, John Bruce, 404, 408, 409
Russell, Mary, 299
Russell, Orville Lee, 404, 408, 409
Russell, Robert, 408
Russell, Robert Shavespear, 403, 404
Russell, Ruth, 404, 407, 408, 409
Russell, Sarah, 350
Rustad, Carlene Sharp, 270
Rutherford, ______ (General), 66
Rutherford, Joann, 473
Rutherford, John Scott, Jr., 473
Rutherford, John Scott “Scottie”, Sr., 473
Rutherford, Mack Donald, 468, 473
Rutherford, Male, 473
Rutherford, Moses Scott, 468, 473
Rutherfored, Rupert Rush, 468
Sale, John Franklin, 320
Sale, Vila Pearl, 320
Samuel, Thomas, 76
Sallie, Miss, 46
Salmon, Elizabeth, 73
Salmon, John, 73
Sammon, Molly, 292
Sanchez, Andres, 355
Sanchez, Andrew Reed, 355
Sanders, Caroline Ophelia “Carrie”, 584, 585
Sanders, Dicy, 173
Sanders, Lucy, 186, 188
Sanders, Susanna Coffey, 161
Sanderson, Clara, 299
Sanderson, James, 299
Sartain, Nancy, 425
Savage, Thomas, 84, 85
Schaffer, Mary Magdalene, 248
Schaub, Abraham, 5
Schaub, Adam, 5
Schaub, Catherine (Ma-ina or Marina?), 2
Schaub, Jacobus, 3
Schaub, Joannes, 3
Schaub, John, 5
Schaub, John Henri, 3
Schaub, Matthias (The Immigrant), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Schaub, Matthias, 2, 15, 128, 129, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 289, 290, 291, 292, 298, 303, 305, 307, 308, 310, 635, 636, 637
Schaub, Miss, 6
Schaub, Rebecca, 5
Schaub, Rudolph, 638
Schaub, Wilhelmus, 2
Schenewerk, Effie Lee, 429
Scheurer, Bertha M., 423, 425
Scheurer, Jacob John, 426, 431
Scheurer, Mary Elizabeth, 431
Schlechty, Mary, 300
Schnell, Leonard (Missionary), 7, 128, 129
Schroder, Colburn, 509
Schroder, William C., 510
Schumacher, Billie Faye, 127
Scobee, Anna E., 302
Scobee, D.P., 302
Scobee, Dianna, 301
Scobee, Ernest Harold, 302
Scobee, Ernest Linwood, 302
Scobee, George, 301
Scobee, George Wesley, 302
Scobee, Henrietta, 302
Scobee, Herbert Leland, 302
Scobee, Isabelle, 303
Scobee, Iva Lillian, 302
Scobee, James B., 301
Scobee, James Edwin, 302
Scobee, John Wesley, 302
Scobee, Kate, 302
Scobee, Linwood Rosette, 302
Scobee, Luther Rice, 302
Scobee, Lydia Irene, 302
Scobee, Martha Candace, 302
Scobee, Martha Isabelle, 303
Scobee, Martha Marie, 302
Scobee, Mary E., 301
Scobee, Meta A., 302
Scobee, Mildred Helena, 302
Scobee, Rebecca, 301, 303
Scobee, Robert, 301
Scobee, Russell Vernon, 302
Scobee, Samuel Howard, 302
Scobee, Samuel Posey, 302
Scobee, Wesley, 302
Scobee, William Posey, 302
Scobee, Zoe Ellen, 302
Scott, Alvin Eugene, 301
Scott, Ann, 301
Scott, Dale Edward, 301
Scott, F. T., 253
Scott, Genevieve Elizabeth, 301
Scott, George, 301
Scott, Isabel, 303
Scott, James Edward, 301
Scott, John, 301
Scott, Johnnie Leonard, 328
Scott, Kate, 301
Scott, Lemuel Green, 301
Scott, Leroy, 497
Scott, M.C., 497
Scott, Mable Silvana, 497
Scott, Melford Trenton, 497
Scott, Myrtle Mildred, 301
Scott, Olive Mae, 301
Scott, Patricia Ann, 301
Scott, Raymond Wilbur, 301
Scott, Sally, 87
Scott, Sarah “Sally”, 225
Scott, Trenton Devade, 497
Scott, William, 301
Sea, Benjamin, 315
Sea, Leonard, 315
Seale, Dane H., 333-334
Sealey, Martha “Patsy”, 216
See, Andrew, 343
See, Elvila, 343
See, John, 143, 343
See, Margaret Martha, 343
See, Nancy, 343
Seidmeyer, Anna Bertha Christine, 582
Seidmeyer, William Carl, 582
Self, Sarah Elizabeth, 297
Setzer, Katherine, 238
Sevier, John (Colonel), 184, 185, 194
Seward, Ila Loyd Ann, 603
Seward, James A., 603
Seward, John, 603
Seward, Joseph Weldon, 603
Seward, Paul D., 603
Seward, Trilba M., 603
Sewell, Curtis, 283
Shackelford, Martha Ann, 324
Sharp, ______ (Infant), 111
Sharp, Aaron, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 142, 206, 207, 261, 262, 265, 267, 333, 340, 343, 346, 351, 352, 353, 367, 646
Sharp, Abraham, 8, 12, 13, 16, 21, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 141, 163, 176, 177, 179, 183, 307, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 326, 327, 329, 330, 332, 333, 646
Sharp, Abraham Edwards, 330
Sharp, Abraham Perry, 326
Sharp, Abram, 18, 306
Sharp, Adam, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 31, 35, 126, 139, 163, 207, 261, 264, 265, 266, 267, 306, 325, 326, 327, 332, 333, 344, 356, 364, 372, 379, 402, 433, 637
Sharp, Adam Miller, 327
Sharp, Agnes, 271
Sharp, Agnes Ashbrook, 106, 109, 110
Sharp, Alexander M., 330
Sharp, Alice, 111, 275, 311, 333
Sharp, Alice Pearl, 121, 275
Sharp, Alice Sutherland, 311
Sharp, Alice V., 315
Sharp, Alton S., 462, 532, 608
Sharp, Amanda, 367
Sharp, Amanda “Amany” C., 104
Sharp, Amanda C., 33, 104
Sharp, Amelia, 31, 32, 47, 48, 51, 52, 54, 144, 455, 588, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 602, 603, 605, 606, 608, 609, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 619, 622, 624, 626, 627
Sharp, Amelia Rebecca, 630, 631, 632
Sharp, Andrew H., 514
Sharp, Ann, 22, 319, 328
Sharp, Ann Edwards, 136
Sharp, Anna, 273, 274
Sharp, Anne, 308
Sharp, Anne E., 329
Sharp, Annie Bernice, 307, 309
Sharp, Ashley, 115, 116, 117
Sharp, Ashley W., 120, 644, 645
Sharp, Ashley Walter, 115, 190, 191
Sharp, A.W., 119
Sharp, Bathsheba, 306
Sharp, Benjamin Young, 328
Sharp, Bertha May, 309
Sharp, Beryl M., 629
Sharp, Bessie Ardelle, 328
Sharp, Betsy, 18
Sharp, Bettie Merit, 310
Sharp, Beulah F., 322
Sharp, Bill, 308
Sharp, Birdie, 644
Sharp, Bonnie, 275
Sharp, Caleb, 319
Sharp, Carl, 269
Sharp, Carlinda, 629
Sharp, Carlos, 114, 116, 120, 123, 273, 274
Sharp, Carlos L., 122
Sharp, Carlos Lee, 51, 111, 112, 115, 117, 118, 120, 121, 124, 271, 272, 276, 281, 282, 283
Sharp, Caroline, 333
Sharp, Catherine, 13, 306, 307, 333, 368
Sharp, Cecelia Ann, 317
Sharp, Cecile, 327
Sharp, CeEstes Adam, 327
Sharp, Celia, 31
Sharp, Celia Coffey, 57
Sharp, Charles, 60
Sharp, Charles Gray, 309
Sharp, Charles J., 517
Sharp, Chelsey M., 137
Sharp, Chloe M., 629
Sharp, Cinderella, 364
Sharp, Clara, 108
Sharp, Clarence Bryson, 330
Sharp, Claud N., 326
Sharp, Claudie Ethel, 520
Sharp, Damaris Mildred, 319
Sharp, Daniel A., 515
Sharp, David Osborn, 519
Sharp, Delia, 367
Sharp, Delilah Franella, 367
Sharp, Doris Evelyn, 326
Sharp, Dorothy Fern, 327
Sharp, Earl, 109, 111, 112, 322
Sharp, Earl “Pete”, 640, 642
Sharp, Edith, 308
Sharp, Edith Edna, 309, 322
Sharp, Edna Goebel, 368
Sharp, Edward, 320, 326, 512
Sharp, Eley, 138
Sharp, Elizabeth, 16, 23, 140, 309, 320, 322, 326, 333, 351, 367, 368, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 514, 568, 646
Sharp, Elizabeth Jane “Eliza”, 308
Sharp, Elizabeth Tilman, 378, 379, 402
Sharp, Elvina, 23, 333, 353
Sharp, Esther “Essie”, 629
Sharp, Eugene, 330
Sharp, Eva Freelove, 520
Sharp, Evlyn, 629
Sharp, Fannie, 269
Sharp, Fannie F., 207
Sharp, Fannie Lou Bankston, 269
Sharp, Fanny W., 333, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 346
Sharp, Fay, 640
Sharp, Faye, 112, 113
Sharp, Florence A., 315
Sharp, Flossie Evelyn, 320
Sharp, Flossie Vera, 368
Sharp, Frances, 18, 24, 144
Sharp, Frances “Fanny”, 16, 23, 142, 143, 333, 334, 336, 337, 339, 347, 349, 401, 402, 405, 406, 408, 409, 410, 414, 415, 417, 420, 422, 423, 425, 426, 427, 428, 431, 432, 433
Sharp, Frances Indiana Privett, 308
Sharp, Francis, 110, 113, 139, 333, 640, 641, 642
Sharp, Francis “Frank” Marion, 104, 107
Sharp, Francis M., 55, 111, 640, 643
Sharp, Francis Marion, 33, 110
Sharp, Francis Read, 332
Sharp, Frank (Mrs), 640
Sharp, Fred, 140
Sharp, Fred Jackson, 309
Sharp, Genevieve, 322
Sharp, George, 1, 16, 18, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 52, 53, 94, 104, 107, 109, 124, 129, 188, 192, 261, 262, 263, 264, 311, 320, 332, 333, 448-453, 458, 501, 504, 512, 513, 514, 517, 588, 591, 592, 593, 601, 603, 604, 605, 606, 612, 613, 614, 615, 617, 618, 623, 627, 637, 640
Sharp, George D., 320
Sharp, George Fonner, 632
Sharp, George Henry, 320
Sharp, George Hubbard, 519
Sharp, George M., 315
Sharp, George P., 47, 125, 140, 632, 635
Sharp, George Parks, 628
Sharp, George Robert, 307, 309
Sharp, G. W., 104
Sharp, George W., 33. 56, 105, 108, 109, 110, 125, 320, 641
Sharp, George Washington, 54, 55, 104, 105, 107, 114
Sharp, Gracie Lue, 367, 372
Sharp, Harold Quinn, 327
Sharp, Harry, 116, 117
Sharp, Harry A., 118
Sharp, Harry Armour, 115, 644
Sharp, Harry Clive, 307, 309
Sharp, Helen, 315
Sharp, Henry, 321
Sharp, Henry Clay, 309
Sharp, Henry Edgar, 310
Sharp, Homer, 635
Sharp, Homer D., 633
Sharp, Hope Lindley, 315
Sharp, Howard E., 326
Sharp, Howard Madison, 400
Sharp, Hubbard, 31, 32, 33, 39, 56, 59, 60, 514, 515, 516, 518
Sharp, Hulda, 14, 307, 308
Sharp, Hulda or Hultey, 306
Sharp, Ida, 267
Sharp, Ida M., 310
Sharp, Ina, 267
Sharp, Infant, 631
Sharp, Iola “Ola” Genette Babb, 330
Sharp, Ira D., 311, 315
Sharp, Izzy, 308
Sharp, Jacob, 136, 137, 138, 319, 327, 328, 330
Sharp, Jacob R., 333
Sharp, Jacob S., 137
Sharp, James, 18, 20, 21, 59, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 121, 139, 140, 145, 268, 269, 310, 320, 333
Sharp, James, Jr., 270
Sharp, James A., 326
Sharp, James Andrew, 307, 308, 309, 320
Sharp, James B., 333
Sharp, James C., 47, 104
Sharp, James Carl, 268, 269, 270
Sharp, James Curtis, 48, 629, 633, 634
Sharp, James D., 316
Sharp, James Franklin, 322
Sharp, James L., 271
Sharp, James M., 319
Sharp, James Perry, 327
Sharp, James Prather, 305, 306, 307, 308, 315
Sharp, James Robert Curtis “Kurt”, 307
Sharp, James S., 31, 52, 55, 57, 96, 115, 192, 253, 254, 255, 514
Sharp, James Simpson, 1, 32, 33, 52, 54, 60, 104, 105, 111, 112, 113, 114, 117, 118, 120, 121, 638, 644, 645
Sharp, James Simpson, Jr., 252
Sharp, James Sinclair, 115, 117, 252
Sharp, Jane, 140, 320, 332, 333
Sharp, Jane B., 380
Sharp, Jane Elizabeth, 512
Sharp, Jeffie Nesmith, 307, 309
Sharp, Jennie, 322, 333
Sharp, Jesteene, 364, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371
Sharp, Jim, 116, 308
Sharp, Joan, 328
Sharp, Job, 139, 140, 319
Sharp, Jobe, 307
Sharp, Joe Joyce, 507
Sharp, John, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 18, 31, 54, 55, 59, 124, 134, 139, 181, 182, 183, 305, 306, 307, 308, 310, 311, 312, 316, 320, 321, 332, 333, 514
Sharp, John (D. or Israel), 309
Sharp, John, Jr., 306
Sharp, John A., 311, 315
Sharp, John C.B., 30
Sharp, John Charles, 367, 372
Sharp, John Ewing, 326, 327, 328
Sharp, John Franklin, 532, 608
Sharp, John H., 515
Sharp, John Israel, 312
Sharp, John Lewis, 307, 309
Sharp, John M., 514
Sharp, John N., 54, 56, 57
Sharp, John T., 320
Sharp, John W., 60, 310, 517
Sharp, Johnie, 368
Sharp, Johnson, 48
Sharp, Johnston, 42
Sharp, Joseph, 137, 508
Sharp, Joseph Bloomfield, 511
Sharp, Joseph Clarence, 503, 505, 511
Sharp, Joseph E., 520
Sharp, Joseph Edward, 522-523
Sharp, Joseph Joyce, 505, 506, 510, 512
Sharp, Joseph R., 514, 517, 518
Sharp, Joshua, 316
Sharp, Josiah, 137
Sharp, Julis Franklin, 137
Sharp, Justina, 380
Sharp, J. W., 271
Sharp, Katherine, 321
Sharp, Kathleen, 508
Sharp, Leander J., 320, 333
Sharp, Lee Ann, 123, 271, 272, 273, 274-276, 277, 278, 279, 282, 283
Sharp, Leon “Pap”, 532
Sharp, Leroy, 515
Sharp, Leroy Dale, 515
Sharp, Leslie, 116
Sharp, Leslie G., 191
Sharp, Leslie Gordon, 115, 118, 645
Sharp, Lester W., 629
Sharp, Lewis C., 271
Sharp, Lidia Whaley, 107, 113
Sharp, Lillian, 120
Sharp, Lillian N., 310
Sharp, Lillian O., 191
Sharp, Lola Belle, 515
Sharp, Lon, 269
Sharp, Lott, 306
Sharp, Lou Anna, 364, 372, 375
Sharp, Louisa, 523, 524
Sharp, Louisa A., 521
Sharp, Louisa A., “Lou”, 524
Sharp, Louisa Jane, 318
Sharp, Loula, 368
Sharp, Lowell F., 629
Sharp, Lucercia Janie, 313, 315
Sharp, Lucy, 380
Sharp, Lucy Cynthia, 327
Sharp, Luella, 108
Sharp, Luella E., 255, 256, 257, 258, 259
Sharp, Luella “Lou”, 55
Sharp, Lula E., 322
Sharp, Lulu, 308
Sharp, Lydia, 110, 640
Sharp, Lydia M. Waley, 640, 643
Sharp, Mabel E., 515
Sharp, Mae Dilbeck, 283
Sharp, Malinda, 32, 47, 48, 51, 53, 54, 100, 448-453, 458, 461, 466, 468, 470, 471, 472, 476, 479, 481, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494, 495, 496, 497, 498, 499, 592, 623
Sharp, Marcus L., 310
Sharp, Margaret, 307
Sharp, Margaret “Penny”, 319
Sharp, Margaret Rebecca, 319
Sharp, Margurite M., 315
Sharp, Marie, 641
Sharp, Marion, 117, 120, 275
Sharp, Marion Carlos, 121, 122
Sharp, Marion Carlos, Jr., 1, 112
Sharp, Marion Carlos, Sr., 123, 125, 275
Sharp, Marion E., 633
Sharp, Marion Eleanor, 645
Sharp, Marion Eleanor “Miriam”, 115
Sharp, Marion “Miriam”, 119, 120
Sharp, Marie, 110, 111, 112, 113
Sharp, Marion, 114
Sharp, Marion Carlos, Jr., 116-117
Sharp, Marion Carlos, Sr., 118, 121-122
Sharp, Marion Eleanor, 126
Sharp, Marion, Jr., 112
Sharp, Marion, Sr., 112, 114
Sharp, Marion C., Sr., 194
Sharp, Martha, 138, 319
Sharp, Martha Ewing “Mattie”, 327
Sharp, Martha J., 330
Sharp, Martha Mildred, 318
Sharp, Mary, 13, 39, 50, 51, 52, 54, 140, 307, 322, 333, 532
Sharp, Mary A., 333
Sharp, Mary Ann, 309, 330, 367
Sharp, Mary C., 633
Sharp, Mary Catherine, 309, 325, 326, 332
Sharp, Mary E., 318, 320
Sharp, Mary Elizabeth, 327
Sharp, Mary Ewing, 163
Sharp, Mary G., 49
Sharp, Mary J., 49, 50
Sharp, Mary Jane, 307, 517, 518
Sharp, Mary Melinda, 631
Sharp, Mary “Molly”, 308
Sharp, Mary “Polly”, 16, 145, 525, 526, 545, 555, 556, 558, 559, 561, 562, 565. 569, 570, 571, 572, 575, 576, 577, 578, 579, 580, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588
Sharp, Mary Reeves, 39, 60, 515, 516
Sharp, Mary Spenser, 328
Sharp, Mary T., 378
Sharp, Matthew (Matthias Schaub), 11
Sharp, Mattie, 16, 520
Sharp, Mattie A., 521
Sharp, Maud, 311
Sharp, Maude Lee, 311
Sharp, Meridith, 100
Sharp, Mildred Elizabeth, 322
Sharp, Milton, 116, 117, 317
Sharp, Milton Dale, 114, 115, 118, 179, 180, 181
Sharp, Minnie, 111, 269
Sharp, Minnie Amanda, 519
Sharp, Minnie W. Edmondson, 505
Sharp, Miriam, 51, 116, 645
Sharp, Moses, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30, 364, 367, 369, 371, 372, 379, 402
Sharp, Moses T., 380
Sharp, Naomi, 267, 271
Sharp, Naomi R., 271
Sharp, Nancy, 16, 19, 32, 130, 137, 204, 320, 333, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 507, 509, 510, 511, 512
Sharp, Nancy A., 54, 58, 514
Sharp, Nancy Alice, 327
Sharp, Nancy Anne, 638, 639
Sharp, Nancy Driskell, 305
Sharp, Nanka, 111, 117
Sharp, Nanka Jewell, 115, 117-118
Sharp, Nathan, 108
Sharp, Newton, 321, 322
Sharp, Nina Ennis, 532
Sharp, Noah, 134, 139, 306, 307, 319
Sharp, Noah F., 319
Sharp, Noble, 114, 116, 117, 189
Sharp, Noble C., 119
Sharp, Noble Carradine, 115
Sharp, Noland Sutherland, 314
Sharp, Ollie V., 629
Sharp, Ora Margaret, 309
Sharp, Perena, 333, 352, 353, 356
Sharp, Perlina/Parlina, 364
Sharp, Phebe, 16, 17, 126
Sharp, Philip, 140
Sharp, Polly, 18, 47, 51
Sharp, Polly “Mary”, 32
Sharp, Pricilla, 324, 646
Sharp, Priscilla, 13, 323, 324, 330, 331
Sharp, Rachel, 16, 18-19, 20, 344, 356, 358, 363, 433
Sharp, Ralph, 112, 640
Sharp, Rebecca, 13, 14, 15, 176, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 295, 296, 298, 303
Sharp, Rebecca Armstrong, 311, 313
Sharp, Richard E., 319
Sharp, Ronald Darr, 515
Sharp, Roy, 268, 269, 271, 629
Sharp, Roy C., 268, 271
Sharp, Roy Connard, 267
Sharp, Sallie, 265, 267, 634
Sharp, Sallie Ann, 309
Sharp, Sally, 31, 35, 137, 138, 139, 320, 333
Sharp, Sally Johnston, 39, 46
Sharp, Sally Parks, 53
Sharp, Sally Sarah, 136
Sharp, Samson (Sampson), 306, 315
Sharp, Samuel, 59
Sharp, Samuel E., 512
Sharp, Samuel Hawkins, 328
Sharp, Samuel S., 56, 60, 517
Sharp, Samuel Stephenson, 515, 517
Sharp, Sarah, 32, 47, 112, 135, 138, 333, 632
Sharp, Sarah A., 319
Sharp, Sarah Ann, 319
Sharp, Sarah C., 635
Sharp, Sarah Catherine, 629
Sharp, Sarah F., 319
Sharp, Sarah Jane, 320
Sharp, Sarah Johnston, 33
Sharp, Sarah M., 54, 380
Sharp, Sarah P., 330
Sharp, Sarah S., 330
Sharp, Silas Henry, 317, 318, 319
Sharp, Silas Jefferson, 319
Sharp, Simeon, 319
Sharp, Simeon Lee, 319
Sharp, Simpson, 33, 55
Sharp, Sincerella, 380
Sharp, Solomon, 8, 13, 181, 182, 183, 191, 193, 305, 306, 307, 308, 310, 311, 312
Sharp, Solomon Jackson, 314
Sharp, Sonora, 308, 320
Sharp, Sophia Elizabeth, 309
Sharp, Stephen, 332
Sharp, Steven M., 327
Sharp, Sue Luella, 105, 108, 109
Sharp, Susanah, 368
Sharp, Susanna(h), 24
Sharp, Susannah Elizabeth, 515
Sharp, Syliva Barker, 111
Sharp, Tabitha, 16, 18, 206, 433, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 444, 445, 446, 447
Sharp, Tabitha Whitten, 357
Sharp, Thelma, 314
Sharp, Theresa “Thursy” Holliday, 267
Sharp, Thomas, 33, 42, 109, 318, 532
Sharp, Thomas Cleland, 329, 330
Sharp, Thomas J., 31, 33, 46, 53, 634
Sharp, Thomas Johnson, 104, 628
Sharp, Thomas Johnston, 32, 45, 47, 48, 627, 629, 630, 631, 632, 634
Sharp, Thomas L., 322
Sharp, Tilman, 378, 379, 402
Sharp, Tilman B., 25, 364, 377
Sharp, Tillman, 30, 368
Sharp, Tom, 108, 308
Sharp, Tommie Louise, 532
Sharp, Tony McGee “Jake”, 532
Sharp, Ulysses S., 309
Sharp, Velma Mae, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 511
Sharp, Victoria, 322
Sharp, Victoria “Kate”, 308
Sharp, Virginia, 315, 333
Sharp, Virginia Lee, 329
Sharp, W.D., 311
Sharp, Warren Dudley, 327
Sharp, Warren Slavin, 327
Sharp, Will, 48
Sharp, Will Andrew, 311
Sharp, William, 13, 26, 30, 48, 49, 50, 135, 136, 138, 305, 306, 307, 308, 310, 311, 312, 315, 322, 323
Sharp, William A., 55, 109, 110, 270, 315, 320, 321, 367, 372
Sharp, William A., Jr., 268, 271
Sharp, William A.L.B., 27, 30
Sharp, William Adam, 333
Sharp, William Alonzo, 104, 105, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271
Sharp, William Alonzo, Jr., 268, 269, 270
Sharp, William Alonzo, Sr., 268, 269, 270
Sharp, William Draffin, 311, 312, 314
Sharp, William F., 380
Sharp, William H., 307
Sharp, William Hamilton, 523
Sharp, William Henry, 329, 330
Sharp, William J., 319, 367
Sharp, William Lester, 520
Sharp, William Lord, 515
Sharp, William P., 31, 32, 49, 50
Sharp, William S., 633, 635
Sharp, Willie Jamese Stephens, 115, 121
Sharp, Willie Stephens, 111, 115
Sharp, Winnie E., 640, 642, 643
Sharp, Zerelda J., 320, 333
Sharpe, John, 58
Sheffield, Corda, 397, 398
Sheffield, James, 397, 398
Shelby, Evan(s) (Colonel), 8, 306
Shelby, Hettie Irene, 603
Shelby, Isaac (Colonel), 184, 185, 194
Sheldon, Charlotte E., 480
Sheldon, Delbert Warren, 481
Sheldon, Donald Lee, 481
Sheldon, Emery Douglas, 481
Sheldon, Emory, 481
Sheldon, George N., 479, 480
Sheldon, Jolene Deborah, 481
Sheldon, Leona Rawlins, 480
Sheldon, Paul E., 480
Sheldon, Ronald Lee, 481
Sheldon, Rowell T., 480
Shelton, Mary A., 318
Shepherd, Charles Duke, 382, 390
Shepherd, David Harding, 385
Shepherd, Edna Kathryn, 389, 390
Shepherd, Emma, 392
Shepherd, George Bush, 382, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392
Shepherd, Georgia Bell, 387, 388, 390
Shepherd, Glenn C., 392
Shepherd, Grace Willis, 390
Shepherd, Idella, 388
Shepherd, Isariah Ben “I.B”, 392, 393
Shepherd, James Sewell, 385
Shepherd, James W., 381
Shepherd, James Walton, 382, 385
Shepherd, John J., 381, 382, 385, 391
Shepherd, John Lislie “Less”, 382, 388, 390
Shepherd, Johnnie Frances, 387, 389, 391
Shepherd, Julia Belle, 382, 390, 392
Shepherd, Kathryn, 392
Shepherd, Kenneth Christopher “Charlie”, 539
Shepherd, Lucy E., 390
Shepherd, Mary “Eliza” Mae, 385
Shepherd, Mary Elizabeth, 387, 388, 389, 390, 392
Shepherd, May M., 385
Shepherd, Robert Walton, 385
Shepherd, Sandra Charlene, 539
Shepherd, Susan Frances “Frankie”, 386
Shepherd, Sydney Neely, Sr., 385
Shepherd, Thomas Edison, 387, 388, 391
Shepherd, Virginia Lee, 387, 388, 391
Sheridan, Joseph Franlin, 571
Sheridan, Neill R., 571, 575
Sheridan, Solomon Neill, 571
Shewmaker, RuAnn, 310
Shields, Carolyn M., 302
Shields, Claude Lester, 302
Shields, K., 302
Shields, L.D., 302
Shiflett, Berdine Frances, 483
Shimfessel, Anice Barnes, 375
Shimfessel, Augustus, 395
Shimfessel, Beckner Lee, 394, 395
Shimfessel, Bertha Bens, 375
Shimfessel, Beulah Mae, 374
Shimfessel, Bole, 396
Shimfessel, Claude (Rev), 394, 399, 400
Shimfessel, Clifton, 395
Shimfessel, David, 374
Shimfessel, Dora, 374
Shimfessel, Dorothy Thornton, 374
Shimfessel, Earl, 375
Shimfessel, Earl Millard, 375
Shimfessel, Edward, 395
Shimfessel, Elizabeth, 374
Shimfessel, Frank, 374
Shimfessel, George, 395
Shimfessel, Gus, 399
Shimfessel, Hattie Bell, 395
Shimfessel, James D., 376
Shimfessel, James William, 374
Shimfessel, John G.C., 396
Shimfessel, John Leslie, 375
Shimfessel, Joseph Franklin, 374
Shimfessel, Joseph Vandever, 374
Shimfessel, Leland, 374
Shimfessel, Lillard, 374
Shimfessel, Lilliam, 374
Shimfessel, Louanne, 374
Shimfessel, Melvin Earl, 375
Shimfessel, Millard Hughes, 375
Shimfessel, Mytrie, 395
Shimfessel, Nancy Eva, 376
Shimfessel, Pearl, 396
Shimfessel, Peter R., 374, 375
Shimfessel, Polly B., 395
Shimfessel, Robert, 396
Shimfessel, Ruth, 395
Shimfessel, Samuel Jackson, 395
Shimfessel, Stella Lee, 395, 399, 400
Shimfessel, Thomas Dudley, 395
Shimfessel, Tom, 399
Shimfessel, Vivian, 395
Shimfessel, Wilburt, 395
Shimfessel, William Monty, 376
Shiplett, Dollie Joyce, 486
Shiplett, Ela Rose, 486
Shiplett, Eula Rawlins, 480
Shiplett, Finch, Jr., 484
Shiplett, Gladys Lindell, 485
Shiplett, James Alfred Roy, Jr., 486
Shiplett, James Alfred Roy, Sr., 486
Shiplett, Lee Roy, 484, 494
Shiplett, Maurine Lenore, 486
Shiplett, Nona Louise, 485
Shiplett, Paul, 486
Shiplett, Sidney Allen “Sid”, 486
Shockley, Ida, 418
Shockley, Thomas Hiram, 418
Shoemaker, Henry T., 606
Short, James P., 478
Short, Pearl H., 478
Shoun, David Franklin, 475
Shoun, Frances Marvolene, 475
Shoun, Macon L., 475
Shriver, Eula Mae, 485
Shriver, George Woodward Thomas, 485
Shriver, George Woodward Thomas, Jr., 485
Shriver, Ocie Adrian, 485
Shuck, George M., 441
Shuck, Jennie Lynn, 440
Shull, Mary Elmira Greene, 229
Shull, Matilda, 234
Shull, Nathaniel Canada, 230
Shumate, Blanche, 428
Shy, Bill, 283
Siebke, Bertha Christine, 582
Sills, Jacob E., 498
Sills, Ora Evelyn, 497, 498
Simmons, Sarah Elizabeth “Sally”, 387
Simonson (Battery), 106
Simpson, William, 166
Sims, Daniel S., 456
Sims, Ella Jane, 528
Singler, Robert, 283
Sink, Miles Burdon, 610
Sink, Miles F., 610
Skelly, Isabel “Belle”, 225
Skelton, Emeline, 338
Skidmore, J.R., 374
Skillen, Agnes Ethel, 444, 446
Skillen, William L., 444
Skipworth, ______ (Colonel), 286
Slavin, Mary Catherine, 327
Slavine, Sarah Ann, 326
Slemp, Hugh Patton, 351
Slemp, Susan Tennie, 351
Slinker, Ella Adeline, 429
Sloan, Annie Magdalena, 304
Sloane, Samuel, 176
Slusser, Mary Magdaline, 362
Small, Nancy Susan, 572
Smelser, Palser, 9
Smiley, Eliza, 140
Smith, Annie Lois, 583
Smith, Augustine, 175, 196, 197
Smith, C.W., 365
Smith, Cal, 583
Smith, Claire, 125
Smith, Claud Lewis, 583
Smith, Donald M., 361
Smith, Elizabeth, 158
Smith, Elsa Florence, 446
Smith, Emerson Ray, 583
Smith, Ewing, 327
Smith, Fred Lewis, 583
Smith, Grace S., 249, 250
Smith, John (Captain), 87
Smith, John L., 327
Smith, Lida Ellen, 426
Smith, Mabel Inez, 327
Smith, Margaret, 172
Smith, Mary Myrtle, 327
Smith, Pearl Rollison, 174
Smith, Rachel (Fairchild), 162
Smith, Susan Gervan, 619
Smithers, Susan, 311
Smock, James, 251
Smock, Martha, 227
Smock, Martha J., 251
Smyser, Benjamin DuBoise, 299
Smyser, Lucy Ann, 299
Snowden, Asa, 646
Snowden, Alice, 351
Snowden, Archibald, 351
Snowden, Archie, 351
Snowden, Bertha, 646
Snowden, Betsy, 19
Snowden, Bruce, 646
Snowden, Catie, 352
Snowden, Cecil N. (Rev), 352
Snowden, Charles, 352, 646
Snowden, Cora Lee, 646
Snowden, Cory May, 646
Snowden, David, 351
Snowden, Davie, 352
Snowden, Doven, 352
Snowden, Eliza Ann, 351
Snowden, Eliza Jane, 351
Snowden, Ernest, 351
Snowden, Ernest Tracy Wallace, 646
Snowden, Everett, 646
Snowden, George, 646
Snowden, Greenberry B., 351
Snowden, Harlie, 646
Snowden, Hartwell, 646
Snowden, Herbert, 646
Snowden, Hiram, 351
Snowden, Hugh, 351, 646
Snowden, James, 646
Snowden, Joe A., 352
Snowden, John, 23, 28, 351
Snowden, John, 19
Snowden, John D., 351
Snowden, John Dillard, 351, 353, 646
Snowden, John Franklin, 352
Snowden, John Nicholas “Nick”, 646
Snowden, Julia Ann, 646
Snowden, Julie, 351
Snowden, Lee Patrick, 351
Snowden, Leonard, 646
Snowden, Lewis, 351, 646
Snowden, Lonnie, 646
Snowden, Lula, 646
Snowden, Lula Mae, 352
Snowden, Lurett, 646
Snowden, Mariah, 351
Snowden, Marion, 351
Snowden, Marion Bee, 351, 646
Snowden, Maude D., 646
Snowden, Modina, 646
Snowden, Mollie, 646
Snowden, Myrtle, 351, 646
Snowden, Nancy, 351
Snowden, Nannie C., 646
Snowden, Nannie M., 352
Snowden, Nick, 351
Snowden, Oliver, 646
Snowden, Oral, 352
Snowden, Orene, 646
Snowden, Rosco, 351
Snowden, Rosie, 352
Snowden, Russell, 646
Snowden, Sallie, 353
Snowden, Sarilda, 353
Snowden, Thomas Shelton, 351, 646
Snowden, Troy, 352
Snowden, Verla, 646
Snowden, Virgina, 351
Snowden, William Morris, 351, 353
Snowden, William N., 351
Snowden, Willie, 351
Snowden, Windford, 646
Snyder, Beatrice, 241
Snyder, Dessie Estella, 359
Snyder, Dock, 241
Snyder, Evelyn Helen, 357, 433
Snyder, Joe Lindsey, 241
Snyder, Grover R., 241
Snyder, Guy Edd, 241
Snyder, Lourah Irene Dellinger, 240
Snyder, Ralph, 241
South, Theodore John, 319
Spencer, Ellen, 376
Sperling, Ada Beryl, 553
Sperling, Charles Ashley “Charlie”, 553
Sperling, Charles Curren, 553
Sperling, Edgar Milton, 553
Sperling, Gertrude, 551
Sperling, Henry Hubert, 551
Sperling, Henry Milton Herbert, 553
Sperling, Laura O., 553
Sperling, Leo Elizabeth, 553
Spicer, Margaret Jane, 363
Springate, Bettie Jane, 326
Springer, Frances Perdelia, 328
Spross, Ben Henry, 597
Spross, Ben Henry, Jr., 595, 597
Sprowl, Harry H., 534
Sprowl, Raymond William, 533, 534
Spruel, Mamie Alexander, 481
Spry, Cornelius, 186, 189
Spry, Hetha Ann, 343
Spry, Nancy, 347
Spurgeon, Beulah Sarah, 415
Spurgeon, Olive Z., 338
Spurgeon, Samuel Harvey, 338
Spurgeon, Sidney Adam, 415
Squires, C. T., 170
Stacey, Royal Kendall, 458
Stacey, Royal Kendall, Jr., 458
Stacey, John, 458
Stacks, Carol Josephine, 597
Stacks, James Edward, 597
Stacks, Michael R., 598
Stacy, Elizabeth, 218
Stacy, Henry, 218
Stacy, James L., 218
Stacy, Mary Ann, 218
Stacy, Perry McDonald, 218
Stagner, Halcyon M., 544
Stagner, Nina Nell, 544
Stagner, Reuben Earl, 544
Stagner, Wade Hampton, 544
Stahl, Roy, 283
Staley, Linda M., 126
Stallord, Samuel, 175
Stamper, Russel, 344
Stanfill, Arthur Garrett, 400
Stanfill, Donald W., 400
Stanfill, Howard Franklin, 400
Stanfill, Jack Bryan, 400
Stanford, Elizabeth, 440
Stansberry, Caleb, 130
Stansbury, Charlotte, 246
Stark, Alpha, 353
Stark, Alpha Printest, 352, 355
Stark, Andrew Richard, 355
Stark, Arthur, 353
Stark, Bernard L., 356
Stark, Donald, 356
Stark, Edna E., 356
Stark, Eli, 353, 354
Stark, Eli Edward, 352, 353, 354, 356
Stark, Eliub, 353
Stark, Elizabeth Jane, 352, 353, 354, 356
Stark, Haas Arthur, 352, 356
Stark, Jane, 354
Stark, Jesse Edward, 352, 356
Stark, Jesse P., 356
Stark, Leslie E., 356
Stark, Lewis Richard, 355
Stark, Lillian M., 355
Stark, Lloyd Olen, 352, 356, 356
Stark, Lois Marie, 355
Stark, Lollie Maybelle, 352, 356
Stark, Lowelle Macy, 355
Stark, Margaret, 352, 356
Stark, Mary, 353, 354
Stark, Mary Ann, 353
Stark, Mary Melvina Tanksley, 353
Stark, Merritte Douglas, 355
Stark, Nellie Pearl, 352, 356
Stark, Ola Preston, 352, 356
Stark, Robert A., 356
Stark, Samuel Brody, 356
Stark, Samuel P., 354
Stark, Warren Oakley, 355
Stark, Willetta Lorraine
Stark, Willis Lorren, 355
Stark, Wilma N., 356
Staton, John, 175, 196
Steen, Edwin Benzel, 630
Steen, Henry Wylie (Rev), 630, 633
Steen, Wylie Frederick, 630
Steiner, Elizabeth Anna, 426, 431
Stenstrum, Ada Wilhelmina, 361
Stephens, Charlie Walker, 415
Stephens, Elsie Mae, 348
Stephens, Homer O., 560, 561
Stephens, Newton Walker, 415
Stephens, Thomas, 415
Stephens, Walter, 116
Stephens, Walter J., 560
Stephens, Willie Jamese, 114, 115, 120
Stepp, Exa Saphronia, 226
Stetler, Edith, 321
Stewart, Demarius, 377
Stewart, Mary Patterson, 364, 367, 369, 370
Stewart, Patterson, 364
Stewart, Thomas, 364, 378
Stigall, John S., 405
Stigall, Lela M., 405
Stigall, Mary Opal, 405
Stinson, Caroline Rebecca, 328
Stinson, Maude Andrew, 442
Stober, Elsie May, 338
Stober, Jacob, 338
Stober, James Bluford, 338
Stober, William Franklin, 338
Stockart, James, 34
Stokes, Mary, 299
Stokes, Sarah Celia, 226
Stokley, Randall, 352
Stokley, Sarah Ann, 352
Stovall, John, 9
Stovall, Myrtle Icy, 463
Stowe, Ella May, 418
Strange, Hannah, 91
Strange, Hannah Alloway, 226, 227, 235
Strange, Ruth Hart Jessee, 368
Strickland, Anna Martha, 363
Stringer, Reuben, 69
Strober, Anna F., 337
Strober, Jacob, 337
Strober, Jacob R., 337
Strober, James Bluford, 337
Strober, William F., 337
Strober, William Franklin, 337
Stroder, Benjamin, 176
Strong, John Randolph, Jr., 496
Strong, John Randolph “Skinny”, Sr., 496
Strong, Margueret Rawlins, 496
Strong, Mary Helene Gilliland, 496
Strong, Thomas H., 496
Strother, G. Nicholas, 498
Strother, Russell Christopher, 498
Stubbs, Ella, 346
Stubbs, Schuyler Colfax, 346
Stuckey, Annie Laurie, 492
Stuckey, Curtis Marvin, 530
Stuckey, John Coy, Sr., 530
Stuckey, Reckwell H., 492
Stuckey, Roy F., 493
Stuckey, Roy Filyaw, 492
Stull, Edith Clark, 315
Stutts, Carson Virgle, 587
Stutts, E. V., 587
Stutts, Lillie Marie, 587
Sudduth, Ann, 301
Sudduth, Mary, 301
Sudduth, Thomas Goff, 301
Sudduth, William Lewis, 301
Suggs, Mary Agnes, 432
Sullivan, Ada Daisy, 465, 466
Sullivan, Barblee, 466
Sullivan, Bessie, 466
Sullivan, Elihu D., 466
Sullivan, Eugene V., 466
Sullivan, Fitz, 466
Sullivan, J. Harvey, 466
Sullivan, John, 466
Sullivan John Marion, 466
Sullivan, Lorene Sharp, 270
Sullivan, Naomi Elizabeth, 466
Sullivan, Robert Dudley “Rob”, 466
Summers, Edith Clara, 418
Sumpter, Catharine, 214
Sumpter, Elizabeth, 214
Sumpter, John H., 214
Sumpter, Jordan, 214
Sumpter, Mary Elinor, 214
Sumpter, Mary “Polly”, 214
Sumpter, Sarah “Sally”, 215
Sumpter, Thomas, 214
Sumpter, Thomas Erving “Tommy”, 214
Sutherland, Adeline, 310, 312
Sutherland, Alice Beatrice, 311, 314
Sutherland, Daniel Boone, 311
Sutherland, George W., 312
Sutherland, James M., 312
Sutherland, John, 310
Sutherland, Kenneth Gilbert, 312
Sutherland, Mary Duncan, 312
Sutherland, Mildred Anne, 307, 309
Sutherland, Robert Ernest, 312
Sutherland, Roy D., 312
Suttenfield, Sophia “Sophie”, 220, 221, 224
Suttenfield (or Suttonfield), Laura Taylor, 223
Suttenfield (or Suttonfield), William, 223
Sutton, Alma, 319
Sutton, Bessie Irene, 318, 319
Sutton, Dorotha Mae, 319
Sutton, Edna, 319
Sutton, Edward, 319
Sutton, Harry M., 319
Sutton, Henry Clay, 318, 319
Sutton, Ida, 319
Sutton, James E., 319
Sutton, Jannetta, Jewel, 319
Sutton, Lillie Pearl, 319
Sutton, Melba Elizabeth, 319
Sutton, Miles Thomas, 319
Sutton, Sarah E., 319
Sutton, Sarah Margaret, 319
Sutton, Susanna, 319
Sutton, Thomas Payton, 318
Sutton, Verna, 319
Sutton, William E., 318
Swagler, Emma, 386
Swaney, Daniel, 32
Swanner, Arthur Franklin, 334
Sweeny, William Montgomery, 127
Swinney, A. Gail, 412
Swinney, Arthur P., 412
Swinney, Mary Frances, 412
Swinney, Oliver Kelley, 412
Swisher, John Charles Fremont, 429
Swisher, Laree Mae, 429
Swisher, Louis Charles, 429
Swisher, Lureta Fay, 429
Szatkowski, Nancy, 305
Taliaferro, Robert, 76
Talkington, Ferma Irene, 256, 258
Talley, Shandee, 259
Tanksley, Mary Melvina, 352, 354, 355
Tanksley, William, 355
Tanner, Michael, 9
Tate, Moses R., 367
Tate, William David, 367
Tayler, Joanna, 335
Taylor, ______ (General), 142
Taylor, George Huston, 328
Taylor, Harnett Elizabeth, 338
Taylor, James Jackson, 328
Taylor, John E., 110
Taylor, Montgomery Benjamin, 291
Taylor, Robert A., 606
Taylor, Stephen Alan, 606
Tecumseh, 179
Terhune, Amanda Reeder, 520
Terhune, John B., 520
Terhune, John D., 520
Terhune, John Robert, 520
Terhune, Lewis Cass, 521
Terhune, Louis Cass, 520
Terry, Albert Coleman, 478
Terry, Bedford Doil, 478
Terry, Ethel Mae, 489-490
Terry, Jessie Nell, 478
Terry, Raymond Earl, 478
Terry, Ruby Mae, 478
Terry, Thomas Doil, 478
Terry, William Leslie, 478
Tharp, Helen M., 305
Tharp, Josie, 341
Thomas, Emma, 245
Thomas, Fern E., 259
Thomas, Ruth McKinney, 208
Thompson, Emma Jane, 419
Thompson, Leona M., 355
Thompson, Sarah E., 316
Thompson, Sarah Lou, 245
Thompson, Willoughby Columbus, 355
Thomson, Ann Meriweather, 319
Thornton, John (Captain), 186
Thornton, Roy, 363
Tibbs, Burton Bandy, 537
Tibbs, James, 537
Tibbs, McKenzie, 537
Tibbs, Myrtle Evelyn, 537
Tibbs, Robert Kelly “Buck”, 537
Tibbs, Thomas William, 537
Tillman, Mary, 364
Tipton, Ethel, 646
Tipton, Eva L., 344
Tipton, Grace R., 349
Tipton, Hannah, 374
Tipton, Joseph W., 345
Tipton, Reuben, 348
Titus, Amanda Belle Hartman, 369
Titus, Enyard Abraham, 366, 369
Titus, Fern Evelyn, 366, 370
Todd, Sally Ann, 345
Trigg, J. (Captain), 306
Trigg, John, 8
Trout, Barbara Marie, 542
Trout, Billie Joe, 542
Trout, Earl Emmett, 542
Trout, Edith Laverne, 542
Trout, Emmett Richard, 542
Trout, Inez Iris, 542
Trout, John Franklin, 541
Trout, Lester Franklin, 541
Trout, Lester Olan, 542
Trout, Mary, 313
Trout, Nancy Geneva, 542
Trout, Retia or Rettie, 542
Trout, Retia Mildred, 542
Trout, Steve Clayton “Clate”, 541
Trout, Virgil Clayton, 542
Trout, William Bandy, 542
Trout, Wilma Gene, 542
Troxel, Alice Cynthia, 630
True, Remus Olen, 626
True, William W., 626
Truman, Harry S. (President), 370, 439
Trussel, Simpson, 345
Tucker, George, 88
Tuley, Mamie Alma, 616
Tulley, _____ (Dr.), 141, 142
Turley, Adelphia, 174
Turley, Green B., 360
Turley, Rose, 360
Turner, Bertie, 363
Turner, Ernest Claude, 359
Turner, Goldie Bell, 291
Turner, Jack Edwin, 359
Tuttle, Ralph, 283
Twitty, Mary W., 427
Tyrrell, Edith, 573
Umphres, James, 303, 304
Underwood, Florence, 337
Urban, Audry Michael “Mike”, 549
Urban, Francis J., 549
Urban, Henry Bernard, 549
Urban, Lee Virgil, 549
Urban, Louis Edgar, 549
Urban, May Anna, 549
Urban, Michael “Meike”, 549
Uttinger, Maud I., 314
VanArsdall, Mary Jane, 329, 330
VanArsdall, Thomas Jefferson, 329, 330
Vance, James W., 374
Vance, Orland Claton, 374
Vance, Orland D., 374
Vanderlinden, Doris Maxine, 415
Vanderlinden, Sylvester “Arie”, 415
Vanderlinden, Wayne O., 415
Vanderlinden, William W., 415
Vandeweghe, Madeline E., 445
Van Gordon, Emma Adella, 328
Vaughn, Beth, 372
Vaughn, Ella, 368
Vaughn, Frances, 396
Vaughn, Francis “Frank”, 368
Vaughn, Francis Jackson, 365
Vaughn, Jesteene Tennie, 366, 367
Vaughn, Josiah Jackson, 365, 369
Vaughn, Mary Ella, 367
Vaughn, Mary Patterson Stewart, 368
Vaughn, Nancy Ellen, 364, 365, 367, 370, 371
Vaughn, Patterson Stewart, 365, 368
Vedder, Forrest Elmer, 558
Vedder, Gayla Lenore, 558
Vedder, Harry Forrest, 558
Vincent, Audrey Alvis, 533, 534
Vincent, Blanche M., 533
Vincent, Calvin Britton, 534
Vincent, Elmer Jones, 534
Vincent, Emma Etta, 532
Vincent, John, 501, 532
Vincent, Jones, 534
Vincent, Josephine Mae “Josie”, 533
Vincent, LaDell Marie, 502
Vincent, Leonard Lee, 619
Vincent, Martha Parthena Lourena “Pet”, 553
Vincent, Nina Verba, 502
Vincent, Norma Lou, 619
Vincent, Nova L., 502
Vincent, Reuben Nathan, 553
Vincent, Robert Gaston, 502
Vincent, Rosie Lavonia, 534
Vincent, Sally Minnie, 534
Vincent, Soma Velma, 501
Vincent, Thomas Franklin “Frank”, 501, 533
Vincent, William Houston, 533
Vivion, Adam, 402, 404, 405
Vivion, Adam Isaiah, 403, 410, 415
Vivion, Adam William, 414
Vivion, Alma Kate, 412
Vivion, Alpha Ann, 403, 404, 405, 406
Vivion, Bertha, 409
Vivion, Calpurnia Ellen “Purnia”, 412, 413
Vivion, Charles Leonard, 415
Vivion, Charley A., 413
Vivion, Charley C., 412
Vivion, Cora Belle, 412
Vivion, Cynthia, 415
Vivion, Dora Lee, 408
Vivion, Eliza A., 414
Vivion, Eliza Francis “Sally”, 413
Vivion, Elvira, 19
Vivion, Ernest Leroy “Ernie”, 413
Vivion, Florence Eva, 409
Vivion, Frances Elizabeth Susan, 403, 415
Vivion, Ida M., 414
Vivion, Irma O., 413
Vivion, Isaiah, 18, 401
Vivion, Isaiah H., 24, 402
Vivion, Isaiah “Jack”, 412
Vivion, Jacob, 412
Vivion, James Alexander, 408
Vivion, James “Monroe”, 411-412
Vivion, John, 23, 413
Vivion, John J., 24
Vivion, Joseph “King”, 411
Vivion, Lulu Frances “Lou”, 412
Vivion, Mary, 430, 431, 432
Vivion, Mary E., 412
Vivion, Mary Jane, 410, 412
Vivion, Mary Leona, 412
Vivion, Mary “Polly”, 420, 421, 422
Vivion, Milton Pemberton, 415
Vivion, Orion Emory (Rev), 410, 412
Vivion, Orus Emory, 410-411
Vivion, Rachel Ann, 412
Vivion, Robert E., 412
Vivion, Robert O., 412
Voorhies, Dwight, 455
Voorhies, Dwight Curtis, 620
Voorhies, Dwight Mobley, 620
Voorhies, Herschel Lee, 620
Voorhies, Hettie Maude, 618
Voorhies, J. Cullen, 620
Voorhies, James David, 146
Voorhies, James David “Jim”, 618, 621
Voorhies, Jane Gullick, 618
Voorhies, Jane Orr, 620
Voorhies, John Curtis, 456, 619, 620
Voorhies, John Hal, 455, 456, 620
Voorhies, John P., 591, 601, 618
Voorhies, Madora M. “Dora”, 591
Voorhies, Margaret Elizabeth, 591
Voorhies, Mary Isabell Jane, 601, 603
Voorhies, Mary Isabella Jane, 618
Voorhies, Virgil Clarance, 620
Vos, Ina Belle Rollison, 174
Wade, Alice Laura, 552
Wade, Elizabeth, 212
Wade, Elmo Clifton, 552
Wade, George William, 552
Wade, Kathleen, 553
Wade, Max Elson, 552, 553
Wade, Muriel Alma, 552
Wade, William Joseph, 552
Waggoner, Joseph Ransom, 593
Waggoner, Leroy, 593
Waggoner, Maria Ellen Burgher, 144
Wagner, Marvin Wesley, 578
Wagner, Ressie Faye, 578
Wagner, Walter Paris, 578
Wakefield, Kate M., 335
Walburn, George Laverne, 359
Walburn, Jessie Laverne, 359
Walburn, Mary Lou, 363
Waldron, Hester F., 290
Waley, Lydia M., 641
Walker, Ella, 528
Walker, Ella Marjorie, 531
Walker, Henry, 531
Walker, James, 414
Walker, James B., 360
Walker, John, 414
Walker, Pearl May “Pearlie”, 420
Walker, Riley H., 414
Walker, William, 185
Walker, William, Jr., 528
Walker, William Percival, Jr. (Dr), 531
Walker, William Percival, Sr., 530
Wallace, Andrew, 373
Wallace, David Andrew, 373
Wallace, Jennie Elizabeth, 373
Wallace, John A., 374
Wallace, John M., 373
Wallace, Lou Ann, 374
Wallace, Silas Elbridge, 373
Wallace, Thomas Eldora, 373
Walters, Bailey, 344
Walters, Elizabeth, 143
Walters, Emily J., 351
Walters, Mary Elizabeth, 333, 346
Walters, Sarah, 303, 304
Walthall, Edith Anne, 325
Walthall, Harris Vaughan, 325
Walton, Alexander Everard, 438
Walton, Bertha, 438
Walton, Elizabeth Nancy, 333
Walton, Everard H., 438
Walton, George, 15, 19
Walton, Ida Pearl, 438
Walton, Ione E., 438
Walton, Myrtle H., 438
Walton, Nellie, 438
Walton, Rubie J., 438
Walton, William J., 438
Ward, Luther Wyite, 500
Ware, Nicholas, 76
Warnock, Margaret B., 419
Warnock, William Orin, 419
Warren, Thomas, 175, 196
Warner, Martha, 312
Warnock, Margaret B., 419
Washington, George (General/President), 189, 190, 193
Washington, William, 193
Watkins, Thomas, 182
Watkins, Viola Belle, 348
Watson, Ed E., 118
Watson, Mariene, 235
Watson, Nanka, 117
Watson, Nanka Jewell Sharp, 117
Watson, Nanka Sharp, 116, 119
Watson, Nell, 125
Watts, Tempy Anne, 343
Wayland, John, 129
Waymire, Elizabeth, 421
Weaver, Alpha, 255
Webb, Benjamin James, 227
Webb, Elijah Clawson, 228
Webb, Elizabeth, 228
Webb, James Crittendon, 228
Webb, John Cornwall, 228
Webb, Mary “Polly”, 228
Webb, Nancy West, 228
Webb, Patsy, 228
Webb, Sidnea, 228
Webb, Thomas C., 228
Webb, Usabra, 368
Weed, John, 175, 198
Weidman, Frank F., 529
Weidman, Hubert Lawrence, 529
Weidman, Joseph H., 529
Weidman, Stanley Fye, Jr., 529
Weidman, Stanley Fye, Sr., 529
Weisseman, Mathilda, 327
Welch, David Vernon, 537
Welch, Helen Josephine, 318
Welch, Margaret E., 642
Welch, Matthew Scott, Jr., 537
Welch, Matthew Scott, Sr., 537
Welch, Michael Everett, 537
Welch, Raquel, 286
Weldon, Celeste Eva, 340
Wells, Carol, 37
Wells, Everett Albert, 347
Wells, Gladys Elizabeth, 440
Wells, Grover Benjamin, 347
Wells, Lucy, 402
Wells, Martha G., 373
Wells, Peter, 402
Wells, Prewitt Allen, 347
Wells, Sarah Agness, 402
Wells, William Henry, 440
West, Addie T., 538
West, Berry, 538
West, John H., 538
West, Rosa Lee, 300
West, Simeon Henry, 300
Westwood, Bethiah, 302
Whalen, Elizabeth, 295
Whalen, John Jacob, 295
Whaley, ______ (Captain), 159
Whaley, Eva Estelle, 509
Whaley, Stella Eva, 503
Whaley, Lida, 110
Wheeler, Evelyn Ruth, 579, 581
Wheeler, Ira Eldrige, 304
Wheeler, Lasco Preston, 558
Whisenand, Susan Clarinda, 211
Whitaker, Lillie M., 629
Whitcomb, Donald Dooley, 300
Whitcomb, Miriam, 300
Whitcomb, Morris Glen, 300
Whitcomb, William Arthur, 300
Whitcomb, William Donald, 300
White, Alpha, 260
White, Alpha Blevins, 256
White, Bernice Gertrude, 256
White, Brown Weaver, 256
White, Clara Opal, 256
White, Dorothy Blevins, 256
White, Freddie, 258
White, Freddie Margaret, 259
White, James Ervin, 256
White, Lena Pearl, 194
White, Mary Frances, 570
White, Mary Lou, 256
White, Naomi Burton, 570
White, Nina Pearl, 194
White, Thomas Brown, 256
White, Thomas J., 28
White, Warren Travis, Jr. (Dr), 570
White, Warren Travis, Sr. (Dr), 569
White, Warren W., 569
Whiteman, Benjamin Franklin, 373
Whiteman, Dorothy, 373, 374
Whiteman, Edna, 374
Whiteman, Emuriel, 373
Whiteman, Gaddis, 374
Whiteman, John Wesley, 374
Whiteman, Lou Lilly, 374
Whiteman, Maxwell Gaddis, 373
Whiteman, Miller Franklin, 374
Whiteman, Mitchell G., 373
Whiteman, Nancy L., 373, 374
Whiteman, Ralph G., 373, 374
Whiteman, Richard B., 373, 374
Whiteman, Sallie Conroy, 374
Whiteman, Vella Elizabeth, 373
Whiteside, James Lewis, 212
Whiteside, Joel, 212
Whiteside, Jonathan, 212
Whiteside, Lewis, 212
Whiteside, Polly, 212
Whiteside, William, 212
Whitinger, Rachel Fern, 551
Whitsett, Rose, 412
Whitson, Thomas (Captain), 184
Wicker, Ralph, 416
Wight, Lyman, 225
Wilcockson, Caleb Ethridge
Wilcockson, Henry, 303, 304
Wilcockson, Israel, 303
Wilcockson, James, 303
Wilcockson, James Israel, 305
Wilcockson, Martha Jane, 305
Wilcockson or Wilcox, Mary, 304
Wilcockson, Wilcoxen, Nancy, 305
Wilcockson or Wilcox, Samuel, 305
Wilcockson, Sarah, 305
Wilcockson, Sylvester, 304
Wilcockson or Wilcox, William, 305
Wilcockson, Zarilda Ann, 305
Wilcox, Alma Frances, 304
Wilcox, Charles Roosevelt, 304
Wilcox, Clara Mae, 304
Wilcox, Donald Lafe
Wilcox, Dorethy Fae, 304
Wilcox, Everett Mark, 304
Wilcox, Harriet, 259
Wilcox, Hattie, 260
Wilcox, James, 260
Wilcox, James Franklin, 304
Wilcox, James Paul, 304
Wilcox, Jennie, 304
Wilcox, Jesse N., 304
Wilcox, Quinten, 260
Wilcox, Ruebell, 304
Wilcox, Sherman Henry, 304
Wilcox, Timothy Alfred, 304
Wilcox, Ulysses Grant, 304
Wilcox, William, 304
Wilcox, William Milton, 304
Wilcox, William S., 304
Wilcoxson, Joshua Edward, 304
Wilcoxson, Mary Ann, 304
Wilcoxson, Sylvester, 304
Wiles, Jesse Franklin, 328
Wiles, Lillian, 328
Wilkerson, George Thomas, 584
Wilkerson, Thomas Newton, 584
Wilkinson, Anthony Wayne, 540
Wilkinson, Clyde John, 538
Wilkinson, Esther M., 538, 540
Wilkinson, George Benjamin, 538, 539
Wilkinson, Hershel Marvin, 538
Wilkinson, James Wayman, 540
Wilkinson, Matilda Caroline, 538
Wilkinson, Paul Thomas, Sr., 540
Wilkinson, Samuel Hopkins Hodges, 538
Wilkinson, Samuel Marion, 538
Wilkinson, Thomas Henry, 538
Wilkinson, Thomas Henry Beecher, 540
Willard, Nancy, 305
Willcoxson, Emma S., 304
William of Orange (King), 175
Williams, Ace, 302
Williams, Allen L., 246
Williams, Amon Alva, 423
Williams, Amon Inglish, 423
Williams, Benjamin Stevens, 600
Williams, Blaine, 245
Williams, Charles L., 246
Williams, Claire Leone, 424
Williams, Claude, 246
Williams, Earle Franklin, 361
Williams, Earle Franklin, Jr., 361
Williams, Earle Franklin, Sr., 361
Williams, Edna Lorene, 361
Williams, Eli Ervin, 423
Williams, Eli W., 421
Williams, Eliza Jane, 422
Williams, Elsie L., 424
Williams, Ethel A., 246
Williams, Evert Boyd, 425
Williams, Francis Marion “Frank”, 246, 247
Williams, Franklin Simpson, 361
Williams, George, 362
Williams, George William, 421
Williams, Gertrude, 409
Williams, Godfrey, 245
Williams, Harry, 246
Williams, Hiram B., 245
Williams, Isaac, 245, 246, 636
Williams, Ivy L., 425
Williams, J. W., 225
Williams, James, 421
Williams, James (Colonel), 184, 185
Williams, James Newton, 423
Williams, Jesse, 95, 102, 103, 104
Williams, Jesse C., 244
Williams, John Haywood, 425
Williams, John Spafford, 361
Williams, Joseph P., 429
Williams, Kate Ethel, 362
Williams, Laura, 245
Williams, Lauren L., 422
Williams, Leo Norton, 361
Williams, Leslie, 425
Williams, Lincoln Boyd, 424
Williams, Loren Milton, 361
Williams, Mary Elizabeth, 246, 423-424
Williams, Mary Ellen, 423
Williams, Mary Frances, 421, 422
Williams, Mary Jane, 361, 423
Williams, Maude, 422
Williams, Maude Frances, 423
Williams, Myrtle, 429
Williams, Nancy Elizabeth “Ella”, 246
Williams, Ola May, 423
Williams, Oscar Edmond, 362
Williams, Paul, 245
Williams, Phillip Gordon, 361
Williams, Rachel Ann, 245
Williams, Raymond L., 423
Williams, Rena V., 247
Williams, Ruth E., 423
Williams, Richard James, 361
Williams, Ruth, 245
Williams, Samuel P., 247
Williams, Samuel Parker, 246
Williams, Sarah Ann “Sadie”, 362
Williams, Sarah Elizabeth Lovett, 30
Williams, Stella, 246
Williams, Vera Lynn, 361
Williams, Vernie Ralph, 361
Williams, Viola A., 425
Williams, William “Bill” G., 245
Williams, Willie Lee, 600
Williamson, Ann, 77
Williamson, Hugh Lewis, 327
Willis, David Baker, 387
Willis, Leila Susan, 387
Wills, Benjamin T., 392
Wills, Byron, 316
Wills, Clint Cocheral, 444
Wills, Florence Elmer, 444, 446
Wills, Leola Evelyn, 316, 318
Wills, Margaret Emma, 392
Wills, Taylor Warren, 316, 318
Wilson, Catherine H., 160
Wilson, Hannah, 210
Wilson, Lewis M., 344
Wilson, Mary Katherine, 545
Wilson, Rachel, 91, 92
Wilson, Rose Jenny, 344
Wilson, Thomps Morris, Jr., 545
Wilson, William, 161
Wilson, Izora Zalalla, 321
Wisdom, Ida Lee, 378
Wisdom, Sarah F., 305
Wisdom, Wilson Lafayette, 379
Wiseman, Abner Isaac, 386
Wiseman, Bernice Kathryn, 386
Wiseman, Dorsey, 385, 386
Wiseman, Elery B., 386
Wiseman, George Bush, 385, 386
Wiseman, Hazel, 386
Wiseman, Henry Bascom, 386, 391
Wiseman, Henry Bush, 386
Wiseman, Isaac Lynwood, 386
Wiseman, Johnny Ray, 386
Wiseman, Kate, 391
Wiseman, Lillian Eloise, 386
Wiseman, Maurice Mize, 385, 386
Wiseman, Mildred A., 386
Wiseman, William “Willie”, 386
Witt, George Bernard, 558
Witt, John Roger, Sr., 558
Witt, Mary Elizabeth “Beth”, 558
Witt, Ruth Esther, 558
Witt, William Stephen, Jr., 558
Witt, William Stephen, Sr., 558
Wolf, George, 185
Wolfe, Henry, 159
Woll, Mary Louisa, 556
Wollen, ______, (Judge), 167
Wolter, Josie P., 359
Wood, ______, Mr., 325
Wood, Glenn E. (Lt.), 331
Wood, Glen Ruth, 325
Wood, James, 10
Wood, Thomas, 10
Wooden, Abram, 466
Wooden, Ada Daisy Sullivan, 466
Wooden, Chalmers (Col), 466
Wooden, E. Beth, 466
Wooden, Fannie Ettie, 465
Wooden, Henry A., 466
Wooden, Herbert Dorsey, 466
Wooden, John Henry, 465, 466
Wooden, Marion McGarvey, 466
Wooden, Sally Estelle, 465
Wooden, William, 465
Woodford, ______ (General), 186
Woodruff, Jennie Rhoda, 459
Woods, Clarence, 357, 433
Woods, Ella, 368
Woods, Grace M., 641
Woods, William Henry, 367
Woodward, Julis Franklin, 138
Woodward, Nancy, 137, 139
Woodward, Nancy Johnston, 35
Woodward, William F., 38
Woolery, Andrew Helton, 633
Woolery, Mary E., 633
Woolery, Sally Ann, 631
Woosley, Almtie M., 345
Woosley, Cynthia Elizabeth, 345
Workman, Lois Ann, 552
Worley, Addie Mae, 478, 616, 617
Worley, Blanche Elizabeth, 599
Worley, Dorothy Faye, 478
Worley, Ella Roberta, 599
Worley, Gaff, 477
Worley, Gifford Barnes “Giffie”, 478
Worley, Grace L. “Gracie”, 478
Worley, Infant, 476
Worley, Infant Daughter, 599
Worley, J. B., 596, 599
Worley, James Allen, 599
Worley, Jennie Ruth, 599
Worley, Jerry Wayne, 599
Worley, Jessie, 478
Worley, John M., 600
Worley, John Milton “Jack”, 477
Worley, John Paul, 599
Worley, Kathleen, 477
Worley, Lawrence Wilson, 478
Worley, Leo W., 478
Worley, Lillie, 478
Worley, Louella, 478
Worley, M. J., 478
Worley, Mattie Hash, 476
Worley, Maude, 472, 476
Worley, Maurice Theron, 478
Worley, Millie A., 478
Worley, Nancy Jeanette “Jennie”, 481
Worley, Nick Olin, 599
Worley, Oma Elizabeth, 478
Worley, Ruby Dallas, 478
Worley, Sarah Elizabeth Chesier, 146
Worley, Sarah Eugenia “Gene”, 478
Worley, Stella Irene, 478
Worley, Thomas “Tom”, 478
Worley, Will, 476
Worley, William Barnes “Doc”, 476, 617
Worley, William C., 597
Worley, William Charles, 600
Worley, William Herbert, 596, 599
Worley, William “Will” Rogers, 478
Worley, Willie Robert, 477, 600
Worth, ______ (General), 142
Worth, Stephen, 349
Wright, Allen L., 218
Wright, Asa S., 186, 188
Wright, Beatrice L., 607
Wright, David, 610
Wright, Elizabeth, 216
Wright, Elvira, 218
Wright, Evans Creath, 218
Wright, George Franklin, 218
Wright, Henry Benjamin, 218
Wright, Henrietta Elizabeth, 551
Wright, James Granville, 218
Wright, James Robert, 297, 475
Wright, Joel, 218
Wright, Joseph, 253
Wright, Lonnie Carl “Jack”, 475
Wright, Lydia Irene, 302
Wright, Melissa P., 216
Wright, Margaret Coffey, 237
Wright, Margaret A. Coffey, 237
Wright, Martha J., 218
Wright, Martin, 218
Wright, Mary Ann, 216
Wright, Mary, 41
Wright, Mason, 97
Wright, Matilda, 216
Wright, Matrum, 175, 196
Wright, Nancy, 186, 188, 253
Wright, Nancy E., 216
Wright, Newton Herndon, 218
Wright, Ola Belle, 297
Wright, Reuben H., 216
Wright, Robert C., 216
Wright, Robert Floyd “Haut”, 609, 610
Wright, Sarah Vina, 218
Wright, Sarlida, 216
Wright, Silas, 218
Wright, Summers, 216
Wright, Thomas A., 237
Wright, William, 188
Wright, Zena, 320
Wyatt, Pearl, 357, 433
Wyatt, Wiley J., 357, 433
Wyatt, William J., 357, 433
Wyatt, Wyley, 433
Wyley, John, 160
Yates, Ada Elizabeth, 314
Yates, Albert Duncan, 314
Yates, Alice Graham, 314
Yates, Anna Elizabeth, 314
Yates, Cecil Leland, 313
Yates, Charles Augusta, 313
Yates, Edward Clifford, 438
Yates, Harold Green, 314
Yates, James Joseph, 312
Yates, James Wilson, 314
Yates, Kenneth Graham, 313
Yates, Mable, 442, 445, 447
Yates, Mary Lee, 314
Yates, Mary Wilma, 314
Yates, Muriel Linda, 314
Yates, Russell, 314
Yates, Russell Odell, 314
Yates, Thomas, 313
Yates, Thomas Benton, 438, 445
Yates, William Ray, 314
Yoakum, Ruth V., 331
Yoakum, Walter C., 325, 331
Yontz, Alice M., 441
Young, Drurie, 457
Young, F. M., 260
Young, J.W. (Dr), 350
Young, James, 10
Young, Juanita Faye, 581
Young, Judson Adamiann, 337
Young, Lemuel Lem, 337
Young, Lowell Clifton, 338
Young, Roberta June, 338
Young, Selmer Jewel, 457
Yowell, James Richard, 580-581
Zelner, Mary Ann Vincent, 528
Zubler, Donald W., 423
Zubler, Elva May, 423
Zubler, Isaac Milton, 423
Zubler, Jacob D., 423
Zubler, Lois, 423
Sidenbender Family
Abernathy, Joseph, 95
Adam, Bernet, 14
Adam, Bernhard, 11-14
Adam, Elizabeth Seidenbender, 12-14
Adam, Isaac, 12, 14
Adam, John, 12-14
Adam, Margaret, 12
Adam, Rebecca, 12
Adams, Elizabeth, 12-13
Adams, Leonard, 67, 73
Adams, Lorraine, 96
Adams, Susan, 66
Ahren, John, 15
Allen, Rhoda Dixon, 68
Aytcheson, James, 94
Baer, John, 57
Bahlow, Hans, 2
Baltzer, Anna Barbara, 24, 28, 76
Baltzer, Barbara, 22, 24
Baltzer, Johannes, 22, 24, 28
Barker, Vince, 64
Beaumont, Blanche, 72
Beaumont, Theodore, 72
Beavins, Joseph, 94
Bechtol, Anna, 51
Behler, Benjamin, 80-81
Belzel, Ann Barbara, 25
Benson, Samuel, 73
Beriger, George, 93-94
Bettner, Lucinda, 73
Bienz, Phillip, 53
Biles, Charles, 93-94
Biles, John, 94-96
Bingemann, Johannes, 14
Bivens, Mary, 95
Blum, Lewis, 93
Boeltzer, Anna Barbara, 21, 23
Boeltzer, Johannes, 21, 112
Bonn, Jacob, 92-94
Boos, William, 15
Bowman, Christian, 9
Boyles, Abygail, 95
Boyles, John, 95
Bradshaw, Elizabeth, 97
Braendel, Johann Friedrich, 78
Brandle, John, 93-95
Braun, Adolphe, 74
Brend, John, 100
Brendel, Abraham, 3, 8, 28, 79-86, 88-90, 94, 99
Brendel, Andrew, 20
Brendel, Anna Barbara, 20, 22, 24
Brendel, Chris, 94
Brendel, Christian, 27, 92
Brendel, David, 94
Brendel, Dorothy, 28
Brendel, Eliza, 81-83, 85-86, 88-90, 99
Brendel, Elizabeth, 20, 27, 92-93
Brendel, Eva, 93
Brendel, Frey, 93
Brendel, Friedrich, 27, 77, 92
Brendel, George, 20, 27, 93, 99
Brendel, Han George, 96, 98
Brendel, Hans George, 25
Brendel, Hans Heinrich, 21-22
Brendel, Hans Jorg, 26
Brendel, Heinrich, 8, 22, 24-25, 27, 76, 79-86, 88-90, 92, 99-100
Brendel, Henry, 19-20, 94
Brendel, Jacob, 27, 92
Brendel, Johann George, 92
Brendel, Johann Heinrich, 18, 21-28, 76, 100, 110-111
Brendel, Johann Phillip, 17-18, 21, 24-24-25, 100, 109
Brendel, Johannes, 24, 27, 77, 92-94
Brendel, Jorg, 29
Brendel, Joseph, 19, 93, 96-100
Brendel, Julianna, 9
Brendel, Louis Heinrich, 25
Brendel, Ludwig Heinrich, 77-78
Brendel, Margaret, 93
Brendel, Maria Hans Heinrich, 25
Brendel, Mary, 93
Brendel, Mary Good, 79
Brendel, Philip, 1, 11, 16, 77, 92
Brendel, Phillip, 17, 19-20, 27
Brendel, Philippus, 27, 92
Brendel, Rachel, 93
Brendel, Rosanna, 94
Brendel, Rosine Marguerite, 78
Brendel, Samuel, 94
Brendel, Sara, 79-81
Brendel, Susanna, 11, 15-16, 20, 28
Brendel, Susanna W., 79
Brendel, Susanne, 55
Brendel, William, 20, 79-86, 88-90, 93-94, 99
Brendle, Abraham, 79, 92
Brendle, Amanda, 98
Brendle, Charlotte H. Williams, 97
Brendle, Charlotte T., 99
Brendle, David, 92
Brendle, Eliza, 80-81, 83-84
Brendle, George Washington, 97-99
Brendle, Han George, 96
Brendle, Henry, 92
Brendle, Henry P., 96-98
Brendle, Israel, 79
Brendle, John, 92-94, 96-97
Brendle, John David, 96-100
Brendle, Joseph, 92, 96-97, 99-100
Brendle, Joseph P., 96
Brendle, Josephine, 99
Brendle, Margaret, 92
Brendle, Martha P., 96
Brendle, Mary, 92
Brendle, Mary Polly, 96
Brendle, Rachel, 92
Brendle, Rosanna, 92
Brendle, Rutha Elizabeth, 100
Brendle, Sara, 82
Brendle, Susanna, 92
Brendle, William, 81, 97
Brendle, William Manley, 96-97
Brindel, John, 94-95
Brindle, Daniel, 92
Brindle, David, 95
Brindle, Elizabeth, 92
Brindle, Johannes, 94
Brindle, John, 92-96
Brindle, Joseph, 95-96
Brindle, Mary, 95
Broyles, Louis, 101
Brucker, Magdalena, 79
Brunds, Peter, 94
Burk, Margaret, 84
Burkhart, Sue, 86
Butler, Ann, 100
Butler, William, 93-94
Byrket, Cox, 61
Byrket, Jacob Edwin, 60-61
Cadwallader, Hannah, 55
Cadwallader, Judah, 56
Caspar, John, 15
Chaney, Katherine, 70-71
Christman, Anna Margareta, 35
Christman, Heinrich, 17, 31, 34-35
Christman, Henry, 34
Christman, Johan Heinrich, 30, 33, 111
Christman, John Nichel, 32
Christman, Maria, 16, 20, 33
Christman, Peter, 32
Coble, Sarah, 56
Conrad, Johan, 77, 79
Conrad, Philipp, 78
Cook, William, 94
Cox, Byrket, 61
Cox, Clayton E., 59
Cox, Damon, 59
Cox, Delphine, 60
Cox, Emma, 59
Cox, Lena, 59
Cox, William E., 59
Crawford, Joseph, 96-99
Cullen, George, 57
Davis, James, 94
Davis, John, 94, 99-100
Dierdorff, Harriett, 62-64
Dixon, Rhoda, 68-69
Dyer, Frederick, 48
Eby, Harold, 87
Eccles, John, 94
Eckbrecht, Cuno, 32
Eckhart, Lewis, 53
Egle, William, 1
Elliott, Edna, 67
Elliott, George Leonard, 66-67
Elliott, Gertrude M., 67
Elliott, Ginger, 67, 73
Elliott, Harriet Maria, 67
Elliott, Laura A., 67
Elliott, Leonard Adams, 67
Elliott, Nora B., 67
Elliott, Susan Adams, 66
Elliott, Susan J., 67
Ellis, John, 94
Elmore, Aleck, 102
Emerson, Hal, 73
Emfres, Josephine, 57
Engel, Andreas, 21
Engel, Maria, 76
Ernst, Philipp, 77-78
Farwell, Albert, 75
Filbert, Philip, 20
Fisher, Fred, 99
Foger, Matthias, 57
Fork, Jacob, 95
Franklin, Charles, 73
Franklin, Joseph, 65
Frederick, Joseph, 74
French, Marie, 62
Frey, Valentine, 27
Friedrich, Johann, 23
Fry, Felby, 94
Geone, Jacob, 47
Golsby, Estella, 66
Good, Anthony, 87
Good, Arlene, 86, 89
Good, Clair, 86, 89
Good, Hettie Witwer, 83
Good, Israel B., 83
Good, Jennie, 87
Good, Katie K. Witwer, 89-90
Good, Leon, 86, 89
Good, Lydia B. Witwer, 85
Good, Mary, 79, 81
Good, Mildred, 86, 89
Good, Monroe, 85-86, 89
Good, Monroe H.,
Good, Pearl, 86
Good, Richard, 89
Good, William P., 85
Graeber, Anthon, 35
Gross, Sarah, 94
Gumm, Ethel Joan, 70-71
Gumm, Herman, 70
Gumm, Katherine Chaney, 70-71
Gumm, Tom, 70
Gundy, Abraham, 47
Guy, Harrison, 48
Guy, Harry, 39
Guy, Margaret, 48
Hamilton, William, 57
Hansen, Hall, 53
Hargrave, Mary, 97
Harrison, Jesse, 97-99
Harrison, John, 98, 100
Hartman, Leila, 87
Hausfrau, Wagners, 21
Haworth, Samuel, 63
Hayse, Emma, 56-57
Hemminger, Caroline, 81, 85
Hendricks, David, 94
Hendrickson, Abraham, 94
Hendrix, David, 94
Herman, Harry, 85
Hess, Mildred, 91
High, John, 86, 99
Hildebrand, Henry, 94
Hill, Grace, 54
Hoffert Sara Brendel, 79
Hoffert, Alice, 82
Hoffert, Catherine, 80-81
Hoffert, Debbie, 82
Hoffert, Elizabeth, 82
Hoffert, Johannes, 81
Hoffert, John, 82
Hoffert, Julian, 81
Hoffert, Louisa, 82
Hoffert, Nelson, 80, 82
Hoffert, Susan, 81-82
Hoke, Danl, 96
Holman, Barbara, 67
Holtzman, Paul, 87
Hoover, Daniel, 56
Hoover, Mary Harriett, 55
Hoshauer, Jeremiah, 81
Hoyle, Peter, 96
Hudson, Ella, 59, 61
Hudson, Willard, 59
Huett, Jacob, 14
Huffert, Julian, 80
Ickes, Anderson, 53
Ingold, Jonathan, 96
Jackson, Joseph, 99
Jameson, Roscoe, 71
Jenkins, Thomas, 99
Johnson, Joshua, 97
Johnson, Rebecca, 97
Johnston, Richard, 95
Johnston, Robert, 94
Kawee, John, 94
Kiser, Simon, 53
Klapp, Heinrich, 20
Klimuska, Ed, 91
Klipffel, Philipp, 25-26
Klipffel, Thomas, 25-26
Kramer, Isaac, 83
Kring, Henry, 83
Kring, Kate, 86
Kring, Mary, 86
Lafayette, James, 101
Lafayette, Milton, 101
Leeking, Doris, 86
Leib, Daniel, 85
Leib, Leon, 87
Leslie, Andrew, 57
Leslie, Maggie, 57
Leslie, Merideth, 57
Leslie, Willis, 57
Lewis, Ellen, 60
Lingerfelt, Daniel, 95
Lingerfelt, John, 95
Lingerfelt, Michael, 95
Low, Hans, 25-26
Low, Margaretha, 25-26
Lutz, Nicholas, 19
Lynch, Thomas, 8
Macon, Sarah, 100
Mader, Samuel, 20
Manley, Joseph, 100
Manley, William, 96-97, 99
Martin, Arlene, 91
Martin, Johann, 27
May, Anna Bell, 67
May, Barbara Ellen, 67, 72-73
May, Bonnie, 71
May, Carol, 70-71
May, Charlene, 70-71
May, Charles, 67-73
May, Christopher, 65, 67
May, Edith, 75
May, Effie, 57-58
May, Estella Irene, 69-70
May, Ethel Joan Gumm, 70-71
May, Flora, 99
May, Frank, 68
May, Georgia, 73
May, Gumm, 70
May, Ida, 68, 72-73
May, Jack, 71
May, Laura Belle, 66-67, 73
May, Patricia, 71
May, Patsy, 71
May, Philip Skyler, 65, 67-71
May, Robert, 71
May, Tom, 71
McGinley, Barbara Ellen May, 72
McGinley, Emeline, 72
McGinley, Furman E. D., 72-73
McGinley, Theodore Beaumont, 72
Mercer, Edward, 15
Merkle, Jacob, 10
Messner, Hoffert, 80
Messner, Maria, 84
Messner, Mary, 82, 87
Messner, Rhine, 83
Micheson, Nat, 96
Miller, David, 10
Miller, Henry, 95
Monroe, Charles, 58
Montreville, Jane, 47
Mosier, Jacob, 58
Mullers, Anna Maria, 76
Nearen, Jesse, 95
Nichel, John, 32, 35
Norman, John, 88
Palestine, Martha, 99
Palestine, Nancy, 99
Parks, Grace, 59
Pearson, Richmon, 98
Pender, Fred, 98
Pender, Samuel, 98
Philip, Charles, 67-71, 73
Philip, Skyler May, 68
Philipp, Johann, 22-23, 25, 33, 76-77
Philippa, Martha, 73
Pierce, Edward, 101
Pierson, Henry, 97, 100
Raymond, Charles, 70
Remp, Howard, 83
Roctor, Peter, 94
Rosenberg, Ellen, 75
Ruch, John, 19
Rupp, Julianna, 80
Sagar, Rebecca, 56
Sager, Elias, 56
Schneler, Emil, 69
Schweitzer, Susan, 86
Seidenbaender, Elizabeth, 12
Seidenbaender, George, 16
Seidenbaender, Henry, 12, 16
Seidenbender, Rosina, 9
Seidenbender, Catarina, 10, 15
Seidenbender, Christian, 10, 14
Seidenbender, Elizabeth, 10-11, 13-14
Seidenbender, George, 10-11, 20
Seidenbender, Heinrich, 1, 4, 6, 9, 11, 17, 108
Seidenbender, Henry, 20
Seidenbender, Rosina, 9-10
Seidenbender, Susanna Brendel, 11
Sharp, Marion, Jr., 1
Shepard, Joshua J., 100
Shepherd, Charlotte T. Brendle, 99-100
Shuford, David, 95
Sidenbender, Alvina, 40-41, 47, 73
Sidenbender, Ann, 36, 43, 50, 53
Sidenbender, Ann Van Gundy, 16, 42
Sidenbender, Anna, 53
Sidenbender, Carol, 59
Sidenbender, Carrie, 44
Sidenbender, Cary, 75
Sidenbender, Charles Henry, 64
Sidenbender, Charles Rentz, 59
Sidenbender, Charles W., 66
Sidenbender, Crawford, 65
Sidenbender, Dallas, 75
Sidenbender, Effie May, 57
Sidenbender, Eliza Ann, 8, 57
Sidenbender, Elizabeth, 16, 41, 55, 62-63, 74
Sidenbender, Ellen, 61
Sidenbender, Elmer, 58, 60
Sidenbender, Elta, 75
Sidenbender, Emily, 56
Sidenbender, Frank, 38, 65
Sidenbender, George, 1, 8, 15-17, 34, 51, 55, 60, 62-73, 107
Sidenbender, George W., 54, 56
Sidenbender, Gundy, 16, 42
Sidenbender, Hamilton, 56
Sidenbender, Harriett, 59, 61
Sidenbender, Harrison, 47
Sidenbender, Heinrich, 1
Sidenbender, Henry, 16, 54-55, 60, 62-64
Sidenbender, Hiram, 56
Sidenbender, Jane, 69, 71, 73
Sidenbender, Jess, 58
Sidenbender, John, 16-17, 55
Sidenbender, John C., 57
Sidenbender, John Joseph, 55-61
Sidenbender, Jon, 47
Sidenbender, Joseph Van Gundy, 37-39, 41, 49, 75
Sidenbender, Joseph, 1, 15-17, 33-36, 39, 42, 45-47, 52, 55-56, 60-63, 65-66, 73-75, 106
Sidenbender, Julia, 62-63
Sidenbender, Margaret, 16, 55
Sidenbender, Maria Jane, 1, 49, 53
Sidenbender, Maria, 41, 50, 57
Sidenbender, Martha A., 57
Sidenbender, Mary Ellen, 48
Sidenbender, Mary Harriett, 58-60
Sidenbender, Mary Whitley, 38, 55
Sidenbender, Milberry Ann, 41, 44-46, 50, 74
Sidenbender, Nelson, 57
Sidenbender, Polly, 16, 55
Sidenbender, Richard, 16, 42, 55-57, 60-61, 63
Sidenbender, Robert, 66
Sidenbender, Royce, 66
Sidenbender, Ruth, 65
Sidenbender, Samuel, 16, 54-55, 59-62, 64-66
Sidenbender, Sarah Jane, 65-70, 72
Sidenbender, Seymour B., 48
Sidenbender, Seymour, 39-41, 43
Sidenbender, Thomas, 63
Sidenbender, Wayne, 66
Sidenbender, Whitley, 49
Sidenbender, William C., 57
Sidenbender, Wilson, 56
Sidenbendother, George, 51
Simpson, Willis, 74
Sitton, Thaddius, 102
Skyler, Philip, 68-71
Smith, Alvina Sidenbender, 40, 45
Smith, Blanche, 63
Smith, Claire, 1
Smith, Clyde Van, 1, 53
Smith, Elizabeth, 53
Smith, Henry K., 39, 50, 53
Smith, Henry, 1
Smith, Maria Jane Sidenbender, 47-48 53
Smith, Nellie, 53
Snyder, Christina, 51
Snyder, Clyde, 51
Snyder, Lafayette, 39, 44-47, 51-52
Snyder, Maggie, 53
Snyder, Milberry Sidenbender, 45, 50
Spetnagle, Richard, 50
Spohn, Adam, 14
Stafford, Minnie B., 60
Stallings, Jacob, 94
Starr, Casper, 94
Steffy, Sarah, 82
Stephen, Johan, 79
Stohler, Mary B. Witwer, 88
Stohler, Norman, 88
Swan, Benjamin, 94
Swan, Robert, 94
Sweikhart, Elizabeth, 11
Sweitzer, Susanna K., 82
Sydenbender, Henry, 3
Symons, Carrie Sidenbender, 44
Synder, Lafayette, 74
Transu, Phillip, 93
Trostel, Allegheny, 9
Trostel, George, 10
Trostel, William, 9
Trostle, Amanda, 81
Trostle, Elizabeth, 11
Trostle, Harry, 86
Trostle, John, 81
Trostle, Kate Kring, 86
Tucker, William, 95
Upton, Jesse Harrison, 97, 99
Upton, Joseph Crawford, 96-98
Upton, Thomas, 98
Van Gundy, Ann, 16, 42, 56
Van Gundy, Abraham, 46, 53
Van Gundy, Catherine, 44
Van Gundy, Clyde, 1, 53, 74
Van Gundy, Elizabeth, 65
Van Gundy, John, 47
Van Gundy, Joseph, 37-39, 41, 44, 47, 49-50
Van Gundy, Mary, 53
Van Gundy, Myron, 75
Van Gundy, Peter, 3
Voke, Edward, 40, 50, 75
Voke, Elta Sidenbender, 75
Voke, Mary, 75
Waldschmidt, John, 2, 8, 11-12, 16, 20
Walton, Hannah, 56
Waltzinger, Anna Maria, 25
Warlick, Lewis, 95
Washington, George, 97-98, 102
Wasson, Mary, 63
Weale, Tillie, 67
Weatherman, Christian, 94
Weatherman, John, 94
Weatherman, Susannah, 94
Weimer, Barbe, 79
Wenger, John, 3
Wert, Joseph, 53
Wesley, John, 99
Whitley, Dallas, 50
Whitley, Mary, 38
Whitley, William, 50
Wilhelm, Johann, 21
Williams, Charles, 97
Williams, Charlotte, 97
Wilson, Charles, 56-57
Wilson, Henry, 57
Wisbracker, Sharon, 71
Witwer Leib, 84, 87
Witwer Stohler, 88
Witwer, Alice, 85
Witwer, Amos B., 88-89
Witwer, Annie B., 86
Witwer, Carl, 86
Witwer, Charles K., 86, 90
Witwer, Connie, 86
Witwer, Daniel B., 81, 85
Witwer, David, 84
Witwer, Eliza Brendel, 8, 80-81, 83-84, 88, 99
Witwer, Elizabeth B., 87
Witwer, Emma, 85
Witwer, Frank K., 86
Witwer, Harold E., 86
Witwer, Hettie, 83, 87
Witwer, Isaac, 88
Witwer, James B., 82, 87
Witwer, John, 81, 84
Witwer, Katie K., 85-86, 89-90
Witwer, Lester E., 86
Witwer, Lillie K., 99
Witwer, Lily, 86
Witwer, Lydia B., 87
Witwer, Mabel, 86
Witwer, Martha G. McQuate, 86, 90
Witwer, Mary B., 88
Witwer, Mary Kring, 86
Witwer, Michael, 81-82, 84-87
Witwer, Missouri, 85
Witwer, Monroe, 86
Witwer, Peter B., 88
Witwer, Richard, 86
Witwer, Ronald, 86
Witwer, Sue Burkhart, 86
Witwer, Susan Schweitzer, 86
Witwer, Warren, 86
Witwer, William, 85-87, 89-90, 99
Witzer Ziemer, 82-83
Wolfscale, Joseph, 94
Work, Charles, 75
Work, Clayborne, 39, 41
Work, Elizabeth Sidenbender, 41
Work, Minnie, 75
Wright, Edward, 12, 15-16, 20
Zerbe, Elizabeth, 80, 82-83
Ziemer, Annie B. Witzer, 82-83
Ziemer, Phineas K., 82-83
Zuck, Rudy, 3
Smith Family
Acree, Dewey L., 83
Alexander, Andrew, 37, 40
Anderson, John, 62
Andrus, Hila Lucinda, 106
Applegate, William, 37
Armstrong, Robert, 20
Ayers, James, 101-104
Badger, Thomas, 14
Barney, George, 85
Barr, Thomas, 36
Bartholomaus, Johann, 110
Beerbower, Elizabeth, 58, 92-93
Beeson, Richard, 47
Bernard, Johann, 111
Biddle, Charles, 42, 100
Bierbruer, Philip, 92
Blake, Harriet, 68, 71
Blake, William, 71
Blunner, James, 76
Boger, Harriet Smith, 96
Boger, Joseph, 55, 97
Boilston, George, 21
Bolivar, James, 55
Bonam, Jeremiah, 109
Bonam, Miller, 109
Bosley, Cora, 104
Bowan, Philip, 25
Bowell, Basil, 107
Bowles, Patricia, 127-128
Bradshaw, Barbara, 123
Bradshaw, Carol, 81, 127
Bradshaw, Debra, 123
Bradshaw, Jerald, 123
Bradshaw, Sharyn, 123, 125
Bradshaw, Susan, 123
Brandenburg, Barbara, 14
Bratton, Carl, 91
Bratton, Cora, 78-80, 84, 90, 124
Brown, Abigail, 37
Brown, Anna, 37
Brown, Christena Smith, 27, 33, 38
Brown, Elizabeth, 37
Brown, Frederick, 8, 26, 36-38, 41
Brown, George, 37, 40
Brown, Hannah, 36
Brown, John, 40
Brown, Mary, 37
Brown, Nellie, 37
Brown, Ruth, 37
Brownfield, James, 51
Bryson, Ann, 54
Bryson, Sarah Ann, 57, 102
Burnet, Isaac, 13, 21, 37
Burnet, Margaret, 58
Burtram, Peter, 58
Butterbaugh, Joseph, 19-20
Cartwright, Ed, 124
Caufforman, Christy, 45
Collins, John, 31
Connerly, Albert, 85-86
Conrad, Johann, 111
Crawford, Mary, 17
Crawford, William, 32
Cunningham, William, 35
Daniel, Johann, 111
Davies, John, 39
Davis, David, 54, 101-102
Davis, John, 99
Davis, Kezia, 58
Davis, Lincoln, 123, 125, 127-128
Davis, Marcia, 123
Davis, Vickie, 123
Deffenbaugh, Eli, 99
Dellman, John, 105
Deyarmon, Matilda Ann, 62
Doughty, Daniel, 16-17
Dyer, Frederick, 71, 77
Everett, Mert, 98
Ewing, Elizabeth, 17
Fields, Isaac, 55
Fields, Leah, 55
Finley, James, 65
First, Elizabeth, 58
First, Jacob, 8
First, Sarah, 58
Franks, Aaron, 57, 106
Franks, Abigail Smith, 15, 22, 39
Franks, Anne, 15
Franks, Barbara Ann, 14, 109
Franks, Barbary, 22
Franks, Catherine, 57
Franks, Conrad, 14, 55, 94-96, 108
Franks, Cornelius, 56
Franks, David Christopher, 106
Franks, E. W., 23
Franks, Elizabeth Ann, 61, 109
Franks, Eva, 106
Franks, George, 13-14, 23-24, 55
Franks, Jacob, 13-14, 23
Franks, Jesse, 15
Franks, John, 15, 105-107
Franks, Mary Magdaline Smith, 27, 33, 38, 95
Franks, Mary, 33, 106
Franks, Rebecca, 55, 108-109
Franks, Ruth, 14
Franks, Sally, 106
Franks, Sarah, 56
Gaddis, James, 55
Gault, Moses, 109
Gault, Richard, 109
Georg, Johann, 111
Gilbert, Mary Ann, 64
Gilmore, Pattie, 107
Goodman, Paul, 86
Gouldman, Lawrence, 84
Grandstaff, Elizabeth, 51-52
Griffin, George, 68
Grovenstadt, Elisabeth, 39, 51, 100, 107
Hagerman, Almina, 109
Halball, Clarence, 83
Harding, Elizabeth, 15
Harmon, George, 21
Harmon, James, 21
Hauck, Anna, 110
Hauck, Martin, 111
Haught, Joseph, 15
Hayden, Albert, 61
Heap, George, 1
Heck, Anna Maria, 112
Hedges, Nancy, 67
Herrick, Christie, 123
Herrick, Sandy, 123
Herrick, Sheryl, 123
Hertzog, Margaret, 62
Hinke, William, 6
Hoffine, Donald, 83
Hook, George, 57
Jackson, Andrew, 62
Jackson, Homer, 91
Jarstad, Ann Smith, 92
Jarstad, Anna Van Gundy Smith, 97
Jarstad, Gordon, 91, 98
Jarstad, Jacque, 91
Jarstad, Judith, 91
Jarstad, Judith Ann, 91
Jarstad, Lisa, 91
Jarstad, Smith, 91
Johnson, Albert, 61
Johnson, Jacob, 61
Johnson, Vera, 92-93
Jordan, Lillian, 78
Kibler, Catherine, 108
Kibler, John, 108
Lacrone, John, 15
Lawrence, Elizabeth, 37
Ledger, Spencer, 8
Leech, Benjamine, 58
Leech, Lucian, 61
Loon, Jacob Van, 98
Loon, Mary Smith Van, 88, 97, 126
Luther, Martin, 99
Markley, Barbara, 3, 11, 41, 99, 105
Massey, Frances, 91
McPherson, Abigail, 106
Menser, Daniel, 8
Mercer, Sarah, 36
Merkle, Barbara, 1-2
Miller, Albert Owen, 106
Miller, Alexander E., 109
Miller, Andrew, 57, 108
Miller, Ann, 56
Miller, Barbara A., 109
Miller, Benjamin, 56, 59, 108, 110
Miller, Catherine, 26, 108
Miller, Catherine M., 108
Miller, Conrad, 56
Miller, Conrad J., 109
Miller, Daniel Adam, 14
Miller, David, 105
Miller, Edward, 110
Miller, Elizabeth, 57
Miller, Esther, 109
Miller, Franks, 106
Miller, John, 55
Miller, John Kibler, 108
Miller, Kathryn, 105
Miller, Leander, 109
Miller, Mary, 104
Miller, Mary Ann, 108-109
Miller, Mary Elizabeth Franks, 106
Miller, Norton, 109
Miller, Orville, 110
Miller, Pattie, 107
Miller, Rebecca, 26, 108
Miller, Rosa Ann, 108
Miller, Samuel, 62
Miller, Sarah, 26
Miller, Thelma, 105
Miller, Willard, 110
Miller, Zachariah, 110
Milton, Elias, 96
Minton, Elias, 55
Mittelberger, Gottlieb, 4, 6
Moore, Anna Smith, 103
Murchland, John, 8
Nixon, Samuel, 43, 46-47
Nolph, John, 98
Owen, Albert, 105-106
Parker, Mildred, 90
Parrot, Dale, 18
Patton, John, 46, 63, 100
Porter, Daniel, 62, 98-99
Potter, David, 58
Ramsey, John, 57
Rhodes, Emma, 105
Richards, Leonard, 16-17
Riddle, Margaret, 17
Riddle, Michael, 14
Riddle, Mitilda, 22
Riffle, Elizabeth, 40-41
Riffle, Hanna, 60
Robinson, Alex, 35
Rothruck, David, 63
Rothruck, Elizabeth, 62
Rothruck, Mary, 60
Rotruck, David, 100
Russell, Catherine, 103
Russell, James, 3, 111
Schmidt, Abalona, 13
Schmidt, Andreas, 111
Schmidt, Christena, 36
Schmidt, George, 111
Schmidt, Hans Jacob, 112
Schmidt, Heinrich, 41
Schmidt, Jacob, 112
Schmidt, Johann Jacob, 112
Schmidt, Johann Paul, 110
Schmidt, Nicolaus, 17
Schmidt, Philip, 1-2, 25, 32, 36, 91, 104-105, 110-112
Schmidt, Philippus, 111
Schmitz, Philip, 64
Shane, Anthony, 67
Sharp, Alice, 125
Sharp, Carol, 88, 123-125, 128
Sharp, Cathy, 123
Sharp, Claire Smith, 124, 128
Sharp, Jody, 123
Sharp, Joyce, 128
Sharp, Jr, Marion Carlos, 1, 123-124, 128
Sharp, Nancy, 123
Sharp, Richard, 123
Sharp, Ronald, 123
Sharp, Samuel, 123
Shaw, Alfred K., Jr., 89
Shaw, Helen M. Smith, 81
Shaw, Helen Smith, 83, 89-90
Shaw, Robert Van, 83, 90
Sheeter, Margaret, 40, 43, 47, 51, 59, 100, 110
Shivers, Sarah, 26
Shoaf, Mary, 107
Shotwell, Drusilla, 15
Shuffield, Joe, 85
Sidenbender, Alvina B., 66
Sidenbender, Joseph, 73
Sidenbender, Maria Jane, 66, 72
Simon, William, 8
Smith, Abigail Appollinia, 13
Smith, Abigail, 22-23, 39, 53, 55, 105-108
Smith, Agnes, 26, 36
Smith, Albert, 31
Smith, Alexander D., 87
Smith, Alice, 55, 123
Smith, Allen, 20, 22
Smith, Amy, 58
Smith, Andrew, 59
Smith, Ann Van Gundy, 89-91
Smith, Anna, 103
Smith, Appollinia, 13
Smith, Barbara Markley, 11-13, 51
Smith, Catherine, 55-56, 103, 108
Smith, Charles, 67
Smith, Christena, 26-27, 33, 36-38
Smith, Claire, 1, 79, 84, 91, 123-128
Smith, Claude, 104
Smith, Clyde Van, 1, 72, 77-78, 80, 82-83, 115
Smith, Cora Bratton, 80, 124
Smith, Cornelius, 64, 67-70
Smith, Daniel, 21, 49, 51, 59-61, 63, 100
Smith, David Davis, 101-102
Smith, Dole McClure, 71, 78-80, 82-83
Smith, Elias, 20, 51, 58, 92-94, 110
Smith, Eliza Wilkins, 97
Smith, Elizabeth, 17, 19, 54, 58-60, 63, 93-94, 107
Smith, Elizabeth Beerbower, 93
Smith, Elizabeth Grandstaff, 39, 51
Smith, Ellen, 35, 71
Smith, Elmer, 55, 103
Smith, Elmer B., 104
Smith, Enoch, 18, 59, 93
Smith, Felinda, 55
Smith, Finley, 66
Smith, Floy, 103
Smith, Frances, 66
Smith, Frank, 63, 100
Smith, George, 8, 18-20, 22-23, 25
Smith, George Peter, 36, 55
Smith, Hannah, 55
Smith, Harriet, 96-97
Smith, Helen, 83, 88-89
Smith, Henrietta, 85, 89, 125
Smith, Henry, 1, 11, 14, 20-21, 38-56, 58-59, 61-65, 75, 96-97, 99-104, 106-107, 110, 119-120
Smith, Henry Etta, 87
Smith, Henry K., 1, 70-74, 117
Smith, Henry P., 97
Smith, Hiram, 36
Smith, Homer, 91
Smith, Israel, 1, 64, 68, 72, 117
Smith, Jacob, 1, 11, 26-27, 37-38, 60, 65
Smith, Jacob H., 48, 51, 62-64, 118
Smith, Jacob P., 37
Smith, James Ayers, 101-103
Smith, James Finley, 65-67
Smith, James, 102
Smith, Jay Alyson, 103
Smith, John, 15-16, 70-71
Smith, John Louis, 104
Smith, John W., 68, 70
Smith, Jonas, 93
Smith, Jonathan, 60
Smith, Joseph, 53, 85
Smith, Katherine, 84
Smith, Kesiah, 58, 61
Smith, Kezia Davis, 58
Smith, Louis, 55
Smith, Louisa, 62
Smith, Lucretia, 56
Smith, Magdalena, 51
Smith, Malinda, 53
Smith, Margaret Nell, 88
Smith, Margaret Sheeter, 47
Smith, Margaret, 9, 47-48, 61, 79, 97
Smith, Maria, 53-55
Smith, Maria Jane Sidenbender, 71-74
Smith, Maria Katherine, 83-84
Smith, Marion, 123
Smith, Markley, 9
Smith, Martha, 108
Smith, Mary, 33, 51, 53, 55, 57-58, 88-89, 96, 108-109, 125-126
Smith, Mary Jane, 98
Smith, Mary Josephine, 87
Smith, Mary Magdalena, 94-95
Smith, Mary Magdaline, 55
Smith, Mary Miller, 104
Smith, Matilda, 65, 69, 72
Smith, Melinda, 108
Smith, Merkle, 2
Smith, Nancy, 108
Smith, Nathan, 35, 108
Smith, Nellie, 77-78, 80-81
Smith, Nicholas, 12, 17-19, 21-22, 24, 34, 51, 59, 63, 101
Smith, Orlando, 62
Smith, Paul, 103-104
Smith, Phebe, 66
Smith, Philip, 1-4, 7-11, 13-15, 21, 24-27, 29, 31-39, 99-102, 104-105, 107-108, 110-111, 121
Smith, Philip, II, 15, 24-27, 32, 34, 38
Smith, Philip, III, 35-36
Smith, Rachel, 51
Smith, Rebecca, 58, 108
Smith, Richard, 32, 36, 91
Smith, Ronald, 123
Smith, Salome, 51
Smith, Samuel, 20
Smith, Sarah, 49, 52, 55, 58, 61-62
Smith, Selina, 53, 55
Smith, Serena, 59
Smith, Solomon, 21, 51, 56-58, 60-61
Smith, Stanley, 63, 100
Smith, Susanna, 51, 60, 108
Smith, Tennie E. Tharp, 103
Smith, Tharp, 102
Smith, Valentine, 11-9, 27, 33, 38
Smith, Wade, 71, 78, 83
Smith, William, 53, 55
Smith, Zannan A., 66
Smiths, Dole, 71
Snyder, Jacob, 61
Speers, Stewart, 54
Spencer, Kenneth, 32
Spicer, Ruth, 90
Spraggins, Elmer, 84, 86
Spraggins, Katherine, 85
Springer, Jacob, 104
Stanley, Eria, 106
Stanley, Margaret, 22
Stough, Elizabeth, 92
Stough, George, 47, 51, 59, 100
Stough, John, 24, 51, 100
Stough, Margaret Sheeter, 43
Strassburger, Ralph, 91
Sturgis, Phillip, 63, 107
Sulifend, Rebecca, 15
Swart, Charlotte, 109
Taylor, Gaddis, 85
Teaff, Abigail, 22
Van Gundy, Smith Ann, 80, 89-91, 97-98
Van Loon, Jacob, 98
Wade, Matilda, 64, 68
Waits, Agnes, 25, 31, 34, 102
Waits, John, 25, 31, 102
Waits, Maria, 26
Waits, Nathan, 26, 35
Warner, Barney, 85
Washington, George, 27
Wells, Bazaleel, 8, 11, 31, 105
Wesley, John, 98
Wilkins, Eliza, 96-97
Wilson, Floyd, 124-125
Wilson, Hans, 9
Wilson, Marion, 128
Wilson, Peter, 108
Zaring, Angeline, 15
Smith (Bowles) Family
Ab Owain, Gweynedd, Iorwerth, 453, 457-458, 476
Abernathy, Elizabeth, 277
Acre, Joan, 416
Alexander, Jeremiah, 247
Allen, Elizabeth, 228
Allen, John, 5
Altum, Jimmie Eugenia Dae, 160
Ammon, Christopher, 275
Anderson, Abbie Burnett, 226
Anderson, Ernest, 226
Ap Cynan, Gruffudd, 453-454, 458, 471
Ap Iorwerth, Llywelyn, 437
Ap Maredudd, Madog, 474-475
Aragon, Sancho Ramirez, 433
Averitte, Joanna, 160
Averitte, Wiley Dae, 160
Bagwell, Andie, 136
Bagwell, Bryn Wood, 136
Bagwell, Jess T., 136
Bagwell, Maddie, 136
Bagwell, Melrose Smith, 136
Bagwell, Tracy, 136
Banner, Douglas, 320
Barbee, John, 150
Barclay, Clara, 50, 277-278
Beard, Ann Catherine McAlexander, 212
Beaton, Cardinal David, 66
Beaton, David, 60
Beeson, Doris Elaine Smith, 135
Beeson, Travis Gordon, 135
Beeson, Travis N., 135
Bellew, E. P., 104
Bellew, Pat, 115
Benton, Jessie P., 96
Benton, W. R., Sr., 96
Bernard, Jesse, 122-123
Bernard, Robert, 64, 84
Bernice, Deanna, 97
Beverley, William, 167
Bird, Sarah, 182
Bork, June Baldwin, 192, 258, 260, 270
Boru, Brian, I, 467, 472
Boru, Brian, II, 469
Bothwell, William de Moray, 311
Bowles, Frances, 110
Bowles, Mildred, 114
Bowles, Patricia, 1, 114
Boyd, Elizabeth, 155
Braddock, Edward, 31
Breton, Cardinal David, 65, 71
Brown, Helen, 506
Bruce, Marjorie, 310, 325, 334, 336-337, 435, 452
Burnard, Alexander, 28, 53, 59, 67, 81-82, 84, 86, 118, 289, 545
Burnard, Gilbert, 87
Burnard, John, 84-85
Burnard, Odo, 87
Burnard, Richard, 87
Burnard, Robert, 84-85
Burnard, Symon, 85, 87
Burnard, William, 86
Burnet, Alexander, 63, 81-83, 295-296
Burnet, Augustus, 99
Burnet, Christian, 83
Burnet, Duncan, 82
Burnet, John, 82-84
Burnet, Robert, 49, 83
Burnett Smith, Augustus, 100
Burnett, Alexander, 49, 51-52, 55-57, 60, 62-63, 70, 139, 284, 288-290, 543, 545
Burnett, Amy, 189
Burnett, Andrew, 46-47, 69, 212
Burnett, Augustus, 90
Burnett, Benjamin Sr., 180, 182
Burnett, Benjamin, 210, 212, 215
Burnett, Bond, 210, 214
Burnett, Charity, 212
Burnett, Charles, 45, 147, 273-275
Burnett, Clark, 188
Burnett, Cornelius, 199-201, 203, 205-207
Burnett, Crawford, 203-204
Burnett, Elias, 179
Burnett, Elisha Fountain, 275
Burnett, Elizabeth Tuggle, 192-193, 195
Burnett, Elizabeth, 190, 212, 254, 256, 259
Burnett, Elspet, 44, 63
Burnett, Frances, 261
Burnett, Garland, 200
Burnett, Hannah Reid, 201
Burnett, Harrison, 219, 229
Burnett, Harrison, Sr., 225-226, 228
Burnett, Henry Clay, 169
Burnett, Henry, 169, 201, 208
Burnett, Henry, Jr., 168-170
Burnett, Isaac, 192-197, 199-201, 203, 205-207, 238, 251, 253
Burnett, Isham Richard, 247, 249-250, 252-254
Burnett, Isham, 258-259, 263, 265
Burnett, Isobel, 44, 61, 74
Burnett, James Garnett, 201-202
Burnett, James Knox Polk, 224-225
Burnett, James Peter, 237
Burnett, James, 237, 249, 264, 274-275
Burnett, Janet, 60, 65, 74
Burnett, Jeremiah, 106, 182, 190, 192-196, 200-201, 203-207, 212, 214-215, 219-221, 223-228, 230-232, 235-239, 241-242, 244-249, 250, 252-254, 256, 258-259, 262-266, 269-270, 272
Burnett, Jeremiah, II, 106, 204, 212, 231-232, 235-236, 238-239, 241-242, 245-250, 252-254, 258-259, 262-266, 268-270, 272, 359
Burnett, Jeremiah, III, 239
Burnett, Jeremiah, III, 239-240, 245-248, 266
Burnett, Jeremiah, Sr., 183-184
Burnett, Jim, 226
Burnett, John D., 218-219, 221, 223-225, 227-229, 231
Burnett, John Harrison, 220-221, 230
Burnett, John Harrison, Jr., 223-227
Burnett, John Harrison, Sr., 216, 223-224, 227
Burnett, John, 26, 31, 36-37, 45, 51, 63, 69, 72, 146-148, 151, 165-166, 174-175, 177-178, 192-197, 199, 201, 204, 206, 219-221, 224, 226-227, 230-231, 235, 237-238, 245, 248, 251-252, 256, 539-540, 542
Burnett, John, II, 41, 175-176, 179, 181-182, 184, 188, 192, 195, 197, 199-200, 203, 205, 207, 210, 212, 215, 231-232, 239, 241-245, 247, 249, 254, 258, 260, 264-265, 268, 270-271
Burnett, John, III, 176-179, 181-182
Burnett, John, IV, 176-179
Burnett, John, Jr., 117
Burnett, Johnne, 54
Burnett, Joseph Elbert, 223
Burnett, Joseph Marion, 230-231
Burnett, Joseph, 183-184, 188
Burnett, Jremiah, III, 244
Burnett, Laura Bell, 251
Burnett, Lavinia Sharp, 203-204
Burnett, Leonard, 186
Burnett, Lucinda, 169
Burnett, Lucretia, 45
Burnett, Marion, 229
Burnett, Marjorie, 48
Burnett, Martha Jane, 228
Burnett, Martha Patsy, 212, 243
Burnett, Martha, 235
Burnett, Mary Elizabeth, 169, 265, 431
Burnett, Mary, 265-266, 268-269, 271
Burnett, Matilda, 270
Burnett, Melville Deloma, 201
Burnett, Melville Deloma, Jr., 201
Burnett, Micajah, 212, 214-215
Burnett, Mildred, 270-272
Burnett, Minerva, 201
Burnett, Moses, 264, 266
Burnett, Nancy, 260
Burnett, Nathaniel, 179, 181
Burnett, Obadiah, 232, 257-258
Burnett, Obediah Z., 232
Burnett, Patrick Henry, 201
Burnett, Patsey, 212, 241-243
Burnett, Phebe, 1, 3, 25-26, 164, 166, 273
Burnett, Pleasant, 181
Burnett, Polly, 269
Burnett, Rachel, 186
Burnett, Reuben, 267- 268
Burnett, Richard Byar, 264
Burnett, Richard, 106, 188, 192, 252, 420
Burnett, Robert, 47, 49, 61
Burnett, Roland, 238, 261-266, 268, 431
Burnett, Rolen Columbus, Sr., 228
Burnett, Ruth Mayo, 232
Burnett, Sarah Ann, 229
Burnett, Sarah, 41, 273
Burnett, Susanna, 178
Burnett, Teruah Small, 212
Burnett, Thomas Dodson, 252
Burnett, Thomas, 25-26, 29, 31, 40, 42, 44, 46-48, 50, 53, 62, 65, 73, 147, 165-166, 175, 276, 541
Burnett, Thomas, II, 41, 175
Burnett, Thomas, Jr, 539
Burnett, Tilly, 269
Burnett, Waltham G., 87
Burnett, William, 32, 34-35, 166, 169-173, 182, 212, 217-218, 256
Burnett, Williamson, 274-275
Burnett, Woodson, S., 178
Burnett, Zachariah, 212
Burnetts, Alexander, 53, 70, 283
Burran, Lydia Smith, 4
Burran, Sarah Catherine, 4
Burton, Permelia Boozer, 280-281
Burton, Richard Kay, 280
Burton, Robert, 280-281
Butler, Curtis, 120
Byars, Mary Rose, 121
Byrd, William, 22, 167
Byrd, William, I, 25
Byrd, William, II, 23, 25
Cain, Thomas, 200
Campbell, Agnes, 76
Campbell, Charlotte D. Burnett, 170
Campbell, Hugh, 77
Carrigan, Mary Hall, 112
Carter, Vina, 131
Cary, Caroline, 193
Cary, William, 193
Chasseriau, Theodore, 487
Cheatham, H. A., 96
Cheatham, R. W., 95
Cheatham, Wilbur, 96
Christal, Roland, 265
Christal, Silas R., 431
Cinaeda, Causantin mac, 491
Clark, N. A., 95
Clawson, Ann Burnett, 231
Clawson, Birdie, 34
Clawson, Dovie, 34
Clawson, Frances Marion, Sr., 34, 230
Clawson, Hester, 34
Clawson, John W., 229
Clawson, Retha, 229-230
Clawson, Ruth, 229-230
Clawson, Sarah Ann Burnett. 230
Coffey, Edward, 150
Coleman, F. P., 96
Comyn, Isabel, 311
Comyn, John, 346
Comyn, Richard, 492-493
Comyn, William, 492
Conner, Martha, 199
Copeland, Bessie Virginia, 193
Copeland, Elizabeth T. Corn, 192
Copeland, James Sharp, 193-194
Copeland, Jesse James, 193
Copeland, John Herbert, 193
Copeland, Joseph Franklin, 193
Copeland, Julia Ann Cary, 193
Copeland, Susan Sevier, 193
Copeland, William, 193
Corn, Elizabeth Tuggle Burnett, 196-197
Corn, Jesse, Jr., 194-195
Corn, Tuggle Burnett, 196
Cornelius, Henry Burnett, 205-207
Crain, Jeanie, 134
Crum, Bethany, 136
Crum, Bob, 136
Crum, Cindy Bagwell, 136
Crum, Jess, 136
Cummings, Denney, 241
Cummings, John L., 242
Cummings, Martha A. Denney, 242
Cummings, William Burrell, 241
Curry, Emery, 266
Curry, Harry, 267
Curry, Henry, 266-267
Curry, Marley, 267
Curry, Mary Burnett, 267
Curry, Maude 267
Curthose, Robert, 377
d'Auffay, Goubert, 524
Dalton, Henrietta, 249
de Beaumont, Isabel, 400, 404, 497, 499
de Beaumont, Robert, 404, 495, 497, 501, 523, 525
de Beaumont, Roger, 495, 499
de Bolbec, Osbourne, 432
de Brionne, Geoffrey, 417-418
de Brionne, Gilbert, 416
de Bruce, Robert, 325, 348
de Brus, Isabel, 372
de Brus, Robert, 331, 338, 365-367, 370, 372-379, 476, 478
de Brus, William, 373-374
de Burgh, Elizabeth, 348, 361, 364
de Carrick, Gilbert, 292
de Carrick, Roland, 292
de Clare, Gilbert Fitz Gilbert, 404
de Clare, Gilbert Fitz Richard, 403, 410, 412
de Clare, Gilbert, 373, 378-379, 393, 396, 400, 403, 405-406, 416, 497, 499
de Clare, Isabel, 373, 379, 392-393, 395-396, 398, 402
de Clare, Richard Fitz Gilbert, 406, 408-410, 413, 434
de Clare, Richard, 378-379, 387, 396, 400, 404-406, 409, 495, 400-402
de Clare, Roger, 404, 406, 412, 455
de Claremont, Alice, 412
de Cort, Hendrik Frans, 389, 391
de Crosebi, Adam, 375
de Crosebi, Euphemia, 375
de Forbes, Duncan, 119, 294
de Forbes, John, 119, 291-292
de Gisborough, Robert, 374
de Graeme, John, 329
de Grandmesnil, Hugh, 524
de Greenlaw, Gilbert, 84, 309
de Hamyltoune, Andrew, 76
de Hamyltoune, David, 76
de Haya, Nicholas, 277
de Kevelioc, Hugh, 478
De La Hay, David, 277
de La Hay, Thomas, 277-278
de la Haye Auberie, 499
de Laigle, Engenulf, 524
de Linton, Bernard, 351
de Mar, Isabella, 363
de Montfort, Hugh, 524
de Montgomerie, Robert, 311
de Montgomery, John, 311
de Montgomery, Margaret, 311
de Mowbray, Geoffrey, 524
de Roucy, Margaret, 412
de St. Hilary, Maud, 409
de St. Hillary, James, 404
de St., Hilary, 409
de Teyden, Beatrice, 375
de Tosny, Ralph, 524
de Vermandois, Elizabeth, 404
de Vieilles, Humphrey, 499
de Warenne, William, 477, 481, 524-525
Denney, Martha A., 240, 242-243
Denney, Mary Elizabeth, 241
Denney, William, 236
Denny, Preston, 241
Desdamona, Margaret, 225
Dodson, Frances M., 252
Dodson, George, 254
Dodson, Isham B., 252
Dodson, Nancy Burnett, 264
Dodson, Sarah Burnett, 252
Dodson, Thomas, 253
Douglas, Isabella, 307
Douglas, James, 319, 363
Drewery, Joseph, 198
Drewery, Martha Lucretia, 198
Drummond, Anabella, 321
Drwyndwn, Owain, 452
Echt, Thomas Forbes, 291
Farrar, George, 155
Farrar, Judith S., 155
Farrar, Judith, 89
Finley, Richard, 153-154
Fitz Alan, Walter, 331-333, 335
Fitz Gilbert, Walter, 77-78
Fitz Marmaduke, John, 372
Fitz Martin, Robert, 410
Fitz Walter, Alan, 78, 329, 331
FitzGilbert Marshal, John, 398
FitzGilbert, John, 398, 399
FitzOsbern, William, 524
FitzRolf, Turstin, 524
Flaitel, Gerard, 430, 433-434
Forbes, Alexander, 82, 118-119, 289-290, 296
Forbes, Christian, 276
Forbes, Elizabeth, 81-82, 118, 289
Forbes, John, 119
Forbes, Thomas, 119, 293
Forbes, William, 81
Frazier, Rachel, 134
Fullerton, Ann, 148
Fullerton, Hannah, 1, 148, 546
Fullerton, James, 1-2, 146, 148, 546-547
Gardyne, Janet, 80
Gatewood, Amy, 145
Gatewood, Atwell Bowcock, 187
Gatewood, Jefferson, 187
Gatewood, Richard, 187
Gault, Lucinda Jane, 219, 231
Giffard, Rohese, 412, 416-417, 430, 434
Giffard, Walter, 416-417, 430-433, 435, 524-525
Gilbert, Richard Fitz, 410, 412-414, 417, 430-431
Gloucester, Robert, 475
Gordon, Adam, 81
Gordon, Katherine, 60
Gordon, Mary, 81
Gordon, William, 294
Graham, James, 50
Gray, Julian Lowe, 251
Grey, Margaret, 277
Hall, Elizabeth Lee, 154
Hall, George Clark, 154
Hall, Jack, 104
Hall, Lee Smith, 106
Hall, Lee, 112, 144
Hall, Mary, 154
Hall, Virginia Lee Smith, 102, 104, 107
Hamilton, Addie Smith, 227
Hamilton, James, 76
Hamilton, Janet, 60, 63, 70, 72, 74, 284, 288
Hamilton, John, 60, 65
Hamilton, Robert, 60, 66, 70, 72, 74, 76-78, 289
Hamyltoune, David, 76
Harrell, Judy Rose Jones, 135
Harrell, Susan, 135
Harrell, Tommy, 135
Harris, Effaniah Burnett, 247-248
Harris, Franklin, 247
Harris, Isom Burnett, 247
Harris, John H., 246
Harris, Marion Lee, 247
Harris, Reuben, 246
Harris, Rhoda Effaniah Burnett, 244, 246-247
Harris, Robert, 248
Harris, Thomas Columbus, 247
Harris, William Greenville, 247
Harris, William, 244
Harrison, John, 218, 231
Hatcher, Clementine Via, 198
Hay, Alexander, 277
Hay, Alicia, 277
Hay, Gilbert, 277-278
Hay, Margaret, 277
Hay, William Erroll, 277
Hayes, Elizabeth, 8
Hayes, John, 7-8, 281
Hayes, Laura W., 156
Henson, Jim, 120
Hollis, Mary Sue, 122
Holmes, Bettie, 161
Holmes, Thomas E., 161-162
House, Jessie, 140
Hudson, Mildred Nutt Smith, 134
Huntingdon, David, 477-479
Huntingdon, Isabella, 476
Hurt, Joseph, 270
Hurt, Nancy, 231, 238
I, Constantine, 491
I, Domhnall, 343, 435, 452
I, Edward, 456
I, Henry, 498, 502, 508
I, Herbert, 521
I, Hugh, 502
I, Malcolm, 490-491
I, Richard, 395, 407, 417-418
II, Alexander, 363
II, Donald, 491
II, Eustace, 523
II, Henry, 395, 456
II, Malcolm, 486, 488
II, Sigtrygg, 465
III, Malcolm, 483
III, Waleran, 495
Ingram, Martha Frances Wood, 270-271
Ingram, William Green, 271
Johnston, Andrew, 36, 43, 50, 174, 278, 548
Johnston, George, 276
Johnston, James, 50, 277-278
Johnston, Lucretia, 36, 42, 69, 174
Johnston, Margaret, 54, 278
Johnston, William, 50, 276, 548
Jones, Eddie Jane, 135
Jones, Hazel, 140
Jones, Julie, 135
Jones, Richard Donaldson, 135
Jones, Rose Jane Smith, 135
Jordan, George Edward, 162
Jordan, William, 162
Jost, Haller, 336
Keith, Margaret, 277
Kennedy, Gilbert, 292
Kennedy, John F., 396
Kennedy, Margaret, 119, 292
Kiev, Anne, 508
Klein, Charles, 113
Klein, Lucy Massey, 113
Klein, Mabel, 113
Koger, Nellie, 272
Krutze, Linda Smith, 135-136
Lane, Andrew Jackson, 227
Leak, Rutha Burnett, 251
Lechtoun, Agnes, 70, 81
Llywarch, Gladys Ferch, 457
London, Jarva L., 222
London, John Jefferson, 220
London, Judiah Burnett, 220-221
London, Rufus Houston, Sr., 220-221
London, Ruthia C., 221
Longsword, William, 422, 427, 429
Lumsden, Elizabeth, 63
Lumsden, John, 64
Mac Finn, Murchad, 466
MacAlpin, Kenneth, 492
MacEochaid, Alpin, 492
MacMurrough, Dermot, 396
Madog, Marared Ferch, 453, 474, 476
Malet, William, 524
Mallett, Claude 95
Mallett, Claude D., 156
Mallett, Edith, 157
Mallett, George, 93, 95
Mallett, Judy, 93
Mallett, Laura Glenn, 156
Mallett, Mary Ann Smith, 93
Mallett, Mary Smith, 95
Mallett, Oscar C., 156
Marion, Joseph, 219
Marshal, Gilbert, 388
Marshal, Isabel, 373, 379, 393, 405
Marshal, John, 381, 399
Marshal, William, 379-381-382, 384-385, 388-395, 396-399, 402
Massey, Eudie, 113
Massey, Frances, 113-114
Massey, Jessie Smith, 109
Massey, Jessie, 144
Massey, John William, 1
Massey, Willie Lois, 116
Matheson, Janet, 50, 174, 278
Matheson, William, 50, 549
McAlexander, Calvin, 212
McAlexander, Martha, 212
McAlexander, William, 212
McComas, Susan, 200
McCoy, Rachel Lee, 134
McDaniel, Sally, 214
McNeal, T. T., 138
McPherson, Harris, 246
Miller, Jim, 104, 115
Miller, Lillian, 115
Miller, Mary Smith, 106-107
Miller, Mollie Gus, 144
Miller, Mollie Mae, 144
Miller, Mollie, 104
Miller, Molly Smith, 109, 115
Moir, Agnes, 47
Morgan, Joseph Denney, 243
Morgan, Loucinda E. Cummings, 242-243
Morison, Janet, 43
Mortagne, Geoffrey, 523
Muhlenberg, Peter, 171
Murchada, Gormflaith Ingen, 466
Mure, Adam, 320
Mure, Elizabeth, 277, 312, 320-321
Nell, Sadie, 162
Neville, Ralph, 313
Noble, Allen, 110
Noble, Edna Smith, 106, 116
Noble, Fielden, 110
Noble, Hugh Gordon, 106, 115
Noble, Pearl Smith, 106, 112, 114-115
Norris, William, 130
Nowlin, Nancy, 269-271
of Chester, Matilda, 477-478
of England, Henry, I, 506, 520
of France, Philip, I, 508, 510
of Huntingdon, Matilda, 482
of Scotland, David, I, 338, 477, 481-482, 486
of Scotland, Donald, III, 494
of Scotland, Duncan, I, 488, 494
of Scotland, Kenneth, II, 490
of Scotland, Malcolm, II, 489
of Scotland, Marjorie, 386
of Scotland, Robert, I, 323, 371, 435, 481
of Scotland, Robert, II, 309, 318, 321, 324, 435-436, 453, 518
of Scotland, Robert, III, 322
of Scotland, William, I, "the Lion,” 477
of Tilleul-en-Auge, Humphrey, 524
of Vermandois, Hugh, 481
Olafsson, Silkbeard, 465
Oliver, Sarah, 219
Owain, Gwynedd, 436, 453, 464
Parham, Clora Myrtle Smith, 135, 141
Parham, Edward Maurice, 134-135
Parham, Edward Ray, 135
Parham, Myrtle Smith, 134
Parham, Rodney Jay, 134-135
Parham, Sandra, 134-135
Parham, Susan Elaine, 134-135
Paris, Matthew, 382, 450
Pedigo, Josephine U., 196
Pedigo, Rufus Clay, 195
Pedigo, Ruth Permelia Ross, 195-196
Pedigo, Sylvester, 196
Percy, Henry, 320
Phillips, Mary Evelyn, 143
Pink, Joseph, 169
Pool, Otis, 106
Powell, Isaac Newton, 259
Prewitt, Nancy W., 232
Pulley, George Washington, Sr., 169
Pulley, Mary Elizabeth Burnett, 168
Quaglio, Domenico, 511
Ramsey, Samuel, 212
Reid, Elizabeth, 277
Rice, Alvin C., Sr., 252
Rice, Nancy Sally, 108
Richard, Gilbert Fitz, 412, 416
Ross, Alice, 199
Ross, Charles Harden, 199
Ross, Harden D., 199
Ross, Judeth Corn, 195-196
Ross, Lucretia Corn, 196
Ross, Permelia Ruth, 196
Rowallan, Gilchrist Muir, 311
Rowallan, William Muir, 311
Rowland, Mary, 224
Rudd, Avis, 16
Rudd, Edward, 25
Rudd, Elijah, 12
Rudd, Elizabeth, 279-280
Rudd, George, 25
Rudd, James, 20
Rudd, John, 1, 6, 10-11, 13, 16, 19, 21, 23-25, 278-279, 281-282
Rudd, John, Sr., 549, 551-552
Rudd, Joseph, 7, 9, 10, 13, 15-17, 279-280, 550
Rudd, Nancy, 1-2, 6, 158, 278
Rudd, Salley, 9
Rudd, Sarah, 7
Rudd, Thomas, 12, 117
Rudd, Wilmoth, 10
Sanders, Eliza D., 253
Sandusky, Anna Hurt, 272
Saunders, Fleming, 244
Shackelford, Ann Eliza, 187
Shepherd, Bob Edward, 135
Shepherd, Matthew, 135
Sigtrygg, Silkbeard, 460, 465
Skene, Adam, 290-291
Skene, James, 290-291
Small, Elizabeth Burnett, 259
Smith Augustine, Jr., 1
Smith, Abigail Burnett, 227
Smith, Allen, 131
Smith, Arline, 101, 106-107, 110-111, 114, 118, 144
Smith, Augustin, 26
Smith, Augustin, Jr., 6, 278
Smith, Augustin, Sr., 25, 166
Smith, Augustine, 1-3, 5, 26, 149-150, 164, 537
Smith, Augustine, Jr., 1, 5, 158
Smith, Augustine, Sr., 1, 164
Smith, Augustus Burnet, 1, 100-101, 103, 109, 116-117, 143-144, 153, 535
Smith, Barbara, 136
Smith, Benjamin, 3-4
Smith, Bettie Bellew, 106
Smith, Bonnie Jo Brandon, 135
Smith, Carolyn, 130131
Smith, Cassie Ann, 227
Smith, Cathryn Sue, 96, 134, 519
Smith, Charles B., 136
Smith, Charles William, 130-131
Smith, Clora, 119
Smith, Conger, 119
Smith, Connetta Elaine, 119-121
Smith, Cookie, 106
Smith, Cora Manning, 112, 136
Smith, Cora Myrtle, 121
Smith, David W., 136
Smith, Deanna Atkins, 132, 134
Smith, Don Russell, 96-97, 130-131, 134
Smith, Doris, 112
Smith, Drew Shaddock, 130
Smith, Edgar Carl Kaylor, 228
Smith, Edith McCann, 122
Smith, Edman, 130
Smith, Edna Pearl, 107, 111-112, 155
Smith, Effie Mann, 130-131
Smith, Elizabeth Judith, 105, 154
Smith, Elmer Theodore, 97, 130-131, 134, 137-138
Smith, Essie Jane Jones, 112, 135
Smith, Forrest, 134
Smith, Frazier, 134
Smith, G. D., 95
Smith, Gail Carter, 136
Smith, George Bernard, 112, 136
Smith, George Field, 92, 94, 96, 118-123, 125-129, 132-134, 137, 157
Smith, George Marion, 127
Smith, George Sallie, 92, 119-124, 157
Smith, George, 92, 112, 126, 128
Smith, Gladys Frazier, 97, 130
Smith, Gladys, 96, 137
Smith, Greg, 136
Smith, Gus Allen, 130-131
Smith, Gus, 99, 130-131, 136
Smith, Hannah Hamlett, 141-142
Smith, Hardin, 134
Smith, Jennifer, 136
Smith, Jesse Bernard, 120-121, 136
Smith, Jesse, 92, 119
Smith, Jessie Isaac, 1, 101, 107, 112-114, 153
Smith, John Lemuel, 112, 119, 121
Smith, John Massey, 113
Smith, John Sydnor, 158
Smith, John William, 112, 136
Smith, Johnnie Hugh, 130-131, 136
Smith, Juliana, 132
Smith, Kay Bell, 136
Smith, Launius, 129
Smith, Lawrence, 1
Smith, Lee, 107
Smith, Lemuel Augustus, 120, 158
Smith, Loeta Owens, 130
Smith, Lou Allie Launius, 128, 130-131
Smith, Lowrey Conger, 92, 125
Smith, Lowry, 112
Smith, Lydia Frances, 4
Smith, Mack Reuben, 112, 136
Smith, Margaret Desdamona, 225
Smith, Marion, 121, 135
Smith, Martha Tennessee, 227
Smith, Mary Ann, 91, 123, 155-156
Smith, Mary Augustus Winfield, 154
Smith, Mary Byars, 92
Smith, Mary Phillips, 109, 143
Smith, Mary Rose, 127
Smith, Mary, 92, 94-95, 116
Smith, Matt, 132
Smith, Melrose, 112
Smith, Meriwether, 45
Smith, Mollie Rose Byars, 119-121
Smith, Montie, 110
Smith, Morgan Jo, 135
Smith, Myra Cave, 136
Smith, Myrtle, 92, 119-120, 125
Smith, Nancy Ann, 110
Smith, Nancy Rice, 106, 109
Smith, Phebe Burnett, 117
Smith, Phillip, 137
Smith, Randolph M., 112, 135
Smith, Ray McDonald, 112, 121, 125, 135
Smith, Ray, 92, 119
Smith, Reba McCann, 136
Smith, Redmond Rudd, 1, 3, 6, 14, 35, 89-91, 93, 123, 137, 139-142, 155, 536
Smith, Reginald Redmond, 130
Smith, Rena Benson, 133
Smith, Robert Burnett, 4
Smith, Robert Roach, 112
Smith, Robyn, 135
Smith, Rose, 140
Smith, Rosie Jane, 112
Smith, Ruby Erline, 136
Smith, Rudd, 158
Smith, Russ, 124-126, 140
Smith, Sallie Mollie, 123
Smith, Sarah Burnett, 159-160, 162
Smith, Scott, 132
Smith, Servetus Alexander, 133
Smith, Shauna, 132
Smith, Simmons, 134
Smith, Sue, 97
Smith, Susan Mallett, 94
Smith, Susan, 132
Smith, Theodore Pryor, 96-97, 123, 125, 130-132, 134, 139
Smith, Thomas R., 100
Smith, Thomas W., 116
Smith, Virginia Lee, 105, 154
Smith, Virginia, 105
Smith, Wallace, 130
Smith, Werth, 106-107, 109, 111, 144
Smith, Will, 97, 106-109, 111, 131-132, 144
Smith, William, 1-3, 96-97, 100-101, 106, 108-110, 117, 123, 129, 149, 538
Smith, William Clarence, 130, 134
Smith, William Cullen, 108, 154
Smith, William H., 142
Smith, William Julian, 126-127, 130, 132, 134
Smith, William Redmond, 119, 123, 125, 127-129, 131, 136-137, 134
Sneden, Robert Knox, 21
Spears, Mildred, 131
Stacy, Nancy, 110
Stewart, Alexander, 293, 295-307, 309, 320, 325-327, 329
Stewart, Duncan, 293
Stewart, Elizabeth, 277
Stewart, James, 288, 322, 324, 326
Stewart, John, 326, 329
Stewart, Marjorie, 119, 289, 291, 293
Stewart, Robert, 312- 313, 321
Stewart, Walter, 310, 322-324, 326-327, 330, 332, 334, 435
Stovall, Permelia Corn, 197
Strachan, Agnes, 64
Strachan, Patrick, 64
Strickland, Julia, 178
Summerville, Dianne Smith, 97
Summerville, Gladys Dianne Smith, 134
Taylor, Alice Glover, 254
the Bruce, Robert, 1
the Bruce, Robert, 348, 477-478
the Bruce, Robert, 53, 59, 75, 77, 310, 334, 338-339, 347, 350-351, 354, 360-362, 365, 371, 435, 476, 492, 518
the Bruce, Robert, VI, 373
the Conqueror, William, 407, 419, 428-429, 432, 434, 481, 496, 522
the Good, Richard, 426
the Great, Llewelyn, 441, 445-447, 474
the Great, Volosymye, 512
the Lionheart, Richard, 330, 478
the Wise, Yaroslav, I, 508-509, 512-513, 515-516
Toasch, Alexander, 48
Toasch, Marjorie Burnett, 47
Tuggle, Elizabeth, 194
Tuggle, Greenville L., 256
Tuggle, John, 256
Tuggle, Nancy, 256
Tuggle, William J., 256
Vaughan, Reuben, 431
Vermandois, Beatrice, 521
Vermandois, Elizabeth, 477, 481, 497-498, 506
Via, Bettie R., 197-198
Via, Charles James, 197-198
Via, Daisy Ida, 197
Via, Drewery Joseph, 197
Via, George, 197
Via, John Henry, 197
Via, John Rufus, 197
Via, Lula Anna, 197
Via, Martha Lucretia Stovall, 197
Via, Mary Permelia Frances, 197
Walker, Allison, 506
Walker, David Franklin, 506
Walker, Frances Burnett, 249
Walker, J. Frank, 136
Walker, John Dennis, 506
Walker, John F., 136
Walker, John, 137-138, 506
Walker, Joyce Witherell, 137, 506
Walker, Kristin, 506
Walker, Ruby Erline Smith, 138
Wallace, William, 75, 324
Walter, Alan fitz, 327, 329-330, 333
Walter, David fitz, 81
Washington, George Pulley, Sr., 169
Washington, George, 94, 232
Watson, Ellen, 204
Welch, Marcus, 96
West, Cathryn Sue Smith, 134
West, David, 134
Westover, John, 22
Wheeland, Ella, 193
Wheeler, Nevet, 21
William, Amice Fitz, 378
Williams, William A., 110
Wilmouth, Elizabeth, 279
Winfield, Mary Augustus, 110
Witherell, Homer, 138
Witherell, Judie, 138
Wood, James, 177
Wood, Susan Burnett, 177
Wooten, Abigail, 225
Wright, Carol Jane Parham, 134, 135
Wright, Edward Ray, 134
Wright, Neil, 135
Wright, Sarah J., 264
Yates, Sarah, 4
Tinker Family
Anson, George, 33
Barnes, Sarah, 3
Barnes, William, 3
Beebe, Naomi, 31
Berrington, Anne, 25
Biggs, Emily, 53
Blake, Elizabeth, 23, 29, 65
Blinman, Jeremiah, 17
Blinman, Richard, 7-8
Boardman, Elisha, 38
Bowles, Patricia, 1
Brigham, Elisha, 45
Briscoe, James, 54
Briscoe, Marion, 53
Bruen, Obediah, 8
Buckingham, Edwin, 48, 55
Burbridge, Mollie, 54
Byron, Albert, 43
Caldwell, Elizabeth, 56
Caswell, Martha, 59
Caulkins, Frances, 18
Cole, John, 45
Collins, Humphrey, 27
Comstock, John, 7
Cooke, Dennison, 45
Cooke, Richard, 4
Cooke, Samuel, 45
Cornwell, Nathaniel, 22
Crossman, Amos, 56
Cullen, Madison, 53
Cullen, Orwin, 48, 50
Cumey, Taletha, 48
Dennison, George, 18
Dewey, Eliphalet, 48, 50, 52, 54
Dunham, Hezekiah, 61
Durant, Abigail, 6, 20, 23, 29
Durant, George, 6, 46, 65, 74
Durant, Sarah, 23, 65
Eaton, Nathaniell, 13
Fisher, Miles, 60
Griffen, John, 2
Griswold, Abigail, 33
Hadlock, William, 45
Hagerman, Robert, 46
Hall, Frances, 17
Halsall, William, 1
Hardin, Elizabeth Tinker, 44
Harris, Elizabeth, 65
Haughton, Richard, 8
Haw, William, 3
Hawthorne, Robert, 3
Hudson, Jonathan, 24
Hudson, William, 7
Huggins, Samuel, 39
Humphrey, Michael, 2
Hunter, Thomas, 56
Huntington, Lydia, 33-34
Huntington, Mary, 32, 59, 63
Huntington, Solomon, 32-33
Kemball, Henry, 3
Kimball, Robert, 40
Lester, Anna, 65
Lewellen, John, 56
Luxford, James, 13
Marvin, Elizabeth, 20
Massey, Frances, 1, 53
Matcham, Abigail Tinker, 61
Matcham, Edward Henry, 60
Measure, Alice Smith Tinker, 30
Measure, William, 18
Meigs, Charles, 40
Merwin, Mary, 25, 27
Merwin, Thomas, 25
Miller, Nancy, 62
Moore, Lucy, 64
Morton, Benjamin, 61
Morton, William, 8
Newell, Presley, 56
Noyes, David, 40
Pennington, Isaac, 29
Pennington, Rachel, 29
Phillip, Ralph, 52
Phillips, Elizabeth Tinker, 52
Phillips, Isaac C., 1, 37, 52-54
Phillips, Mary Evelyn, 53
Phillips, Mary, 1
Phillips, Nancy Elizabeth, 53
Phillips, Purdy, 53
Phillips, Whitney, 53
Pratt, Eunice, 38
Quarles, Joanna, 65
Richardson, Amos, 4, 7
Rogers, James, 8
Russell, Thomas A., 55
Sandyes, Henry, 4
Sears, Joseph, 41
Shepherd, Elizabeth Caldwell, 56
Shepherd, Elizabeth Tinker, 55
Smith, Alice, 4, 7-8, 18-19, 24, 30, 65
Smith, Jessie, 1
Smith, John, 4, 6, 8, 75
Smith, Mary, 4
Smith, Polly, 62, 64
Smith, Rebecca, 18
Smith, Rhoda Tinker, 30
Smith, Richard, 4, 7, 65
Smith, Samuel, 8, 17-18, 24
Stanclift, James, 1, 20-21, 25-27
Stanclift, Mary Tinker, 25
Stanclift, William, 29
Starr, Comfort, 22
Starr, Ebenezer, 22
Thompson, William, 8
Tinker, Abigail Durant, 6, 20
Tinker, Abigail, 27, 29, 60-61
Tinker, Alice Smith, 8
Tinker, Alice, 4, 18, 29
Tinker, Almerin, 42, 44, 59-63
Tinker, Amanda, 33, 60-61
Tinker, Amos, 18, 22-23, 57, 62, 65
Tinker, Anna Town, 40-41
Tinker, Anne, 26
Tinker, Asa, 62, 64
Tinker, Barnes, 3-4
Tinker, Bela, 33
Tinker, Betsy, 48
Tinker, Byron, 37
Tinker, Charles W., 51
Tinker, Charles, 44
Tinker, Clarence, 60
Tinker, Cynthia, 34, 60
Tinker, Edwin B., 49, 52-53, 55-56
Tinker, Elihu, 1, 6, 31, 33-34, 59, 70
Tinker, Eliphalet Dewey, 50
Tinker, Eliphalet, 54
Tinker, Elisa, 64-65
Tinker, Elisha, 33, 59, 63-66
Tinker, Elizabeth, 1, 29, 44, 52-56
Tinker, George, 60
Tinker, Hannah, 31
Tinker, Helen, 26
Tinker, Houghton, 48, 58
Tinker, James, 33-41, 44-45
Tinker, Jehiel, 32
Tinker, John C., 51
Tinker, John, 1-12, 14-19, 23-31, 33-34, 42, 44, 57, 65, 71-73
Tinker, Jordan, 29
Tinker, Joseph, 61, 63
Tinker, Laura, 60
Tinker, Lucella, 55
Tinker, Lucetta C., 56, 57
Tinker, Lucinda, 61
Tinker, Lydia Huntington, 33, 64
Tinker, Lydia, 34, 64-66
Tinker, Lynde, 62, 64
Tinker, Martha Caswell, 59
Tinker, Mary E., 55
Tinker, Mary, 19, 21, 25-27, 29, 31, 48, 57
Tinker, Minessa, 60
Tinker, Nancy Miller, 62
Tinker, Nathan, 24
Tinker, Nehemiah, 31-34, 59, 61, 63
Tinker, Omri, 60-62
Tinker, Orwin Cullen, 50, 52-53
Tinker, Patience, 31
Tinker, Philena, 34
Tinker, Ralph, 1, 6, 33-37, 39-40, 42, 44-49, 51, 54-55, 57, 69
Tinker, Randall, 27
Tinker, Relief Whitney, 6, 45, 47, 49-51, 55
Tinker, Rhoda, 24, 26, 29-30
Tinker, Robert, 25-28
Tinker, Samuel, 1, 6, 8, 18-19, 21, 23-24, 27, 29-31, 57-58, 64-65, 72
Tinker, Sarah, 18-19, 24, 26, 31
Tinker, Seth, 30, 58
Tinker, Susannah, 31
Tinker, Tabitha C., 57
Tinker, Temperance, 32
Tinker, Walter H., 55-56
Tinker, Whitney, 51
Tinker, William H., 55
Walker, Jacob, 45
Waller, William, 20
Weatherford, James M., 57
Weatherford, Mary, 57
Whitney, Charles, 48
Willsheer, William, 3
Willshere, Gregory, 3
Winthrop, Dean, 5
Winthrop, John Jr., 1, 8-9, 12-16
Winthrop, John Sr., 9-12
Woods, Abigail, 31
Woods, Thomas, 31, 75
Van Gundy Family
Addison, William, 107-108
Albey, Lester, 99
Alspaugh, Ida, 83
Alward, Harriett, 92
Armbrister, Jacob, 68
Barnhart, Aaron, 117
Barnhart, Elizabeth May, 114
Barnhart, James, 112
Barnhart, John, 112
Barnhart, Leah, 112
Barnhart, Matthias, 112
Barnhart, Nathaniel, 112
Barnhart, Peter, 112
Barnhart, Reuben, 117
Barnhart, Samuel, 79, 114, 117
Barnhart, William Henry, 110
Baum, Maria, 82
Been, Jesse Jocum, 90
Bell, Alma Marie, 99
Bell, Alma, 118
Bell, Doyt, 97
Bell, Evelyn, 117
Bell, Gladys, 97
Bell, Gladys Mae, 118
Bell, Goldie Evelyn, 97, 117
Bell, Inez, 99, 118
Bell, Josie, 118
Bell, Ladoyt Versile, 117
Bell, Lester, 97-99, 117-118
Bell, Lottie, 118
Bell, Lulu Inez, 117
Bell, Mabel, 99
Bell, Richard, 97, 117-118
Bell, Richard E., 117
Bell, Samuel E., 99
Bell, Samuel Elsworth, 117-118
Bell, Shirley, 118
Bell, Wilbert, 97
Bell, Wilbur, 117
Bender, Dora, 108, 115
Bergner, Maria, 57
Berne, Canton, 48
Berthold, Duke, 2
Betzer, Aaron, 79
Betzer, Anna, 90
Betzer, Barbara, 79, 113-114
Betzer, Conrad, 79
Betzer, Elizabeth, 79
Betzer, Jacob, 79
Betzer, John, 113
Betzer, Lydia, 79
Betzer, Mary, 79
Betzer, Peter, 79, 113
Betzer, Samuel, 113
Betzer, Susannah, 79, 103, 106
Bixler, John, 79
Bixler, Mary, 79
Blair, John, 32
Blough, Elizabeth, 64
Blough, Mary, 64
Bohr, Ruby, 105
Bolander, Henry, 106
Bookwalter, David, 82
Boor, Elizabeth, 47
Bowers, Mary, 46
Bowles, Frances, 55
Brendel, Suzanne, 89
Brooks, Priscilla, 80
Brough, Norman, 107
Burchfield, Mathias, 69
Burke, James, 88
Burke, William, 88
Campbell, Jack, 104
Carlton, Frank, 107
Carpenter, Emanuel, 57
Carpenter, Sebastian, 73
Caryl, Catherine, 108
Clatfelter, Harry, 96
Clatfelter, Henry, 96, 100
Clatfelter, Louisa, 111, 113
Clatfelter, Rachel, 97
Clayton, Elmer, 107
Cleveland, Claude, 101
Clifton, Charles, 86
Cline, John, 73
Conner, Abraham, 19
Conner, Anna, 19
Conner, Catherine, 1, 16-19, 22
Conner, Elizabeth, 19, 21
Conner, Felix A., 25
Conner, Hester, 19, 25-26
Conner, Isaac, 11, 17, 19, 24-29, 79, 81
Conner, Isaac C., 24
Conner, Isaac Josephus, 25
Conner, Jacob, 1, 18-20, 125
Conner, John, 27-29, 81
Conner, John C., 26-28
Conner, Magdaline, 19
Conner, Martha, 28
Conner, Sally, 28
Conner, Samuel, 19
Conner, Susannah, 19
Cowgill, Amanda, 82
Cowgill, Charlotte, 82
Cowgill, Cyrus, 82
Cowgill, Daniel, 82-83
Craigie, James, 56
Crail, Henry Wager, 102
Crail, Ivy, 101
Crawford, John, 119
Crawford, Theron, 105
Crawford, William, 97, 100, 103
Crisup, Joseph, 45
Crouse, John, 42
Dailey, Henry, 75
Dailey, Melissa Jane Van Gundy, 75
Davis, Isaac, 73
Degler, John, 73
Delong, Franklin, 116
Delong, John, 115
Delong, Mary, 116
Delong, William, 116
Denny, Ann, 76
Denny, Hannah, 73
Derr, Ludwig, 9-10, 40, 76
Destine, Lydia, 83
Dillehunt, Hiram Franklin, 109
Dillehunt, Salvia, 107
Driever, Chester, 105
Driever, Earl, 105
Driever, Elbert, 105
Driever, Ernest, 105
Driever, Mattie Clara May, 105
Driever, Ruby, 105
Driever, Theron, 105
Driever, William, 105
Drum, George, 69
Duck, Sophia, 73
Dunlap, Alice, 96
Dunlap, Allen, 95-96
Dunlap, Della May, 95-96
Dunlap, Eva, 96
Dunlap, Ferba May, 96
Dunlap, Iva, 96
Dunlap, Kate, 95-96
Dunlap, Norman, 95
Dyer, Frederick, 27
Edgar, Cessna, 102
Edgar, Charles, 95
Ellsworth, Elmer, 120
Elmer, Bert, 96
Elsworth, Reuben, 95
Elsworth, Samuel, 117-118
Elwood, Norman, 108
Emerson, Fred, 90
Ensley, Sarah, 72
Entrekin, John, 42
Erb, Jacob, 55
Erbs, Philip, 41
Evans, William, 75
Evay, Christian, 41
Exline, David, 83
Eyestone, Hannah, 21
Fahrni, Gottfried, 58
Farney, Abraham, 57
Farney, Ann, 57
Farney, Benjamin, 72
Farney, Christian, 57
Farney, Joseph, 66
Farney, Peter, 57-58
Farnoy, Christian, 57
Farny, Fronica, 58, 60
Farny, Margreth, 57
Feich, Josiah, 98
Feicht, Henry, 97
Feicht, John, 99
Feicht, Josiah, 96
Feicht, Lottie Belle, 99, 117-118
Feicht, Martha, 97
Fierbaugh, Daniel, 46
Fierbaugh, David, 46-47
Firebaugh, Eleanor, 35
Firebaugh, Philip, 73
Flick, John, 66
Ford, Carrie, 107
Forney, Abraham, 59, 69
Forney, Ann, 58
Forney, Jacob, 57
Forney, John, 69
Forney, Peter, 56-60, 66, 69
Forney, Shriver, 66
Forster, John, 42, 62
Fortner, Jacob, 22-23, 81-82
Fortner, John, 82
Fox, Joseph, 55
Foy, Jacob, 42, 93
Franklin, Benjamin, 82
Franklin, Hiram, 107, 109
Franklin, William, 119
Fry, Babette, 49
Fry, Becky, 53
Fry, Elizabeth, 54
Fry, Jacob, 49
Fulmer, Mary, 11
Fultz, Andrew, 40, 75
Gander, Peter, 62
Ganndey, Christian, 60
Glatfelter, Emmanuel, 94
Gloninger, John, 78
Gnagy, Christian, 69
Goodman, David, 19-20
Goodman, Elizabeth Conner, 19
Goodman, William, 21
Goondy, Freny, 56, 60
Goondy, Peter, 56, 62
Graves, Phebe Van Gundy, 39
Graves, Samuel, 39
Gravevania, Forney, 60
Grogan, Mabel, 100
Grogan, Mabel C., 101
Grogan, May, 101
Grogan, Thomas Jefferson, 101
Grogan, Thomas Morris, 101
Gunde, Anna, 6-7
Gunde, Hans, 55-56
Gunde, Jacob, 80
Gunde, Johanes, 6-7, 59
Gunde, Peter, 55
Gundey, John, 60
Gundy, Benjamin, 44, 46-47, 69, 73
Gundy, Christian, 9, 74, 77-78
Gundy, Christina, 47
Gundy, David, 39, 74
Gundy, Jacob, 11
Gundy, Johanes, 6
Gundy, John, 56, 60, 78
Gundy, Joseph, 43-48, 69, 78
Gundy, Magdalena, 46
Gundy, Mary, 93
Gundy, Michael, 47-48
Gundy, Peter, 32, 49, 53-55, 62, 93
Gundy, Ross, 36
Gunner, Isaac, 40-41, 75
Gunten, Peter, 52
Gunty, Christian, 78
Gunty, Joseph, 43
Gunty, Peter, 62
Harlin, Elbert, 103-104
Harrison, Jacob, 84-85
Harshbargers, Christian, 66
Harshberger, Eve, 65
Harvey, William, 114
Hassenpflug, Freddie, 93-94
Hassenpflug, George F., 94
Hassenpflug, Martha E. May, 94
Hassenpflug, Sarah, 94
Headley, Simon, 40, 75
Heffner, Jonathan, 93, 97
Herr, Christian, 54, 86
Herr, Hans, 54, 86
Hersh, Christian, 65
Hershberger, Abraham, 42, 64
Hershberger, Adam, 38
Hershberger, Berks, 63
Hershberger, Christian, 42, 63-66
Hershberger, Daniel, 63
Hershberger, David, 63
Hershberger, Henry, 64
Hershberger, John, 63
Hershberger, Joseph, 63
Hershberger, Magdalena, 63
Hershberger, May, 63
Hershin, Christian, 64
Hickle, Alfred, 84
Hickle, David, 85
Hickle, David V., 84
Hickle, Elizabeth, 84
Hickle, Hester Van Gundy, 30
Hickle, Jacob Harrison, 84
Hickle, John, 30-31, 87-88
Hickle, John W., 84
Highland, Garnet, 77
Hobart, Guy, 102
Hochstetler, Christian, 64
Hochstetler, Jacob, 63-64
Hochstetler, Joseph, 64, 100
Hochstetler, Sarah, 63
Holman, Addison, 108
Holman, Barbara, 70, 90, 114
Holman, Brough, 110
Holman, Carey Lincoln, 109-110
Holman, Clara, 108
Holman, Clayton Lee, 108
Holman, David Truman, 108, 115
Holman, Ferby May, 109
Holman, Florence L., 115-116
Holman, Frank, 109
Holman, Fred, 109
Holman, Grace Marie, 110
Holman, Harvey, 108
Holman, Jacob Wilson, 108
Holman, John, 107
Holman, Marie, 109
Holman, Martin, 106-107, 110-111
Holman, Maude, 116
Holman, Norma, 108
Holman, Norman Brough, 107-109
Holman, Park H., 109
Holman, Reva Kathleen, 110
Holman, Stephen, 90
Holman, William Addison, 108
Hook, Mary, 73
Howard, Roy, 115-116
Huber, Magdalena, 72
Hyne, Jacob, 82
Irwin, William, 34
Jefferson, Thomas, 99-101, 110
Johnson, Ephraim, 81
Johnston, William, 46
Kauffman, Fanny, 43
Kauffman, John, 64
Kaufman, Barbara, 64
Keller, George, 25-26
Kelly, Lola, 105
Kieffer, David, 66
Kildow, Lovina, 97
Kilgore, Albert, 95
Kundig, Martin, 54
Kurtz, Jacob, 55
Lawrence, Sarah Octavia, 107
Lee, Clayton, 107-108
Lee, Grace, 120
Lee, Joshua, 85
Levy, Aaron, 73
Lewis, Ellen, 91
Lewis, Marguerite, 118
Lewis, Maria Myers, 92
Lewis, Murphy, 38
Lewis, William, 94, 97-98, 100-105
Lichty, John, 66
Lincoln, Abraham, 30
Lincoln, Carey, 108-109
Ludwig, Earnest, 105
Luthy, David, 70
Lynn, Charles, 97, 102-103
Lynn, Jesse, 102
Lyon, William, 62
Markley, John, 66
Marshall, Elizabeth, 92
Martin, Cathy, 6
Martin, James, 54
Martin, Jonathan, 18
Martin, Samuel, 61
Martin, Sarah, 20
Matthew, Roy, 109
May, Amanda, 92
May, Anna, 78, 91, 111
May, Annie, 92
May, Barbara Elizabeth, 95, 105
May, Barbara Van Gundy, 34, 113-114
May, Caroline, 92
May, Charles Lynn, 97, 102-103
May, Charles, 91
May, Christopher, 79, 90-91, 112, 114
May, David, 111, 113-114
May, David L., 114
May, Della, 96, 101
May, Eliza Jane, 93
May, Elizabeth, 79, 91, 111, 114, 117
May, Elizabeth Ada, 97, 101-102
May, Elizabeth Ann, 93-95, 98-99, 117
May, Emily, 114
May, Ferby, 94-96, 106-111, 115
May, Flora, 97-98
May, Francis, 79, 91, 113-114
May, Frank, 91
May, George, 13-15, 41, 78, 91, 93, 110-111, 113
May, George, III, 110-111
May, George, IV, 111
May, Gundy, 13, 33
May, Ida, 91
May, Isabel Jane, 96, 100
May, Jacob, 78, 91, 99, 103, 105-109, 115
May, John, 78, 91, 93-105, 113, 116-117
May, John, Jr., 94
May, Lewis, 95, 102
May, Louisa Clatfelter, 111
May, Lovina, 101
May, Lula Belle, 97, 103
May, Margaret, 114
May, Maria, 91
May, Martha E., 92
May, Martha, 94
May, Mary, 93-94, 97, 110, 112
May, Mary Ann, 91, 94
May, Mary Woolsey, 100
May, Mattie Clara, 97, 104
May, Michael, 91, 94
May, Opal, 102
May, Philip, 91, 112, 114
May, Reuben, 92, 94
May, Samuel, 78, 91, 94, 113
May, Samuel Grant, 97, 104
May, Sarah, 79, 91, 113, 115
May, Sarah Elizabeth, 94
May, Simon, 92
May, Susan, 108
May, Susannah, 114
May, William, 91, 94, 113-114
May, William Crawford, 97, 100, 103
May, William Harvey, 114
May, William Lewis, 94, 97, 101, 103-105
McCartney, Alfred, 98
McCartney, Mary Louisa, 96, 98, 117
Meili, Martin, 54
Meyers, Calvin N., 92
Meyers, Harriett Alward, 92
Meyers, Josiah, 92
Meyers, Sarah Van Gundy, 92
Miller, Catherine, 63
Miller, John, 63-64
Miller, Peter, 70
Milton, John, 104
Monroe, Alva, 93
Montreville, Jane, 31
Morris, Thomas, 99-101
Morrison, Joseph, 85
Muler, Jacob, 54
Myers, Elizabeth Marshall, 92
Myers, Louisa, 38
Myers, Maria, 92
Myers, Sarah Van Gundy, 38, 92
Myers, William, 36-38, 77, 92
Nafziger, Joseph, 66
Neff, Mary Ann, 114
Nofkser, Joseph, 47
Nolled, Philip, 66
Oberholtzer, Martin, 54
Oplinger, Christian, 57
Orr, Margaret, 72
Overholt, Christian, 66
Overholt, Christiana, 48
Overley, Margaret, 35-36
Parks, Susan, 76
Penn, John, 67-68
Penn, Richard, 53
Penn, Thomas, 53
Penn, William, 4
Pershing, Tracey, 72
Pfrimer, George, 69
Pixler, George, 83
Pixler, Jackson, 83
Plummer, Lewis, 79
Pontious, Eliza J., 94
Porter, John, 95
Rageth, Mattie, 105
Redenbaugh, William, 78
Renaldo, Clarence, 101
Reynolds, Arnold, 116
Reynolds, Carl George, 115
Reynolds, George Truman, 116, 155
Reynolds, Marian, 115
Reynolds, Roy Howard, 115-116
Reynolds, Virginia Mae Arnold, 116
Rice, Elbert, 104
Rice, Lula, 104
Rice, May, 104
Rinehart, Joel, 94
Ring, Henrietta, 61
Roberts, Pauline, 90
Ross, Franklin, 110
Rowe, Elizabeth, 79
Roy, Chester, 105
Roy, Rob, 93, 110-111, 113
Saltsgaber, Catherine, 36
Sauder, Amos H., 76
Search, Leah, 77
Search, Margaret, 77
Semple, John, 8
Senff, Andrew, 93, 95
Senff, Eliza Jane May, 95
Senff, May, 95
Senff, Minerva, 93
Shannon, Robert, 94
Sharp, Marion, 1
Shisler, John, 69
Sidenbender, Alvina, 31
Sidenbender, George, 31, 89, 91, 112
Sidenbender, Harrison, 31
Sidenbender, Joseph, 1, 31-32
Sidenbender, Margaret, 15, 89
Sidenbender, Maria Jane, 1
Sidenbender, Shepherd, 31
Silvers, Margaret, 90
Simmons, David, 77
Simpson, Sarah, 77
Simpson, William, 77
Smith, Ann, 58
Smith, Claire, 1
Smith, Mary, 66
Sneathen, John, 80
Snook, John, 77
Spiecher, Magdalena, 63
Spohr, Stanley, 118
Starr, Florence, 88
Steltz, John, 84
Stetler, Emma, 82
Stetler, Harriet, 82
Stoll, Joseph, 72
Summy, Abraham, 65
Summy, Christian, 65
Summy, Michael, 66
Swift, Sarah, 79
Sydenbender, Henry, 55
Taylor, Isabella, 119
Taylor, Joseph, 119
Taylor, Marie, 32-33
Theodore, Charles, 102
Thomas, Joseph, 94
Thomas, Martin, 110
Thomas, Phebe, 77
Thompson, Dora Emma May Grogan, 97-98, 101
Thompson, James, 99
Toney, Mabel T., 109
Truman, David, 107-108, 115-116
Truman, George, 115-116
Ullery, Henry, 17, 79
Ulrich, Susanna, 42, 61
Van Gundy, Abraham, 22, 29, 74, 82
Van Gundy, Adam, 13, 70, 89-91
Van Gundy, Albert, 90
Van Gundy, Ann, 1, 22, 31-33, 120
Van Gundy, Ann Mary, 16, 77
Van Gundy, Anna, 13, 24, 73
Van Gundy, Anna Maria Davis, 37
Van Gundy, Anna Marie Hook, 71
Van Gundy, Anne, 13-14
Van Gundy, Barbara, 6, 12-15, 33, 78, 89, 118
Van Gundy, Barbara Elizabeth, 91, 93-94, 96-108, 110-113, 115
Van Gundy, Barbara Holman, 90
Van Gundy, Benjamin Farney, 72-73
Van Gundy, Burke, 85, 87
Van Gundy, Catherine, 22, 28, 32, 79, 81-83, 89
Van Gundy, Catherine Conner, 17-18
Van Gundy, Christian, 1, 5-6, 9-15, 29, 32-35, 40-41, 61, 71, 74, 76, 80, 119, 123
Van Gundy, Christian, Jr., 7, 13
Van Gundy, Christian, Jr., 76
Van Gundy, Christopher, 89
Van Gundy, Clara, 55
Van Gundy, Clara Laurettie, 120
Van Gundy, Clyde, 1
Van Gundy, Daniel, 42
Van Gundy, David, 22, 32, 35, 38, 40, 42, 56, 73-75, 82, 85, 87-89, 92, 118
Van Gundy, Davis, 37
Van Gundy, Delilah, 78
Van Gundy, Della, 82
Van Gundy, Detta, 120
Van Gundy, Elizabeth, 22, 28, 83, 103, 109, 111
Van Gundy, Farny, 56
Van Gundy, Fronica Ann Forney, 56
Van Gundy, Fronica Farny, 58, 60
Van Gundy, George, 13, 119-121
Van Gundy, Henry, 18, 20, 22, 27, 29, 71, 79, 84-85
Van Gundy, Hester, 22, 29-30, 32, 84-87
Van Gundy, Isaac, 20, 22, 28, 81
Van Gundy, Jacob, 1, 10, 12-13, 17-18, 20-22, 25-27, 32, 35, 42, 80-81, 122
Van Gundy, Jacob, Jr., 25
Van Gundy, Johanes, 7
Van Gundy, John, 5, 13, 15, 22, 24, 35-38, 51, 56, 60-61, 72, 77-78, 80-81, 88-89, 92, 120
Van Gundy, Joseph, 6, 31-32, 42, 45, 47, 61, 67-70, 78
Van Gundy, Julia, 90
Van Gundy, Laura B., 85
Van Gundy, Magdalena, 6, 42
Van Gundy, Margaret, 89
Van Gundy, Margaret Overley, 36
Van Gundy, Mary, 22-23, 82, 93
Van Gundy, Mary Ann, 23-24, 79
Van Gundy, Mary Fulmer, 11
Van Gundy, Michael, 21, 47, 71, 74, 89, 119
Van Gundy, Myrtie, 120
Van Gundy, Nelson, 92
Van Gundy, Nelson W., 90
Van Gundy, Peter, 1-2, 5, 7, 35-39, 42, 48-49, 51-52, 55-56, 60-62, 64, 71, 74-75, 78, 80, 86, 88-89, 92, 118-119, 124
Van Gundy, Peter, Jr., 61, 70
Van Gundy, Phebe, 39
Van Gundy, Samuel, 35-36, 61, 72, 75-76, 118-119
Van Gundy, Samuel, Sr., 35
Van Gundy, Sarah, 36-38, 89, 92
Van Gundy, Sarah Ann, 85, 119
Van Gundy, Susan, 22, 82
Van Gundy, Thieleman J., 65
Van Gundy, Valentine, 25, 35, 81
Van Gundy, Wesley J., 85
Van Gundy, William A., 90
Vandemark, Elizabeth Van Gundy, 22
Vandemark, Gundy, 22
Vandermark, Alfred, 84
Vandermark, Anna, 84
Vandermark, Elizabeth, 80
Vandermark, Josephus, 84
Vangundy, Henry, 80
Vangundy, Jacob, 17
Von Gundy, Joseph, 65, 67-68, 71-72
Von Gundy, Peter, 1, 5, 48, 67, 71
Wade, Caroline, 80
Warren, James, 85
Weimer, John, 47
Wellman, Flora S. May, 100
Wellman, George W., 100
Wellman, May, 100
Wells, John, 43
Wenger, John, 55
Wenger, Sherk, 60
Wenger, Susanna, 61
Weyandt, Daniel, 46
Wheeler, Elizabeth, 112
White, May, 105
White, Salem, 13, 91-95, 97, 105, 112
Whitehall, Alexander, 119
Whitehall, Alice, 119
Whitehall, Allen, 119
Whitehall, Amelia, 119
Whitehall, Arrelia, 119
Whitehall, Elizabeth, 119
Whitehall, Euphrates, 119
Whitehall, Mattie, 119
Whitehall, Ofelia, 119
Whitehall, Samuel, 1, 119
Willard, Charles, 94
Wilson, Jacob, 107-108
Wilson, Mollie, 81
Winters, Jacob, 69
Wisler, Mary, 61
Wiss, Jacob, 56
Wissler, Anna, 39-40, 73
Wissler, Michael, 73
Wolf, John, 16, 41, 77
Wolf, Jonathan, 77
Woodring, William, 82
Woolsey, Mary, 93, 100
Zentmeyer, Rachel, 76
Whitney Family
Abdy, Mathew, 67
Abdy, Tabitha, 67
Adams, Abel, 74
Adams, Ira, 36
Amsden, Isaac, 18
Andrews, Anna, 80
Bacon, Daniel, 70-71
Bacon, Mary, 70
Ball, James, 35
Beach, Martha, 75
Bemis, John, 11-12, 66, 97-98
Bemis, Joseph, 10, 12-13, 66
Bemis, Mary, 11-13, 74, 77
Bigelow, Daniel, 15, 78, 80
Bigelow, Silence, 79
Bigelow, Timothy, 79-80, 82
Billing, Grace, 78
Billing, Nathaniel, 78
Bliss, Helen, 55
Boardman, Almond, 57-58
Boardman, Amanda, 58
Boardman, Cyrene, 58
Boardman, Ozias, 51, 54, 56, 58
Boardman, Plooma, 58
Bond, Henry, 61
Bond, Sarah, 67
Bond, William, 67
Bowles, Patricia, 1
Brooks, Hephzibah, 26
Brooks, Jabez, 25-26
Brown, Lyman, 37
Brown, Miriam, 34
Buckingham, Edwin, 60
Buckminster, Mary, 72
Buckminster, Thomas, 72
Campbell, John, 51, 62-64
Chadwick, Abigail, 77
Chadwick, Charles, 77
Clement, Judith, 2
Clifton, Frederick, 77
Colden, Martha, 69
Coolidge, Calvin, 10
Corlet, Elijah, 27, 29
Cullen, Orwin, 60
Cumey, Taletha, 60
Cutter, Abigail, 25
Cutter, Barbara, 21, 27
Cutter, Benjamin, 29
Cutter, Bethia, 10, 23, 29
Cutter, Bethiah, 10, 29
Cutter, Cuthbert, 19
Cutter, Elizabeth, 1, 17, 19-21, 24-25, 27, 29-30, 62-63, 81-82
Cutter, Ephraim, 10, 23, 23, 25, 29
Cutter, Gershom, 19-20, 23-24, 62
Cutter, Hephzibah, 20, 25-26, 28-29
Cutter, Isabella, 27
Cutter, Joanna, 27
Cutter, John, 76
Cutter, Jonathan, 25
Cutter, Joyce, 27
Cutter, Mary, 10, 20, 25, 84
Cutter, Nathaniel, 20-21, 24-25
Cutter, Rebecca, 20
Cutter, Richard, 17-21, 24, 27, 29-30, 62, 64, 76, 97, 99-100
Cutter, Ruhamah, 20, 26-28
Cutter, Samuel, 19, 27, 62, 101
Cutter, Sarah, 20, 26
Cutter, Thomas, 19
Cutter, William, 18-22, 27, 29, 61
Daniels, George, 15
Dewey, Eliphalet, 60
Doves, John, 72
Farnsworth, John, 72
Fisk, Nathan, 70
Fiske, John, 74
Fletcher, Martha, 83
Franklin, Benjamin, 4, 7
French, Hannah, 78
Fullam, Francis, 63
Goodell, Jemima, 57-58
Goodell, Lydia, 83
Greene, Katherine, 15
Greene, Nathaniel, 14-15
Gregory, Abraham, 83-84
Gregory, Elizabeth, 62
Gregory, Patience, 83
Hagar, Abigail, 11, 77
Hagar, Hannah, 11
Hagar, Mary Bemis, 11, 77
Hagar, Mehitable, 11
Hagar, Rebecca, 11
Hagar, Rubannah, 11
Hagar, Samuel, 10-11
Hagar, Sarah, 9, 11, 77
Hagar, Susannah, 11
Hagar, William, 10-11, 102
Hall, Elizabeth Cutter, 62, 81-82
Hall, Nathaniel, 25, 81-82
Hapgood, Sarah, 85
Harrington, Anna, 76
Harrington, Daniel, 31, 75-76
Harrington, Grace, 76
Harrington, Mary, 66
Harrington, Phebe, 36, 66
Harrington, Robert, 75-76
Harrington, Sarah Whitney, 30, 75
Harris, Elizabeth, 73
Harris, Robert, 73
Hartwell, Joseph, 26
Haskins, Cynthia, 55
Haskins, Lois, 55
Haskins, Seth, 51, 54, 61
Hastings, Elizabeth, 32-33, 45-46, 84-85
Heartwell, Ruhamah Cutter, 27-29
Herington, Daniel, 30
Herington, Sarah, 30
Hodges, Maud, 4, 61
Houghton, Deliverance Ross, 33, 46
Houghton, Lois, 33, 51, 53, 86
Houghton, Mary, 33, 48
Houghton, Tamar, 33, 47, 49, 85
Hurd, Aaron, 56
Jenson, Andrew, 41
Johnson, Samuel, 77
Jones, Lydia, 70-71
Kedell, Mary, 70
Kettle, Mary, 3
Kimball, Horace, 41
Kimball, Newel, 37
Kimball, Susanna, 38
Laboree, Anne, 77
Laboree, James, 77
Lawrence, Enoch, 5, 74
Lawrence, Jeremiah, 74
Livermore, Nathaniel, 75
Locke, Berenice, 66
Locke, James, 26
Lyon, Sally, 84
Manning, Sarah, 17
Mason, Robert, 67
Mason, Sarah, 67
Massey, Frances, 1
Mixer, Elizabeth, 84
Mower, Anna, 54, 57
Newton, Ephraim, 33, 42, 52
Paige, Nicholas, 74
Parker, Charles, 61
Parker, Mehitable, 84
Peirce, Martha, 77
Perriman, Frances, 18, 20
Philips, Charles, 43
Phillips, Mary, 1
Power, Mary, 72
Pratt, Alvan, 37
Pratt, Samuel, 37
Pulleyne, Mary, 7
Reynolds, Edward, 8
Reynolds, Grindall, 8
Reynolds, John, 8, 69
Reynolds, Mary, 7
Reynolds, Nathaniel, 7, 67, 103-104
Reynolds, Robert, 1, 4-7, 67-69, 103
Reynolds, Ruth, 4, 7, 73
Reynolds, Samuel, 8
Reynolds, Sarah, 7
Reynolds, Tibitha, 7
Reynolds, William, 8
Rice, Ephraim, 78
Rice, Zervilla, 78
Robbinson, Sarah, 14, 17
Robinson, David, 17
Robinson, Elizabeth, 17, 62-63
Robinson, Hannah, 17
Robinson, Jeremiah, 17
Robinson, Jonathan, 17
Robinson, Mary, 1
Robinson, Mercy, 13, 17, 62-63
Robinson, Robert, 17
Robinson, Samuel, 14, 17, 63
Robinson, Sarah, 14
Robinson, William, 1, 16-17, 62-63, 103, 105
Sanger, Mary Cutter, 67, 84
Sanger, Nathaniel, 84
Saywood, Jonathan, 73
Shattuck, John, 5, 74
Shattuck, Samuel, 74
Shattuck, Susanna, 74
Shaw, Abigail, 55
Shaw, Benoni, 51, 54, 58, 60
Shaw, Bradley, 55
Shaw, Charles, 54
Shaw, Chrispus, 58
Shaw, Cyrene, 54
Shaw, Ebenezer, 51, 53-55
Shaw, Polly Whitney, 54
Shaw, Relief, 54
Shepard, Thomas, 27-28
Sherman, Asaph, 47-48, 50, 59, 84
Sherman, Lucy Whitney, 47
Sherwin, Abigail, 54
Sidney, Algernon, 38
Smith, Elizabeth, 38
Smith, Jessie, 1
Smith, Joseph, 39-41
Spray, Anne, 11-12
Stalham, John, 103
Stockwell, Perez, 43
Stone, Simon, 72
Strickland, John, 2
Strong, John, 83
Tarbele, Thomas, 72
Tarbell, Abigail, 72
Tinker, Betsy, 60
Tinker, Elizabeth, 1
Tinker, Houghton, 60
Tinker, Mary, 60
Tinker, Ralph, 1, 50, 64-65
Tinker, Relief Whitney, 50, 65
Ward, Jonathan, 80
Ware, Denise, 33, 49, 62
Ware, Tom, 33
Warner, John, 24
Warren, Daniel, 76
Warren, Joseph, 79
Warren, Mary, 76
Whitney, Abijah, 11
Whitney, Amos, 13, 86
Whitney, Anne, 78
Whitney, Annis, 51, 53, 55, 61
Whitney, Benjamin, 2, 4-5, 67, 71-73, 77
Whitney, Betsy H., 51, 60, 58
Whitney, Caleb, 2
Whitney, Charles, 60
Whitney, Clark, 48
Whitney, Daniel, 77
Whitney, David, 13, 83
Whitney, Dewey, 50
Whitney, Ebenezer, 13, 15, 69, 83
Whitney, Eli, 13, 15, 78, 84
Whitney, Elinor, 70-72, 80
Whitney, Eliphalet, 1, 32-33, 35, 47, 51-56, 86, 91
Whitney, Elisha, 83
Whitney, Elizabeth, 4, 9, 13, 15, 32, 40-41, 46, 72, 76, 78-79, 80, 84
Whitney, Elnathan, 70
Whitney, Grace, 9
Whitney, Hannah, 4, 9, 16, 72, 78
Whitney, Horace Kimball, 40-42
Whitney, Huldah, 73
Whitney, Israel, 15, 50
Whitney, John, 1-2, 4-5, 11, 67, 71-74, 77, 96-97
Whitney, Jonas, 13, 32-34, 45, 47, 49, 65, 83, 85
Whitney, Jonathan, 2-3, 67, 70-71, 85-86
Whitney, Joseph, 4-5, 7
Whitney, Joshua, 1-2, 4, 13, 16, 67, 71-73, 83
Whitney, Josiah, 16
Whitney, Lois Houghton, 51, 53, 55, 58, 62-63
Whitney, Lucy, 32, 47-48, 50, 59
Whitney, Lydia, 32, 51, 56-59
Whitney, Martha, 32, 70
Whitney, Mary, 2, 4, 74, 83
Whitney, Mercy, 9, 84
Whitney, Molly, 83
Whitney, Moses, 3, 66
Whitney, Nathaniel, 1-2, 4, 7, 9-10, 13, 15, 32-33, 42-45, 49, 77-78, 84, 93, 95
Whitney, Orson K., 40, 42
Whitney, Phebe, 36, 38
Whitney, Polly, 51, 53-55
Whitney, Relief, 1, 50-51, 59-60, 64-65
Whitney, Richard, 2-3, 16, 67, 69, 70
Whitney, Ruth Reynold, 4-5, 67, 73-74
Whitney, Samuel, 1, 4, 9, 13, 31-39, 41, 46, 66, 74, 77, 84, 92
Whitney, Sarah, 4, 9, 13, 30-32, 74-75, 77-78
Whitney, Sibyla, 16
Whitney, Solomon, 13, 83
Whitney, Susanna, 13, 32, 82
Whitney, Tamar, 16, 47
Whitney, Thomas, 2-3, 67, 69-70
Whitney, William, 8-11, 33, 51, 55, 58, 71, 77, 80
Whitting, Joshua, 72
Williams, Anne, 30
Williams, Elizabeth, 19, 30
Williams, Mary, 30
Williams, Robert, 30-31
Williams, William, 33
Wilson, Mehitable, 83
Wilson, Nora, 62
Woolsen, Thomas, 63