Each of the family histories listed on the Menu Bar under “Books” has its own index. This page includes the indexes of the Nisbett Family through the Rogers Family. Some may find it more convenient to search the Master Index, which has all twenty-nine histories listed together.
Nisbett Family
Adams, Margaret, 52, 114, 116
Alexander, Abdon, 79
Alexander, Arbella, 104
Alexander, Bethia, 96
Allen, C. Elizabeth, 152
Anderson, George, 127
Armour, Barbara, 141, 146
Armour, Charles, 75, 146
Armour, Kent, 146
Armour, Minnie Nisbett, 75
Armour, Ralph, 146
Austin, Samuel, 106, 143
Barclain, John, 81
Barnett, Ada V., 140
Barnett, Arthur, 88, 139-140
Barnett, Charlotte, 140
Barnett, Nisbett, 139
Bartow, William, 156, 159
Battle, Amanda, 97-98, 100
Battle, Fitzallen, 96
Battle, Mary, 96
Battle, Reuben, 99-101
Beckham, Simon, 116
Bertolet, Emma, 142
Bibb, Thomas, 127
Blackstock, James, 94
Blackstock, William, 130, 132
Blakeley, Winifred, 152-153
Blakely, Samuel, 154
Boone, Ann, 159
Boone, Daniel, 42
Bordsely, Edwin, 103
Bowles, Frances, 63, 69, 79
Boyle, John, 81-82
Bratton, Jane, 95-96
Bratton, Martha, 42
Bratton, Samuel, 95, 128
Bratton, William, 38-40
Brevard, Osborne, 100
Brevard, Sarah, 1-2, 134
Britton, Lois, 157
Britton, Maybell, 157
Brooks, George, 80
Brown, John, 28
Buchanan, James, 132
Bussey, Nathan, 159
Byers, Mary, 104
Cain, Alexander, 133
Caldwell, William, 111, 113
Calhoun, John C., 117
Calvert, Elizabeth Clifford Smith, 69, 136
Calvert, Foster, 137
Calvert, Richard, 137
Calvert, Smith, 63, 68-69, 136
Capps, Sarah Miranda, 63
Cass, Lewis, 82
Caston, Viola, 78
Cathey, Jas, 2
Chancellor, Robert, 32
Chapman, Laban, 152-153
Chapman, Nell Miriam, 73
Clifton, Martha, 64, 68, 135, 137
Clow, Mary, 27
Coffee, Henry, 81
Coffey, Mary, 47
Cooper, James, 96, 100, 102
Cooper, Jennie, 96
Cooper, Penelope, 100-103
Cooper, Thomas, 101
Cope, Alma, 138
Cope, Dorothy, 138
Cope, Helen, 138
Cope, Lelia, 138
Cope, Mary, 138
Craig, Exa, 153-154
Craig, John, 133
Crall, Adam, 150-151, 153
Crittenden, John, 45
Crockett, Nancy, 76-77
Cruise, Winson, 81
Culp, Isla Evelyn, 161
Curry, John, 126
Davis, William, 149
Davison, Jimmie, 122
Dickson, Samuel Nesbitt, 111
Dooley, Thomas, 122
Doolie, Edgar, 122
Douglas, Lewis, 145
Duncan, Walter, 127
Duncan, Wilson, 127
Dunlap, James, 82, 110
Dunlap, Robert, 82, 133
Dunlap, Samuel, 81
Echols, Ora, 90
Edwards, Estella L., 155
Elmo, William, 125
Elsberry, Amos, 122
Elzmar, Martha, 146
Elzmar, Pearl, 148
Elzmer, Martha, 144, 148
Esholona, Nancy, 159
Esquire, Gill, 115
Evans, Frances, 98
Evans, Jean, 138
Evans, Laura, 87, 138
Fann, William, 83
Fergusill, John, 32
Findlay, Martha, 159
Finlay, Folmar, 128
Fleming, Daniel, 82
Folmar, Frances Ross Rodgers, 125
Folmar, Sarah Rodgers, 124-125, 127-128
Folmer, Davidson, 122
Ford, Chipley, 4
Forrest, Benjamin, 134
Franklin, Benjamin, 58, 90, 142
Gaither, John, 125
Gamill, Peter, 32
Gates, General, 36, 50, 110, 133
Gates, Horatio, 110
Gibson, Janet, 13
Gibson, Joseph, 28
Gilliam, John, 57, 88-90, 142
Gillon, Hugh, 61, 118
Gillon, Jane Young, 59, 61, 115-118
Gillon, John, 1, 53, 59-61, 75, 78, 109, 115-118, 120, 175
Gillon, Mary, 61, 116, 118
Gillon, Rebecca, 1, 59, 61, 118
Gillon, Sarah, 61, 118-125
Glover, Major, 95
Goff, Henry, 81
Goodman, Mary, 77
Gordon, Leslie, 73
Graham, Mary, 124
Graham, North, 130
Grant, James, 26
Green, General, 110
Green, Harris, 122
Green, Rullion, 18
Greene, Nathanael, 110
Greer, Martha Nisbet, 44
Gregg, Carrie, 28
Greiner, Anna, 98
Grimes, Martha A. Dennis, 100-101
Hagen, James, 59
Hagen, Martha, 59
Hall, Joseph, 82
Hardy, Lucy Ann L., 153
Harper, Sarah, 131
Harper, William, 131, 159
Harris, James, 106
Harris, Janie, 122
Harris, Mary Jane Vickery, 121-122
Harrison, Abigail, 17
Harrison, Bethenia, 154
Harrison, James, 144
Hartman, Blanche, 33
Hawey, James, 142
Heard, Jane, 90
Hendrix, Earnest Raythern, 148
Hendrix, James, 142, 144
Hendrix, Mattie Clifford, 144-145, 147
Henon, John, 147
Hicks, Lewis, 138
Hill, Anna Y., 88
Holley, Jimmy, 122
Holley, Vickery, 122
Holmes, Mary, 138
Hood, William, 82
Houghton, Henry Hovey, 75, 137
Houghton, Jewell, 137
Houghton, Martha Nisbett, 62, 70, 73, 92
Houston, James, 146
Houston, John, 117
Howard, Folmar, 127
Huey, James, 149
Huey, Martha Linn McMurray, 126-128
Huey, Robert, 132
Huey, Thomas W., 127-128
Hutton, Mary, 159
Inez, Birdie, 125
Jackson, Andrew, 34, 36, 41
Jefferson, Thomas, 128, 147, 151
Jefferson, William, 127
Johnson, Folmar, 127
Johnson, Hudson, 112-114
Johnston, John, 132
Kerr, James, 4
Kershaw, Colonel, 35, 40
Kershaw, Eli, 81
Kershaw, Joseph, 110
Kibler, Porter, 124
Kilgore, Elizabeth Leola Rodgers, 156
Kimball, Frederick, 110
Kimbrel, Major, 36, 110
Kird, John, 133
Kitchen, Thomas, 115-116
Lamb, Barry, 134
Lancaster, John, 50
Laney, Inez, 145
Lanier, Sidney, 103
Latham, David, 148
Latham, Isabella, 60
Latham, Isabelle C., 148
Lathan, Samuel, 150
Law, John, 22-24
Law, Joseph, 28
Law, Margaret, 17, 21-22, 28
Lewis, James, 114, 145, 147
Lockhout, Robert, 134
Lokey, Ann, 155
Long, Johnnie Julian, 145
MacMuirceartach, Mackirdie, 159
Madison, James, 127
Marcom, Fannie, 55
Marshal, John, 40, 110
Marshall, Sally, 136
Martin, Cathy, 2, 36
Martin, James, 145, 147
Martin, Rebecca, 10, 27
Martin, Richard, 18, 84, 86
Martin, Ron, 51
Martin, Samuel, 80
Matthew, Thomas, 124, 126
Matthew, William, 151, 156-157
Matthews, West, 65, 70, 80
Mattix, Ed, 64
Mattix, Edward, 72, 135
Mattix, Mary, 63-64, 69, 72, 79, 89, 148, 160
Mattix, Robertson, 135
May, Beauna, 126
May, Jesse, 144
May, Minnie, 69, 135, 140
McKnight, Susanna, 95
McMurray, J. A., 55
McMurray, John, 41, 47, 51-52, 78, 80-81, 114, 160, 176
McMurray, John, Jr., 126-128, 130, 159
McMurray, John, Sr., 79, 81, 159
McMurray, John Hutton, Sr., 159
McMurray, Margaret Adams, 114
McMurray, Margaret, 78
McMurray, Robert, 53
McMurray, Samuel, 80-81, 159
McMurry, James, 52
McMurry, Mary, 55
McMurry, Robert, 54
McMurtry, Joseph, 159
McRee, James, 116
McRee, Rachel, 116
Mcteer, Frances, 149
Menior, David, 91
Menior, James, 58, 90-91
Middleb, Folmar, 127
Monroe, James, 151
Monroe, Millard, 147
Monroe, West, 105-107, 143-146
Montgomery, Hugh, 82
Montgomery, James, 79, 81
Montgomery, Mary, 54-55
Montgomery, Robert, 117, 133
Moon, Billie, 67
Moore, Alexander, 47-49
Moore, Elizabeth, 47
Moore, James, 45, 47
Moore, John, 48-49, 81
Moore, Lucy, 125
Moore, Margaret Nisbett,47-49
Moore, William, 82
Morgan, Folmar, 127
Morgan, Seranus, 153-155, 157
Nesbit, Agnes, 133
Nesbit, Alex, 133
Nesbit, Alexander, 133
Nesbit, Benjamin Forrest, 133-134
Nesbit, James, 133-134
Nesbit, John, 15, 133-134
Nesbit, Joseph, 133-134
Nesbit, Robert, 111-112
Nesbit, William, 133-134
Nesbitt, Robert, 112-113
Nesbitt, Samuel, 111
Nesbitt, Sarah, 113
Newman, Jacob, 81
Newman, Joseph, 134
Newman, Rosanna, 134
Newton, Charles, 138
Newton, John, 108, 132
Niell, Thomas, 80
Nisbet, Abigail, 17
Nisbet, Adam, 8-9
Nisbet, Adam Ross, 129
Nisbet, Agness, 109
Nisbet, Alexander, 1-2, 6, 13-14, 28 43, 74, 80, 107, 130
Nisbet, Allen, 28
Nisbet, Amanda, 97
Nisbet, Amanda Battle, 97-98, 100
Nisbet, Aristides, 96-97
Nisbet, Benjamin, 47, 74, 80, 82
Nisbet, Beulah, 130
Nisbet, Charles Eugene, 98
Nisbet, Cooper, 75, 95
Nisbet, Corrine, 98
Nisbet, Daniel Evans, 98-99
Nisbet, David, 3-4
Nisbet, Elizabeth, 3-4, 6, 28, 103-104
Nisbet, Eugenius Amanda, 97
Nisbet, Eugenius Aristides, 96-97
Nisbet, Evans, 98-99
Nisbet, Filiola, 100
Nisbet, Florence, 104
Nisbet, Frank A., 102-104
Nisbet, Frank Elizabeth, 103
Nisbet, Frank LaConte, 103-104
Nisbet, Franklin, 45
Nisbet, Harriett, 78
Nisbet, Hugh, 28
Nisbet, Isabella, 43, 74
Nisbet, James, 2-4, 6, 8-9, 13-18, 20, 22-24, 28-29, 31-33, 44-45, 74, 95-96, 99-103, 106, 129, 174-175
Nisbet, James, Jr., 44, 129
Nisbet, James, III, 16
Nisbet, James Alexander, 102-103
Nisbet, James Blackstock, 94
Nisbet, James Cooper, 95-96, 100
Nisbet, James Taylor, 98-99
Nisbet, Jane Bratton, 95
Nisbet, Jane, 6
Nisbet, John, 1-6, 14-17, 20-21, 24-28, 32-33, 42-43, 47, 74, 80, 82, 85, 94-98, 100, 102, 104-105, 134, 173-174
Nisbet, John Alexander, 94
Nisbet, John G., 129, 132
Nisbet, John W., 94
Nisbet, Joseph, 28, 42, 80, 132-133
Nisbet, Lissy, 130
Nisbet, Margaret, 74
Nisbet, Martha A., 101
Nisbet, Martha, 44, 74
Nisbet, Mary Jane, 108
Nisbet, Mary, 5-6, 99, 103-104
Nisbet, Milus, 6
Nisbet, Monica, 131
Nisbet, Murdock, 6, 10-14, 17, 33
Nisbet, Nancy, 6
Nisbet, Nelson, 130
Nisbet, Penelope Cooper, 101-102
Nisbet, Philip, 8-9
Nisbet, Rebecca, 4
Nisbet, Reuben Battle, 100
Nisbet, Robert, 8-9, 111
Nisbet, Samuel Bratton, 17, 95, 128
Nisbet, Sarah, 1-2, 4, 6
Nisbet, Sarah Angelina, 102-103
Nisbet, Susie A., 104
Nisbet, Thomas, 3, 6-8, 28, 104
Nisbet, Vasco E., 104
Nisbet, Will, 28
Nisbet, William, 3, 41-42, 45, 74, 79, 82, 108-110, 129-130, 132, 149
Nisbet, William, Jr., 108
Nisbet, William IV, 45
Nisbet, William Blackstock, 130
Nisbet, William Calvin, 130
Nisbet, William Milo, 104
Nisbett, Alexander Agnes, 47, 131, 133
Nisbett, Alexander, 1, 33-36, 41, 43, 47, 57, 74-75, 95, 105, 107, 134, 169, 171
Nisbett, Alexander, Jr., 41
Nisbett, Alice, 89
Nisbett, Andrew, 43, 51, 86
Nisbett, Ann, 140-141
Nisbett, Arthur, 69
Nisbett, Ben W., 92
Nisbett, Ben, 80, 92
Nisbett, Benjamin, 34, 45, 58, 77, 79, 90, 92-93, 133
Nisbett, Bessie, 72
Nisbett, Birdie, 57
Nisbett, Blinnie Goodman, 58, 93
Nisbett, Bonnie N., 69, 138, 162
Nisbett, Charles, 85, 90
Nisbett, Cynthia Alice, 88, 139-140
Nisbett, David, 4, 58, 74
Nisbett, Delia Ann, 69, 140
Nisbett, Elizabeth, 41, 46, 51, 86, 89, 136
Nisbett, Ephraim, 41, 95
Nisbett, Evans, 88
Nisbett, Frank, 57, 90
Nisbett, Gemina, 138
Nisbett, Gemma N., 69, 162
Nisbett, Gene, 69
Nisbett, George Edward, 72, 141, 160-161
Nisbett, Gordon Edward, 161
Nisbett, Gus, 92
Nisbett, Harvey, 142
Nisbett, Henry, 68
Nisbett, Howard, 135
Nisbett, Hugh, 47
Nisbett, Isabella, 34, 41, 45, 47
Nisbett, James Jane Rodgers, 84, 92
Nisbett, James, 1, 34, 38, 41-43, 51, 53, 55, 58-59, 63, 67, 73-74, 76, 79, 81, 84, 86, 90-95, 128-129, 133, 142, 169
Nisbett, James, IV, 55
Nisbett, Jane Young Rodgers, 63, 141
Nisbett, Jane, 51, 76, 78-79, 86, 92
Nisbett, Janie, 162
Nisbett, Joe, 80, 92
Nisbett, John, 34, 39-41, 46, 51, 53, 74, 80, 86, 109-113, 133
Nisbett, John Gilliam Rodgers, 57, 89
Nisbett, Joseph, 1, 34, 41, 46, 49-50, 53, 56, 74, 77, 84, 86, 92, 129, 132-133, 170
Nisbett, Joseph Alexander, 58, 90, 93
Nisbett, Josiah, 51
Nisbett, Kate, 89-90
Nisbett, Laura Evans, 69, 87
Nisbett, Laura Mildred, 87-88, 143
Nisbett, Maggie, 58
Nisbett, Margaret, 34, 41, 47-49, 57, 95, 105, 144-145
Nisbett, Martha Clifton, 68, 137
Nisbett, Martha, 34, 46, 51, 62, 70, 73-75, 86, 92
Nisbett, Mary, 46, 67-69, 73-74, 76, 87, 92, 140
Nisbett, Mary Elizabeth, 68, 135
Nisbett, Mary Goodman, 77
Nisbett, Mary Mattix, 72, 79, 148
Nisbett, Mary Pauline Wood, 134
Nisbett, Mattie, 85, 89
Nisbett, May, 64
Nisbett, Mesdames, 93
Nisbett, Minnie, 64, 70, 72, 75, 85
Nisbett, Nancy, 41, 51, 86
Nisbett, Naomi, 95
Nisbett, Natalie, 138
Nisbett, Nellie, 69, 143
Nisbett, Newton Alexander, 9, 33, 94, 129, 133
Nisbett, Nola, 72, 142
Nisbett, Ramsey, 35
Nisbett, Rebecca, 41
Nisbett, Robert, 109-113
Nisbett, Rodgers, 57, 63, 84, 89-90, 141-142
Nisbett, Samuel, 43, 51, 86, 110
Nisbett, Sarah, 87
Nisbett, Shirley, 162
Nisbett, Sophia, 69
Nisbett, Thomas, 74
Nisbett, Wilford, 69
Nisbett, William, 34-35, 38-41, 46, 50, 57, 63, 66, 72-74, 80, 92, 109, 133, 142
Nisbett, William Seward, 69, 87-88, 138, 143, 162
Nisbett, William W., 1, 64-65, 72, 87, 89, 92, 135, 141-142, 167-168
Nisbett, William Washington, 57, 61, 71, 79, 138
Nisbett, Willie, 68-69
Nisbett, Willie Claire, 143
Nisbett, Willie Stephens, 1
Nutt, John, 117
Parks, Deborah, 109
Patterson, Nancy, 131
Pearce, Julia, 156
Phillip, Margaret, 142
Pickens, Israel, 132
Pickens, James, 152
Pickens, William Harvey, 159
Pinckney, Charles, 154
Pinkney, Henry, 122, 124
Pinkney, Oscar, 153-154
Pool, Caroline A., 150
Pool, Susan Winifred, 153
Porter, Shofner, 124
Pruitt, Morgan, 127
Purvey, John, 11
Ramsey, Agnes, 33, 35-36, 95
Ramsey, Alexander, 81
Ramsey, James, 82
Ramsey, John, 81-82
Ramsey, Margaret, 82
Ramsey, Robert, 33, 81-82, 109
Ramsey, William, 82
Ray, Douglas, 76
Raymond, Robert, 127
Raythern, Earnest, 148
Reese, Henry, 132
Richardson, Richard, 109
Right, John, 18
Rodger, James, 59
Rodgers, Adam Crall, 147-158
Rodgers, Annie Ruth, 157
Rodgers, Caroline, 150
Rodgers, Dorothy, 155
Rodgers, Earnest Eugene, 157
Rodgers, Elizabeth, 57
Rodgers, Ernest, 126
Rodgers, Estella, 155
Rodgers, Eula, 150, 152
Rodgers, Evans, 127
Rodgers, Exa Craig, 154
Rodgers, Gaither, 125
Rodgers, Harris, 124, 126
Rodgers, Hugh Ross, 123-126
Rodgers, Isabel, 151
Rodgers, Isabella, 46, 58
Rodgers, James, 1, 46, 57-60, 82, 178
Rodgers, James Caroline, 150
Rodgers, James McCurdy, 150-152
Rodgers, Jane Young, 1, 57, 142, 177
Rodgers, Jane, 84, 118, 120, 122
Rodgers, Jean, 60
Rodgers, Jeanette, 148
Rodgers, John, 58, 83, 148
Rodgers, John Gilliam, 78, 90
Rodgers, Joseph, 59
Rodgers, Laban James, 151
Rodgers, Lee, 127
Rodgers, Louella, 125-126, 128
Rodgers, Margaret, 60, 118, 122, 124
Rodgers, Martha Elizabeth Penn, 119
Rodgers, Matthew, 1, 60, 118-125, 148-149, 151, 158, 179
Rodgers, Matthew, Jr., 118, 120
Rodgers, Miller, 123-124
Rodgers, Minnie, 156
Rodgers, Morgan, 157
Rodgers, Olen L., 155, 158
Rodgers, Olene, 158
Rodgers, Oliver Hugh, 124
Rodgers, Oscar Pinkney, 153-154
Rodgers, Penn, 119
Rodgers, Rebecca, 60
Rodgers, Robert Hill, 150
Rodgers, Robert Young, 119-120
Rodgers, Ruby J., 156
Rodgers, Samuel Craig, 152-155, 157-158
Rodgers, Sarah, 124-125
Rodgers, Seranus Morgan, 154-155, 157
Rodgers, Tabitha Ann Miller, 123-124
Rodgers, Thomas Matthew Harris, 124, 127
Rodgers, William Bartow, 156
Rodgers, William Matthew, 156, 158
Rogers, Augustine, 151
Rogers, Dice, 149
Rogers, Herman Pool, 155
Rogers, Jane, 121
Rogers, Mathew, 149, 151
Ross, Adam, 129
Ross, Frances, 125, 127
Ross, Hugh, 119, 123-126
Ross, James, 127
Ross, Jane, 129
Ross, Jessie, 128
Ross, Nicholas, 126
Ross, Oliver, 127
Sanders, Gillis, 123
Sassaman, Samuel, 142
Seward, William, 64, 69, 135, 138, 143, 162
Seymour, Mary, 99
Sharp, Carlos, 1
Sharp, James Simpson, 73
Sharp, Marion Carlos, Sr., 1
Sharp, Marion, Jr., 1
Shaw, Robert, 158
Shirley, Barney, 64
Shirley, Charles, 69
Shirley, Martha, 69
Shofner, Ballard, 125
Shofner, Henry Pinkney, 122
Shofner, Margaret Rodgers, 122, 124
Shropshire, Henry, 113-114
Shropshire, Hudson Johnson, 112-113
Shropshire, Nesbitt, 113
Shropshire, Sarah F. Nesbit, 112
Shropshire, Thomas, 114
Sisk, Asa, 44
Smith, Bertha, 68, 135
Smith, Bessie, 68
Smith, Clyde, 68
Smith, Elizabeth, 68-69
Smith, Evelyn, 135
Smith, Howard, 68
Smith, James Milton, 136
Smith, James, 68
Smith, Jesse Earl, 67-68
Smith, Jessie R., 76
Smith, Mary Nisbett, 67, 76, 92
Smith, Robin, 136
Stanley, Wilford, 138
Steel, John, 80
Stephens, Walter S., 63, 73
Stephens, Willie Jamese, 1, 63, 69, 72
Stevenson, John, 117
Sumter, Thomas, 110, 115
Swinton, Katherine, 9
Taylor, James, 98-99
Taylor, Reuben, 96
Thomas, General, 38
Tolbird, Alice, 145
Tolbird, Ann, 146
Tolbird, Fannie Clifford, 145
Tolbird, Jack, 145, 147
Tolbird, James Martin, 145, 147
Tolbird, Melba Ann, 147
Tolbird, Randolph, 145, 147
Tolbird, Sarah Earnestine, 147
Tomlinson, John, 125
Tomlinson, Shofner, 125
Tyler, John, 66
Tyler, Prinston, 135, 141, 161
Vasser, George, 57, 142
Verner, Sallie, 105
Vickery, Jane Rodgers, 120-121
Vining, Thomas, 128
Walker, Annie, 80, 82
Walker, Rodgers, 126
Walker, Thomas, 132
Walkers, William, 46
Warner, Thomas, 124
Washington, George, 153
Weed, Joseph, 103
Weir, Charles, 28
Wesley, John, 145
Whitaker, Elizabeth, 103-104
White, Robert, 46
Wilson, John, 49
Wingfield, Frances, 103
Wingfield, Junius, 33
Winifred, Nancy, 152
Winifred, Susan, 152-153
Wink, Ann Jane, 142, 144, 147
Wink, Arthur, 105
Wink, Frank, 107
Wink, James A., 105, 107, 142
Wink, Jay, 107
Wink, Margaret Sarah Nisbett, 106
Wink, Martha Elzmar, 146, 148
Wink, Nisbett, 105-107
Wink, Phillip Henry, 105-107, 142
Wink, Portte Franklin, 143
Wink, Sallie Verner, 105-107
Wink, Sarah Nisbett, 107
Wink, Trackt, 105
Winter, Kate Nisbett, 89
Womach, Clyde, 157
Woodburn, Agnes, 32-33
Woodburn, George, 32
Woodburn, William, 32
Woods, William, 82
Wright, Margaret Moore, 49
Wright, Richard, 134
Young, Agnes, 61
Young, Ann, 61, 131
Young, James, 83
Young, Jean, 83
Young, John, 60-61, 104
Young, Mary McClell, 61, 117
Young, Robert, 1, 61, 83, 118-120, 151, 180
Young, William, 83
Onyett Family
Aldrich, Semira, 17-18, 45
Allen, John, 33
Allen, William, 34
Allpress, Ann, 6, 8, 32-33, 43-44
Allpress, Elizabeth, 44
Allpress, Flowers, 32
Allpress, Henry, 6-7, 32, 43-45, 66
Allpress, John, 44
Allpress, Robert, 44
Anderson, Sarah, 32
Armesby, John, 1, 5
Armesby, Mary, 1, 4, 30
Barker, Ann, 19
Barker, Elizabeth, 19
Barker, Harriet, 19
Barker, John, 19
Barker, Louis, 1, 19
Barker, Lucy, 19
Barker, Mary, 19
Barker, Sylvia, 1
Barker, William, 1, 19
Barnard, Mary, 32
Bingham, George Caleb, 25
Bond, Elizabeth, 44
Boyle, Stella, 52
Brokaw, Isabella, 47
Clarkson, Ann, 45
Clemens, George, 39
Cody, Barney, 17
Cody, Sylvia, 17-18, 45, 54-55
Conover, Hattie, 55
Conover, Joseph, 55
Cox, Tomison, 28
Cropley, John, 34
Cunningham, Lydia Stormont, 48
Daniels, Alberta, 22
Diamond, Benjamin, 20-22
Diamond, Charles, 20-22, 26-27
Diamond, Emily, 21-22
Diamond, John, 27
Diamond, John A., 20
Diamond, Mary Ann, 20-22,
Diamond, Mary Onyett, 20
Diamond, Patrick, 21-22
Diamond, Robert E., 20
Diamond, Sarah, 20-22
Diamond, Thomas, 21
Dickerson, Rhoda Jane, 55
Dietrich, Otto, 49-50
Duncan, Amelia, 48-49, 55-56
Duncan, Amelia Onyett, 46
Duncan, Clarence, 48
Duncan, Elizabeth, 48
Duncan, Henry, 47-48, 56
Duncan, Henry Onyett, 46-49
Duncan, John, 46, 48, 51, 55-56
Duncan, Lela, 49
Duncan, Margaret, 48
Duncan, Murray, 49-50
Duncan, Ralph Stormont, 50
Duncan, Semira, 49
Duncan, Una Maude, 49-50
Duncan, William, 51
Edwin, George, 49
Eldred, Amy Onyett, 36
Eldridge, Ann, 34
Elliott, William, 17
Elmer, Mary, 34
Enbody, Sophia, 52
Fear, Elizabeth, 34
Fishman, Max, 49
Fishman, Semira, 56
Fletcher, William, 34
Gambrel, Smith, 36
Geeson, Jane, 33
George, Calvin, 40
Gibbon, Edward, 4
Gibson, Annie, 53
Gilbert, Amy, 24, 34-36, 38, 43
Gilbert, Amy Emma, 34,
Gilbert, James, 38
Gilbert, John, 48-49
Gilbert, William, 37
Gilliland, Betty, 41
Glover, Leon, 40
Grant, Ulysses, 53
Grubbs, Evylene, 40
Hall, Sarah, 37
Harewood, John, 34
Harrison, Agnes Onyett, 52
Harrison, Roy, 52
Hartford, James, 35
Henry, John, 24, 28, 34-36, 39, 42-43
Henry, William, 45
Hill, Cynthia, 26
Hills, Elizabeth, 32
Hodges, Emma L. Paul, 55
Hornbrook, Saunders, 35
Hutcheson, Elizabeth, 4
Hyde, Horace, 8
Jordan, Ann, 34
Jordan, Avis, 34
Jordan, Henry, 34
Jordan, James, 34
Jordan, John, 33-34
Jordan, Martha, 34
Jordan, Mary Ann, 33,
Jordan, Thomas, 34
Jordan, William, 34
Kell, Eunice Mildred Onyett, 52
Kirby, Elizabeth Onyett, 36
Kisby, Alice, 16
Kisby, Mary, 16
Kisby, Sarah, 13-16, 33
Kisby, Susan, 16
Kisby, William, 15-16
Langley, John, 12
Larson, Anne, 40
Law, William, 3
Little, Holly Suzanne, 40
Little, Irvin Leroy, 40
Longland, Elizabeth, 32
Love, Mary, 6-7
Lovel, Thomas, 7, 24, 33-36, 38-40, 42-43, 45
Lovell, Mary, 32, 44-45
Lynne, Susan, 53
Mackness, Elizabeth, 34 36
Marshall, Jane, 30
Marson, Katherine, 1, 29
Marson, Kathy, 29
Martiall, Jane, 5
Mathis, Avanell, 42
Mathis, Avis, 42
McCormick, Jane E., 51
Millard, James, 37
Murray, Margaret, 56
Newitt, Thomas, 33
Nielsen, Shelly, 28
Noble, John, 31
Noble, Sarah, 31
Nyett, Edith, 45
Oniett, Thomas, 17
Oniett, William, 17
Onyat, Ann, 43
Onyat, John, 43
Onyat, William, 43
Onyet, Eleanor, 31
Onyet, Mary, 26
Onyet, Thomas, 18, 31
Onyet, William, 31
Onyett, Alice, 28, 46-48, 50, 56
Onyett, Alice G., 52
Onyett, Amelia, 46-51, 55
Onyett, Amy Emma, 36
Onyett, Amy Gilbert, 38, 43
Onyett, Amy, 36, 39
Onyett, Andrew, 42
Onyett, Ann, 14, 21-24, 33-35
Onyett, Anne, 14
Onyett, Aubrey, 52
Onyett, Avis Mathis, 42
Onyett, Avis, 7, 42
Onyett, Benjamin, 19, 28, 51-52
Onyett, Benjamin Eugene, 51
Onyett, Benton, 36
Onyett, Bert Eugene, 40-42
Onyett, Bill, 41-42
Onyett, Bob, 41-42
Onyett, Brandon, 42
Onyett, Calvin, 41
Onyett, Charles, 39, 45
Onyett, Clarence, 56
Onyett, Clyde, 53
Onyett, Cody, 18
Onyett, Dick, 41-42
Onyett, Donald, 53
Onyett, Ebenezer, 46, 54
Onyett, Eleanor, 32
Onyett, Eliza, 35, 45
Onyett, Elizabeth, 1, 14, 19, 32, 34, 36
Onyett, Ella, 40-41
Onyett, Ellen, 32
Onyett, Esther, 35-36
Onyett, Eugene, 40, 51
Onyett, Franklin, 46
Onyett, Fred, 53, 55
Onyett, George, 40-42, 45, 53, 55
Onyett, George Clemens, 39
Onyett, Gibson, 53
Onyett, Harold, 53
Onyett, Hazel, 28
Onyett, Hazel A., 52
Onyett, Helen, 41
Onyett, Henry, 14, 25, 34, 43, 46-50, 56
Onyett, Isaac, 47
Onyett, Jabez, 32
Onyett, Jane, 34
Onyett, Joel, 47
Onyett, John, 7, 13, 18, 32-33, 36, 38-39, 41, 46, 52-54
Onyett, John H., 39, 40
Onyett, John Henry, 24, 28, 34-36, 39, 42
Onyett, Lee, 47
Onyett, Lester, 28, 41
Onyett, Lester Earl, 40
Onyett, Louis, 53-54
Onyett, Lovel, 45
Onyett, Marjorie Rae, 40
Onyett, Mary, 13, 20-22, 26-28, 32, 34
Onyett, Mary Ann, 35,
Onyett, Mary Jane, 45, 53, 55
Onyett, Mathis, 42
Onyett, Nancy, 53
Onyett, Owen, 53
Onyett, Poulter, 32
Onyett, Ralph, 19, 28
Onyett, Ralph Marco, 52
Onyett, Richard C., 41-42
Onyett, Robert, 34, 41, 53-54, 56
Onyett, Ruban, 52
Onyett, Ruth Poulter, 7, 32
Onyett, Sally, 45
Onyett, Sarah Ann, 45
Onyett, Sarah, 14, 32, 45
Onyett, Sarah Catherine, 19
Onyett, Sarah Peacock, 51
Onyett, Stephen A., 52
Onyett, Thomas, 14, 17-19, 28, 32, 34, 45-52, 54-56
Onyett, Thomas Lovel, 36, 38, 42, 45
Onyett, William, 1, 4-8, 12-19, 21-25, 27-28, 32-34, 37, 42-43, 45, 51, 53-54, 61-63
Onyett, Charles, 39
Onyit, Elizabeth, 29
Onyit, James, 29
Onyit, Joane, 29
Onyit, Thomas, 29
Onyit, William, 29
Orams, Linda, 28, 36
Oroville, Horace M., 40
Paget, William, 43
Paul, Cyrus, 55
Paul, Lora, 55
Paulus, Fred Peter, 50
Paulus, George, 49
Paulus, Lorna, 49
Paulus, Mary, 49
Paulus, Otto Dietrich, 49
Peacock, Sarah, 13, 28, 33, 51
Peacock, William, 28
Peak, Kanaka, 40
Peck, Mary Jane, 45
Picchi, Elaine, 50
Poullter, Robert, 12
Poulter, Ann, 30
Poulter, John, 5, 30
Poulter, Ruth, 4, 7, 30-31
Powers, Florence Ethel Onyett, 53
Raby, Ellen, 31
Raby, William, 31
Roberson, Sarah Catherine, 19, 52
Robinson, Alice Gertrude Onyett, 53
Samuel, Agnes, 12
Samuel, Alice, 9-12
Samuel, John, 11-12
Samuels, Alice, 10
Semira, Lenora, 55-56
Sharp, Marion, Jr., 1
Sharp, Marion, Sr., 1
Skeeles, George, 15
Skeeles, Martha, 15
Stacer, Eliza, 55
Stacer, Lizzie C., 54
Stahl, Thomas, 25
Staughton, Susan, 34
Stinson, Tom, 17
Stormont, Lydia, 48
Stormont, Maude, 47-48
Story, James, 31
Strang, Patti, 42
Taylor, Dianne McGregor, 36
Taylor, Hannah, 34
Taylor, William, 34
Terry, John, 43
Thomas, Charles, 36
Thorpe, Ann, 34, 45
Throckmorton, Elizabeth, 11
Throckmorton, Robert, 8, 11
Twain, Mark, 17
Underwood, Martha Eliza Onyett, 35
Unniot, Ann, 29
Unniot, James, 29
Unniot, Thomas, 1, 29
Unyat, Cathurna, 30
Unyat, Elizabeth, 30-31
Unyat, John, 30
Unyat, Katherine, 30
Unyat, Mary, 29, 31
Unyat, Poulter, 5, 31
Unyat, Ruth, 5, 31
Unyat, Thomas, 5, 30-31
Unyat, William, 4-5, 29-33
Unyett, Catherine, 1
Unyett, John, 1
Unyett, Stephen, 1
Unyett, Thomas, 1, 64-65
Unyett, William, 1, 64
Upchurch, Eleanor, 50
Vincent, Clyde, 28
Walters, Ralph, 56
Washington, George, 35, 39, 48
Watkins, Randy, 56
Webb, Margaret Ellen, 53
Webb, Thomas David, 53
Williams, Jane, 52
Williams, Martha Jane, 52
Young, Thomas, 34
Young, William, 34
Phillips Family
Adams, Bethia, 50
Agee, Alma, 40
Agee, Hollis Cornelius, 32
Agee, James Vernon, 32
Agee, Mary Iona, 33
Agee, Ted, 32-33
Agee, William, 33
Agree, Vernon, 33
Albert, Herschel, 43
Albert, John, 44-45
Alexander, Samuel, 53
Allen, Joseph, 33, 38
Allen, William, 54
Areta, Florence, 52
Arrington, Bess, 31, 49
Ashcraft, Jediah, 28
Barbee, Bartlett, 46
Barbee, Texanna, 46
Barbee, Walter, 47
Barnett, Elmer, 45
Barr, Martha Tipton, 21
Barr, Sallie, 21
Beeson, Bernard Dean, 50
Beeson, Nancy Lucille Phillips, 50
Beeson, Wanda Lu, 50
Berryman, Jilson, 53
Bledsoe, Walter Lee, 35, 37
Bloomington, Al, 52
Borland, Myrtle E., 40
Bowles, Patricia, 1
Brashear, Rachel, 53
Brothers, Martha Jo, 47
Brown, Sarah, 25
Bryant, Stanley, 54
Buck, Lee Forest, 36
Buck, Lee Forest, 36-37
Burch, Elizabeth, 29
Butler, John, 25, 43
Caldwell, Edward, 10
Cammack, James C., Sr. 38
Cann, Martha, 10, 44
Cann, Michael, 44
Caperton, Elizabeth, 32
Carlton, Herbert, 31
Carter, James, 46
Charles, James, 42
Charles, Ottice, 36
Cheatham, Algernon Baker, 39
Cheatham, Algernon Billie, 39
Cheatham, Belle, 39
Cheatham, Buster, 42
Cheatham, Byron, 40
Cheatham, Edwin A., 40
Cheatham, Elizabeth, 39
Cheatham, Hudson, 42
Cheatham, Imogene, 39
Cheatham, Joe Gus, 42
Cheatham, Joe Isaac, 39-43
Cheatham, Joe Lennard, 42
Cheatham, Joseph, 25
Cheatham, Josie, 39
Cheatham, Lucy, 39
Cheatham, Nellie, 39
Cheatham, Olive, 40
Cheatham, Robert Byron, 40-41
Cheatham, Roy E., 42
Cheatham, Ruby Bell, 41
Cheatham, Sarah, 39
Cheatham, Susan, 39
Cheatham, Vida Dunn, 42-43
Cheatham, Whitney Phillips, 39
Cheetum, Joseph, 6
Cicero, Marcus, 52
Cicero, William, 52
Coggeshall, Mary Carolina, 53
Collie, Lewis, 45
Columbus, William, 40-41
Coyne, Lenora, 50
Crockett, Bart, 52
Crockett, Edna, 52
Cullen, Grover, 18
Cullen, Isaac, 10-11, 21, 26, 28-29, 38-39, 43-44
Cullen, Madison, 13, 18, 22, 24, 38
Cullen, William, 25, 43
Cummings, Bonnie Jean, 40
Curtis, James, 38
Davis, Mary Elizabeth, 50
Davis, Virginia Lucille, 34
Day, John, 42
Dewey, Eliphalet, 22
Dickson, Cordia, 32
Douglas, Julia Caroline, 53
Duckworth, Elijah, 27
Duke, William, 50
Dunn, Bobby, 42-43
Dunn, James L, 42
Dwight, Eunice, 7
Estes, Lucy, 29
Fitzhugh, Gracie Fay, 42
Franklin, Clifford, 31
Franklin, David, 45-46, 48
Franklin, Fredrick, 51
Franklin, Jasmine, 46
Franklin, Robert, 37
Garland, Robert, 43
Garrison, Bessie Mae, 49
Gilbert, Ruby, 43
Giobbi, Lucy, 43
Goode, Sallie, 43
Gray, Annie, 35-37, 51
Gray, Elsie, 36
Gray, Julia Fox, 36-37
Gray, Katie Mae, 42
Gross, Lily, 34
Hamby, Allen, 53
Hargitt, Jim, 31
Harris, Franklin Jelks, 34
Harris, Mary Elizabeth, 37
Harris, Mary Sue Phillips 34
Harris, Phillips, 34
Harris, Virgil, 38
Harrison, Jay, 52
Haven, Robert, 40
Heard, Lonnie Florence, 31
Heard, Mary Sue, 30-32, 34
Heard, Mary Susan, 30-31
Heard, William Hiram, III, 32
Helms, Anna, 52
Henderson, Jane, 1, 44
Henderson, Nancy, 1, 5, 10, 28, 43
Henderson, William, 10, 44, 58
Highbaugh, Cynthia Grace, 7
Highbaugh, David, 7
Highbaugh, Grace, 7
Hobbs, Joan, 27
Hodge, Homer, 47-48
Hope, Joe Isaac, 40
Hornback, Lillie, 7
Hudson, Charlene, 41
Hudson, Christine Edna, 42
Hudson, Eloise, 42
Hudson, Ruby, 42
Hughes, Margaret, 39
Hunt, Betty Jean, 54
Irby, Cleo Bessie, 38
Jacobs, Duane, 10
Jenkins, Philip, 27
Johnson, Burvey, 34
Johnson, Coleman, 34
Johnson, Fred, 34
Johnson, Hazel, 34
Johnson, Jasper, 34
Johnson, Marion, 34
Johnson, Ozell, 34
Johnston, Luther, 38
Jones, Coy, 49
Jones, Coy, 49
Jones, Madison, 49
Josephus, Flavius, 51
Josephus, William, 52
Kirby, Lafayette, 39
Kirby, Sarah Jane, 39
Kline, Madge, 40
Lampton, Cicero, 52
Lampton, Dean, 52
Lampton, Dora Pauline, 52
Lampton, Leo, 52-53
Lampton, Marcellus Marcus Leo, 53
Lampton, Margaret, 52
Lampton, Mary Pearl, 52
Lampton, Nancy Caroline Philips, 53
Lampton, Nancy Lee, 51
Lampton, Rosa Bell, 52
Lampton, Stella, 52
Lampton, Virgil, 51
Lampton, Walter, 52
Lawrence, Joseph Allen, 33
Lee, Kathy, 27
Lennard, Joe, 42
Lewis, Marvin, 7
Lewis, Minnie, 7
Lewis, Will, 7
Lockridge, Lafayette, 46
Lockridge, Lenora, 46
Lunsford, Roy, 33
Manning, Charles, 37
Manning, Lizzie Pauline, 37
Markham, Gladys Fern, 52
Marshall, Tom, 46
Massey, Frances, 1, 23
McRoy, Tate, 37
Meeker, Joseph, 34
Montgomery, Newton, 37
Morrison, Sarah Caroline, 44, 51
Morrow, Rochelle, 53
Neeley, Elizabeth, 20, 51
Neeley, James, 44, 51
Neely, Mary, 10, 20
Neely, Squire, 6
Nix, Clarissa, 23
Nix, Elizabeth, 14, 29, 51
Nix, Nicholas, 29
O’Kelley, Nancy Frances, 46
Olive, Mary, 40
Opal, Winnie, 33, 38
Orleans, William, 1
Orr, Alva Lee, 34
Orr, Opal Faye, 34
Page, Bernice, 31
Patterson, Ruth, 51
Petty, Joe Isaac, 39
Philip, Joseph, 29
Phillip, Ralph, 22-23, 29-37, 51
Phillip, William, 53
Phillips, Abelia, 39
Phillips, Amy, 34
Phillips, Anne, 20
Phillips, Annie Ellen, 46
Phillips, Annie Gray, 35-37
Phillips, Augustus Smith, 18
Phillips, Cayson, 50
Phillips, Cecil Purdy, 31
Phillips, Charles, 3, 6
Phillips, Clarence Lee, 49
Phillips, Cora Mae, 46
Phillips, Cordelia F., 25, 43
Phillips, Cullen, 29, 56
Phillips, Cumie Lee, 30, 33, 48
Phillips, David Franklin, 46
Phillips, David John, 23
Phillips, David, 10, 21, 26, 28, 44
Phillips, DeWitt D., 50
Phillips, Eleanor, 9, 44, 51
Phillips, Elizabeth, 44
Phillips, Elizabeth Tinker, 22
Phillips, Ellen Anne, 44
Phillips, Evelyn, 22, 29
Phillips, Fletta, 29
Phillips, Grover Cullen, 18
Phillips, Henderson, 5, 28
Phillips, Hersel, 33
Phillips, Homer Hodge Sr., 47-48
Phillips, Inez, 30
Phillips, Isaac Cullen, 2, 10-11, 21-22, 29, 44, 56
Phillips, Isaac M., 35
Phillips, Isaac, 10-11, 18, 22-23, 51
Phillips, Isla, 47
Phillips, James, 8, 10, 21, 28, 44
Phillips, Jamie Augusta, 32
Phillips, Jessie Catherine, 50
Phillips, Jetta Mae, 34
Phillips, Joella, 21
Phillips, John B., 10, 16-17, 19-20, 44-50
Phillips, John, 11, 50
Phillips, Joseph, 9, 29
Phillips, Josiah M., 51-53
Phillips, Josiah, 4-8, 10, 20, 26, 28
Phillips, Julia Fox, 29, 33, 35-37
Phillips, Julia, 51
Phillips, Leslie Guy, 36
Phillips, Madison Cullen Phillip, 38
Phillips, Madison Cullen, 13, 18, 24
Phillips, Madison, 10, 20, 23, 28, 44, 51
Phillips, Martha Inez, 34
Phillips, Mary Bettie, 29, 32-33, 49
Phillips, Mary Betty, 29, 32-33
Phillips, Mary Evelyn, 1, 17, 22, 24-25, 29, 43
Phillips, Mary Frances, 46
Phillips, Mary, 11, 20, 25-26
Phillips, May, 34
Phillips, Minnie, 38-39
Phillips, Nancy Caroline, 51-53
Phillips, Nancy Elizabeth, 22, 29
Phillips, Nancy Ellen, 8,
Phillips, Nancy Henderson, 10, 28
Phillips, Nancy, 7
Phillips, Nora John, 46
Phillips, Philip John, 16, 26, 30, 45, 47-50
Phillips, Philip Purdy, 21
Phillips, Philip, 10, 33, 35-36, 38
Phillips, Polly, 26
Phillips, Purdy Augusta, 30-32, 34
Phillips, Purdy, 20, 22, 29-30, 34
Phillips, Ralph Phillip, 14, 23, 29-33, 35, 37
Phillips, Ralph, 11
Phillips, Relief Whitney, 25, 39, 41
Phillips, Sarah, 7
Phillips, Sullenberger, 45
Phillips, Thomas Scott, 46
Phillips, Virgie, 39
Phillips, Walter, 38-39
Phillips, Whitney, 22
Phillips, William Henderson, 4-5, 10, 44
Phillips, William Hiram Hersel, 33
Phillips, William James, 18, 45
Phillips, William, 1-5, 7-9, 11-12, 18-19, 21-22, 26-27, 35, 43-44, 48, 51, 57
Phillips, Willie Alice, 46
Polk, James, 35, 37, 51
Powell, Nancy, 48
Raines, Albert, 43
Raines, Nodie, 43
Rayford, Ovie, 42
Raymond, Emmitt, 52
Reed, Mollie, 36
Rhodes, Amanda, 49
Rice, Amelia Elizabeth, 31-32
Rice, Julia Forrest, 31-32
Rice, Mollie, 30, 49
Rice, Walter O., 33
Rice, William Henry, 29-30, 49
Riggan, Elma Mae, 34
Rucker, Annie Elberta Cheatham, 40
Rucker, Cheatham, 40-41
Rucker, Opal T., 41
Rucker, Vera, 40
Rucker, William Columbus, 40
Russell, Aubrey, 40
Scrimshire, Alberta, 38
Scrimshire, Ayleen, 37-38
Scrimshire, Comanche, 33
Scrimshire, Doyle, 37
Scrimshire, Franklin LaVern, 36
Scrimshire, James Polk, 35
Scrimshire, Lois Roland, 36
Scrimshire, Louise, 36, 38
Scrimshire, Lucy Forrest, 33, 38
Scrimshire, Mamie Enice, 37-38
Scrimshire, Maud Doyle, 35
Scrimshire, Minnie Myrtle, 36
Scrimshire, Nix, 33
Scrimshire, Ralph, 33
Scrimshire, Wilson Irby Stegall, 36
Scrimshire, Winnie Opal Nix, 33
Smith, Arlene, 27
Smith, Augustus, 18, 23-25, 43
Smith, Burnet, 1, 24-25
Smith, Edna Pearl, 43
Smith, Elizabeth Judith, 25, 43
Smith, Isaac, 43
Smith, Isla, 47-48
Smith, Jessie, 1
Smith, Jessie Isaac, 25, 43
Smith, Mollie Gus, 25
Smith, Virginia Lee, 25, 43
Sparks, Isla Catherine Phillips, 47, 49
Steele, Frederick, 19
Stiles, Levi, 48
Stiles, Nancy Catherine, 16, 45, 48
Sullenberger, John Albert, 45
Sullenberger, Mary E., 18
Sullenberger, Mary, 24, 44
Sullenberger, Phillips, 45
Talmadge, Henry, 33
Taylor, Phillip, 46
Thurman, Charles Kerry, 6
Thurman, Charles Phillips, 3, 6
Thurman, Charles, 26, 28, 43
Thurman, Chris, 3, 6
Thurman, David, 7
Thurman, Edmund, 4-5, 7
Thurman, Edward C, 3
Thurman, Edward C. III, 6
Thurman, Edward C. IV, 3, 6
Thurman, Edward C. Jr., 3, 6
Thurman, Edward, 21, 26
Thurman, Joe, 7
Thurman, Joella, 7
Thurman, Kelly, 3, 6
Thurman, Kerry, 3
Thurman, Mary, 3
Thurman, Willa, 6
Thurman, William Thomas, 3
Thurman, William, 6
Tinker, Eliphalet Dewey, 22
Tinker, Elizabeth, 21-22, 29
Tinker, Walter, 43
Todd, Alex, 3, 6
Todd, Mary Thurman, 6
Toler, Glyna Faye, 50
Tomlin, Juanita, 41
Torrence, Sarah, 26
Varnell, Mary Catherine, 46, 51
Vesey, Sadie Jane, 52-53
Voss, Geneva, 38
Voss, Jessie Lorene, 32
Waddell, Hannah, 43
Walter, Amos, 47
Watkins, Nannie Belle, 53
Watkins, Taylor, 53
Whitney, Relief, 25, 29, 39-42
Willard, Jess, 41
Williams, Addie, 37
Williams, David, 27
Williams, Jane, 10, 28
Wilson Irby, 36, 38
Wilson, Easter, 49
Witt, Madge, 50
Womack, Charles Cornelius, 38
Rogers Family
Alken, Samuel, 90
Auckland, Andrew, 28-31
Ballew, William, 12
Basset, Margery, 65
Basset, Philip, 62
Basset, Richard, 71
Bastwick, John, 34, 38
Beauchamp, Beatrice de, 48
Beke, Richard, 33
Bibby, John, 9
Bigod, Hugh, 62, 64-72, 86, 88
Bigod, Isabel, 54, 62, 64-66
Bigod, Mary, 67
Bigod, Norman, 65
Bigod, Ralph, 66-67
Bigod, Robert, 71
Bigod, Roger, 64-67, 69-71
Bigod, William, 67, 71
Bingley, Joseph, 7
Blease, Christopher, 95
Blease, Susannah, 95
Bowles, Ann Rogers, 16
Bowles, Jackson, 20
Bowles, Patricia, 1
Bowles, Thomas H., 1
Bowles, Walter Ivanhoe, 1, 16, 18
Bowles, William Jackson, 1, 16-18, 20
Bowles, William, 16-17
Bradshaw, Ann, 10
Bradshaw, Anne, 95
Bradshaw, Benjamin, 10, 12-15, 94, 104
Bradshaw, Edward, 12, 15, 95
Bradshaw, Elizabeth, 94-95
Bradshaw, James, 95-96
Bradshaw, Jannor, 94
Bradshaw, John, 1, 12-16, 94-95, 104
Bradshaw, Judith, 1, 10, 12, 92, 94
Bradshaw, Katherine, 95
Bradshaw, Kenneth, 94
Bradshaw, Larner, 94
Bradshaw, Mary, 95
Bradshaw, Temperance, 94
Bradshaw, Ursula, 95
Bradshaw, William Henry, 94
Bradshaw, William, 12-13, 15, 94-95
Braose, William de, 56
Browne, John, 40
Bruce, Robert, 86
Builli, Idonea de, 53
Burgh, Hubert de, 86
Busli, Roger de, 53
Byrd, Charlotte, 93
Byrd, David, 93
Byrd, Eleanor, 93
Byrd, Jane, 93
Byrd, Jestianna, 93
Byrd, John, 93
Byrd, Mariah, 93
Byrd, Menarcy, 93
Byrd, Richard, 93
Byrd, Samuel, 93
Byrd, Thursa, 93
Byrd, William, 6
Callifax, Mary, 11
Cannifax, John, 10
Cannifax, Mary, 10
Cary, Archibald, 93
Cary, Jane, 93
Ceannmhor, David, 54
Chambers, Jane, 27-28
Chapman, Benjamin, 24
Chase, Hatfield, 40
Chastain, Hanna, 92
Christian, John, 10
Christian, Mary, 10
Christian, Robert, 9
Clare, Adelia de, 69
Clare, Aveline de, 61
Clare, Gilbert de, 89
Clare, Gilbert Fitz Richard de, 69
Clare, Isabel de, 64, 66, 85-86, 88-89, 91
Clare, Richard de, 80, 89
Clare, Roger de, 61
Clark, Geoffry, 105
Clark, Huldah, 1, 10, 16-17, 20, 92
Clark, Jane, 92
Clark, Jeanie, 17
Clark, Jeffery, 1, 17, 92
Clark, John, 17
Clark, Judith, 17
Clark, Mildred, 17
Clark, Rogers, 17
Clark, Stephen, 17
Clark, William, 17
Clark, Winniefred, 17
Clarke, Huldah, 10
Clennell, John, 25
Clifford, Isabell, 49
Clifford, Vipont, 50
Conqueror, William the, 58
Cook, James, 5
Cooper, Samuel, 32
Cornhill, Peter, 3
Cort, Hendrik Frans de, 82, 84
Cromwell, Oliver, 31-33
Cromwell, Richard, 33, 43
Crouch, David, 76
Curd, Catherine, 15
Curd, Mary, 12
Curthose, Robert, 60, 71
Danson, Lucy, 8
Davis, Cerelle, 19
Davis, Peter, 9
de Vere, Aubrey, 72
Dewell, Elizabeth, 35
Dewell, Henry, 43
Douglas, Cerelle, 20-21
Douglas, William, 11
Estrithson, Sweyn, 70
Ferrers, Agatha, 88
Ferrers, Agnes, 86
Ferrers, Chartley, 55
Ferrers, Eleanor, 88
Ferrers, Henry de, 61
Ferrers, Isabel, 86
Ferrers, Joan, 88
Ferrers, Maud, 87
Ferrers, Robert de, 56-58, 60
Ferrers, Sibyl, 87
Ferrers, Vanquelin de, 61
Ferrers, William de, 54, 56-57, 59
Ferrieres, Henry de, 58, 60-61
Ferrieres, Sibyl de, 51
Fitz Geoffrey, John, 54, 61, 64-66
Fitz Geoffry, Isabel, 50
Fitz John, Isabel, 51, 54, 65
Fitz Peter, Geoffrey, 62-63
Fitzgeoffrey, Cecily, 64
Fitzgeoffrey, Hawise, 64
Fitzgeoffrey, Maud, 64
Fitzgerald, Raymond, 89
Fitzhugh, William, 6
Fleming, John, 8
Foster, Caroline, 24
Foster, Thomas, 10
Freeborn, John, 27, 34, 48
Fry, Joshua, 8
FitzGeoffrey, Peter, 62
Glover, George, 34-35
Godwinson, Harold, 58
Granger, John, 15-16
Gray, Mary, 94
Gregg, Pauline, 44, 47
Guisnes, Baldwin de, 81
Harding, Charles, 43
Harper, Elizabeth, 94
Harper, John, 94
Harper, Ralph, 94
Harper, William, 94
Harris, Ruth, 17
Harrison, Benjamin, 94
Haven, Milford, 90
Heron, Walter, 30
Hewson, John, 34
Hicks, Eleanor, 3, 27
Hicks, John, 3, 108
Isham, Mary, 7
Jefferson, Jane, 5
Jefferson, Lilburne, 5
Jefferson, Peter, 4, 6, 8, 20, 93
Jefferson, Randolph, 5
Jefferson, Thomas, 1, 3-6, 8, 93
Johnson, James, 15
Jones, Hugh, 6
Kennedy, John F., 89
Knight, Charles, 1
Lacy, Ewyas, 64-65
Lain, Henry, 13
Lain, Judah, 13
Lambert, John, 32
Lancaster, Avicia de, 60
Lancaster, William de, I, 60
Langton, Stephen, 73
Lewis, Charles, 4-5
Leybourn, Roger de, 54
Leybourne, Anne, 50
Leybourne, Richard, 50
Leybourne, Robert, 50
Ligon, Ann, 23
Ligon, Joseph, 23-24
Ligon, Martha, 23
Ligon, Mary, 23
Ligon, Robert, 23-24
Ligon, Susanna, 23
Ligon, Thomas, 23
Ligon, William, 9, 23-24
Lilborne, John, 44
Lilburn, Charles, 93
Lilburn, John de, 45-47
Lilburn, John, 25-26, 45
Lilburn, Roger de, 49
Lilburne, Agnes, 46
Lilburne, Alexander, 46
Lilburne, Bartholomew, 26-27, 29, 44
Lilburne, Charles, 5
Lilburne, Eleanor, 2-3
Lilburne, Elizabeth, 2, 20, 43
Lilburne, George, 1-3, 27-28, 31, 41, 107
Lilburne, Henry, 44, 46
Lilburne, Isabel, 2
Lilburne, Jane, 1-5, 20, 27-28, 93-94
Lilburne, Janet, 28
Lilburne, John de, II, 48
Lilburne, John, 2, 4-5, 21-22, 25, 27-31, 33-44, 47-48, 50
Lilburne, John, II, 48
Lilburne, John, III, 48
Lilburne, Margaret, 46
Lilburne, Muriel, 28
Lilburne, Richard, 31-37, 46-48
Lilburne, Robert, 27, 29-32, 34
Lilburne, Sunderland, 3
Lilburne, Thomas, 28, 46
Lilburne, Tobias, 28
Lilburne, William de, 48
Lilburne, William, 1-3, 27, 46-47, 49, 106
Liliburne, John, 34
Linton, John, 1
Lionheart, Richard the, 81
Longchamp, William, 81
Losinga, Herbert, 71
Lutegareshale, Piers de, 62
MacMurrough, Dermot, 89
Malet, Robert, 70
Marcum, Arthur, 12
Marshal, Eva, 88
Marshal, Gilbert, 76, 79, 86
Marshal, Isabel, 86
Marshal, Joan, 88, 91
Marshal, John, 74, 81
Marshal, Maud, 62, 64-65, 86
Marshal, Richard, 86
Marshal, Sibyl, 86
Marshal, Walter, 86
Marshal, William, 55, 64, 66-67, 73-91
Martin, David, 92
Martin, Elizabeth, 92
Martin, Jane, 92-93
Martin, Jinsey, 93
Martin, Joshua, 92
Martin, Mitchell, 92
Massey, Frances, 16, 20
Mauduit, Isabel, 62
McBride, Ann, 94
Miller, William, 1
Montagu, Edward, 31
Morrel, Moreton, 5
Morris, John, 40
Mortimer, Hugh, 88
Mortimer, Roger, 88
Mosby, Richard, 21
Mumford, Anne, 95
Mumford, Anne, 95
Murrell, Drury, 15
Murrell, Judah, 15
Netherland, John, 9
Newland, John, 20
Nicholson, Christopher, 2
Nicholson, Elizabeth, 1-2
Ogle, Robert, 26, 47
Overton, Richard, 39
Peverel, Margaret, 56-58, 60
Peverel, Maude, 60
Peverel, William, 57-60
Plantagenet, Eleanor, 85
Plantagenet, Geoffrey, 82
Plantagenet, Richard, 86
Pleasants, James, 13, 93
Primat, Josiah, 41
Pritchett, John, 9
Prynne, William, 34, 38
Punchardon, Thickley, 26-27, 33, 47
Quiney, Isabel, 2, 4
Quiney, Richard, 2
Quiney, Thomas, 2
Randolph, Railey, 22
Randolph, Ann, 93
Randolph, Anne, 23
Randolph, Dorothea, 93
Randolph, Elizabeth, 93
Randolph, Isham, 4-9, 13, 20, 22, 24, 93
Randolph, Jane, 4-5, 8, 22, 93
Randolph, Mary, 4-5, 93
Randolph, Susanna, 23, 94
Randolph, Thomas, 22, 93
Randolph, William, 5, 7, 20, 22, 93
Rodgers, Charles, 16
Rodgers, Eliza, 16
Rodgers, Hulda, 16
Rodgers, Judah, 13
Rodgers, William, 13
Rogers, Andrew, 92
Rogers, Ann Maria, 16-20
Rogers, Ann, 10, 16, 19-20, 23-24
Rogers, Anna Maria, 1
Rogers, Ansel, 92
Rogers, Benjamin, 10
Rogers, Caroline Frances, 19
Rogers, Caroline, 10
Rogers, Charles Huldah Clark, 20
Rogers, Charles, 1, 3, 10, 16, 19-20, 27, 92, 94, 101, 103
Rogers, David, 9-10, 92
Rogers, Elizabeth, 1, 9-10
Rogers, Hugh, 92
Rogers, Huldah, 19-20
Rogers, Jane Lilburne, 5
Rogers, Jane, 1, 3-6, 8, 13, 20, 24, 92
Rogers, Jeremiah, 92
Rogers, John, 92
Rogers, Judah, 10
Rogers, Levi, 92
Rogers, Lewis, 94
Rogers, Malinda, 92
Rogers, Maria Ann, 17
Rogers, Maria, 1
Rogers, Martha, 24
Rogers, Mary J., 19-20
Rogers, Mary, 10
Rogers, Nancy, 92
Rogers, Newton, 92
Rogers, Robert, 1, 7, 9-10, 23, 94, 102
Rogers, Sarah, 92
Rogers, Stephen, 92
Rogers, Susan, 93-94
Rogers, Susanna, 9-11
Rogers, William, 1, 10-12, 15, 91-92, 94, 101
Rogers, Wright, 23
Rushworth, Ann, 44, 46
Saint-Hilaire, Maud de, 61
Scotland, Malcolm of, IV, 60
Scotland, Marjorie of, 79
Scurfield, George, 29
Scurfield, Margaret, 29
Shelton, Joseph, 9
Shelton, William, 9-10
Speed, John, 1, 4, 6
Stainforth, Robert, 63
Summers, Frances, 15
Swinborne, John, 30
Talionis, Lex, 36
Tosny, Ida de, 64-65, 67
Tosny, Robert de, 67
Tuathail, Muir-chertach Ua, 89
Vere, Aubrey de, 69, 71-73
Vere, Juliana de, 66, 69
Vespont, John, 49
Vespont, Robert de, 62
Vieuxpont, Idonea de, 48, 50-51
Vieuxpont, Isabel Fitz John, 50
Vieuxpont, John de, 50-51
Vieuxpont, Robert de, 49-53
Vieuxpont, William de, 52
Vipont, Christiana, 54
Vipont, Clifford, 50
Vipont, Idonea, 53
Vipont, Isabel de, 52-53
Vipont, John, 53-54, 56
Vipont, Robert de, 54
Vispont, Robert de, 65
Walbrook, Stephen, 2, 4, 21-23
Walker, Isabel, 94
Walwyn, William, 39
Warenne, Gundred de, 60
Warenne, William de, 60
Watson, John, 23
Webb, John, 9
Webber, Benjamin, 24
Webber, John, 24
Werlenc, William, 70
Whitney, Jeremiah, 9-10
Wildman, John, 40
Williams, Samuel, 23
Wilson, Houston, 92
Winstanley, Gerrard, 38
Wolbrook, Stephen, 4
Womack, John, 16
Woodson, John, 22
Worthy, Isabel, 27, 29
Wren, Christopher, 4, 23-24