Each of the family histories listed on the Menu Bar under “Books” has its own index. This page includes the indexes of the Capps Family through the Fulk Family. Some may find it more convenient to search the Master Index, which has all twenty-nine histories listed together.
Capps Family
Alexander, Hugh, 33
Alexander, Wiley, 28
Allen, Myrtle, 40
Allen, Ruby, 31
Anderson, Hugh, 65
Anderson, Thomas, 45
Anthony, Steven, 39, 46
Autry, Margaret, 3
Baber, Mamie Johnston, 40
Baker, Tom, 23
Barrow, C. E., 59
Bascombe, Arthur, 34-336
Bass, Clara, 48, 56
Bennett, Amey, 64
Bennett, Cinderella, 3
Blair, Byron, 23
Blanchard, Gifford, 15, 21
Blanchard, Leila Brayan, 23, 25
Bond, John, 6, 26
Brayan, Leila, 25
Brown, Ben A., 29
Brown, Jessie H. Lehman, 29
Bryan, Elizabeth Capps, 23
Bryan, John W., 19-12
Bryan, Lelia Thalia Sarah Wallace, 19, 25-26
Bryan, Mary, 32
Bryan, Wallace, 25
Bryan, William Tipton, 19
Bryant, Will, 59
Burton, Charles, 65
Burton, Lewis, 36, 38, 64, 66
Bush, Isabella T., 12
Caldwell, Birdie, 52
Campbell, Jim, 17
Capps John, Sr., 64
Capps, Charity, 32-33
Capps, Cinderella, 37, 44-46, 66
Capps, Clara, 1
Capps, Crowley Mellon, 17
Capps, Cynthia, 6, 10-11, 22-23, 47
Capps, Elizabeth, 1, 6, 10, 20, 23, 32
Capps, Franklin, 9, 36
Capps, Gregory, 36, 40, 43-45
Capps, James Mathew, 1, 23, 32
Capps, Jane, 1, 10, 17, 19-20, 23
Capps, Jennie, 12-13
Capps, John, 1, 4, 23, 56, 64, 71
Capps, John, Sr., 64
Capps, John Bonds, 25-26
Capps, Lucy Charity, 25, 34-35
Capps, Lucy, 1-3, 17-18, 23, 33, 56-63
Capps, Margaret Ann, 6, 8, 16, 23, 25-28
Capps, Martha, 57
Capps, Mary, 9, 23, 37, 65
Capps, Mary Cinderella, 6. 9, 11, 22, 25, 36-53, 65-66
Capps, Mary Jane, 25
Capps, Matthew, 6, 10, 23, 25
Capps, Miranda, 1, 11, 18
Capps, Nimrod, 1, 3, 5-8, 10, 15-17, 19, 21-27, 36-37, 53-57, 70
Capps, Patsy, 4-5, 17, 23
Capps, Sarah Miranda, 1, 6, 11, 14, 25-26, 29
Capps, Sarah, 1, 12-13, 15, 23
Capps, Thalia Childers, 10, 47, 53-54, 56
Capps, Thalia, 10-11, 19, 23, 25, 49-51, 53-55
Capps, Valentine, 8
Capps, Willa, 9
Capps, William, 1, 9, 23
Capps, William F., 64
Capps, Willie, 24
Capps, Young, 1
Caps, John, 25
Casey, Mary, 39
Catron, Charity Capps, 36
Catron, Hugh Nimrod, 9, 33
Catron, Phebe Jane, 33
Catron, Phoebe, 9
Catron, Richard, 9
Catron, Robert Peter, 33
Chapman, John, 13, 25, 29
Chapman, Miriam, 14
Chapman, Nellie, 15
Childers, Thalia, 20, 47, 53-54, 56
Clayton, Carlos, 10, 37-38, 44, 46-47
Clayton, Ralph, 30-32
Cochrain, Elizabeth, 3
Conine, George, 44
Cooper, Sarah Ann, 9, 27
Crow, Henry Edward, 52
Crow, Lola Lorene Watson, 53
Crowley, Bell, 18
Crowley, Benjamin, 1, 62
Crowley, Benjamin H., V, 58
Crowley, Benjamin Harrison, IV, 17, 57
Crowley, Benjamin S., 58
Crowley, Cynthia Henrietta, 58-59, 61
Crowley, Elizabeth Jane, 3, 25, 57-59
Crowley, James Wiley, 56
Crowley, John F., 58
Crowley, Louis, 62
Crowley, Lucy Capps, 1-2, 17, 63
Crowley, Nancy, 18
Crowley, Polly, 26
Crowley, Richard Thaddeus, 56
Crowley, Ruba, 59-60
Crowley, Ruth, 63
Crowley, Samuel Jefferson, 18, 60-62
Crowley, Sarah Jane, 63
Crowley, Victoria, 60
Crowley, Wiley, 1-4, 18, 56, 58-59
Crowley, William Thomas, 56, 59-60
Dalton, John, 19
Dell, Patsy, 40
Denning, Birdie Catron, 34-36
Denning, Charles, 34-35
Denning, Farra Glenn, 34-35
Denning, Lucy Mary, 34-35
Denning, Phebe Virginia, 35
Denning, Thalia Bell Catron, 34-35
Dennis, W. A., 59
Ditty, Montice Leia, 46
Downey, Mack, 23
Egbert, Jane, 49, 54
Egbert, Olander, 49
Eno, Clara, 17
Eudaley, John, 7
Eudaly, Lurana Ponder, 8
Ewing, Horace, 31
Finley, Jane, 65
Frank, Mary, 41, 46, 53
Franklin, Robert, 46, 51
Franklin, William, 9, 64
Futrell, Junius Marion, 39
Gardner, Herman, 31
Garland, Roy, 48, 50-52, 55-56
Gauze, Lucian, 60
Glenn, Farra, 34-36
Gordon, Leslie, 32
Grant, James, 28
Hall, Hazel, 66
Hampton, Zachariah, 2
Harrell, John, 23
Harris, Cynthia, 27
Harris, Thomas, 12, 25
Harrison, Benjamin, 57, 59
Henrietta, Cynthia, 60-61
Hines, David, 23
Hollyfield, Charles Edward, Sr., 52
Hotley, Elta, 42
Howard, Una Turpin, 62
Howard, Walter, 62
Hubert, Carl, 46
Hunt, Lee Carroll, 53
Hunter, Agnes Belle Zook, 58-59
Hunter, Charles, 61
Hunter, Susan, 58
Hyde, Claude Alfred, 62
Hyde, Fondel Jane, 63
Hyde, Orville Gene, 63
Hyde, Ruby Claudette, 63
Hyde, Ruby Turpin, 41, 62
Hyde, Wynell, 41, 63
Jasper, Wiley, 60, 62
Jefferson, Samuel, 18, 59-63
Johnson, Lewis, 10
Johnston-Abbott, Mabel, 40
Johnston-Ledbetter, Flora, 40
Johnston-Winn, Lucy, 40
Johnston, Alice May, 41, 50
Johnston, Arrena, 55
Johnston, Carlos Clayton, 40-41, 44 46-47, 50
Johnston, Charles Gregory, 9, 37-41, 44-45, 65-66
Johnston, Cinderella, 37
Johnston, Clarence, 67
Johnston, Cynthia Tennessee, 9, 37-39
Johnston, David Warren, 66
Johnston, Edgar, 44
Johnston, Flora Belle, 38, 40-41
Johnston, Fred, 40, 43, 45
Johnston, Grace Ella, 41, 45, 47, 49-50, 52-53
Johnston, Gregg, 9
Johnston, Gregory Capps, 25, 37-38, 40, 43-45, 65
Johnston, Hazel, 41
Johnston, Larkin, 55
Johnston, Lawrence, 67
Johnston, Lewis Burton, 38, 64
Johnston, Lewis Fred, 38, 41
Johnston, Louisiana Tennessee Spencer, 38
Johnston, Lucy Etta, 38, 40-41, 43-44
Johnston, Mabel, 40-41, 66-67
Johnston, Mamie, 40, 45
Johnston, Martha Florence, 38, 42
Johnston, Mary Cinderella Capps, 38
Johnston, Mary Evaleen, 41
Johnston, Permelia Elizabeth, 9, 64
Johnston, Rector, 40-41
Johnston, Spencer, 38
Johnston, Thomas D., 40
Johnston, Thomas W., 44
Johnston, Varian Chapman, 41
Johnston, William, 43
Johnston, Woodrow, 38
Kittrell, Lemuel, 7-8
Kittrell, Sarah, 7
Larkin, Robert, 43
Lawrence, David, 35-36
Lee, Carlos, 32
Legate, John, 31
Lehman, Agnes, 31
Lehman, Effie, 30-31
Lehman, Harris, 29
Lehman, Helen Katherine, 30
Lehman, Henry Edgar, 30
Lehman, John M. C., 29, 32
Lehman, Katherine, 30
Lehman, Leoline Marsh, 30
Lehman, Mary Thomas Harris, 29
Lehman, Nell, 31
Lehman, Ralph Clayton, 30-32
Letbetter, Charles, 41-42
Letbetter, Flora Belle Johnston, 42
Letbetter, Thalia, 42
Letbetter, Varian, 41
Lewis, Fred, 10
Lincoln, Abraham, 27
Logan, James, 15
Lucian, Rebecca, 18
Lucian, William, 61
Luter, Anthony, 46
Luter, Carl Hubert, 46
Luter, Cynthia Tennessee Johnston, 46
Luter, Edward Raymond, 46
Luter, Herbert, 38, 46
Luter, Johnston, 46
Luter, Montice, 46
Luter, Raymond, 39
Luter, Smook, 46
Luter, William, 37, 39
Luther, Alvin, 23
Lyman, William, 65
Marvin, Frank, 46, 49
Mathew, James, 32
Mattix, Cynthia, 5, 19, 22-23, 25-26
Mattix, Edward, 3
Mattix, Mary, 13
May, Alice, 46, 50
McIntyre, Arthur John, 55
McIntyre, Carol Gertrude, 54-55
McKenzie, James G., 28
McKenzie, John H., 28
McKenzie, Margaret, 28
McKenzie, Wiley E., 28
Mellon, Lucy Capps Crowley, 2-3, 17
Mellon, Thomas, 18, 59
Melton, Lucy Capps Crowley, 3
Miller, Clarence, 42
Miller, Claude, 42-43
Miller, Griffith, 42
Miller, Johnston, 42-43
Miller, Martha Florence Johnston, 42-43
Montgomery, Jane, 33
Moore, Arthur, 65
Moore, Carlisle, 65
Moore, Charles McNeely, 64
Moore, Don, 47, 53, 56
Moore, Limon, 65
Moore, Luther, 65
Moore, Patsy Capps, 4-5, 23
Moore, Ransom, 4, 17
Moore, Ruth, 65
Morey, Ella Johnston, 51-52
Morey, Grace Ella Johnston Watson, 40, 49-50
Morey, Harvey, 41, 46, 49-50
Morey, Johnston, 50-52
Morey, Kathryn T., 41, 51-53
Neal, George, 22
Nisbett, William Washington, 13, 29
Nisbett, Willie Stephens, 1
Odell, Jessie, 28
Opal, Mary, 65
Pearce, Arthur Bascombe, 35-36
Pearce, David Lawrence, 36
Pearce, Farra Glenn Denning, 35
Pearce, James, 36
Penney, Minnie E., 43
Penney, William, 44
Pevehouse, Abraham, 26
Pevehouse, Cynthia Ann, 8, 27-28
Pevehouse, Sarah, 8, 61
Pevehouse, Wiley, 8-9, 16, 26-27, 59
Pleasonton, Alfred, 27
Ponder, Abner, 16
Ponder, Jerry, 8
Ponder, Lurana, 7-8, 16, 26-27
Ponder, Nancy, 7
Pottenger, Cora Ann, 24
Raymond, Edward, 39, 46
Redwine, Jacob, 66
Redwine, Martha Elvisa, 38
Redwine, Mattie, 38, 41, 65-66
Renn, Lehman, 31
Robertson, Louisa, 19
Robinett, Cindy, 19
Robinson, Clara Bass, 56
Robinson, Don Moore, 10, 56
Robinson, Don, 19, 49, 54-55
Robinson, Jesse, 47, 54-55
Robinson, Marvin Caleb, 49-50, 54, 56
Robinson, Roy Garland, 50, 55-56
Robinson, Thalia Capps, 11, 21
Robinson, Walter Don, 54-55
Rogers, Fred, 23
Ruff, Effie Lehman, 31
Ruff, Horace, 30-31
Ruff, John Legate, 31
Ruff, Lehman, 30
Ruff, Marilyn, 31
Ruth, Shirley, 63
Sanders, Beulah, 38, 45
Sharp, Carlos, 1, 32
Sharp, James Simpson, 1, 32
Sharp, Marion, 1, 14
Sharp, Simpson, 15
Sharp, Willie, 14
Smith, Christina, 50
Spell, Earl, 22
Stephen, Minnie, 17
Stephens, Walter, 14
Stephens, Willie, 1, 13
Stevenson, Willie, 26
Sutfin, Jake, 61
Sutfin, Nancy Jane, 18, 60, 62
Tennessee, Cynthia, 36, 38-39, 46
Thaddeus, Richard, 56
Thomas, James, 34
Thomas, John, 58
Thomas, Mary, 29
Thomas, William, 56, 60, 62
Thomason, Kay Frances, 63
Thomasson, Mary, 66
Thompson, Thelma Turpin, 61
Tipton, William, 19
Toney, Nancy, 19
Tucker, Betty, 19
Turner, Lenora, 49
Turpin, John Welch Wesley, 61
Turpin, Ruby, 61-63
Turpin, Sarah Jane Crowley, 41, 61
Turpin, Thelma Phillis, 61
Turpin, Una, 61-62
Turpin, Wesley, 61-63
Turpin, William Lucian, 61
Turpin, Zelmer, 63
Wallace, John, 10, 12, 20, 25, 32
Wallace, Sarah, 19-20
Walter, Ashley, 32
Walter, Charles, 41
Walter, Thomas, 62-63
Warren, David, 66
Washington, William, 13, 29
Watson, Frank Marvin, 49
Watson, Lola Lorene, 41, 52
Watson, Lorene, 52-53
Watson, Mary Frank, 41, 53
Welch, John, 61-63
Wesley, Charles, 35
Wesley, John Welch, 62
West, Agnes, 32
William, Franklin Capps, 9, 36, 64
William, John, 38
William, Thomas Crowley, 62
Williams, Sarah, 1, 4, 11, 25, 56-58
Willie, James Stephens, 13
Willie, James Stevenson, 29, 32
Winn, Marie, 41
Winn, Roberta, 41, 43
Wood, Charles, 35-36
Wright, William, 23
Yarbrough, Bobby, 51
Yarbrough, Kathryn T. Morey, 52
Yarbrough, Morey, 52
Yarbrough, Robert, 51-52
Zook, Cynthia, 58-59
Zook, Harrison, 61
Zook, Levi W., 58
Cocke Family
Archer, Judith, 23
Aston, Mary, 2
Bacon, Nathaniel, 3
Bailey, Temperance, 1-2, 4, 7
Bailey, Thomas, 2
Batte, Martha, 10
Berkeley, Richard, 39
Bowler, Anne, 6
Bowler, Thomas, 6
Bowles, Arthur, 37
Bowles, Bolman Hugo, 49
Bowles, Elizabeth, 50
Bowles, Frances Ann, 49
Bowles, John, 1, 34, 49
Bowles, Lucy, 49
Bowles, Martin, 49
Bowles, Patricia, 1
Bowles, Patricia Anna Elizabeth, 50
Bowles, Preston, 49
Bowles, Walter, 1, 50
Bowles, William Jackson, 1, 49
Brazure, Mary, 9-10
Byrd, William, 3, 9
Cairey, Dorothy, 22
Cairey, Thomas, 22
Carrington, Mary Scott, 59
Carrington, Thomas, 15
Cary, Miles, 6
Clarke, Jane, 3
Cocke, Abraham, 11
Cocke, Agnes, 9-11, 24
Cocke, Ann, 23, 26-27, 30, 35
Cocke, Ann Johnson, 24
Cocke, Batte, 10
Cocke, Benjamin, 24
Cocke, Bowler, 7
Cocke, Brazure, 10
Cocke, Catharine, 11
Cocke, Charles, 11-12
Cocke, Constant, 36
Cocke, David Parish, 36
Cocke, Edward, 2
Cocke, Elizabeth, 2-3, 6, 10, 24, 27, 30, 36
Cocke, Elizabeth Pleasants, 26, 37
Cocke, George, 27
Cocke, Hartwell, 7
Cocke, Henry, 10
Cocke, Isaac, 27
Cocke, Jack Fleming, 36
Cocke, James, 1, 9-10, 12-13, 21-24, 26-27, 29-30, 34-38, 50, 69-72
Cocke, John, 2-3, 9, 24, 26, 30, 36
Cocke, Judith H., 35-36
Cocke, Martha, 6, 12, 21, 24, 27, 36, 50
Cocke, Martha A. 1, 49
Cocke, Martha Ann, 1, 49
Cocke, Mary, 3, 10-11, 24, 36, 55
Cocke, Nancy, 24
Cocke, Nathaniel, 51
Cocke, Pleasant, 12-13, 23-24
Cocke, Powell, 8
Cocke, Rebecca, 23, 25
Cocke, Richard, 1-7, 9, 12, 74-75
Cocke, Ryall, 36
Cocke, Samuel, 24
Cocke, Sarah, 11, 24, 30, 36
Cocke, Stephen, 9-10
Cocke, Susanna, 26, 28, 30
Cocke, Tabitha, 13, 23-24
Cocke, Temperance, 9, 11
Cocke, Thomas, 1, 4, 7-11, 13, 23-24, 50, 73
Cocke, William, 2-3, 9, 11, 24, 26-27, 30, 35-36
Cocke, William Berkeley, 3
Cocke, Woodson, 37
Danes, Clement, 42
Davis, Kirk, 50
Davis, Martha, 57
Davis, Mary, 3
Davy, Edmund, 9
Douglass, William, 47
Farrar, Thomas, 10
Farrar, William, 2
Ferris, Elizabeth, 28, 34
Ferris, Richard, 34, 92
Fields, John Holland, 41
Fisher, Bernard, 55
Fleming, Jack, 35-37
Fleming, Mary, 13
Fleming, Tarlton, 49
Fleming, William, 13
Flournoy, Venable, 60
Flower, Sarah, 3
Frederick, Thomas, 60
Geddes, John, 24
George, John, 41
George, Rebecca, 41
Gilliam, Elizabeth, 36
Greene, Nathanael, 54
Hall, Warner, 34
Hampden, John, 60
Hampden, Sydney, 56
Hardaway, Judith Archer, 23
Hardin, Judith, 36
Harriot, Thomas, 14-15
Harris, Leon, 51
Harwood, Agnes, 9, 11
Harwood, Joseph, 11
Harwood, Joyce, 11
Harwood, Samuel, 11-12
Harwood, Thomas, 11
Henry, James, 49
Henry, Patrick, 22, 24
Holland, Alice, 47
Holland, Anne, 45
Holland, Catherine, 48
Holland, Daniel, 42
Holland, Dolly, 48
Holland, Elizabeth, 44
Holland, Gabriel, 1, 39-43, 46, 49, 79
Holland, George, 42, 45
Holland, Henry, 42, 44
Holland, Hezekiah, 47-48
Holland, James, 44
Holland, Job, 42
Holland, John, 41-44, 46-50, 76, 78
Holland, Joseph, 44
Holland, Judith, 1, 34, 38, 44, 47-48
Holland, Lucy, 47, 50
Holland, Margaret, 48
Holland, Martha, 1, 34, 36, 38, 47-50
Holland, Martha Parish, 38
Holland, Mary, 42, 47
Holland, Mercy, 45
Holland, Michael, 44-48, 77
Holland, Molyneaux, 42
Holland, Nathaniel, 47-48, 50
Holland, Peter, 42
Holland, Richard, 40-42, 45-48
Holland, Robert, 41
Holland, Susanna, 45
Holland, Thomas, 1, 42, 49-50
Holland, Virginia, 50
Holland, William, 41-42
Howe, William, 53
Hunt, Gilbert, 58-59
Hutchison, John, 51
Jackson, William, 1, 49-50
Jones, Abraham, 10
Jordan, Daniel, 2
Knox, Robert, 11-12
Larcome, Jane, 19
Law, Mary, 59
Lewis, Anne, 29
Lewis, Elizabeth, 27, 29
Lewis, John, 1, 29-30, 34, 82
Lewis, Joseph, 26, 29-30, 34, 80
Lewis, Mary, 1, 26, 29-30, 35, 49
Lewis, Sarah, 22-23, 26, 28-29, 34
Lewis, William, 1, 23, 28-30, 34, 60, 81
Long, Jack, 9
Malvern, Jane, 12
Marston, Sarah, 10
Martin, Henry, 46
Martin, John, 46
Martin, Jonathan, 33
Martin, Judith, 46
Martin, Michael, 39
Martin, Sarah, 33
Mary, Elizabeth, 49-50
Massey, Thomas, 46
Massie, Mary, 60
Meriwether, Lucy, 30
Michaux, Anne, 55
Mills, Robert, 59
Molyneaux, Mary, 41-42
Morton, Mary, 59
Mosby, David, 27
Mosby, Martha, 28
Moss, John, 50
Nelson, William, 53
Northam, James, 47-48
Odenale, Timothy, 45
Oudelant, Elizabeth Mary, 49
Outland, Cornelius, 49-50
Parish, Aaron, 38
Parish, Anne, 37
Parish, Booker, 38
Parish, Claiborne, 38, 49
Parish, David, 1, 34-38, 49, 82
Parish, Henry, 37
Parish, Holland, 1
Parish, Humphrey, 1
Parish, Humphrey, 1, 37-38, 83-84
Parish, Jane, 37
Parish, Joel, 38
Parish, John, 37
Parish, Luke, 38, 49
Parish, Martha Holland, 34, 38, 49
Parish, Moses, 38, 51-53
Parke, John, 14
Parker, Thomas, 40
Parrish, John, 46
Payne, George, 50
Payne, Josias, 50
Perrin, Sarah, 11
Piersey, Abraham, 33
Pleasants, Agnes, 14
Pleasants, Anne, 15, 17
Pleasants, Benjamin, 16-17
Pleasants, Dorothy, 21
Pleasants, Elizabeth, 1, 12, 16-17, 21, 26, 35, 37
Pleasants, Henry, 15-16
Pleasants, James, 60
Pleasants, Jane, 21
Pleasants, Joanne, 14
Pleasants, John, 1, 15-18, 21, 50, 60, 83, 85-87
Pleasants, John Hampden, 60
Pleasants, Joseph, 6, 12, 21
Pleasants, Joshua, 17
Pleasants, Katherine Putrasse, 16
Pleasants, Lydia, 15
Pleasants, Margaret, 15, 18
Pleasants, Martha, 15, 17
Pleasants, Mary, 15, 17
Pleasants, Robert, 14-16, 88
Pleasants, Samuel, 15, 17
Pleasants, Sarah, 15
Pleasants, Thomas, 16-17
Pleasants, Turkey, 12
Pleasants, William, 14-16, 89
Plunkett, George, 15
Powell, Agnes, 9
Powell, James, 10
Powell, Margaret, 8
Poythress, Elizabeth, 13
Price, William, 28
Pryor, Daniel, 9
Putrasse, Katherine, 14, 16
Randolph, William, 12
Reynolds, Cecily, 2
Richardson, Edward, 10
Ritchie, Thomas, 60
Robards, Elizabeth, 27
Robards, George, 27
Robards, William, 26
Sandland, John, 46
Shelton, Jane, 30
Smith, Anne, 55
Smith, Obadiah, 55
Smythe, John, 39
Sneden, Robert Knox, 11-12
Speed, Gabriel Holland, 40
Speed, John, 19, 40-41
Strong, Sarah, 36
Strong, William, 37
Thirold, Anne, 16
Thorpe, George, 39
Todd, Dolly, 50
Tracy, William, 39
Tucker, Jane, 21
Turner, Lewis, 36
Turner, Nancy, 36
Turner, Nat, 45
Venable, Abraham B., 58- 59
Venable, Elizabeth Michaux Woodson, 55-56
Venable, Elizabeth Woodson, 57, 59-60
Venable, Goodridge, 60
Venable, Nathaniel, 55-57, 59
Venable, Richard N., 59
Venable, Samuel Woodson, 59
Venable, William Lewis, 60
Walker, Alice, 14
Walker, Mary, 48
Wallis, Elizabeth, 49-50
Washington, Lawrence, 34
Watkins, Frances, 60
Watkins, Martha, 60
Watkins, Rachel, 34
Watkins, Thomas, 59
Wayne, Anthony, 54
Weeks, John, 46
Weeks, Judith, 46
Weeks, Martha, 47
Whitehead, Benjamin, 51
Wilhelm, Friedrich, 54
Wilkinson, John, 15
William, Edward, 60
Winston, Ann, 24-25
Winston, John, 25
Winston, Sarah, 25
Winston, William, 25
Wood, Henry, 46
Wood, Margaret, 9
Wood, Richard, 60
Woodson, Agnes, 55
Woodson, Benjamin, 25, 34
Woodson, Booth, 24-25
Woodson, Dorothy, 32
Woodson, Elicksander, 36
Woodson, Elizabeth, 1, 28, 34, 56-60
Woodson, Elizabeth Michaux, 55, 58
Woodson, Frances, 25
Woodson, Jesse, 50
Woodson, John, 1, 28-34, 50, 60, 91
Woodson, Joseph, 34
Woodson, Judith, 34
Woodson, Juliann, 36
Woodson, Mary, 34, 55
Woodson, Michaux, 56
Woodson, Rebekah, 25
Woodson, Richard, 34, 55-59
Woodson, Robert, 28, 32-34, 54, 90
Woodson, Robert, Jr, 34
Woodson, Samuel, 57, 59
Woodson, Sarah, 25, 32, 34
Woodson, Susan, 36
Woodson, Tabitha, 25
Woodson, William, 36
Farrar Family
Abbot, George, 118
Abbott, Charles, 259
Abercrombie, Charity, 323
Abercrombie, Perry, 323
Abercrombie, Raymond, 323
Adalbert, King of Italy, 529-530
Adams, Sarah, 173, 175
Adelaide, Queen of Savoy, 495, 497
Adelin, William, 546, 548, 552, 589-590
Afonso IX, King of León, 404-405
Agnew, Velma, 222
Aguillon, Robert, 490
Ainar, Pierre, 500
Alderson, Anna, 282
Alderson, Eunice, 285
Alderson, George, 285
Alderson, Martha, 285
Alderson, Mary, 285
Aldwell, S. W. H., 779, 786
Alethea, Mary, 373
Alexander II, King of Scotland, 669-670
Alexander, King, 522
Alfonso II, of Aragon, 443-446
Alfonso II, of Provence, 439, 443
Alfonso IX, King of Leon, 399, 404, 406
Alfonso VII, King of León, 405, 417, 419-421, 447
Alfonso VIII, 409-412, 414, 416
Alfonso, King, 500
Alfonso, Stephanie, of Castile, 421
Alfonso, Zaragoza, 444
Alhaja, Martin, 413
Alken, Samuel, 841
Allen, Charles, 202
Allen, Edgar, 236
Allen, Elizabeth, 296
Allen, Georgia Ann Swilling, 295
Allen, Glen, 296
Allen, John, 202
Allen, Laura, 296
Allen, Mary, 246
Allen, Vincent, 202
Allison, John, 198
Almeria, Alcazaba of, 420
Alsace, Adelaide of, 516
Amadeus I of Geneva, 498-499
Amadeus II, of Savoy, 527
Amadeus III, of Savoy, 490-491, 493
Anderson, Amos, 285
Anderson, Elizabeth, 87-89, 92
Anderson, Isaac, 228
Anderson, James, 88, 351, 987
Anderson, Jane, 93, 104-105
Anderson, Louise, 228
Anderson, Matthew, 183
Anderson, Robert, 88, 124
Anderson, Sarah, 98, 357
Andrew I of Hungary, 579
Andrew, George, 290
Andrew, James, 320, 330, 332-333
Andrews, Alexander Boyd, 372-373
Andrews, Lancelot, 118
Andrews, William, 34
Angouleme, Isabella, 51, 521, 524-525
Anjou, Fulk of, 552
Anjou, Geoffrey Plantagenet of, 536-537, 543
Anne of Kiev, Queen of France, 563, 567, 569, 576, 580
Anselm, William, 243-244
Applegate, Harold, 226
Appleton, John, 233
Aquitaine, Eleanor of, 495, 535
Aquitaine, Eleanor, 541
Araminta, Lucy, 257
Araminta, Martha, 271-272
Archer, Elizabeth, 245
Archer, Frances, 246
Archer, William, 249
Armagh, John, 723
Armstrong, John, 178
Arnallt, Castell, 925
Arnold, Abel, 233
Arnold, Benedict, 186
Arnold, Ethel, 232
Arnold, Eunice, 233
Arnold, Kathleen, 233
Arnold, Sara, 233
Arthur I, of Brittany, 562, 925
Artie, Russell, 329
Arundel, Baron, 728
Arundel, John, 970
Arundell, John, 382
Askeby, Gilbert, 696
Askeby, Sabella, 696
Astley, Thomas, 951
Astley, William, 951
Atheinda, Sophia, 297
Atwood, Elizabeth, 168
Atwood, Husie, 256
Atwood, May, 168
Atwood, Robert, 168
Atwood, William, 168
Auberie, Haye, 867
Aubrey, John, 118
Audley, Alice de, 640, 654
Audley, Alice, 656, 658, 662
Audley, Hugh, 17, 19, 656, 742, 768
Audley, James, 19, 907
Audley, Margaret, 797, 802-803, 807, 900
Audley, Stratton, 656, 804-806
Aunsson, Egil, 20
Austen, William, 896
Austin, Richard, 249
Avary, John, 70, 212
Avary, Mildred, 338
Avary, Sarah, 240
Avenel, Gervase, 811
Avenel, Isabel d', 671
Avenel, Richard, 666, 671
Avent, Elizabeth, 262
Avent, Judith, 262
Avery, John, 215
Avery, Lilia, 259
Avery, Mildred, 215
Ayer, Celeste, 226
Ayer, Franklin, 226
Babb, George Carl, 250
Babcock, Allen, 296
Babcock, Hulda, 296
Babcock, Mac, 296
Babcock, Sidney H., 295
Babcock, Sidney, 296
Babenberg, Agnes of, 500, 507
Babenberg, Agnieszka, 507
Badlesmere, Baron, 398
Bagneris, Seraphine, 317
Bagwell, Caledonia, 221
Bagwell, Claudia, 221
Bagwell, Emma Ozella, 221
Bagwell, Franklin, 222
Bagwell, Gladys, 222
Bagwell, Hattie, 221
Bagwell, Sallie, 221
Bailey, Cicely, 145
Bailey, Dora Belle, 207
Bailey, Ernestine, 238
Bailey, Florence, 225
Bailey, James, 225
Bailey, Martha, 375
Bailey, Sarah, 156
Bailey, Temperance, 36, 145
Bailey, Thomas, 37
Baker, Henry, 224
Baker, Julia, 224
Baker, Lucinda, 228
Baker, Mary, 345
Baker, William, 81, 346
Baldwin III, of Jerusalem, 724
Balforstedt, Alice, 252
Ball, Harriet, 246
Ballard, Leona, 254
Ballard, Sallie, 236
Balliol, Edward, 655, 718
Balliol, John, 816, 951
Ballou, Betsy, 257
Balun, Hamelin, 933-934
Banaster, Maud, 708
Banks, Frances, 232
Banks, Henry, 232
Bankston, Abby, 223
Banner, George, 245
Barbarossa, Frederick, 490, 492, 501, 504, 507, 509
Barbie, Evelyn, 256
Bardolf, Cecily, 383-384
Bardolf, Thomas, 384
Barium, Frances, 225
Barley, William, 691
Barlow, Frank, 855, 938
Barlow, Walter, 162
Barnes, Edith, 283
Barnett, Ann, 152
Barnett, Anne, 150
Barnett, Boudie, 151
Barnett, Catherine, 152
Barnett, Dicy, 150
Barnett, Edward, 152
Barnett, Elizabeth, 150, 236
Barnett, Frances, 152
Barnett, James, 150
Barnett, Jesse, 150
Barnett, John, 150-153, 344
Barnett, John Nathaniel, 151-153
Barnett, Joseph, 152
Barnett, Julia, 151
Barnett, Lucy, 151
Barnett, Lucy Batt, 150
Barnett, Mary Lou, 150-152
Barnett, Mildred, 150, 153
Barnett, Nancy, 342, 344
Barnett, Richard, 150
Barnett, Robert, 174
Barnett, Sarah, 150, 152
Barnett, Thomas, 150
Barnett, William, 150-153, 344
Barose, Maude, 928, 938
Barret, Arthur, 158
Barret, William, 157
Barrett, Lucy, 192
Barrett, Patty, 246
Barrett, William, 150, 192
Barry, William, 189
Barton, Clara, 807
Barton, Margaret, 252
Basil II, 465
Baskerville, Edward, 204
Baskerville, John, 261
Baskerville, Sarah, 262
Baskerville, Susannah, 204
Basset, Alan, 750
Basset, Aline, 748, 750
Basset, Alivia, 707
Basset, Philip, 748, 750, 753, 764
Basset, Ralph, 797, 890
Basset, Ralph, V, 19
Bassett IV, of Drayton, 19
Bassett, Margaret, 800
Batte, Martha, 150
Batte, Robert, 203
Baugh, Alice, 60, 62-63
Baugh, Anne, 62-63
Baugh, Edward, 1, 60, 62-63
Baugh, James, 61
Baugh, John, 61-62
Baugh, Lucy, 60, 63
Baugh, Margaret, 62
Baugh, Mary, 59-60, 62-63
Baugh, Priscilla, 1, 46, 58-59
Baugh, Richard, 60, 62-63
Baugh, Robert, 62
Baugh, Rowland, 62
Baugh, Stephen, 62
Baugh, Thomas, 59, 61-63
Baugh, William, 59-63, 171, 961, 988
Baytops, James, 185
Beall, Chandler, 240
Beall, Lucy, 240
Beall, Martha, 239
Bean, Joseph, 227
Beardon, William, 245
Beauchamp, Alice, 890
Beauchamp, Amice, 960
Beauchamp, Anne, 900
Beauchamp, Guy, 16, 886, 949-950, 952, 954-956, 958-959
Beauchamp, Isabella, 707, 748
Beauchamp, John, 890, 955-957
Beauchamp, Katherine Mortimer, 890
Beauchamp, Philippa, 385, 768, 798,890, 900
Beauchamp, Richard, 730, 742, 888, 895-897
Beauchamp, Thomas, 705, 798
Beauchamp, Walter, 960
Beauchamp, William, 14, 18, 731, 748, 753, 707. 955, 957-961
Beauclerc, Henry, 588
Beaufort, Edmund, 651, 899
Beaufort, Joan, 649, 659, 799-800
Beaufort, John, 690
Beaufort, Margaret, 690
Beaumont, Alice, 961
Beaumont, Henry, 952
Beaumont, Isabel, 844, 862, 866
Beaumont, Robert, 676, 778
Beaumont, Roger, 863, 866-867
Beaumont, Waleran, 952, 960
Becket, Thomas A., 2, 50, 415
Belcher, Wilson, 160
Belden, Daisy, 227
Belk, Craig, 248
Bell, Gustave, 216
Bell, Leah, 181
Bell, Maggie, 216
Bell, Petrie, 217
Bell, Sarah, 181
Bellamee, Richard, 341
Belmeis, Philip, 942
Benjamin, James, 255
Bennett, Boykin, 258
Bennett, Diana, 82, 346, 348
Bennett, John, 347
Benson, Barry, 295
Berengar II, 533, 529
Berengar of Ivrea, 531
Berengar, Judicael, 533, 535
Berengar, King of Italy, 531, 533
Berengar, Raymond, 448
Berenguer, Ramon, 418-427, 439-440, 443, 446-449, 458, 486, 488
Berenguer, Ramon, I, 424-426
Berenguer, Ramon, II, 423, 426
Berenguer, Ramon, III, 420-422
Berenguer, Ramon, IV, 439, 443, 447-448, 486
Berenguer, Raon, 423
Bernard of Italy, 588
Bernard, Alfred, 252
Bernard, Cornelius, 242
Bernard, Hugh, 244
Bernard, John, 150
Bernard, William, 249
Berners, Richard, 384
Bertrade de, Montfort, 548, 553,
559-560, 563
Bertram, Agnes, 710
Bertram, Christian, 666
Beverley, Elizabeth, 807
Bibb, Edward, 173
Bibb, Elizabeth, 172-173
Bibb, James, 173
Bibb, John, 172-173
Bibb, Lucy, 173
Bibb, Martha, 173
Bibb, Mary, 173
Bibb, Richard, 173
Bibb, Thomas, 173
Bibb, William Wyatt, 173
Bielski, Marcin, 512
Bigham, Eugenia, 240
Bigod, Hugh, 749, 753, 755-757
Bigod, Isabel, 753, 756, 959
Bigod, Margaret, 708
Bigod, Mary, 757
Bigod, Norman, 755
Bigod, Ralph, 756-757
Bigod, Roger, 671
Bigod, Roger, 756-757, 759-760
Bigod, William, 757
Billingslea, Rebecca, 197
Bingham, James, 263
Bingham, William, 263
Binion, William, 191
Blackburn, Felix Edward, 236
Blackstone, Elizabeth, 82
Blair, Frank, 158
Blanche of Navarre, 426-427
Bland, Ann, 360
Bland, Virgie, 254
Blanton, Reed, 250
Blanton, Ruth, 228
Bledsoe, Anthony, 83-84, 349
Bledsoe, Sarah, 189
Bledsoe, William, 254
Bleecker, William, 159
Bloet, Robert, 590
Bloet, William, 862
Blount, James, 210
Blumfield, Pearl, 256
Blund, William, 943
Blundell, Elizabeth, 256
Boardman, Alonzo Plum, 227
Boardman, Martha, 227
Boatwright, Allen, 227
Boatwright, Eleanor, 227
Boatwright, Margaret, 227
Bobcock, Allen, 295
Boddie, John, 61
Bodin, Constantine, 456
Bohannon, John, 220
Bohemond I, 466
Bohun, Alice, 954
Bohun, Humphrey, 954
Bohun, Margaret, 393-397
Boissey, Eva, 935
Boleslaus I, 504-505
Boleslaw I Wysoki, 504
Boleslaw, Wrymouth, III, 502, 510-511
Boleyn, Anne, 889, 923, 969, 398
Bolingbroke, Henry, 641, 648, 652, 729, 772, 805, 894
Bollings, Martha, 98, 357
Bond, George Glenn, 251-252
Bond, Jane, 252
Borsa, Roger, 457-459, 472
Boru, Brian, 869, 877, 882-886
Boruma, Brian, 882
Bosevyle, Hugh, 381
Boso of Tuscany, 531
Bosso, Roger, 482
Bosvile, John, 380
Bosvile, Margaret, 380
Bosvile, Thomas, 380-381
Boswell, Hugh, 381
Boswell, John, 204
Bourchier, John, 636
Boutoumites, Manuel, 679
Bowdoin, Elizabeth, 205
Bowdoin, Fannie, 205
Bowdoin, John, 205
Bowdoin, Martha, 205
Bowdoin, Mary, 205
Bowdoin, May, 202
Bowdoin, Nancy, 205
Bowdoin, Rebecca, 205
Bowen, Anna, 262
Bowet, Henry, 695
Bowie, Captain, 132
Bowie, John, 129
Bowles, Patricia, 1
Bowman, Katherine Christian, 263
Boyd, Adam, 113
Boyd, Agnes, 353
Boyd, Alan, 110
Boyd, Alexander, 66, 87, 92-97
Boyd, Alexander, Jr., 101, 102, 359
Boyd, Alfred, 97, 357
Boyd, Ann Swepson, 356
Boyd, Ann, 105, 376
Boyd, Anne, 353
Boyd, Carrie Vancy, 368
Boyd, Charles, 114, 353
Boyd, Clan, 111, 113
Boyd, Dandridge, 93, 354
Boyd, David, 87, 90-91, 93, 96, 104, 350-354, 359-367, 369-371, 375, 989
Boyd, Durell, 360
Boyd, Elizabeth, 1, 84, 87, 89-92, 115, 265, 317, 350-354, 364
Boyd, Fanny, 97, 357
Boyd, Frances, 90
Boyd, Francis, 353
Boyd, Gary, 47, 377
Boyd, Henry Curran, 361-368, 371
Boyd, James, 89-90, 93, 103, 112, 114, 352, 354, 359, 373
Boyd, James Lauren, 353
Boyd, Jane, 370, 372
Boyd, Jane Anderson, 105, 372, 374
Boyd, John, 89-90, 93, 96
Boyd, Juliette, 365
Boyd, Lila Goode, 369
Boyd, Margaret, 353
Boyd, Mary, 88-90, 92, 352, 354, 363
Boyd, Mary Anne, 103
Boyd, Mary Frances, 106, 376
Boyd, Massie, 365
Boyd, Matilda, 103, 359
Boyd, Nancy, 353
Boyd, Noland Locket, 365
Boyd, Peter, 353
Boyd, Richard, 93, 98-100, 102
Boyd, Robert, 1, 87-89, 91-94
Boyd, Susannah, 94, 96, 355, 357
Boyd, Swepson, 93, 354
Boyd, Tabby, 99, 358
Boyd, Thomas, 110-111, 113-114
Boyd, Thomas Massie, 364
Boyd, Virginia, 360-361, 368,
Boyd, Waller Massie, 365-369
Boyd, William, 93, 96-97, 104, 109-110, 114-115, 353-354, 357, 359
Boyle, Cecelia, 228
Braccio, Guglielmo, 480
Bracey, Susan, 318
Bradford, Fanny, 319
Bradlie, Dorothie, 346
Bradshaw, Sarah Jane, 183
Brady, Alexander, 331
Brady, James Andrew, 320, 332-333
Brady, Lawrence, 252
Brady, Lillie Jane, 333
Brady, Martha H. Vaughan, 323
Brady, Narcissus A., 330, 332
Brady, Samuel W., 336
Brady, Sarah C., 331
Brady, Sarah, 327
Brady, Thomas J., 323-324
Brady, Thomas M., 332
Brady, Vaughan, 323
Bramber, Nicholas, 936
Brame, James, 67, 195
Bramlett, George Adolphus, 296
Bramlett, John Walter, 296
Bramlett, Reuben, 296
Branham, Stanley, 247
Brantley, Mabel, 260
Braose, Eva, 708
Braose, Maude, 902, 912
Braose, Philip, 935, 938
Braose, Reginald, 917, 919
Braose, William, 914, 917, 919-920, 922-925, 927-929, 933-936
Braose, William I, 938
Braose, William III, 938
Breck, Savilla, 777
Bren, Llywelyn, 733, 737, 742
Brets, Laetitia, 114
Brewer, William, 917, 924
Brewes, Joan, 706
Brewes, William, 706
Briain, Donnchadh mac, 881-884
Brien, Guy, 740
Brienne, Blanche, 914
Brinkley, Betty, 263
Brionne, Geoffrey, 860
Brionne, Gilbert, 859
Briscoe, Luccilus, 221
Brittain, Henry, 233
Briwere, Graecia, 919, 921, 924, 969
Briwere, Grecia, 917
Bromflete, Margaret, 690
Brommit, Nimrod, 198
Brooks, Elisha, 116
Brooks, Lucy, 233, 235
Brooks, Mary, 232
Brown, Edward, 331
Brown, Hiram Michael, 331-332
Brown, Homer, 331
Brown, James Oliver, 331
Brown, Mariah, 321, 333
Brown, Narcissis Ann Brady, 336
Brown, Robert, 215
Brown, Ross, 331
Brown, Ruth, 167
Brown, Sarah, 331
Brown, Temperance, 47, 170
Brown, Thomas, 137
Browne, William, 216
Bruce, David, 689
Bruce, John, 80, 134, 269
Bruce, Laura H. Farrar, 133
Bruce, Robert, 837
Brumley, Mary, 197
Bryson, Maude, 262
Buckner, Arthur, 157
Bugg, Jacob, 258
Bugg, Nancy, 254
Bugg, Rebecca, 254
Buie, Carter, 256
Buie, Joseph, 256
Bullitt, Agnes, 273
Bullitt, William, 273
Bullock, Ann, 200
Bullock, Frances, 96, 104, 357, 359
Bullock, James, 281
Bullock, Jane, 142
Bullock, John, 116
Bullock, Richard, 104, 171
Bullock, William, 96, 357
Burchard, Duke, 532
Burchard, William J., 278
Burge, Lucy, 257
Burgersh, Margaret, 382
Burges, Jane Rust, 247
Burgh, Hubert, 837
Burghersh, Bartholomew, 699, 726
Burghersh, Elizabeth, 36, 699
Burghersh, Matilda, 779
Burgundy, Gisela of, 493, 495
Burgundy, Otto-William of, 529
Burnell, Edward, 774
Burnell, Hugh, 774
Burnell, Robert, 812
Burnes, Daniel Dee, 159
Burnet, Augustus, 1, 115
Burnett, Benjamin, 117
Burnett, Martha, 216
Burney, Minnie, 258
Burns, Captain, 180
Burrus, Eliza, 190
Burrus, Elizabeth, 190
Burton, Anne, 64, 188, 192
Burton, Charles, 188
Burton, Elizabeth, 64, 192-193
Burton, Jesse, 191
Burton, Joane, 379
Burton, John, 379
Burton, Judith, 64, 189, 192
Burton, Lucy, 191
Burton, Mary, 187-193
Burton, Noel, 64, 192
Burton, Obedience, 64, 192
Burton, Priscilla, 64, 189, 192-193
Burton, Rebecca, 192
Burton, Robert, 63-64, 187-193, 261
Burton, Robert, III, 187-193
Burton, Sarah, 189
Burton, Susanna, 192
Burton, William, 64, 191-192
Burwell, Blair, 102, 359
Burwell, Lewis, 100, 358
Burwell, Matilda, 102, 359
Burwell, Panthea, 100, 358
Bush, Barbara, 807
Butler, Ava, 225
Butler, Ben, 297
Butler, Ella, 228
Butler, James, 398
Butt, Archibald D., 325
Bygod, Isabella, 959
Bynum, Charlotte, 202
Byrd, Cary, 197
Byrd, William, 58, 170
Byrnes, Martha Araminta McCaleb, 271
Byrnes, Robert Ralston, 271
Cabell, Charles, 256
Cade, Eva, 243
Caemanach, Domhnall, 846
Cahill, Thomas, 52
Caine, Margaret, 225
Caldwell, Andrew, 178
Caldwell, Charles, 167
Caldwell, Cleo, 222
Caldwell, Eugenia, 222
Caldwell, John, 181
Caldwell, Mable, 221
Caldwell, Paul Orland, 221
Calhoun, Katherine, 235
Callaway, Abner Reeves, 233
Callaway, Anna, 235
Callaway, Brantley, 235
Callaway, Brantly Mercer, 233
Callaway, Carson Jewell, 236
Callaway, Cary, 233
Callaway, Charles, 236
Callaway, Collarine, 235
Callaway, Ella, 236
Callaway, Ellen, 236
Callaway, Enoch, 232, 235
Callaway, Fuller Earle, 234-236
Callaway, Grace, 233
Callaway, Howard, 233, 235-236
Callaway, Ida, 235
Callaway, Katherine Wakem, 232
Callaway, Leslie, 236
Callaway, Lula, 233
Callaway, Nell, 232
Callaway, Sallie, 232
Callaway, William, 236
Callixtus, II, 495-497
Calthorpe, John, 632
Calvert, Leonard, 263
Calvert, Samuel, 105, 376
Calvin, John, 229, 326
Calvin, William, 247
Camarlench, Ignacio Pinazo, 430
Cambrensis, Giraldus, 847
Camoys, Baron, 639, 646
Camoys, Maud, 398
Camoys, Thomas, 646
Campbell, Margaret, 217
Candler, Asa Griggs, Sr., 239
Candler, Lucy, 238-239
Candler, Walter, 238
Candler, William A., 238-239
Candstill, William, 240
Canosa di Puglia, 467
Cantelou, Joan, 706
Cantelowe, Joan, 708
Cantelowe, William, 708
Cantey, Harry, 243
Canutson, Andrew, 259
Capet, Hugh, 584-585, 587, 610
Carlege, Martha, 215
Carleton, Henry, 307
Carleton, James, 306
Carlisle, Martha, 222
Carlton, Harmon, 243
Carlton, Jessie, 243
Carlton, Ruth, 243
Carlton, Thomas, 259
Carr, Edward, 627
Carr, Robert, 625, 627
Carter, Catherine, 213-215, 338
Carter, George, 213, 338
Carter, Jesse, 213-215, 228-230, 338
Carter, Johnnie, 67, 195
Carter, William, 231, 342
Cartulary, Percy, 710
Castille, Alianore de, 48
Castro, Fernando Rodriguez, 421
Cateryke, Elizabeth, 693
Cateryke, John, 694
Cellaig, Domnall mac, 880
Chaffin, Richard, 246
Chalandon, Ferdinand, 478
Challis, John, 907
Chamberlain, Nicholas, 622
Chambers, Thomas, 231
Chandler, Asa Griggs, 239-241
Chandler, Joel, 224
Chandler, Wiley, 236
Chapman, James, 251
Chapman, Nathaniel, 199
Charibert I, 20
Charles III, King, 614
Charleton, John, 803
Charlie, Bonnie Prince, 109
Chaucer, Alice, 776-783, 793
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 776-780,
Chaucer, Thomas, 776, 779, 782-783
Chauncey, Mary, 159
Chaworth, Maud, 687, 959
Chechester, Elizabeth, 627
Chenoweth, Julia, 168-169
Chesley, Eloise, 169
Chesley, John, 251
Cheyney, Elizabeth, 634
Childs, George, 160
Chiles, John, 75, 264
Chiles, William, 257
Christy, Elizabeth, 158
Christy, James, 160
Christy, Sarah, 158
Christy, William, 157
Chrysostom, John, 120
Chubb, Mary, 246
Claggett, Annie, 275
Claggett, Horatio, 275
Clare, Aveline, 959
Clare, Eleanor, 730, 732, 734,
Clare, Gilbert, 48, 732, 741, 745, 768, 806-809, 811-812, 814-815, 817, 819, 822-823, 837, 840, 844, 848-849, 859, 861, 867
Clare, Gilbert, I, 745, 811
Clare, Gilbert, II, 745, 811
Clare, Gilbert, III, 53, 811
Clare, Gilbert Fitz Gilbert, 862, 876
Clare, Gilbert Fitz Richard, 75
Clare, Isabel, 756, 823, 836-837, 839-840, 842, 846, 868, 875, 877, 921
Clare, Margaret, 16, 19, 768
Clare, Richard, 808, 815-817, 819-820, 822-823, 831, 840, 844-849, 852, 862, 868, 872, 875-876, 921
Clare, Richard, II, 745, 811
Clare, Richard Fitz Gilbert, 851-853, 856
Clare, Roger, 753, 847, 849, 855
Clare, Thomas, 820
Claremont, Alice, 855, 861
Clark, Adaline, 178
Clark, Allanson, 264
Clark, Ann, 164
Clark, Anne, 160-161
Clark, Daisy, 256
Clark, David, 373
Clark, Eleanor, 157
Clark, James, 204
Clark, Lucy, 373
Clark, Nicholas, 346
Clark, Sarah, 204
Clark, Thompson, 204
Clark, William, 167
Clark, Winifred, 198
Clarke, Diana, 346
Clarke, James, 80, 337
Clarke, Nicholas, 81
Clarke, Samuel, 161
Clarkstone, Elizabeth, 347
Clavering, Euphemia, 656, 664
Clay, Clement, 187
Clay, Harris, 227
Clay, Henry, 244
Clayton, William, 294
Cleaveland, Annie, 243
Cleburne, Patrick, 279
Clerke, Richard, 381
Cleveland, Caroline, 231
Cleveland, President, 167
Cleveland, Walter, 222
Clewe, Richard, 381
Clifford, Anne, 256, 691
Clifford, Baron, 637, 657
Clifford, Elizabeth, 691
Clifford, Elmer, 279
Clifford, Henry, 638, 690
Clifford, Joan, 691
Clifford, John, 631-633,
Clifford, Margaret, 691
Clifford, Mary, 629, 632-633, 638
Clifford, Maud, 638, 662, 691, 693
Clifford, Richard, 690
Clifford, Robert, 657
Clifford, Rosamund, 759
Clifford, Thomas, 637-638, 690-691
Clifford, Thomas, 689, 691
Clifford, Virginia, 256
Clifton, Miriam, 276
Clifton, Samuel, 293
Clifton, Sidney, 223
Clinton, Hilary, 807
Clinton, John, 950
Clinton, Owen, 235
Clinton, William, 955
Clito, William, 552, 588, , 652, 676
Clopton, Caroline, 241
Cloud, Elizabeth, 216
Cloud, Nancy, 216
Clovis I, 20
Clyvedon, Margaret, 399
Cobb, Sarah, 225
Cobbs, John, 191-192
Cobbs, Rebecca, 191
Cobham, Baron, 399, 637
Cobham, Joan, 637, 796-797
Cobham, John, 637
Cobham, Reginald, 805
Cocke, Chastaine, 71, 241
Cocke, Eliza, 71, 241
Cocke, James, 71, 241
Cocke, Joseph, 242
Cocke, Martha, 71, 241
Cocke, Sarah, 362
Cocke, Stephen, 71, 241, 246
Cocke, Thomas, 45, 149
Cocke, Virginia, 36
Cogbill, Benjamin, 103, 359
Cole, Almira, 243
Coleman, Francis, 197
Coleman, Sarah, 227
Coleman, Spilsby, 189
Colley, Elizabeth, 343
Collier, Amy, 251
Collier, Joseph, 255, 257
Colquhoun, George, 113
Colquhoun, Margaret, 113
Coluim, Mael, 673
Comnena, Anna, 451, 459, 467
Compostela, Santiago, 406, 420
Conan I, of Rennes, 533, 604
Conan, Judith, 607
Conde, Clarence, 158
Cone, Mary, 262
Conqueror, William, 1, 56, 683
Conrad II, of Germany, 516-517
Conrad III, of Germany, 494
Conrad, Louis, 161
Constance, Queen, 420
Conteville, Oda, 868
Conyers, Jane, 778
Conyers, William, 691
Cook, John, 348
Cook, Melissa, 215
Cook, Silas, 344
Cooke, Annabelle, 250
Cooper, Robert, 247
Cope, Laura, 227
Copley, Jane, 379
Corbet, Sibyl, 590
Corbin, James, 240
Cordelia, Mary, 214
Cornwallis, Charles, 140
Cort, Hendrik Frans, 833, 835
Cotesworth, Charles, 80, 127, 269
Cotton, Thomas, 631
Cotys, John, 630
Cotys, Margaret, 630
Coughton, Gresham, 23
Coun, Mecklenburg, 70
Counts, David, 344
Courtenay, Alice of, 524
Courtenay, Anne, 399
Courtenay, Baron, 398
Courtenay, Edward, 398
Courtenay, Elizabeth, 399
Courtenay, Hugh, 393-398
Courtenay, Humphrey, 399
Courtenay, Joan, 399, 690
Courtenay, Katherine, 399
Courtenay, Margaret, 399
Courtenay, Peter, 397
Courtenay, Renauld, 524
Courtenay, Robert, 398
Courtenay, Thomas, 398, 690
Courtenay, William, 398
Courtney, Lucille, 254
Courtney, Mollie, 215
Covey, Dean, 207
Covey, John, 207
Covey, John Nap, 206, 207
Covington, Chilion, 268-269
Covington, Henry, 269
Cowan, Nancy, 344
Cowden, James, 180
Cox, Mary, 59-60
Cox, William, 59
Crawford, Edward, 169
Cresacre, Isabel, 380
Cresacre, Percival, 380
Cressener, William, 800
Creton, Jean, 653-654
Crigler, John, 211
Cristobal, Juan, 435
Cromwell, Oliver, 391
Cromwell, Ralph, 776
Crooker, George, 45, 149
Crooker, Mary, 62
Crouch, David, 827
Crouch, John, 156
Crowder, Geoffrey, 198
Croxton, Lucy, 364
Crump, Goodrich, 81, 346
Crute, Charles, 255
Cuiseaux, Matilda, 498
Culpepper, Eleanor, 805
Cummings, Derek, 87
Cunningham, Hattie, 232
Curran, Henry, 361-371, 375
Curry, Clarence, 323
Curry, Cordelia, 323-324
Curry, Malinda, 321-322
Curthose, Robert, 468, 675, 858, 935, 946-947
Curtmantle, Henry, 535, 543
Cuthbert, Richard, 247
Cutler, Marie, 248
Cybistra, Heraclea, 518
Cyrus, William, 225
Dabney, Charles, 185-186
Dabney, John, 254
Dabney, Joseph, 257
Dacre, Baron, 638, 657, 690
Dacre, Joan, 638, 690
Dacre, Thomas, 638, 800
Dacre, William, 657
d'Albon, Mathilde, 490
Dallas, Denzil, 209
Dallas, William, 338
Damory, Roger, 50
Dandridge, Ann, 93, 354
Dandridge, June, 94
d'Angleterre Richard, II, 654
Daniel, Candace, 223
Daniel, Corda, 223
Daniel, Martha, 215
d'Anjou, Foulques, V, 544
Dapifer, Eudo, 859
Darcy, Baron, 636
Darcy, Elizabeth, 691
Darcy, Mary, 227
Darcy, Thomas, 636
Darrel, Phillip, 307
d'Aumale, Hawise de Mortimer, 916
David I, King of Scotland, 594, 671, 673-675
David II, King of Scotland, 657
Davies, David, 921
Davis, Elizabeth, 366
Davis, Felix, 275
Davis, Isaac, 283-284
Davis, Jefferson, 79, 143-144, 268, 272, 284
Davis, John, 104, 370, 373, 375
Davis, Joseph, 79, 268
Davis, Lucinda, 282-283
Davis, Lucy, 104, 356, 370, 372
Davis, Paul, 15
Davis, Thomas, 45, 149
Davis, Varina Howell, 143
Davis, William, 259
Daws, John, 118, 197
Dawson, Mabel Richards, 320
de Beauchamp, Thomas, 14, 705-706, 798, 886, 891-897, 899-900,
de St. Hillary, James, 847
de St. Valery, Maud, 926
Deaderick, Julia, 160
Dearborn, Daniel, 159
Dearwood, Blanche, 224
Deincourt, Margaret, 637
Deincourt, William, 661
D'Eiville, Joan, 700, 714, 717-718
Deiville, John, 709
Deiville, John, 710-711
Deiville, Robert, 709-710
D'Eiville, Robert, 710
Deklaman, Charles, 186
Demetrius, Charles, 269, 274
Deming, Frances, 258
Deming, Sarah, 258, 260
Deming, Thadius, 258
Demone, Val, 482, 485
Dempsey, Andrew, 223
Dennis, Julia, 246
Dent, Hubert, 214
Deskin, Junius, 207
Despencer, Anne, 729
Despencer, Cicely, 729
Despencer, Edward, 699, 705, 727-728, 730-731, 734, 737, 743
Despencer, Hugh, 704, 707, 728, 730-743, 747-750, 752, 767, 913, 959
Despencer, Philip, 632
Despencer, Thomas, 767
Despenser, Anne, 47, 699
Despenser, Baron, 631, 633
Despenser, Edle, 739
Despenser, Edward, 47-48
Despenser, Edward, 703, 733
Despenser, Eleanor de Clare, 742
Despenser, Hugh, 731-732, 735, 738, 757-758, 751, 812, 902, 912, 959
Despenser, Isabel, 707, 747
Despenser, Margery, 632-633, 637
Despenser, Philip, 631-632, 637
Despenser, Thomas, 729-730
Destin, Tom, 216
Dewitt, Lulie, 222
di Ferro, Guglielmo Braccio, 480
Diarmait, Clare, 868
Diarmata, Murchad mac, 877-878, 880
Dias, Ximena, 433-434
Diaz, Rodrigo, 428-429, 432-433
Dickey, Majorie, 223
Digby, Elizabeth, 197
Dinham, Muriel, 47, 699
Dixon, Tillman, 214
Dobson, Mary, 191
Dodd, Sydney, 249
Doddridge, James, 189
Dodge, Louis, 282
Donnchad, King of Munster, 869
Donnchada, Gilla Patraic mac, 880
Donnell, Hassell, 169
Dougherty, Charles, 180
Douglas, Archibald, 643
Douglas, Edgar, 285, 339
Douglas, James, 639-640, 642
Doukas, Constantine, 458
Doukeianos, Michael, 476
Dow, Joseph, 207
Dowd, Nannie, 233
Dowling, Florence, 257, 261
Drengot, Rainulf, 450, 460, 462
Drengot, Richard, 462, 478-479
Drogo of Hauterville, 477
Dudley, John, 899
Dudley, Thomas, 246
Duff, Cecil, 244
Dufour, Anne, 248-249
Dugdale, William, 496
Duke, Clara, 222
Dunbar, Jennie, 228
Duncan, King of Scotland, 595
Duncan, Sophia Atheinda, 297
Dunham, Jane, 227
Dunklin, Barnett, 245
Dunklin, Gerturde, 244
Dunklin, Irby, 244
Dunn, Jane, 274-275, 277-278
Dunn, Roberta, 370
Dunn, Walter, 247
Duppa, Phillip Darrel, 307
Durell, Alice, 363, 367
Durell, Conrad, 363, 365
Durell, Elizabeth Ott, 360
Durell, James, 104, 360
DuVal, Leonora Stephens, 225
Early, Ann, 167
Easley, William, 240
Easter, James, 116
Easter, John, 116
Easter, Richard, 118
Eberhard, Hans, 679
Edgar, James, 259
Edgar, Judge, 286-288
Edgar, Margaret, 158
Edgar, Patrick, 104, 360
Edgar, Thomas, 248
Edmund, Baron, 18
Edmund, Curtis, 474
Edmunds, Mary, 251
Edward I, King of England, 20, 47-48, 51, 377, 385-386, 388-389, 391, 393, 395, 399, 404, 522, 699, 716, 741-742, 768, 804, 812-813, 822
Edward II, King of England, 48-50, 392, 732, 739, 742, 806, 826, 902-905, 951
Edward III, King of England, 689, 705-706, 739, 802, 893, 907, 913
Edward IV, King of England, 777
Edward the Confessor, 593
Edward the Exile, 579
Edward VI, King of England, 4, 634
Egeli, Bjorn, 280-282
Eggleston, Betty, 246
Eggleston, Edmund, 246
Eggleston, Richard Beverly, 246
Eggleston, Richard, 246, 248
Egremont, Baron, 650-651
Eilenburg, Adelaide of, 517
El Cid, 428, 433
Elams, Ann, 254
Eland, John, 28
Eldridge, Cary, 249
Eleanor de Beaumont, 383
Eleanor of Aquitaine, 53, 535-536, 539
Eleanor of Castile, Queen, 389, 391-393, 395, 411, 804, 811-812
Eleanor of England, Queen, 414
Eleanor of Leicester, 523
Eleanor of Provence, 49, 435
Elenm, Samuel, 339
Eley, Anne, 81, 345-346
Eley, Jesse, 345
Eley, Mary, 345
Eley, Robert, 81, 346
Eley, Samuel, 81, 345-346
Eley, Sarah, 345
Eley, William, 345
Elizabeth de Burgh, 639
Elizabeth de Burghersh, 47
Elizabeth de Roos, 637, 689
Elizabeth de Tibetot, 632
Elizabeth de Tiploft, 637
Elizabeth de Vermandois, 676
Elizabeth of Courtenay, 524
Elizabeth of Rhuddlan, 393-395, 397
Elizabeth of Vermandois, of Leicester, 673, 676, 682
Ellsworth, Mina, 209
Elsey, Anne, 339
Elsey, Jesse, 339
Elsey, Mary, 339
Elsey, Samuel, 339
Elsey, Sarah, 339
Elsey, William, 339
Embry, Wiley, 236
Emerson, Alexander, 628
Emma of Hauteville, 470
Engaine, Baron, 399
Engaine, Thomas, 399
Entwhistle, Elizabeth, 380
Entwhistle, Thoams, 380
Episcopi, Roger filius, 947
Eppes, Frank, 58, 171
Eppes, Richard, 242
Ermengarde of Anjou, 552-553
Ermengarde of Maine, 551
Ethelred II, 20
Eubank, Guy, 224
Evans, Clarence, 258
Evans, Morris, 259
Evans, Robert, 252
Evans, Sarah, 243
Everingham, Adam, 385, 664, 700, 717
Everingham, Adam,
Everingham, Clarice de la Warre, 717
Everingham, Margaret, 383, 385, 700, 702
Everingham, Robert, 712-725
Everingham, Warre, 717
Everinghams, Laxton, 712
Eville, John, 714
Evreux, Agnes of, 560
Evreux, Richard of, 561, 563
Fadlan, Ahmad ibn, 572
Fairman, Miles, 161
Farley, Frances, 250
Farother, Martha, 285
Farrar, Aaron, 204
Farrar, Abel, 58, 60, 68-69, 117
Farrar, Abner, 70, 212-213,
Farrar, Absalom, 70, 212,
Farrar, Absalom Harvey, 223
Farrar, Alexander, 261-262, 318
Farrar, Alice, 260
Farrar, Allen, 256
Farrar, Amy, 251
Farrar, Ann Goode, 255
Farrar, Ann, 154, 162
Farrar, Anna, 157
Farrar, Anna Howard Girault, 143
Farrar, Anne, 263, 318
Farrar, Annie, 260-261
Farrar, Aquilla, 230
Farrar, Arthur, 115, 318
Farrar, Augustus, 210
Farrar, Barrett, 174
Farrar, Benedict, 158
Farrar, Benjamin O'Fallon, 118, 159
Farrar, Bernard Gaines, 158,
Farrar, Bernard, 161-162, 242
Farrar, Betsy, 86, 223, 339
Farrar, Beulah, 251
Farrar, Beverly, 250
Farrar, Bullock, 244
Farrar, Burke, 80, 269
Farrar, Burnes, 159
Farrar, Caroline, 204, 240
Farrar, Carter, 213
Farrar, Catherine, 154, 182, 242
Farrar, Charles Seitz, Jr., 286
Farrar, Charles, 181
Farrar, Chastain, 241
Farrar, Chastaine, 241-242
Farrar, Chesley, 69, 204, 240
Farrar, Chiles, 285
Farrar, Chris, 242
Farrar, Christopher, 243, 279
Farrar, Cicely, 40, 45-46, 149-150
Farrar, Clark Wallace, 208
Farrar, Claudia, 251
Farrar, Clay Holland. 249
Farrar, Clayton, 206
Farrar, Clem, 261
Farrar, Coy, 208
Farrar, Cyprian, 80, 268
Farrar, Dabney, 254, 261
Farrar, Decatur, 211
Farrar, Della, 204
Farrar, Denzil, 209-210
Farrar, Diana Hillsman, 80, 214
Farrar, Dianah, 223, 339
Farrar, Douglas, 286-288
Farrar, Earl, 209-210
Farrar, Edgar, 208
Farrar, Edmund, 250
Farrar, Edward, 73, 156, 262
Farrar, Edwin Field, 242
Farrar, Elinor, 223
Farrar, Elizabeth, 73, 155-156, 171-173, 177-178, 183, 188, 204, 213, 223, 241-242, 260, 262, 275, 280, 338-339
Farrar, Elizabeth Love, 255
Farrar, Elizabeth Oliver, 182
Farrar, Elizabeth Quaries, 257, 261
Farrar, Ella, 167
Farrar, Ellen Frances, 161, 166-167
Farrar, Ellie, 247-248
Farrar, Ellinor, 337
Farrar, Eloise, 284
Farrar, Emma, 253
Farrar, Emory, 223
Farrar, Ephraim, 80, 269
Farrar, Esther, 224, 338
Farrar, Eugenia, 253
Farrar, Evelyn, 261
Farrar, Fallon, 157-159, 162
Farrar, Fanny, 183
Farrar, Field, 68-69, 74-75, 122
Farrar, Finettie, 209
Farrar, Fleming, 154
Farrar, Florence, 260
Farrar, Floyd, 208-209, 288
Farrar, Floyd Richardson, 286
Farrar, Floyd Waters, 286
Farrar, Frances, 171, 175,
Farrar, Francis, 213-214, 224, 338
Farrar, Frank, 208, 338
Farrar, Franklin, 203, 211
Farrar, Frederick Hillsman, Jr., 143
Farrar, Frederick Hillsman, Sr., 269, 282
Farrar, French Thomas, 209-210
Farrar, Fuller, 242
Farrar, Gaston, 263
Farrar, George, 1, 58, 64-69, 72-74, 80, 84-86, 115, 117-118, 170, 193-196, 198, 203, 212, 223-224, 241, 251, 253, 257, 263-265, 269, 317-319, 324, 327, 334, 337, 339-340, 979-980
Farrar, George, III, 1, 74, 84,
Farrar, George, Jr., 73, 264, 979
Farrar, Girault, 282, 284
Farrar, Hardaway, 251
Farrar, Henrietta, 209, 212
Farrar, Henry, 26, 620, 986
Farrar, Herbert, 256-257
Farrar, Hillsman, 1, 79, 86, 115
Farrar, Hilmah, 155
Farrar, Howard, 74, 159, 264
Farrar, Hudson, 243
Farrar, Humphrey, 620
Farrar, Irene, 229, 263
Farrar, J. Beverly, 250
Farrar, James, 157, 162, 255, 338
Farrar, James Franklin, 203
Farrar, Jane Dunn Strong, 275
Farrar, Jane, 156, 164, 167-169
Farrar, Janie, 259, 261
Farrar, Jefferson, 73, 263, 337
Farrar, Jency Tolar, 69, 202
Farrar, Jenye, 155
Farrar, Jerome, 158
Farrar, Jesse Carter, 228-230
Farrar, Jeter, 242
Farrar, Jincy, 73
Farrar, Joan, 263
Farrar, John, 40-41, 43-47, 63, 65-69, 72-73, 116-118, 146, 149, 152, 154-155, 157, 169-173, 175-176, 194-195, 210, 241-242, 247, 253-255
Farrar, John Howard, 203
Farrar, John Ingle, 210-211
Farrar, John Sutton, 170
Farrar, John William, 202
Farrar, Jordan, 332
Farrar, Joseph, 46, 63, 152, 154-156, 167-169, 171, 173, 181, 204, 209-210
Farrar, Josiah, 181
Farrar, Joseph Howard, 210
Farrar, Joseph Royall, 158, 162, 168
Farrar, Judge Edgar Douglas, 286-288
Farrar, Judge Fernando Richard, 248
Farrar, Judge Frederick Hillsman, 283
Farrar, Judge Stephen Lee, 248
Farrar, Judge, 288
Farrar, Judith J., 115, 205
Farrar, Judith, 1, 69, 72, 156, 202, 244-245, 264
Farrar, Judy, 318
Farrar, Junius Henry, 206, 208-210, 212
Farrar, Katherine, 46, 150-153
Farrar, Kennett, 159
Farrar, Keturah, 174
Farrar, Landon, 155
Farrar, Laura, 280
Farrar, Lee, 206, 248-249
Farrar, Leonard, 177-179
Farrar, Lewis, 202
Farrar, Lillian, 258
Farrar, Lillie, 261
Farrar, Lilly, 251
Farrar, Lily, 250
Farrar, Lucinda J., 268
Farrar, Lucinda, 155
Farrar, Lucretia, 231
Farrar, Lucy, 155-156, 171, 183 198-199, 201, 339
Farrar, Lutie, 338
Farrar, Malvina, 253
Farrar, Marcellus, 155
Farrar, Margaret Prince, 127-128 130, 267, 280, 284, 289-295, 297
Farrar, Maria, 224
Farrar, Mariah, 215-218, 220
Farrar, Marion, 208
Farrar, Marshall, 208
Farrar, Martha Jane, 164
Farrar, Martha Sweringen, 159
Farrar, Martha, 45-46, 80, 128, 130, 149-150, 204, 261, 269, 281-288, 339
Farrar, Marvin Bryant, 223
Farrar, Mary Opal, 255
Farrar, Mary, 46-47, 68-69, 72, 150, 152, 156, 170, 195-196, 203, 210
Farrar, Matilda Prince, 80, 127
Farrar, Matthew, 155, 182-185
Farrar, Mattie Love, 247, 250
Farrar, Maude, 259
Farrar, Miles, 203
Farrar, Milly, 177, 215
Farrar, Mina, 209-210
Farrar, Minter, 258
Farrar, Molly, 155
Farrar, Moore, 210
Farrar, Moses, 203
Farrar, Myrtle, 207
Farrar, Nancy, 156-158, 175
Farrar, Nannie Belle, 255
Farrar, Nansie, 175
Farrar, Nathaniel, 175, 177, 202
Farrar, Obediah, 73, 262
Farrar, Olive, 258
Farrar, Olivia, 242
Farrar, Orrie, 338
Farrar, Oscar, 207
Farrar, Pamelia, 253
Farrar, Patsy, 86, 318
Farrar, Pattie, 261
Farrar, Paul, 223
Farrar, Permelia, 156
Farrar, Perrin, 46, 63, 123, 150
Farrar, Peter, 65-66, 68, 71-73, 117, 155-156, 194-195, 241-243, 245-246, 248, 250-251, 253, 261, 263
Farrar, Pettus, 257, 260-261
Farrar, Philip, 192
Farrar, Phoebe, 215, 338
Farrar, Pinckney, 80, 289
Farrar, Powell, 73, 262
Farrar, Priscilla, 58, 60, 63, 68,
Farrar, Rebecca, 72, 115-116, 156, 243-244, 250-251, 253, 262, 318
Farrar, Rene, 177
Farrar, Richard E., 248
Farrar, Richard, 63, 155
Farrar, Richardson, 69, 198
Farrar, Robert B., 202
Farrar, Robert M., 230
Farrar, Robert, 172, 202, 204
Farrar, Rosa, 247
Farrar, Rouil Marion, 208
Farrar, Roxie, 207
Farrar, Rufus Terry, 209-210
Farrar, Sallie, 173, 251, 263
Farrar, Sally, 86, 175, 181-183
Farrar, Samuel, 72-73, 118, 204, 246, 248, 250, 253-255, 260-261
Farrar, Samuel A., 212
Farrar, Sarah, 46, 69, 150, 154-156, 171, 173-174, 201, 222, 318-322
Farrar, Sarah Elizabeth, 251
Farrar, Sarah Murdock, 210
Farrar, Shadrack, 177
Farrar, Shelton, 155
Farrar, Sophia, 155
Farrar, Sophronia, 209
Farrar, Stephen, 182, 185-186
Farrar, Stephen David, 177
Farrar, Susan, 69, 202
Farrar, Susanna, 181
Farrar, Tabitha, 262
Farrar, Temperance, 170, 205
Farrar, Tempy, 155
Farrar, Thomas, 43-46, 63, 65-70, 74-76, 78-79, 86, 116-118, 122-135, 138, 142-144, 146, 149-156, 158-159, 162, 164, 166-169, 171-174, 194-195, 198, 212-213, 216-218, 220, 223-226, 228-230, 258, 264, 266-275, 277-278, 280-289, 292-295, 297-299, 302-303, 308, 315-318, 338-339
Farrar, Thomas Prince, 143
Farrar, Thomas Wadsworth, 266, 317
Farrar, Thurston, 160-162, 206
Farrar, Thurza, 213, 220-221
Farrar, Vesper, 223
Farrar, Virginia, 261, 263
Farrar, Wadsworth, 266, 316
Farrar, Walton, 287
Farrar, Waverly, 261
Farrar, Willia, 259
Farrar, William Franklin, 210
Farrar, William Yoliver, 208
Farrar, William, 1-2, 14, 32-34, 36, 38-47, 58, 60, 63-70, 116-118, 145-147, 149-150, 155-157, 170-175, 177-179, 181-186, 194-195, 198-206
Farrar, William, II, 41, 145
Farrar, William, III, 45, 58
Farrar, William, IV, 63, 171
Farrar, Willie Belle, 261
Farrar, Winnifred, 70
Farrar, Zana, 260
Farrar, Zuline Love, 249
Farrer, Elline, 620
Farrer, Henry, 26
Farrer, John, 1, 8-10, 26
Farrer, Mary, 620
Farrer, Peter Field, 242
Farrer, William, 620
Farrior, Edward, 219-220
Farrior, Elise, 219
Farrior, James Spurlock, 217-218, 226
Farrior, James, 243-244
Farrior, John, 217
Farrior, Josephine, 216, 220
Farrior, Katherine, 219
Farrior, Marshall, 219
Farrior, Mary Catherine, 216
Farrior, Matilda, 218
Farrior, Sarah, 216, 220, 243-244
Farrior, William, 217, 243
Farro, Lucy, 198
Faucigny, Beatrice de, 497
Faucigny, Ida, 499
Faucigny, MargaretIda, 499
Faulkner, John, 215
Fawr, Llandeilo, 810
Fawr, Llywelyn, 923
Feagin, James, 243
Fearn, Ada, 189
Fearn, Bernice, 189
Fearn, Elizabeth, 190
Fearn, George, 190
Fearn, Henderson, 193
Fearn, Isabella, 190
Fearn, John Williams Walker, 192
Fearn, Kate, 189
Fearn, Maria, 189
Fearn, Mary Burton, 187-188
Fearn, Richard, 191
Fearn, Richard Lee, 191-192
Fearn, Robert, 189, 193
Fearn, Robert, Sr., 193
Fearn, Sarah, 189
Fearn, Thomas, 187-191
Fearn, Walker, 191-192
Feasa, Foras, 883
Fenner, Richard, 247
Fentress, Alice, 284
Fentress, Clara, 274
Fentress, Matilda, 284
Ferdinand II of Leon, 405, 407-408
Ferdinand III, of Castile, 399-404
Ferdinand, Anderson, 154
Ferguson, Albert, 336
Ferguson, Leonidas, 220
Ferrar, Robert, 4-5, 17, 19-20
Ferrer, Margaret, 894
Ferrers, Agatha, 839
Ferrers, Agnes, 837
Ferrers, Anne de, 48
Ferrers, Anne, 727, 731
Ferrers, Eleanor, 839
Ferrers, Isabel, 837, 938
Ferrers, Joan, 839
Ferrers, Margaret, 888, 893
Ferrers, Mary, 799
Ferrers, Maud, 838
Ferrers, Robert, 799-800
Ferrers, Sibyl, 838
Ferrers, William, 888, 895
Ferriere, Jacquelin, 144
Ferriers, Henri, 1
Ferriers, Henry, 1
Ferriers, Walchelin, 939-941
Ferror, Agnes, 4
Ferror, Edward, 3-4
Ferror, Ellen, 6
Ferror, Henri, 1, 3, 6
Ferror, Henrie, 2, 5
Ferror, Henry, 1-8, 10
Ferror, Hugh, 6
Ferror, John, 6
Ferror, Margaret, 6
Ferror, Mary, 6
Ferror, William, 1-5, 8, 24
Field, Edwin, 242
Field, Ella, 278, 282
Field, Mary, 64, 194
Field, Peter, 194, 198, 241-242
Field, Theophilus, 117
Fields, Benjamin, 331
Fields, George, 115
Fields, Thomas, 233
Fiennes, Margaret, 902, 914
Fiennes, William, II, 914
Finch, John, 262
Fisher, Lida, 169
Fisk, Wilbur, 239
Fitch, Jane Rogers McCaw, 169
Fitz Pen Phippen, Henry, 39
Fitz Pen Phippen, John, 39
Fitz Pen Phippen, Robert, 39
Fitzalan, Alice, 397
Fitzalan, Edmund, 735, 747
Fitzalan, John, 914
Fitzalan, Richard, 734, 743, 747
Fitzgeoffrey, Cecily, 755
Fitzgeoffrey, Hawise, 755
FitzGeoffrey, John, 752
Fitzgeoffrey, Maud, 755
Fitzgerald, Raymond, 840
FitzGilbert, John, 877
FitzGilbert, Richard, 855-857, 860
FitzJohn, Maud, 748, 753
FitzMiles, Henry, 932
FitzPeter, Geoffrey, 753-754, 959
Fitzroy, Matilda, 590
FitzWalter, Miles, 924, 930
Fitzwalter, Robert, 764
Fitzwilliam, Ada, 671
Fitzwilliam, Richard, 964
FitzWilliam, William, 719, 723
Flaitel, Agnes, 859
Flaitel, Gerard, 563
Fleet, Ann, 242
Fleming, Abel, 220, 224
Fleming, Alma Love, 224
Fleming, Ann, 225
Fleming, Basil, 225
Fleming, Carl, 224
Fleming, Crommelin, 227
Fleming, Douglas, 227
Fleming, Edward, 228
Fleming, Elizabeth, 226
Fleming, Erwin, 225
Fleming, Etta, 227
Fleming, Evelyn, 225
Fleming, Foy, 225
Fleming, Henry, 228
Fleming, Hilliard Bentley, 224
Fleming, James, 224
Fleming, John, 378
Fleming, Julia, 225
Fleming, Lamar, 227
Fleming, Laura, 227
Fleming, Margaret, 227
Fleming, Marion, 225
Fleming, Martha, 225
Fleming, Mary, 378
Fleming, Mason, 225
Fleming, Porter, 225, 227-228
Fleming, Robert, 220, 224, 228, 339
Fleming, Roberta, 228
Fleming, Sibley, 226
Fleming, Virginia Ayer, 226
Fleming, William Cornelius, 226
Fletchall, Thomas, 135
Fletcher Summerfield Stockdale, 361
Fletcher, Thomas, 236
Florey, John, 325
Flournoy, John, 156
Flyford, Grafton, 894
Foilot, Margaret, 700
Foliot, Gilbert, 931
Foliot, John, 706
Foliot, Margery, 700, 702-703, 706
Foliot, Richard, 702, 706
Foliot, Robert, 915
Fooshee, Clare, 225
Ford, Jane, 156
Foreman, Catherine, 285, 339
Foreman, Sarah, 347
Forest, James, 222
Forman, Elizabeth, 273
Forsyth, John, 290
Fortesque, Mary, 777
Forwood, William, 294
Foster, Enoch, 180
Foulds, Trevor, 603
Fouquet, Jean, 788
Foushee, Ambrose, 156
Foushee, Joseph, 156
Fowler, William, 198
Franklin, Benjamin, 215
Franklin, Hugh, 198
Franklin, James, 203, 205
Franklin, John, 214-215, 353
Franklin, Justin, 222
Franklin, Theodore, 220
Franklin, William, 210, 326
Frans, Hendrik, 833, 835
Franz, Roesler, 883
Fraser, Peter, 556
Freeman, George, 117
Freeman, Yates, 247
French, Edith, 246
French, Mary, 246
Froissart, Jean, 638
Froissart, Jean, 727, 736, 788, 887
Frost, James, 178-179
Fry, Joshua, 148
Fulk II, of Anjou, 558
Fulk III of Anjou, 553-555, 557, 559
Fulk IV, of Anjou, 548, 552-554, 560
Fulk V, King of Jerusalem, 547
Fychan, Maeldon, 837
Fyodor, Christian, 582
Fyssh, Edmund, 694
Gaines, Bernard, 156
Gaines, Martha, 156
Galightly, Patrick, 671
Galis, Anne, 154
Gallatin, Albert, 209, 211-212, 272
Gallaway, John, 236
Gallaway, Lila, 236
Gallaway, Lucy, 236
Galloway, Henry, 126
Galt, Elizabeth, 88, 351
Gamble, Eliza, 168
Gamble, John, 169
Gamble, William, 168
Gantt, Earle, 370
Gantt, Henry Lewis, 371
Gantt, Juliet Massie, 371
Gantt, Katherine Earle, 371
Gantt, Lewis, 371
Gantt, Lila, 371
Gantt, Nelson, 371
Gantt, Price Perkins, 372
Garces, Sancho, 428-429
Garcia Ramirez, King of Navarre, 427, 429
Garcia Sanchez III, King of Pamplona, 429
Gardiner, Eunice, 252
Garfield, James, 161
Garland, Robert, 245
Garland, Samuel, 256
Garnett, Mary, 367
Garrett, Elizabeth, 237
Garrett, Quillian, 296
Garrett, Robert, 251
Garrison, Milton David, 209
Garro, Mary, 82, 347
Garro, William, 82, 347
Garrow, William, 82, 348
Garter, Bruges, 801-802, 886
Garthe, Winston, 189
Gatewood, Jessie, 229
Gatewood, Lucinda, 214
Gatewood, Nancy, 214
Gatewood, Sarah, 228-229, 338
Gaveston, Piers, 806
Gay, Amelia, 220
Gay, Ira, 263
Gay, John, 220
Gay, Katherine, 283
Gayle, Robert, 255
Geneva, Aymon I of, 499
Geneville, Joan, 892, 901, 903-904, 906, 908, 910-911, 913, 916
Geneville, Piers, 903
Gentry, Addison, 155
Geoffrey I, of Anjou, 533, 556, 558
Geoffrey II, of Gatinais, 552-553
Geoffrey of Brionne, 861
Geoffrey of Eu, 861
Geoffrey of Hauterville, 475
Geoffrey Plantagenet, of Anjou, 56, 543
Geoffrey V, of Anjou, 543, 551, 719
George, William, 295-296
Gerasimov, Mikhail, 571
Gere, Richard, 807
Gerhardt, Charles, 245
Gerhardt, Virginia, 245
Germany, Agnes of, 514-515
Gernon, Alice, 849
Gertie, Mattie, 331
Gertrude, Alice, 243
Gertrude, Mary, 243-244
Gewest, Viaams, 710
Géza II, of Hungary, 498
Gheeraerts, Marcus, 119
Gholston, Hough, 243
Gholston, Margaret, 243
Gibbons, Margery, 263
Gibson, Arvilla, 218
Giffard, Godfrey, 812
Giffard, John, 910
Giffard, Rohese, 855, 859-860
Giffard, Walter, 859-860
Gifford, Alice, 110
Gifford, Hugh, 110
Gilbert I, 746
Gilbert II, 745
Gilbert III, 732, 746
Gilbert of Brionne, 856, 859, 861
Gilbert, Fitz, 850, 860
Giles, Jake, 233
Giles, Lucretia, 341
Gilliam, Elizabeth, 204-205
Gilliam, William, 176
Gillintine, Ann, 82, 349
Gilmer, Elizabeth, 236
Girault, Anna, 282-283
Girault, Emma, 143-144
Girault, Francis, 282
Girlington, Isabell, 1, 47, 621, 693
Girlington, Isabella, 623
Girlington, Isabelle, 962
Girlington, Nicholas, 694
Girlington, Robert, 13
Girlington, William, 13, 121
Gisela of Burgundy, 528
Glaber, Ralph, 584
Glanville, William, 262
Glenn, Mary, 341
Gloucester, Humphrey of, 381
Gloucester, Walter of, 930, 933
Glyn, Owain, 643
Glyndwr, Owain, 896
Goddard, Walter, 22
Godfrey I, 750-751
Godwinson, Harold, 597
Goldberger, Joseph, 283
Goode, Ann, 255
Goode, Annie, 257
Goode, Conway, 257
Goode, Edward B., 366
Goode, John, 253
Goode, Jone, 203
Goode, Lila, 364, 369-371, 375
Goode, Lucy, 255
Goode, Martha, 261
Goode, Nathaniel, 257
Goode, Pattie, 255
Goode, Sallie, 262
Goode, Samuel, 254
Goode, Thomas, 100, 358
Goodrich, Thomas, 248
Goodwin, Christopher, 176
Gordon, Ed, 261
Gordon, James, 255
Gordon, Lucille, 254
Gordon, Susan, 254
Gordon, William, 227
Gorman, Nancy, 157
Gouet, Richard, 687
Gouet, William, 590
Gough, Richard, 799
Gower, John, 63
Graham, Anne, 374
Graham, Bothwell, 226
Graham, Elizabeth, 226
Graham, George, 184
Graham, Holly, 168
Graham, William, 137
Grandison, Catherine, 891, 910
Grandville, Jacob, 207
Grant, James, 198
Grant, Mildred, 196
Graves, Will, 122, 128, 175
Gray, Andrew, 910
Gray, Harold, 259
Gray, Pauline, 259
Gray, Randal, 259
Gray, Rebecca, 155
Green, Everett, 815
Green, Filmer Wills, 271
Green, Sallie, 200
Green, Willis, 270
Greene, Elizabeth, 160
Greene, Nathaniel, 78
Gregory, Amos, 243
Grey, Agnes, 800
Grey, Reginald, 689
Grey, Roger, 705
Griffin, Charles, 197
Griffin, George, 262
Griffin, Inez, 222
Griffin, John, 262
Griffin, William, 262
Griffith, Clay Holland, 249
Grigg, Frederick, 153
Grigg, Nancy, 153
Griggs, Asa, 238-240
Grills, Richard, 264
Grindstaff, Henry, 154
Grisegonelle, Geoffrey, 556
Grissom, Irvine, 246
Grosmont, Maud, 797
Grubbs, Sally, 155
Gruffudd, Cynan ap, 853
Gruffudd, Llywelyn ap, of Wales, 698, 911
Gruffydd, Caradog ap, 853
Gryfyth, Sarah, 352
Guaimar III, 459, 463-464
Guaimar IV, 458-462
Guigue III, of Albon, 490
Guiscard, Robert, 450-451, 454-456, 458-459, 463-464, 470, 472-473, 475-476, 478-483, 529
Guisnes, Baldwin, 832
Guy of Burgundy, 496
Guy of Hauterville, 473
Gwinn, Almon, 289-290, 294
Gwinn, Milton, 289, 294
Gwynedd, Llywelyn in, 920
Gwynedd, Owain, 545, 853-855
Gyrlington, Elizabeth, 694
Gyrlyngton, Henry, 697
Gyrlyngton, Isabel, 693
Gyrlyngton, John, 696
Gyrlyngton, Nicholas, 693-695
Gyrlyngton, Robert, 696-697
Gyrlyngton, Thomas, 696-697
Gyrlyngton, Waleran, 697
Gyrlyngton, William, 693-697
Haardt, John Anton, 260
Haardt, Mary Kelly, 260
Haardt, Philippa, 260
Haile, John, 124
Haines, Isabel, 256
Hale, John, 245
Hale, Joseph, 167
Hallowary, James, 117
Hambright, Frederick, 180
Hamelin of Anjou, 722
Hamerton, John, 691
Hamilton, Bernard, 550
Hamilton, Euphemia, 201
Hamilton, Margaret, 178
Hamilton, Ninian, 178
Hamilton, William, 254, 257
Hammond, Herbert, 134-135
Hammond, James, 273
Hammond, William, 361, 363
Hamor, Ralph, 34
Hancock, Elizabeth, 170
Hancock, Frances, 183
Hancock, Isham, 179
Hancock, Jean, 170
Hancock, John, 183
Hancock, William Lewis, 182
Hand, Alice, 235
Hand, Virginia, 235
Hankinson, Lucinda J. Farrar, 133
Hankinson, William, 270
Hankson, Charity, 173
Harald III of Norway, 579
Harcourt, Alice, 961
Harcourt, Robert, 961
Hardeman, John, 258
Harden, Maude, 224
Harding, Elizabeth, 246
Harding, George, 247
Harding, Thomas, 172
Harding, Walter, 248
Harding, William, 172
Hared, Edwin, 273
Harlow, Abraham, 307
Harold II, 944
Harper, Flora, 239
Harris, Darton, 314
Harris, Francis Fort, 230
Harris, Graham, 374
Harris, Henry, 173, 175
Harris, James, 156
Harris, Leon, 179, 183, 185
Harris, Phedora, 216
Harris, Phoebe, 156
Harris, Ransom, 204-205
Harris, Sarah, 175
Harris, William, 156
Harrison, Benjamin, 37, 256
Harrison, Carter, 256
Harrison, Charles, 240
Harrison, Evelyn, 365, 371
Harrison, Henry, 162, 175
Harrison, John, 207
Harrison, Josiah, 178
Harrison, Lydia, 178
Harrison, Mildred, 256
Harrison, William, 240, 339
Harvey, Susan, 223
Haskins, Martha, 245
Hastang, Katherine, 802
Hastings, Baron, 382
Hastings, Edward, 13, 47, 386, 699-700
Hastings, Elizabeth, 47, 629
Hastings, Henry, 706-708
Hastings, Hugh, 15, 37, 47. 383-385, 700, 698-706, 726
Hastings, Isabel, 381, 698
Hastings, Joan, 382, 383, 385
Hastings, John, 13-14, 47, 381-382, 386, 698, 706-707, 749
Hastings, Katherine, 802
Hastings, Laurence, 705, 907
Hastings, Margaret, 707
Hastings, Meryll, 698
Hastings, William, 708
Hatcher, Jane, 59
Hauser, Elacita, 167
Hauser, Ellen, 167
Hauser, George, 160
Hauser, Samuel, 160, 167
Hauser, Thomas, 167
Hauterville, Guy of, 472
Hauteville, Geoffrey of, 475
Hauteville, Guy of, 473
Hauteville, Humphrey of, 478
Hauteville, Robert Guiscard, 450-451, 458, 464, 475
Havelock, Harry, 161
Hawes, Laura, 225
Hawkins, Alethea, 373
Hawkins, Alexander, 375
Hawkins, Benjamin, 104-105
Hawkins, Boyd, 373
Hawkins, Carolina, 372
Hawkins, Celestia, 356
Hawkins, Emily, 356
Hawkins, Fannie, 375
Hawkins, Henrietta, 356
Hawkins, Jeanie, 373
Hawkins, John D., 373-375
Hawkins, Lucy, 356, 375
Hawkins, Mary, 106, 373, 376
Hawkins, Matilda, 356
Hawkins, Matthew, 341
Hawkins, Philemon Benjamin, 373
Hawkins, Philemon, 104, 356
Hawkins, Pinkethman, 86, 318
Hawkins, Rebecca, 341
Hawkins, Sally, 373
Hawkins, Virginia Boyd, 372, 375
Hawkins, William, 94, 105, 356, 372-373, 375-376
Hawthorn, Allen, 220
Hawthorne, Annie, 353
Haydn, Joseph, 514
Haydn, Michael, 514
Haye, Albreda, 867
Haylander, Charles, 263
Hays, Jesse, 202
Healey, Maurice, 244
Heath, Mary, 242
Hedspath, Carter, 198
Heinz, Henry, 240
Hempstead, Christopher, 232
Henderson, Archibald, 200
Henderson, Elizabeth, 171, 201
Henderson, James, 245
Henderson, John, 80, 124, 340
Henderson, Katherine, 200-201
Henderson, Leonard, 106, 171
Henderson, Lewis, 171, 201
Henderson, Maria, 190
Henderson, Mathias, 341
Henderson, Polly, 171, 201
Henderson, Richard, 199
Henderson, William, 270
Hendricks, Lillian, 258
Henley, Hezekiah, 174
Henley, Leonard, 104, 155, 359
Henley, Sarah, 155
Henry I, 51, 387, 536, 566, 576, 579, 588-589, 595, 590, 668
Henry I, King of England, 543, 588, 750, 811, 945, 948
Henry I, King of France, 565, 567, 570, 586, 676, 678
Henry I, of Scotland, 588
Henry II, King of England, 52-53, 535-537, 542, 465, 535, 537, 544-545, 551, 653, 751, 758-760, 765, 832
Henry III, King of England, 49, 381, 387, 391, 435-437, 441, 516, 522, 652, 687, 750, 838-839
Henry IV, King of England, 515, 646, 731, 805
Henry Lewis Gantt, 371
Henry of Northumberland, 668
Henry of Scotland, 671
Henry of Speyer, 516-517
Henry Stansfield, 379
Henry the Fowler, 587
Henry the Young, 537, 562
Henry V, King of England, 381
Henry VI, 941
Henry VIII, 634-635
Herbert IV, of Vermandois, 676
Hereford, Margaret Basset, 18
Herleva of, Falaise, 606
Herman, Wladyslaw I, 510
Herndon, Ida, 236
Herrin, Homer, 321, 334
Heselarton, Walter, 657
Hext, Eliza, 75, 265
Hext, Elizabeth, 264
Hext, John, 75, 265
Heyer, Georgette, 655
Heyward, Margaret, 228
Heyward, Thomas, 141
Hicks, Michael, 954
Hildegard of Sundgau, 553
Hildyard, Arcy, 961
Hildyard, Katherine, 1, 13, 47
Hildyard, Peter, 629
Hildyard, Robert, 47, 629, 698
Hildyard, Sylvester, 622
Hildyard, Ursula, 769, 812
Hills, Nicholas, 348
Hillsemy, John, 83
Hillsman, Ann, 82, 84, 349-350
Hillsman, Bennett, 81, 339-340
Hillsman, Dianna, 1, 80, 82, 84, 115, 212, 214, 281, 317, 337, 340, 349
Hillsman, Elizabeth, 80-82, 84
Hillsman, Emily, 270
Hillsman, Frances, 339
Hillsman, Frederick, 142-144, 281
Hillsman, George, 294
Hillsman, Hannah, 81, 340, 346
Hillsman, Hinde, 81, 339, 346
Hillsman, James, 81, 83-84
Hillsman, John, 80-84, 120
Hillsman, Joseph, 84, 350
Hillsman, Knoxville, 84
Hillsman, Martha, 340
Hillsman, Mary, 81-82, 84, 346-350
Hillsman, Matthew, 82-84, 348-350
Hillsman, Micajah, 340
Hillsman, Nancy, 340
Hillsman, Nicholas, 81-84, 347-350
Hillsman, Polly, 340
Hillsman, Sally, 340
Hillsman, Sarah, 82, 349
Hillsman, William, 80-84, 299
Hilsman, Bennet, 340, 344
Hilsman, Dianah, 340
Hilsman, Elizabeth, 340-341
Hilsman, Frances, 345
Hilsman, Hannah, 345
Hilsman, Hinde, 345
Hilsman, James, 345
Hilsman, John, 82, 347-348
Hilsman, Martha, 345
Hilsman, Mary, 347
Hilsman, Matthew, 347
Hilsman, Micajah, 345
Hilsman, Nicholas, 82
Hilsman, Nicholoss, 347
Hilsman, William, 82, 340-341, 347
Hilyard, Robert, 961
Hinton, Dayle, 236
Hirlington, William, 47
Hobson, Marie, 247
Hobson, William, 121
Hockenhull, George, 290, 293
Hockenhull, John, 290-291
Hockenhull, Julia, 292
Hockenhull, Mary Adeline Hutchins, 290
Hockenhull, Willie F., 290
Hogg, Janet, 373
Hoke, James, 154
Holbein the Younger, 634
Holbein, Hans, 634-635
Holcombe, Nancy, 154
Holland, Anne, 639
Holland, Elizabeth, 799
Holland, John, 639, 798
Holland, Mary, 188
Holland, Thomas, 798-799, 901
Holley, Lena, 222
Holloway, Edward, 253
Holloway, Elizabeth, 251
Holloway, Nina, 197
Holmes, Alvahn, 2-3, 6, 10-11, 25, 27-28, 33-35, 44, 64-65, 70, 77-79, 147, 194, 213, 265-268
Holmes, Charles, 158
Holmes, Fletcher, 219
Holmes, Kenneth, 236
Holmes, Martha, 206
Holmes, Thomas, 131
Holmes, William Otis, 219
Holmes, Wilmer, 245
Honorius III, 875
Honypot, Elizabeth, 787
Horenbout, Gerard, 782
Horsley, William, 260
Hotspur, Harry, 640, 642, 647
Hotspur, Henry, 645-648, 650
Houston, Sam, 160
Howard, Abel, 71, 195, 231
Howard, Alexander Harvey, 260
Howard, Ann Randolph, 236
Howard, Ann, 344
Howard, Anna, 282, 285
Howard, Augusta, 232
Howard, Catherine, 969, 923
Howard, Charles, 238-239
Howard, Clarence, 237, 321, 334
Howard, Davina, 195, 236, 341-342
Howard, Diana, 73-74, 80, 264, 337
Howard, Edgar, 282-284
Howard, Edwin, 274
Howard, Eleanor, 74, 80, 264, 337
Howard, Emma, 236
Howard, Eugene, 237
Howard, Frederick, 282
Howard, George, 240
Howard, Groves, 342
Howard, Hannah, 74, 80, 264, 337
Howard, Hiram, 71, 195, 231, 341
Howard, Jane, 233
Howard, Johnston, 344
Howard, Judith Jefferson, 231, 341
Howard, Laura, 236
Howard, Leah, 344
Howard, Louisa, 240
Howard, Lucy Elizabeth, 239
Howard, Maria Louisa, 237
Howard, Martha, 232, 237
Howard, Mary Hurt, 240
Howard, Mary, 71, 195, 231, 342
Howard, Mell, 237
Howard, Nancy Barnett, 342, 344
Howard, Nettie Vincent, 236
Howard, Parmelia, 210
Howard, Philip, 221
Howard, Phoebe, 232
Howard, Polly, 231, 341
Howard, Prince, 285
Howard, Priscilla, 195, 231, 237, 341
Howard, Robert, 71, 195, 231, 233
Howard, Ruth, 237
Howard, Sarah Jane, 195, 231, 233-234, 237
Howard, Silas, 344
Howard, Susan, 231, 236
Howard, Theodore, 273
Howard, Thomas, 231, 240
Howard, Vivian, 232
Howard, William, 70-71, 74, 80, 212, 230, 240, 264, 337, 339, 341-342, 344, 807
Howard, William Glenn, 236
Howard, William Henry, 237
Howards, Wiley, 231
Howell, Varina, 143-144, 284
Hubbard, Ralph, 227
Hudson, Baker, 197
Hudson, Christopher, 197
Hudson, Elizabeth, 197
Hudson, Ettie, 214
Hudson, John, 255
Hudson, Lucy, 261
Hudson, Nancy, 197
Hudson, Polly, 197
Hudson, Rebecca, 242, 244
Hudson, Thomas, 197
Hudson, William, 197, 261
Hugh of Clermont, 855
Hugh of Vermandois, 678-679, 681
Hugh the Great, 587
Hugh, John, 378
Hugo I, of Cuiseux, 500
Humbert I, of Savoy, 527-528
Humbert II, of Savoy, 493, 495, 527
Humbert III, 486-487, 495
Humphrey of Hauterville, 478-479
Humphreys, Mary, 283-284
Humphries, Isabella, 281
Hundley, Jefferson, 246
Hundley, Josiah, 245
Hundley, Mary Chastaine, 242, 246
Hundley, Sally, 246
Hungerford, Thomas, 652
Hunt, Abijah, 276
Hunt, Agnes, 276
Hunt, Ella, 276
Hunter, Ernest, 247
Hunter, Idelette, 247
Hunter, John, 247
Hunter, Josephine, 254
Hunter, Rosabelle, 247
Hurley, Frank Cody, 260
Hurst, Leslye, 236
Hurt, Spencer, 258
Hutcheson, Abigail, 256
Hutcheson, Charles Sterling, 255
Hutcheson, Edna Early, 256
Hutcheson, Franklin, 256
Hutcheson, James Nathaniel, 257, 255
Hutcheson, Jean Tyler, 257
Hutcheson, Joseph Emmett, 256
Hutcheson, Joseph Norman, 256
Hutcheson, Joseph, 255
Hutcheson, Mary, 255, 257
Hutcheson, Nathaniel, 257
Hutcheson, Peggy, 256
Hutcheson, Sterling, 255, 257
Hutcheson, William, 254
Hutchins, Almon Gwinn, 289-290
Hutchins, Mary Adeline, 291
Hutchins, Milton Gwinn, 290
Hutchins, Milton Randall, 294
Hutchins, Thoams Ritchie, 294
Hutchins, Willie, 290
Hyde, Alice, 714
Hyde, John, 80, 337
Iabella of Angouleme, 524
Ida of Australia, 518
Ida of Austria, 518
Idealie, Marie, 274
Illges, Abraham P., 151-152
Illges, Paul, 151
Ingegerd of Sweden, 580
Ingegerd Olofsdotter of Sweden, 567, 577
Inglebert, Ellen, 21
Ingram, Elizabeth, 318
Isabella of Angoulême, 52-53
Isabella of England, 523
Isabella of France, 902-903
Jackson, Andrew, 769
Jackson, Ann, 769
Jackson, Clara, 232
Jackson, Isaac, 769
Jackson, Richard, 159, 812
Jackson, Thomas, 240
Jackson, Thomas, 769
Jake, Willard, 233
James, Fitz, 115
Jamieson, Mary Belle, 197
Jane, Qveene of Englande, 635
Jefferson, Asa, 231, 236
Jefferson, Cornelia, 245
Jefferson, Eleanora, 269
Jefferson, Elnora, 274
Jefferson, Field, 64
Jefferson, George, 237-238, 245
Jefferson, James, 197
Jefferson, John, 64
Jefferson, Judith, 64, 73, 116, 194, 197, 205, 212, 231, 257, 264, 337, 343
Jefferson, Lucy, 69, 198, 203
Jefferson, Peter, 148, 343
Jefferson, Samuel, 258
Jefferson, Thomas, 64, 70, 148
Jefferson, William, 259
Jenkins, R. Taylor, 297
Jenkinson, Henry, 627
Jennings, Jane, 175
Jennings, William, 298
Jerdon, Frank, 160
Jerdone, Isabella, 160
Joan of Acre, 732, 741, 804
Joan of Arc, 775
Joan of England, Queen of Scotland, 523
John Lackland, 53
John of Basinge, 635
John of Jerusalem, 481
John, King of England, 50, 518-519, 521-522, 524-525, 543, 699, 925, 928
Johnson, Bertha, 222
Johnson, Charles, 173
Johnson, Clay, 298
Johnson, Clifford, 222
Johnson, Cone, 292-293, 298
Johnson, Eleanor, 224
Johnson, Henry, 186
Johnson, Isaac, 231
Johnson, James, 344
Johnson, John, 81, 346
Johnson, Lochlin, 229
Johnson, Roscoe, 222
Johnson, Samuel Wister, 293
Johnson, Selma, 222
Johnston, William, 373-374
Johnstone, Paul, 169
Jones, Anderson, 98
Jones, Ann, 213, 338
Jones, Gena, 236
Jones, George, 243
Jones, Helen, 159
Jones, James, 243
Jones, Landsie, 183
Jones, Lee, 243
Jones, Lous, 243
Jones, Milton, 207
Jones, Ruth, 243
Jones, Thomas, 342
Jones, Tingnal, 98, 357
Joplin, Ann, 154
Joplin, Ben, 154
Joplin, Catherine, 154
Joplin, Daniel, 154
Joplin, James, 154
Joplin, Jane, 154
Joplin, John, 154
Joplin, Martha, 154
Joplin, Mary, 154
Joplin, Ralph, 154
Joplin, Sarah, 154
Joplin, William, 154
Joran, Lois, 255
Jordan, Cicely, 36, 38-39, 983-984
Jordan, James, 124
Jordan, Margaret, 36
Jordan, Mary, 36, 339
Jordan, Samuel, 34, 37
Jordan, Sarah, 188
Jordan, Susanna, 172, 181
Jordan, Thomas, 38
Jordan, William, 254
Joseph, William, 372-373
Josephine, Sarah, 338
Jourdain, Alphonse, 492
Judith of Brittany, 529
Katherine, Queen of England, 635
Keating, Geoffrey, 883
Keats, Katherine, 684
Keesacker, Elizabeth, 159
Keesacker, Sarah, 159
Keirincx, Alexander, 379
Kelk, Bridget, 627
Kelk, Christopher, 121
Kelk, John, 622
Kelk, Robert, 12, 627-628
Kelk, Roger, 622-623
Kelk, Thomas, 622
Kelk, William, 623, 628
Kelke, Anne, 22
Kelke, Cecily, 1, 8, 10-11, 47
Kelke, Christopher, 1, 12-13, 21
Kelke, Elizabeth, 121, 621
Kelke, Francis, 13, 621
Kelke, Goddard, 22-23
Kelke, Isabell, 21
Kelke, John, 22
Kelke, Margaret, 21
Kelke, Mary, 22
Kelke, Robert, 11, 22, 624
Kelke, Roger, 13, 21-22
Kelke, Simon, 22
Kelke, Walter Goddard, 22
Kelke, William, 8, 10, 13, 21
Kellam, Eldridge, 238
Kelly, Bessie, 232
Kemp, Jane, 282
Kemp, Mary, 291
Kempe, James, 282
Kempe, Jane, 282
Kenan, James, 244
Kendrick, William, 245
Kennedy, John F., 840
Kennett, Anne, 159
Kennett, Elizabeth, 160
Kennett, Ferdinand, 160-161
Kennett, Hauser, 161
Kennett, Luther Martin, 158
Kennett, Luther, 159
Kennett, Thurston, 167
Kennon, Elizabeth, 156
Kennon, John, 262
Kennon, Sally, 106, 376
Kent, George, 233
Kent, Mary, 182
Kerr, Annie, 245
Kerry, John, 807
Key, Elizabeth, 204, 237
Key, Martha, 237
Key, Thomas, 237
Kiev, Anne of, 570
Kimball, Harry, 161
Kimbrell, John, 204
King, Joel Daws, 97
Kingsley, Josephine, 252
Kingston, Margaret, 620
Kinney, William, 251
Kirby, Andrew, 311
Kirby, Andy, 316
Klyce, William, 247
Komnene, Anna, 473
Komnene, Eudokia, 445
Komnenos, Alexios I, 472
Komnenos, John, 678
Kylk, Christopher, 121
Kynge Edwarde VI
Kynge Henry VIII
Lackland, John, 53, 518, 520, 540, 833, 912
Lacy of Cromwellbotham, 28
Lacy, Alice, 27
Lacy, Brain, 28, 629-630
Lacy, Dunstan, 28
Lacy, Edward, 28
Lacy, Elizabeth, 623, 629
Lacy, Gerald, 380
Lacy, Gerard, 27-28, 380-381
Lacy, Gilbert, 23, 27-28, 378
Lacy, Hugh, 5, 23, 27-28
Lacy, John, 630, 808, 818
Lacy, John, 1, 7, 23, 25-26, 28, 31
Lacy, John Hugh, 378
Lacy, Margaret, 1, 377-378, 620
Lacy, Martin, 628-631
Lacy, Maud, 808, 816, 818, 820
Lacy, Peter, 630
Lacy, Richard, 28
Lacy, Roger, 818
Lacy, Sarah, 172, 181
Lacy, Stephen, 182
Lacy, Thomas, 26
Lacy, William, 28
Lacye, Gilbert, 24
Lacye, John, 24, 27
Laforce, Judith, 188
Lake, Samuel, 155
Lamar, Lon, 224
Lamar, Peter, 225
Lamar, Theresa, 373
Lambert, Dudley James, 216
Lambert, Robert, 216
Lambespring, Bartholomew, 896
Lancaster, Henry, 906
Landis, John, 263
Lane, Bettie, 373
Lane, Laura, 259
Lane, Matilda, 258
Lane, Max, 259
Lane, Thomas, 259
Langhorne, Jane, 246
Langston, Edward, 262
Langton, Stephen, 824, 926
Lansdell, Ruby, 235
Las Huelgas, Maria la Real, 411
Lascelles, Barbara, 378
Lascelles, John, 378
Latimer, Baron, 638, 662
Latimer, Elizabeth, 657, 662
Latimer, William, 662
Laton, Matilda, 696
Lattimer, William, 714
Laurie, William, 219
Lawrence, Sarah, 196
Lawson, Nellie, 196
Laxton, Michael, 716
Layfield, John, 118
Le Meschin, Matilda, 939
Le Meschin, Maud, 942
Leake, Eliza, 155
Leake, Lucy, 155
Leake, Philip, 155
Leake, Samuel, 155
Leake, Shelton Farrar, 155
Leake, William, 155
Leaver, Isabell, 300, 303, 315
Leckie, Mary, 257
Ledes de Everingham, Margaret, 717
Ledes, Alexander, of Kirby, 717
Ledyard, Eugenee, 199
Lee, Alice, 247
Lee, Annie, 240
Lee, Effie, 214
Lee, Elizabeth, 190-191, 193
Lee, Elsinor, 248
Lee, Fannie, 254
Lee, Florence, 225
Lee, Frances, 240
Lee, General, 248-249
Lee, George, 344
Lee, Groves, 343
Lee, Harriet, 231
Lee, Harry, 142
Lee, Henry, 180
Lee, John, 183
Lee, Katherine, 219, 254
Lee, Leonnah, 189
Lee, Lizzie, 221
Lee, Lucy, 189
Lee, Mina, 248
Lee, Nancy, 231
Lee, Owen, 235
Lee, Richard, 190-192
Lee, Rose, 228
Lee, Stephen, 249
Lee, Walter, 293
Leftwich, Fannie, 182
Legg, Katrina, 943
Leicester of Meuland, 862
Leinster, Aoife of, 917, 920-921, 959
Leo IX, 478
León, Isidoro, 422
Leonidas, Joseph, 204
Leopold II, of Austria, 517
Leopold III, of Austria, 500
Leopold V, of Austria, 941
Levi, Irene, 221
Lidderdale, Sarah, 198
Ligon, Mary, 46, 150
Ligon, Matthew, 264
Ligon, Richard, 264
Ligon, Thomas, 42, 146
Ligon, William, 58, 170
Limbourg, Pol, 662
Linart, Carmen, 159
Linch, John, 85
Lincoln, Abraham, 807
Lincoln, Benjamin, 140-141
Linebaugh, Henry, 324
Lionheart, Richard, 53-54, 562
Lister, Alice, 29
Lister, Ralph, 29
Llywelyn the Great, 841
Llywelyn, Eva Marshal, 920
Llywelyn, Madog ap, 958
Lockett, Lucy, 173
Lockett, Noland, 363, 365
Lockett, William, 250
Lomene, Juliana, 664
Lomille, Robert, 944-945
Londonienses, Annales, 953
Longchamp, William, 722, 832
Longespée, Ela, 763
Longespee, William, 56, 543
Longshanks, Edward, 386
Longspee, Eleanor, 764
Longspee, Emeline, 764
Longsword, William, 609
Longvillers, Hutton, 694-695
Looney, John, 126
Looney, Robert, 76, 124, 126, 265
Looper, Sara, 233
Lorena, Mildred, 236
Lorraine, Lower, 587
Lorraine, Lower, 751-752
Lou, Dona, 222
Lou, Jimmie, 214
Louella, Katherine, 215
Louis I, 20
Louis VI, King of France, 524
Louis VII, King of France, 420
Louis VIII, of France, 706
Louvain, Adeliza of, 750
Love, Emma, 258
Love, James, 257
Love, Theodore, 248
Lovel, Henry, 784
Lovel, William, 677, 866
Loveren, Hillard, 229
Lowry, John, 225, 227
Lucy, Anthony, 654
Lucy, Maud, 654
Lucy, Reynold, 657
Ludlow, Jack, 458
Luis I of Faucigny, 499
Lusignan, Maud, 954
Lusk, Elizabeth Lee, 191, 193
Lutegareshale, Piers, 753
Luther, Martin, 326
Lydgate, John, 781
Lydon, Alexander Francis, 645
Lygon, Mary, 46, 150
Lynch, John, 85, 318
Lynch, Martha, 289
Lyndal, George, 259
Lyne, James, 104, 359
Lytle, Archibald, 176
Mac Briain, Donnchad, 883
Mac Lorcain, Cebbetug, 884
Mac Murchada, Domnall, 878
MacDermot, Diarmata, 879
Maclise, Daniel, 872-873
MacMurrough, Aoife, 846, 872
MacMurrough, Dermot, 840
Macon, Beatrice of, 493
Macon, Gerberga of, 529
Madison, James, 168
MaelnamBo, Diarmait mac, 878-880
Magdalene, Mary, 60, 63, 71
Magill, Helen, 240
Magness, Edna, 236
Magnus, Hugh, 586, 676, 865
Mahalah, Rosa, 246
Mahone, Evelyn Harrison, 371
Malaterra, Geoffrey, 482, 485
Malaterra, Goffredo, 476, 479-480
Malcolm III, King of Scotland, 591-594, 673
Mallett, Stephen, 68, 116-117, 196
Mallory, William, 96, 357
Maltravers, Eleanor, 805
Mandeville, Ann, 233
Mandeville, Hardington, 399
Mangum, Nancy, 214
Maniace, Giorgio, 461
Maniaches, George, 455, 476-477
Manning, John, 261
Marable, Matthew, 117
Marcellus, Cassius, 227
Marche, Almodis, 424, 426
Margaret of Geneva, 486, 497
Margaret of L'Aigle, 427
Margaret of Provence, 440
Margaret of Scotland, 592-593
Margaret of Wessex, 673
Margaret, John, 714
Margaret, of Geneva, 497
Marin, Christine, 301
Marker, Edmund, 911
Marlowe, Christopher, 740
Marsh, Edward, 263
Marshal, Anselm, 839, 847, 876
Marshal, Clare, 870, 876
Marshal, Earl, 635, 816, 822, 825, 839
Marshal, Eva, 839, 914, 917
Marshal, Gilbert, 671, 827, 830. 832
Marshal, Hamstead, 832, 843
Marshal, Isabel, 522, 815, 819
Marshal, Joan, 839, 842
Marshal, John FitzGilbert, 842-843
Marshal, John, 764, 825, 832
Marshal, Lucy, 213, 338
Marshal, Margaret, 844
Marshal, Martha, 876
Marshal, Mary, 198, 215
Marshal, Maud, 719, 726, 753
Marshal, Richard, 837
Marshal, Sibyl, 837
Marshal, Walter, 818, 837, 876
Marshal, William, 435-436, 522, 542, 870
Marston, William, 271
Martel, Geoffrey, 552-553, 556-557
Martin, Eleanor, 709
Martin, Fannie, 373
Martin, John, 157
Martin, Jonathan, 42
Martin, Louise, 228
Martin, Luther, 158
Martin, Michael, 47
Martin, Rebecca, 20, 43, 50
Martin, Richard, 51
Martin, Robert Fitz, 853
Martin, Robert, 228
Martin, Walter, 244
Martin, William, 228
Mary of Lancaster, 652, 655
Mary, Queen, 4
Mason, Albert, 229
Mason, Olivia, 255
Massey, Frances, 1, 116
Massey, Thomas, 362
Massie, Juliet Anna, 362-364
Massie, Maria, 365
Massie, Sarah Marie, 366
Massie, Thomas, 362, 364-365, 367
Massie, Waller, 363, 366-367
Matilda of Flanders, 602-603
Matilda of Huntingdon, 674
Matilda of Scotland, 588, 591
Matilda, Queen, 547
Matilde of Cuiseux, Lady, 499
Mattauer, John, 246
Matthews, Addie, 252
Matthews, Charles, 252
Matthews, Edwin, 252
Matthews, Eugene, 252
Matthews, Haley, 252
Matthews, Jessie Lenora, 251
Matthews, Jessie, 252
Matthews, Ortho, 252
Matthews, Samuel, 34
Matthews, Walter, 252
Matthiesen, Alice, 261
Maud, Queen, 671
Maudit, Isabel, 961
Maudit, William, 19, 961
Maudiut, William, 950, 952
Mauduit, Isabel, 753, 958
Mauger of Hauterville, 480
Mauienne, Adelaide de, 527-528
Maund, Elizabeth, 373
Mauney, Sarah, 153
Mauney, Susannah, 153
Maunsel, John, 816
Maurienne, Jean, 528
Maurokatakalon, Nicholas, 678
Maxfield, Elizabeth, 220
Maxwell, Almetta, 232
Maxwell, Nannie, 233
May, Annie, 255
May, Beulah, 259
McCaleb, Charles Demetrius, 269
McCaleb, David, 267, 270
McCaleb, Eleanora Jefferson, 269
McCaleb, Emily Hillsman, 270
McCaleb, Evelina Matilda, 271
McCaleb, Jonathan Howard, 273
McCaleb, Laura Prince, 271
McCaleb, Martha Evelina, 272
McCaleb, Matilda Farrar, 129
McCaleb, Theodore Howard, 272-273
McCaleb, Thomas Farrar, 129, 269
McClympart, Jean, 88, 351
McLaurine, Josephine Farrior, 216
Meaux, Adele of, 558
Mechyll, Rhys, 924
Medley, Lucy, 69, 198
Meic, Donald, 670
Mellville, George, 229
Mercer, Brantley, 233, 235
Meriwether, Francis, 342
Meriwether, Lucy, 342
Meriwether, Priscilla, 231
Merlymond, Simon, 916
Merton, Walter, 32
Meschin, Ranulf, 944
Meschin, William, 942-944
Meston, John, 157
Methan, Alexander, 695
Meulan, Adam of, 863, 867-868
Meuland, Waleran, III, 868
Meyers, Emma, 159
Micklen, Thomas, 118
Middagh, Caroline, 242
Middleton, Arthur, 141
Midgley, Agnes, 379
Midgley, Thomas, 380
Miles of Gloucester, 929-930, 934
Miles, Connie, 280
Miles, Grey, 279
Miles, Thomas, 214
Miller, Elizabeth, 154
Miller, Harold, 226
Miller, Mary, 247
Miller, Thomas, 206
Mills, George, 189
Mills, Roger, 259
Minter, Hazel, 223
Minter, Joseph, 258
Minter, Mary, 253
Minter, Samuel, 254
Minter, William, 262
Moleyns, Isabel, 383
Molines, Isabel, 382, 385
Monceaux, John, 629-631, 714
Monceaux, Matilda, 630
Monceaux, Thomas, 630
Moneaux, William, 630
Monomakh, Vladimir, 579-580
Monroe, James, 294, 296-297, 344
Monson, John, 965
Montacute, Elizabeth, 739-740
Montacute, Thomas, 779
Montagu, William, 910-911
Montague, Lucian, 244
Montague, Lucille, 157
Montague, Peter, 40
Montfort, Bertrade, 559
Montfort, Juliana, 709
Montfort, Peter, 709
Montfort, Simon, 749, 918
Montfort, Thurston, 709
Montgomery, Daniel, 278-279
Montgomery, Ella, 276
Montgomery, Jane, 144
Montgomery, Jennie, 277
Montgomery, John, 275-276, 281
Montgomery, Judge Field Farrar, 275
Montgomery, Marcia, 277, 279
Montgomery, Margaret L., 276, 278
Montgomery, Martha Charlie, 279
Montgomery, Martha F., 282
Montgomery, Mary Walton, 275
Montgomery, Patrick, 112
Montgomery, Robert, 144, 277
Montgomery, William, 275
Moody, Arthur, 198
Moody, Elizabeth, 198
Moor, Bramham, 649, 654
Moor, Hedgeley, 650, 652
Moore, Barnard, 197
Moore, Charles, 277, 279
Moore, Colonel, 176
Moore, Elizabeth, 84, 197, 350
Moore, Isaac, 261
Moore, John, 196-197
Moore, Johue, 134
Moore, Judith, 198
Moore, Lucy, 198
Moore, Mary, 66, 195, 198
Moore, Nancy, 198
Moore, Nelly, 197
Moore, Rebekah, 197
Moore, Robert, 256, 261
Moore, Sarah, 353
Moore, Seth, 196
Moore, Tephana, 197
Moore, Thomas, 69, 196-197
Moore, Thos, 196
Moore, William, 176
Moragne, Catherine, 228
Moragne, Catherine Bathsheba, 225
Moragne, Elizabeth, 227
Moragne, Isaac, 225, 227-228
Moragne, Isaac Monroe, 228
Moragne, John, 225
Moragne, Mary, 228
Moragne, Shirley, 227
Morda, Cacht Ni, 840
Morda, Loigsig Ua, 875
Moreley, Anne, 385
Morely, Thomas, 768
Morena, Sierra, 402, 420, 500
Morgan, Christy, 157
Morgan, Daniel, 176
Morgan, Ellen, 158
Morgan, John, 259
Morgan, Sarah, 157
Morgan, Thomas, 635
Morgan, William, 200
Morley, Anne de, 381-382
Morley, Anne le Despenser de Hastings, 698, 726, 768
Morley, Anne, 47, 385, 698, 768-769
Morley, Robert, 383-385
Morley, Thomas, 381-385, 698, 774, 793
Morley, William, 383, 385
Morris, Charles, 273
Morris, Gilbert, 233
Morris, Gussie, 259
Morris, Helen, 260
Morris, Joseph, 156
Morris, Royall, 156
Mortan, Thomas, 338
Mortemer, Roger, 947-948
Mortimer, Agnes, 907
Mortimer, Anne, 913
Mortimer, Beatrice, 907
Mortimer, Blanche, 907
Mortimer, Cleobury, 941-942
Mortimer, Edmund, 638-639, 645, 648, 653, 690
Mortimer, Edmund, 693, 892,
Mortimer, Elizabeth, 638-639
Mortimer, Geoffrey, 907, 915
Mortimer, Hugh, 839, 911, 913, 916, 939
Mortimer, Ian, 902, 908
Mortimer, Isabella, 907, 914, 921
Mortimer, Iseult, 804
Mortimer, Janet, 910
Mortimer, Joan, 907, 939, 959
Mortimer, Joane, 960
Mortimer, John, 907, 911
Mortimer, Katherine, 798
Mortimer, Margaret, 907
Mortimer, Margery, 910
Mortimer, Maud, 907, 911
Mortimer, Philip, 939
Mortimer, Ralph, 912, 914, 938-939
Mortimer, Ranulph, 941, 946
Mortimer, Robert, 939
Mortimer, Roger, 731, 735-736, 738-739, 743, 745-746, 748-749, 792, 798, 800, 802, 839, 887, 892-893, 901-905, 907-917, 919, 921, 923, 938, 942, 946, 959, 969
Mortimer, Stratfield, 941
Mortimer, Walter, 911
Mortimer, William, 915
Morton, Joseph, 180
Mosby, Cecil, 288
Moseley, Hilliard, 224
Moseley, Kate, 224
Moseley, Louvenia, 224
Moseley, Thelma, 258
Moss, Allen, 261
Moss, Edward, 347
Moss, Ruth, 252
Motley, Elizabeth, 245
Mountney, Alice, 380
Mourning, Norma, 215
Mowbray, Elizabeth, 774
Moydog, Maes, 958
Mudryi, Yaroslav, 571
Mullanphy, John, 157
Mullins, Brien, 215
Munroe, George, 316
Murchada, Diarmait Mac, 868-871
Murchada, Domnall mac, 877-878
Murchada, Énna Mac, 871
Murdac, Geoffrey, 709
Murdac, Juliane, 706, 709
Murdock, Sarah, 209
Murge, Minervino, 480
Murray, Elizabeth, 258
Murray, Mary, 173
Murrell, Martha, 182
Murrill, Adele, 256
Mynatt, Ann Eliza, 349
Mynn, Charles, 157
Myrtle, Cammack, 259
Nail, Aquilla, 207
Nail, Catherine, 206-207, 212
Nail, Charles, 210
Nash, Abner, 177
Neil, William, 271
Nelson, Hugh, 257
Nelson, Irene, 257
Nelson, James, 159
Nelson, Jim, 337
Nelson, Maria, 370-371
Nerra, Fulk, 534, 554, 556-557, 559
Nessler, Elizabeth, 259
Neufmarche, Bernard, 924
Neufmarche, Sibyl, 929
Nevile, Maud, 661
Nevill, Elizabeth, 778
Neville, Alexander, 657-658, 662-663
Neville, Alice, 657, 661, 800
Neville, Anne, 741, 777, 800
Neville, Baron, 654, 656-660
Neville, Catherine, 657
Neville, Cecily, 782-783
Neville, Eleanor, 649, 651, 657, 662
Neville, Elizabeth, 631, 636, 657, 662, 800
Neville, Euphemia, 657
Neville, George, 899
Neville, Idoine, 662
Neville, Isabel, 657
Neville, John, 637-638, 657-662
Neville, Margaret, 640, 654
Neville, Maud, 800
Neville, Philippa, 800
Neville, Ralph, 638, 640, 646, 649, 652, 654, 656, 658-662, 664-665, 690
Neville, Richard, 648-649, 662, 900
Neville, Robert, 657, 664-665, 795
Neville, Thomas, 645, 657
Neville, William, 657
Newby, Betsy, 262
Newman, Helen, 261
Newman, Joseph, 260
Newman, Josephine, 260
Newton, George, 222
Newton, John, 182, 221
Nicholas II, 452
Nicholson, Mary, 156
Nicolson, Adam, 118
Nimmons, Thomas Harvey, 232
Nixon, George, 320
Noble, John, 201
Nofflet, Louisa, 324
Norfleet, Louisa, 373
Norfleet, Lucy, 373
Norine, Dessie, 321
Norman, King of Sicily, 483
Normandy, Alice of, 528
Norris, Alex, 197
Norris, Rebecca, 196
Northumbria, Waltheof, 671, 674
Norton, Margaret L., 281
Norton, Norville, 664
Norton, Richard William, 280-281
Norton, William Hamilton, 280
Norwich, Katherine, 97-99
Norwich, Walter, 795
Norwood, David, 156
Novara, Agostino Gorizio Barba de, 480
Nowell, Mary, 188
Nunn, Maude, 198
O Luinin, Ruaidhri, 877
O'Brienus, Donatus, 883
Odingsells, Rowland, 950
Odo I, of Burgundy, 725
Odom, Edgar, 258
Odom, Lilla, 258
Oettinger, Boyd, 103, 116
O'Fallon, Benjamin, 158
Ogilby, John, 245
Ogilby, Martha Chastaine, 245
Ogilby, Mary, 245
Ogilby, Patrick, 245-246
Ogilby, Richard, 245-246
Olafsson, Dan, 20
Oldfield, Thomas, 7
Olof Skotkonung, King, 577
Olofsdotter, Ingegerd, of Sweden, 579
O'Maeleachlainn, Conchobhar, 881
Orr, Mary, 293
Orreby, Joan, 688
Orthen, Adela of, 751
O'Toole, Laurence, 874
Otto I, of Savoy, 527
Owain, Iorwerth ab, 853
Owen, John, 196
Owen, Mary, 196
Owen, Mildred, 198
Owen, William, 218
Oxenbridge, Elizabeth, 962, 964
Page, Lewis, 198
Painter, Sidney, 926
Painter, William, 891
Palafox, Betsey, 104, 360
Palagie, Marie, 317
Palmer, Eugene, 244
Pandulf, II, 459
Pannell, Octavia, 273
Parham, Frances, 232
Paris, Matthew, 435-436, 437, 441-442, 487, 519-521, 537, 541, 589, 669
Park, Elizabeth, 288
Parker, Edith, 245
Parker, Elizabeth, 61
Parker, Martha, 155
Parker, Merrill, 259
Parker, Samuel, 268-269
Parker, Sarah Jane, 203
Parker, Thomas, 40
Parks, Alexander, 260
Parr, Catherine, 398, 666, 741, 969, 923
Paston, John, 774
Paston, Margaret, 780
Patterson, Etta, 336
Patterson, James, 231, 364
Patterson, Ola, 259
Patterson, Robert, 364
Patteshull, Alice, 398
Patton, Fearn, 190
Patton, George, 807
Patton, Samuel, 189
Payne, Anne, 193
Payne, Betsy, 193
Payne, Charles, 189
Payne, Elizabeth, 193
Payne, George, 192-193
Payne, Jesse, 193
Payne, Joseph, 193
Payne, Mary, 193
Payne, Orlando, 168
Payne, Richard, 193
Paynel, Ralph, 944
Paynel, William, 944
Peck, John, 258
Pedro II, of Aragon, 446
Peebles, Katherine Earl, 363
Pemberton, John, 239
Pembroke, William Marshal of, 833, 841
Penland, Cynthia, 154
Penn, Frances, 192
Penn, George, 192
Percy, Anne, 652
Percy, Eleanore Neville, 648
Percy, Elizabeth, 631, 633
Percy, George, 652
Percy, Harry, 160, 166
Percy, Henry, 629, 631, 633, 640-641, 643-645, 647-655, 657, 688, 690, 693
Percy, Holter, 160
Percy, Joan, 652
Percy, John, 651
Percy, Maud, 657, 660, 688
Percy, Maud, 710
Percy, Neville, 648
Percy, Ralph, 650
Percy, Thomas, 644, 650-651, 688
Percy, William, 652
Perkins, George, 185
Perkins, Price, 364, 370-371
Perrers, Alice, 688
Perrin, Katherine, 46, 63
Perrin, Richard, 46, 150
Perry, Alexander, 167
Perry, John, 215
Perry, Mary, 154
Perry, William, 214
Person, Thomas, 176
Peter I, of Courtenay, 524-526
Peter II, 525
Peter of Courtenay, 525
Peterson, William, 216
Petrie, Alice, 246
Petrie, Edith, 246
Petrie, Ethel, 246-247
Petrie, Eva, 247
Petrie, Herbert, 246-247
Petrie, Herbert Isom, 246
Petrie, Marion, 246
Petrie, Mary, 246
Petrie, Mildred, 246
Petrie, Rosaline, 246
Petrie, Theodore, 247, 249-250
Petronilla, Queen, 443
Pettus, Anne, 253
Pettus, Emmett, 261
Pettus, Hamilton, 261
Pettus, Joseph, 258-259
Pettus, Nellie, 254
Peverel, Edmund, 797
Peverel, Margaret, 795, 797
Pevsner, Nikolaus, 704
Philip Augustus, King of France, 560, 563-564, 567, 569, 498, 559, 563, 760
Philipot, John, 798
Phillip, Harry, 321, 334
Phillips, Ann, 326
Phillips, Betsy, 261
Phillips, Bette, 257
Phillips, Elizabeth, 253
Phillips, Malinda, 324
Phillips, Martin, 253
Phillips, Mary, 254
Phillips, William, 186
Philpot, Mary, 339
Philpot, Otis, 339
Philpot, Robert, 339
Phippen, Cicely, 38-39
Phippen, Pen, 38-39
Phippen, Reynolds, 39
Pickens, Andrew, 124, 266
Pierce, Alice, 39
Pierce, Ruth, 807
Pierson, Ruby, 245
Pilgrim, Ethel, 293
Pilkington, Arthur, 29
Pinazo, Ignacio, 429
Pinckney, Clara, 657
Pinkethman, Sarah, 341
Pinkney, William, 204
Pipard, Aline, 844
Pipard, Walter, 844
Pipe, Thomas, 800
Pirtle, Henry, 169
Pites, Bertha, 924
Pitres, Roger, 933-934
Pittman, Fannye, 225
Pitts, Augusta, 259
Pitts, Frances, 151
Plantagenet, Eleanor, 414, 836
Plantagenet, Geoffrey, 54, 56,
Plantagenet, Henry, 535, 705
Plantagenet, Joan, 385, 768, 912
Plantagenet, Joanna, 542
Plantagenet, Leonora, Queen of England, 410
Plantagenet, Richard, 823, 837, 913
Pleasants, Annie, 263
Poland, Richeza of, 500
Pole, Alice, 778
Pole, Edmund, 795
Pole, Isabel, 382, 698, 774, 793
Pole, John, 777-780, 783, 794, 796-797
Pole, Michael, 382, 768, 770-774, 786-789, 793, 798
Pole, Richard, 794-797
Pole, William, 774, 776-783, 787, 789, 791, 793-797
Polk, Ellen, 227
Porcher, Arthur, 232
Porter, Thomas, 227
Porterfield, Charles, 251
Porterfield, James, 243
Porterfield, John, 251
Porterfield, Mary, 251
Porterfield, Rebecca, 243, 246
Porterfield, Robert, 251
Poste, Deborah, 169
Poste, James, 169
Poste, Lynn, 169
Potter, Abraham, 177
Potter, Anna, 159
Potter, Harry, 655
Potter, Horatio, 159
Potter, John, 117
Pound, Elizabeth, 220
Pound, Grace, 221
Pound, Harriet, 220
Pound, John, 220
Pound, Myrtle, 221
Powell, James, 71, 241
Powell, Sarah, 260
Powell, William, 253, 258, 260
Powers, John, 244
Presley, James, 225, 227
Pressley, Nancy, 229, 338
Preston, James, 256
Preston, William, 259
Prestwood, John, 223
Price, Elizabeth, 303
Price, Sarah, 279
Prince, Bonnie, 109, 115
Pruitt, Martha, 215
Pruitt, Thurza, 215
Pryor, Richard, 360-361
Pryor, Virginia, 363
Pugh, John, 246
Pulaski, Casimir, 76
Puryear, Elizabeth, 254
Puryear, Frances, 254
Puryear, Jane, 67, 195
Puryear, Rebecca, 195, 253
Puryear, Samuel, 259
Pylley, Richard, 381
Quaglio, Domenico, 570
Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine, 54
Queen Leonora Plantagenet of England, 411
Quincy, Margaret, 808, 818
Quincy, Robert, 818
Raby, Neville, 656-660, 664-665
Ragland, Sally, 262
Rainbolt, Elizabeth, 335
Rainey, Philip, 103, 359
Ralph III, 948
Ralston, Charles, 271-272
Ralston, Robert, 271-272
Ramsay, Allan, 175
Ramsay, Josephine, 175
Ramsey, Ambrose, 176
Ramsey, Colonel, 176
Ranchildren, Robert, 319
Randal, Betty, 259
Randal, Bob, 259
Randal, Lafayette, 259
Randal, Newton Harvey, 259
Randal, Vivian, 259
Randall, John, 153
Rankin, Emily, 336
Rankin, James, 322
Rankin, John, 201, 322
Rankin, Lemuel, 321-323
Rankin, Lilly A., 321
Rankin, Lilly, 324
Rankin, Malinda Curry, 321
Rankin, Nancy Jane Vaughan, 322
Rankin, Rhoda, 322
Rankin, Robert, 322, 334
Rankin, Samuel, 322-323, 334, 336
Rankin, Sarah Farrar Vaughan, 330, 332-333
Rankin, Vaughan, 319, 322, 325, 327, 330, 332
Ransford, Jane, 228
Ransom, Rosanah, 207
Ranulf I, 683
Ranulf, Mary fitz, 664
Ratcliff, Lane, 273
Raymond IV of Toulouse, 53
Read, Isaac, 81, 346
Read, Martha, 257
Read, Robert, 261
Reagor, James, 206
Reddick, Martha, 339
Reddick, William, 339
Reed, Archibald Vincent, 320
Reed, Brady, 329
Reed, Charles Alexander, 327
Reed, Dorothy, 157
Reed, Henry, 228
Reed, Jane Brady, 329
Reed, John, 153
Reed, Margaret, 250
Reed, Martha H. Vaughan, 320
Reed, Neil, 689
Reed, Oliver Hazford Perry, 319, 328-329
Reed, Perry, 319, 328-329
Reed, Philip, 157
Reed, Russell, 327
Reed, Sarah, 320
Reed, Vaughan, 327, 330, 332-333
Reed, Vincent, 330
Reeves, Abner, 232-233
Reeves, Frances, 236
Reeves, Martha, 232, 235
Reeves, Octavia, 224
Regan, Thomas, 259
Reginald I, of Burgundy, 528
Reid, Adele, 244
Reid, Ellen, 245
Reid, Mary, 168
Remair, Domnaill, 880
Renaud I, 528, 530
Rennakar, Emma Caroline, 327
Renner, Sarah Ann, 330
Reuben, Thomas, 320, 329
Revel, Evelyn, 259
Reynolds, Christopher, 38
Reynolds, Cicely, 1
Reynolds, Jane, 331
Reynolds, Thomas, 38-39
Rhodes, Isaac, 215
Rhodes, Lizzie, 216
Rice, Benjamin, 192
Rice, Betsey, 188
Rice, Elizabeth, 182
Rice, Tandy, 188
Rich, Charity, 81, 340, 346
Rich, John, 331
Richard de Beauchamp, 16
Richard I, of Normandy, 53, 561, 387, 606, 608-609, 838-839, 850
Richard II, of Normandy, 529, 535, 598, 604, 606, 609, 611, 653-654, 805, 894-895, 913
Richard III, 777
Richard of Cornwall, 441
Richard the Good, of Normandy, 607, 616
Richard the Lionheart, 52-53, 832
Richard, I, the fearless, 598
Richard, II, 607
Richard, the Fearless, 616
Richards, Brady, 320
Richards, Carl Henry, 321
Richards, Clarence, 320
Richards, Evert, 321, 334
Richards, Florine, 320
Richards, Fraser, 321, 333
Richards, Homer, 320
Richards, Isabel, 321, 333
Richards, Lilly Jane Brady, 320
Richards, Mabel, 320
Richards, Mary, 320
Richards, Philip, 320-321
Richards, William, 320
Richardson, Enoree, 137
Richardson, Holt, 184
Richardson, Richard, 135
Richeza of Poland, 500
Riddick, Molly, 258
Riggans, Charles, 177
Riggins, Priscilla, 204
Ripley, Laura, 240
Ripley, Louise, 240
Robert Guiscard, 459
Robert I, 598
Robert II, King of Franks, 561
Robert II, of Rouen, 562
Robert of Hauterville, 472
Robert of Vermandois, 558
Robert, I, King, 557, 587
Robert, II, King, 566
Roberts, Gary Boyd, 121, 378
Robertson, Betty, 218
Robertson, Emma, 236
Robertson, Sophia, 293
Robertson, William, 111
Rodriguez, Cristina, 429
Rodriguez, Fernando, 421
Roger de, Clifford, 691
Roger I, 482-485, 947
Roger II, 483-485
Rogers, Caroline, 169
Rogers, Coleman, 167-169
Rogers, Elijah, 83, 349
Rogers, Jane, 168-169
Rogers, Laura, 169
Rogers, Lewis, 168
Rogers, Mary, 81, 340, 346
Rogers, Nevada J., 290
Rogers, Zeb, 261
Rognvald I, 20
Roland, Elizabeth, 205
Rolfe, Ann, 150
Rolfe, John, 45, 149
Rolfe, Pauline, 262
Rolfe, Pochein, 262
Rollin, Elizabeth, 204-205
Rollo of Normandy, 614
Roos, Thomas, 637
Ros, Everard, of Helmsley, 665, 689, 692
Ros, Robert, 665, 667-668, 671
Ros, Thomas, 688-689
Ros, William, 666, 688, 689
Ross, Mary, 82, 348
Rotenheryng, Elena, 797
Roucy, Margaret, 855
Royall, Kathryn, 157
Royall, Mary, 156
Royster, Clark, 103
Royster, John, 156
Royster, Martha, 223
Ruad, Brian, 820-821
Ruffin, Francis, 117
Ruffin, Olivia, 273
Rufus, William, 588, 603
Rugeley, Henry, 176
Ruiz, Gonzalo, 429
Rumilly, Cecily, 942
Rumily, Robert, 944
Rus, Kievan, 504, 506, 510
Russell, Burnett, 197
Russell, John, 634
Russell, Kate, 246
Russell, Richard, 105, 376
Rutherford, Adele, 160
Rutledge, Edward, 141
Salisbury, Edward of, 19
Saltmarsh, Edward, 695
Sampson, Sarah, 182
Sanborn, Joseph, 226
Sancha of Castile, 443, 447
Sancha, Queen, 446
Sanchez, Garcia, 431
Sanchez, Garcia, II of Navarre, 428
Sánchez, García, III of Navarre, 428, 431
Sanchez, Ramiro, of Monzon, 428-429, 431
Sancho III, of Castile, 416, 420, 426
Sanders, Adam, 195
Sanders, Alsy, 263
Sanders, Elizabeth, 171, 177
Sanders, John, 177
Sanders, Robert, 178
Sanders, William, 231
Sanderson, Robert, 45, 148
Sandlin, Gertrude, 244
Sandlin, Nancy, 217, 243
Saunders, Bettie, 277
Saunders, Joseph, 222
Savage, Geoffrey, 767
Savage, John, 136
Savile, Agnes, 1, 29, 378
Savile, Alice, 29
Savile, Edward, 29
Savile, Henry, 1, 29-32, 118-120, 378
Savile, Isabel, 29, 378
Savile, Jennet, 29
Savile, John, 29, 119
Savile, Nicholas, 23, 29-30, 378
Savile, Thomas, 27, 29-30, 378
Savoy, Amadeus, 494-495
Savoy, Beatrice of, 442, 485, 490
Savoy, Beatrice of, 486
Savoy, Thomas of, 493
Saxon, Sophrinia, 197
Saxony, Hedwige of, 587
Sayvell, John, 381
Scales, Alfred Moore, 200
Scales, Effie Henderson, 200
Scales, Henderson, 200
Scales, Irving, 201
Scales, Kate B. Henderson, 200
Scalio, Robert, 457-458
Scotland, William I of, 673
Scott, George, 250
Scott, Laura, 249
Scott, Mary, 248
Scott, Samuel, 892
Scott, Walter, 185
Scrope, Geoffrey, 657
Scrope, Richard, 800
Scrope, Thomas, 636
Scrots, William, 634
Scurlock, James, 173
Seaborne, John, 347
Searle, Eleanor, 684
Searles, Bettie, 261
Searles, Elizabeth, 261
Sebastian, Amelia, 277-279
Sebastian, Charles Moore, 277-278
Sebastian, John, 278
Sebastian, Montgomery, 277
Sellman, Harriet, 168
Selman, John, 156
Semple, Anne, 247
Serlo I, of Hauterville, 475
Sewell, Sarah, 175
Seymour, Edward, 634
Seymour, Elizabeth, 634
Seymour, Henry, 635
Seymour, Jane, 632-637
Seymour, John, 635-636
Seymour, Thomas Lorde, 634-635
Shackelford, Roberta, 221
Shakespeare, William, 542, 644
Sharp, Rosalie, 259
Shelby, David, 189
Shelby, Laura H. Stiles, 268
Shelby, Marion, 247
Shelby, Stiles, 268
Sheldon, Katherine, 341
Sheldon, William, 340
Shelton, Ada, 155
Shelton, Cecilia, 182
Shelton, David, 181-182
Shelton, Marion, 247
Shelton, Martha, 182
Shelton, Matthew, 182
Shelton, Petrie, 248
Shelton, Susan, 155
Shelton, Thomas, 181
Shelton, Walter, 247
Shelton, William, 155
Shepard, Joanne, 150
Shepherd, Thomas, 182
Sherrode, Robert, 232
Shinkle, Margery, 263
Shumate, Benjamin, 215
Shumate, Chamberlain, 214
Shumate, Luella, 214
Shumate, Mason Byron, 214
Shuttles, Mary, 233
Sibyl of Salisbury, 844, 921
Sibylla of Salisbury, 877
Sicut, Judaeis, 496
Sigimberus I, 20
Siler, Frank, 296
Silsbee, William, 260
Simmons, Elizabeth, 254
Simnel, Lambert, 783, 796
Simon I, de Montfort, 559, 561
Simonds, Ephraim, 271
Simonds, Laura Prince McCaleb, 270
Sistrunk, Jacob, 237
Skeen, Rebecca, 240
Skerne, Percival, 10, 47, 621
Skerne, Thomasine, 10, 47, 620
Sketktung, Olaf, 579
Skinner, Josephine, 220
Skinner, Mary, 159
Skinner, Noah, 220
Skotkonung, Olof, 577
Smallwood, William, 176
Smith, Augustus Burnet, 1, 117
Smith, Barbour, 169
Smith, Benijah, 273
Smith, Elinor, 228
Smith, Elizabeth, 115
Smith, Gordon, 262
Smith, Harriet, 226
Smith, Ira Fort, 220
Smith, Jessie, 1
Smith, John, 37, 167, 198, 347
Smith, Leonidas, 258
Smith, Mark, 115
Smith, Nancy, 156
Smith, Orlando, 169
Smith, Orrin, 202
Smith, Peggy, 156
Smith, Redmond Rudd, 1, 115-116
Smith, Sam, 202
Smith, Tullulah, 258
Smith, Washington, 280
Smith, William, 115, 226-227
Sneed, Henderson, 201
Sneed, Lucy Farrar Henderson, 201
Sneed, Richard, 199
Soane, Judith, 64, 194
Somerville, Helen, 113
Soothill, Gerard, 28
Soothill, Henry, 28
Sorrento, Guy of, 462
Southall, Fernando, 250
Spafford, Thomas, 221
Spear, Bessie, 191
Spears, Julian, 246
Speed, John, 121-122
Speights, Elishia, 254
Speights, Frances Leone, 254
Speights, James, 254
Speights, Louis Ione, 254
Speights, Thomas, 254
Spencer, Abraham, 261
Spencer, Christopher, 629
Spencer, Hugh, 701
Spencer, Margaret, 629
Spike, John, 60
Spindleshanks, Konrad, 510
Spotswood, Ann, 100, 358
Spratlin, John, 236
Spring, Laurel, 241, 243
Spullock, Callie, 216
Spullock, Fannie, 216
Spullock, Jessie, 216
Spurlock, Columbus, 222
Spurlock, James, 215, 217-219
Spurlock, Mariah, 216
Spurlock, Matilda, 215
Spurlock, Monroe, 215
Spurlock, Owen, 217
Spurlock, Sarah, 216-218, 220, 226
St. Hilary, Maud, 753, 852
Stafford, Beatrice, 637, 688
Stafford, Edmund, 798, 901
Stafford, Elizabeth, 804-805
Stafford, Hugh, 14. 382, 385, 659, 768, 797-798, 890, 900
Stafford, Humphrey, 798
Stafford, Katherine, 382, 385, 768, 770-771, 773-775, 798, 890, 901
Stafford, Margaret, 659, 798-800
Stafford, Ralph, 14, 385, 637, 689, 692, 705-706, 768, 797, 800-802, 804, 806-807, 900
Stafford, William, 798, 900
Stammbaum, Babenberger, 513
Stamps, Lucy, 282
Standsfield, Robert, 380
Stanfield, Oliver, 379-380
Stanhope, Maud, 650, 661
Stanley, Evelyn, 247
Stanley, William, 247
Stansfield, Anne, 378
Stansfield, Bryan, 380
Stansfield, Edmund, 379-380
Stansfield, Gilbert, 380
Stansfield, Henry, 379
Stansfield, Hugh, 380
Stansfield, Jane, 380
Stansfield, Joan, 379
Stansfield, John, 29, 378, 380
Stansfield, Jordan, 379-380
Stansfield, Ralph, 379-380
Stansfield, Richard, 380
Stansfield, Robert, 380
Stansfield, Roger, 380
Stansfield, Thomas, 378-380
Stansfield, William, 379
Stapleton, Thomas, 683
Starke, Nellie, 168
Steele, Fearn, 189
Steele, George, 189
Steele, Kate, 189
Steele, Matthew, 189
Steinbeck, John, 807
Stephanie, Francis, 317
Stephen of Aumale, 916
Stephens, Sue, 240
Stephenson, Florence, 240
Sterling, Hugh, 220
Sterling, James, 256
Stevens, Mashack, 180
Stevens, Rachel, 197
Stevenson, Adlai, 807
Steward, Charles, 221
Steward, Chief, 631
Stewardson, Albert, 331
Stewardson, Brady, 336
Stewardson, Charley, 320
Stewardson, Douglas, 320, 331
Stewardson, Edward, 320, 331
Stewardson, Eliza, 331
Stewardson, Henry, 320, 331
Stewardson, Martha H., 327
Stewardson, Mary, 320, 331
Stewardson, Sarah C. Brady, 336
Stewardson, Thomas, 320, 331, 336
Stewart, Francis, 259
Stewart, John, 949
Stewart, Joseph, 254
Stewtrue, Thomas, 331
Stiles, Chilion Covington, 268
Stiles, Chilion Ford, 268
Stiles, George, 284, 339
Stiles, Samuel Parker, 268
Stiles, Thomas Farrar, 268
Stockdale, Fletcher Summerfield, 361
Stockdale, Laurinda, 361-362
Stoner, John, 778
Stoner, Thomas, 777-778
Storm, Adam, 334-337
Storm, Charity, 322
Storm, Cordelia, 322
Storm, David, 335
Storm, Greenberry, 335-336
Storm, Henderson, 336
Storm, Henry Alburn, 335
Storm, Mell, 323
Storm, Sally Ann Rankin, 334-335
Storm, Samuel, 335
Storm, Vincent, 321-324
Stothard, Charles A., 785
Stourton, William, 785
Strait, Margaret, 353
Strange, Robert, 373
Stratford, Margaret, 62
Strickland, Agnes, 893
Strickland, Ansel, 292
Strickland, Henry, 292
Stromp, Christopher, 280
Strongbow, Richard, 849
Stuart, Charles, 115
Stuart, George, 167
Stubbs, Sally, 162
Stubbs, Sarah, 156
Stubbs, William, 954
Sudberry, Catherine, 256
Summerfield, Fletcher, 360-361
Sumner, Jethro, 176
Sutton, John, 170, 178
Sutton, Martha, 237
Suydam, Daniel, 216
Sveinaldsson, Valdamarr, 580
Sviatopolk II, of Kiev, 502
Sviatoslav I, of Kiev, 580
Sviatoslavich, Vladimir, 580
Swabia, Gisela of, 516
Swan, George, 243
Swann, John, 241
Swann, Mary, 245
Sweeney, Clyde, 294
Sweeney, Julia, 294
Sweeney, Milton, 294
Sweeney, Trenton, 294
Swepson, Ann, 93, 354, 356, 372
Swepson, Anne, 356
Swepson, June Dandridge, 94
Swepson, Richard, 93-94, 354-355
Sweringen, James Tower Van, 164
Sweringen, Martha, 157, 159
Swilling, Adeline M., 290-291
Swilling, Barry, 314, 297
Swilling, Davis, 303
Swilling, Elizabeth, 297
Swilling, Florida, 295
Swilling, George, 289, 302-303
Swilling, Georgia, 314-315
Swilling, Gray, 300, 303
Swilling, Harrison, 296
Swilling, Jack William, 297-316
Swilling, James Monroe, 294, 297
Swilling, Jane, 316
Swilling, Jenkins, 297
Swilling, John William, 299
Swilling, Leandro Lara, 303
Swilling, Lillian, 314
Swilling, Louise, 296
Swilling, Lue, 294
Swilling, Martha Emily, 292-293
Swilling, Mary Jane Gray, 152, 303
Swilling, Matilda, 302
Swilling, Monroe, 297
Swilling, Trinidad Mejia Escalante, 301-302, 310, 313
Swilling, William, 298
Swynford, Katherine, 800
Sydenham, Margaret, 192
Symmes, Alice, 380
Symmes, Richard, 27-28
Symmes, William, 380
Syntpole, John, 381
Taillefer, Aymer, 524-525
Talafaro, William, 207
Talbot, Gilbert, 803
Talbot, John, 899
Talbot, Mary, 284
Talbot, Richard, 958
Tancred of Hauterville, 473
Tankersley, Richard, 28
Tanner, Mary, 58, 171
Tarpley, Benjamin, 221
Tatam, James, 173
Tavhad, Boyd, 93
Taylifer, William, 525
Taylor, Arthur, 227
Taylor, Catherine, 280
Taylor, Frances, 199
Taylor, John, 104, 359
Taylor, Joseph, 123
Taylor, Laura, 280
Taylor, Nicholas, 280
Taylor, Olivia, 231-232
Taylor, Sally, 242
Taylor, Thurza, 227
Templin, Eliza, 222
Tennessee, Henrietta, 207
Tennessee, Lincoln, 203
Thatcher, Ella, 167
The Black Prince, Edward, 689
Theodosia, Lue, 297
Thomas de Beauchamp of Warwick, 15
Thomas I, 487
Thomas I, of Savoy, 486-487
Thomas, Emily Harvie, 227
Thompkins, Arthur Willard, 245
Thompkins, Lillian Clair, 244
Thompkins, Richard, 244
Thompson, Anne, 219
Thompson, Benjamin O., 295
Thompson, Birdie, 214
Thompson, Charlotte, 263
Thompson, George, 192
Thompson, James Charles, 214
Thompson, Jeremiah, 228
Thompson, John, 192
Thompson, Joseph, 219
Thompson, Malinda Ann, 202
Thompson, Martha, 157
Thompson, Mary, 204
Thompson, Matilda M. Swilling, 294
Thompson, Robert, 190
Thompson, Ruth, 219
Thompson, Swilling, 294
Thompson, William, 273
Thomson, 137, 225
Thomson, William, 137
Thornhill, Brian, 379
Thornhill, Doinis, 379
Thornhill, John, 29
Thornley, Walter, 240
Thornton, Barrie, 314
Thornton, Katherine, 250
Thrasher, Rebecca, 83, 349
Throckmorton, James W., 153
Throckmorton, Lucile, 151, 153
Thruston, Ann, 167
Thurston, Charles, 157
Thurston, Edmond, 157
Thurston, Henry, 282
Thurston, John, 168
Thurston, Joseph, 158
Thweatt, Mary, 216
Thwenge, Robert, 713
Timberlake, Bettie, 243
Timson, Nancy, 192
Tiptoft, Robert, 637
Tirel, Walter, 859
Tison, Gilbert, 946
Toeni, Alice, 886, 950, 954, 959
Toeni, Ralph, VII, 954
Toeni, Roger, V, 954
Toliver, William, 208
Tomkins, Inez, 244
Tomlinson, Mary, 159
Tomlinson, Walter, 229
Tompkins, Alice Herbert, 243
Tompkins, Ann, 243
Tompkins, Christopher, 241
Tompkins, John, 241
Tompkins, Julius Paschal, 244
Tompkins, Martha, 244-245
Tompkins, Milton Allison, 245
Tompkins, Porter, 244
Tompkins, Rebecca, 243
Tompkins, Susannah, 241-242
Tonstal, Alice, 380
Tosny, Hilda, 756
Tosny, Ida, 757-758, 68
Tosny, Ralph, 946
Tosny, Ralph, V, 758
Tosny, Robert, 714
Totnes, Juhel, 922, 934, 937
Townes, William, 124
Tramburger, Julia, 245
Trencavel, Isabela, 426
Tresilian, Robert, 788
Trincanocte, Rainulf, 462
Troy, Mitchel, 897
Trusbut, Rohese, 665
Trusbut, William, 665
Tuathail, Lorcán Ua, 874-875
Tuathail, Mor Ni, 874, 870
Tuathail, Mor Ui, 840
Tuathail, Muirchertach Ua, 840
Tudopr, William, 365
Turner, Daisy, 220
Turner, James, 356
Turner, Judith, 79, 267, 287
Turner, Ralph, 521
Turner, Walter, 240
Turner, William, 236
Turpin, Michael, 46, 150
Turpin, Obedience, 59-60
Turwit, William, 122
Tutt, Benjamin, 132, 237, 241
Tutt, Elizabeth, 237
Tutt, George, 237
Tutt, Henry, 237
Tutt, Richard, 129
Tutt, William, 237
Twiggs, Lila, 225
Twiggs, Sarah, 225
Twiggs, Timothy, 154
Tyrwhitt, Anne, 963
Tyrwhitt, Catherine, 963
Tyrwhitt, Edward, 963
Tyrwhitt, Elizabeth, 964
Tyrwhitt, Frances, 964
Tyrwhitt, George, 963
Tyrwhitt, Goddard, 963
Tyrwhitt, Humphrey, 964
Tyrwhitt, John, 963
Tyrwhitt, Margaret, 963
Tyrwhitt, Marmaduke, 963
Tyrwhitt, Mary, 963
Tyrwhitt, Robert, 962-964
Tyrwhitt, Roger, 964
Tyrwhitt, Ursula, 963
Tyrwhitt, William, 963
Ughtred, Henry, 635
Ulfsson, Ragnvald, 578
Umberto III, of Savoy, 490-491
Urraca of Portugal, 405
Utley, Cinthia, 263
Utley, John, 181
Utley, Phoebe, 262
Vaca, Cabeza, 414
Valandingham, James, 330
Valdez, Elizabeth, 427
Valentine, Edgar, 219
Valois, Adele of, 682
Vancy, Carrie, 368
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 260
Vanhouse, Lucie, 243
Vasnetsov, Viktor, 582
Vaughan Sarah, 329
Vaughan, Albert, 321, 323
Vaughan, Alexander, 318
Vaughan, Benjamin, 318
Vaughan, Dorothy, 250
Vaughan, George Washington, 328-329, 823
Vaughan, George Woody, 321
Vaughan, James Washington, 319, 323-326
Vaughan, Jane, 334
Vaughan, Martha Adeline, 329
Vaughan, Martha H., 331-336
Vaughan, Mary A. E., 325
Vaughan, May Jane Ward, 326
Vaughan, Nancy Jane, 334-335
Vaughan, Reuben, 318
Vaughan, Samuel, 325-326
Vaughan, Ward, 326
Vaughan, William, 219, 324
Vaughan, William Alfred, 326
Vaughan, Willie, 327
Vaughan, Woody, 86, 324
Vaughn, Emily, 328
Vaughn, James, 86
Vaughn, Judge George Albert, 321
Vaughn, Luvenia P., 325
Vaughn, Martha, 332
Vaux, George, 778
Vaux, Katherine, 778
Vere, Aubrey, II, 767
Vere, Juliane, 767
Verhine, Lucy, 276
Vermandois, Adelaide of, 556
Vermandois, Adele of, 533
Vermandois, Beatrice of, 587
Vermandois, Elizabeth, 723
Vermandois, Hugh of, 673
Vermandois, Isabel, 865
Verraccio, Pandulf, 836
Vieilles, Humphrey, 867
Vienne, Beatrice of, 493
Vivar, Rodrigo Diaz, 428-429
Vladimir of Novgorod, 573
Vladimir the Great, 574, 581-583
Volosymye the Great, 571
Voorheis, Charles Coert, 280
Voorheis, Charlotte, 279
Voorheis, Cornelius, 279
Voorheis, Jacob, 279-280
Voorheis, Margaret, 279
Voorheis, William, 280
Voorhies, Margaret, 280
Voris, Charles, 324
Vratislaus II, of Bohemia, 510
Vyacheslavich, Boris, 577
Wade, Joseph John, 188
Wade, Lane, 273
Wade, William, 272-273
Wadlaw, Mary, 155, 173
Wadsworth, Henry, 807
Wadsworth, Thomas, 80, 269,
281, 294, 316-317
Wailes, Levin, 221
Walcott, Mary, 282
Walcott, Roger, 282
Waleran III, of Meuland, 863
Walker, Fannie, 221
Walker, Hannah, 258
Walker, Henry, 98, 357
Walker, John Williams, 192
Walker, Joseph, 306-307
Walker, Mary Jane, 191
Walker, Solomon, 176
Walker, Susanna, 197
Walker, Tabitha, 98, 357
Wallace, Clark, 208
Wallace, Coy, 208
Wallace, Sarah, 215
Wallace, Susan, 227
Wallace, William, 227, 273
Waller, Lucy, 362-363
Walsingham, Francis, 120
Walsingham, Thomas, 381, 644, 953
Walter of Gloucester, 933
Walthall, Edward, 247
Walthall, Henry, 245
Walton, Antoinette, 296
Walton, Guy, 222
Walton, Howard, 288
Walton, Mary, 275-276
Walton, Robert, 230
Warbeck, Perkin, 691
Warenne, Earl, 675
Warenne, Gundred, 960
Warenne, Isabel, 719, 30
Warenne, William, 673, 675, 677, 682-85, 687, 722-725, 960
Warre, Clarice, 714
Warren, Earl, 380
Warren, Hamelin, 719, 725
Warren, Joseph, 106, 376
Warren, Josiah, 284
Warren, Leonard, 254
Warthen, Rebecca, 241
Washington, George, 197, 218,
Washington, James, 318, 323-326
Washington, Sidney, 223
Washington, William, 176
Waterhouse, Richard, 29
Waters, Floyd, 286-287
Waters, Joseph, 215
Waterton, Robert, 638
Watkins, Adelaid, 245
Watkins, Alice, 247
Watkins, Betty, 245
Watkins, Charles, 245
Watkins, Claiborne, 245
Watkins, Erskine, 246-247
Watkins, Gazena, 245
Watkins, Joseph, 150, 152
Watkins, Judson, 245
Watkins, Kate, 245
Watkins, Lucile, 221
Watkins, Mary Isabelle, 152
Watkins, Randolph, 245
Watkins, Sallie, 245
Watkins, Thomas, 223
Watkins, Virginia, 245
Watkins, Walter, 245
Watson, Elizabeth, 323
Watson, Emma, 255
Watson, James, 184-185
Watson, Martha David, 263
Watson, Nona, 222
Watson, Otto, 323
Watson, Rosalie, 220
Watson, Sarah, 261
Wayland, Lewis, 251
Wayland, Nora, 363
Wayland, Rebecca, 251
Wayt, John, 251
Weatherford, Ethel, 246
Weaver, Paulino, 307
Webb, Martha, 238
Webb, Susannah, 327
Webber, John, 172
Webster, William, 224
Weedon, George, 185
Wehunt, Elsie, 298
Wehunt, Ivie, 298
Wehunt, Ruby, 298
Wehunt, William, 294, 298
Welborne, Jeremiah, 251
Welcher, Ben, 236
Weldon, Kate, 229
Welhunt, Fred James, 298
Wellington, John, 168
Wells, Martha, 275
Welwick, Ralph, 623
Wentworth, Agnes, 632
Wentworth, Anne, 632
Wentworth, Dorothy, 636
Wentworth, Edward, 636
Wentworth, Elizabeth, 631, 636
Wentworth, Henry, 632-635
Wentworth, Jane, 636
Wentworth, John, 632-633
Wentworth, Margaret, 631-632
Wentworth, Margery, 631, 635-636
Wentworth, Philip, 629
Wentworth, Richard, 633
Wentworth, Richard, 633
Wentworth, Roger, 631-633, 637
Wentworth, Thomas, 635
Wentworthe, Henry, 635
Wesntworth, Elizabeth, 629
West, Francis, 34
West, John, 225
West, Martha, 168
West, Richard, 789
Whaley, Arthur, 254
Whaley, Louise, 258
Wharton, George, 155
Whitaker, Alexander, 45, 149
White, Caleb, 84, 350
White, Elisha, 183
White, Floyd, 208
White, James, 84, 160, 166
White, John, 185-186
White, Lucy, 199
White, Nancy, 208
White, Seay, 82, 349
White, Tobin, 284
Whitmore, Walter, 778
Whitney, Charles Barry, 228
Whittemore, John, 86, 318
Wiggins, Nancy, 211
Wilber, Chuck, 166
Wilder, Laura, 296
Wilkenson, Edward, 6
Wilkinson, Chambliss, 260
Wilkinson, Margaret, 378
Wilkinson, Priscilla, 59
Wilkinson, William, 29
Willa of Tuscany, 532-533
Willia of Hauterville, 480
William George Allen, 295
William I, 497, 667, 722, 830
William I, of Burgundy, 493,
William I, of Geneva, 497-500
William I, of Hauterville, 476, 480
William II, 56, 387, 850, 865
William III, of Ponthieu, 722, 724
William Moneaux of Barmston, 630
William of Normandy, 867
William the Conqueror, 1-2, 47, 55-57, 387, 468, 528, 595-600, 603-604, 606, 617-619, 683-684, 765, 850
William the Good, 542
William the Lion, 593, 666-667
William, Amice Fitz, 822
William, Dionise Fitz, 710
Williams, Charlotte, 249
Williams, Clayton, 244
Williams, Elizabeth, 217
Williams, Ella, 200
Williams, John, 190-192, 199
Williams, Judith, 195
Williams, Lewis, 5
Williams, Mary, 171, 175, 199
Williams, Thomas, 218
Williamson, David, 49
Williamson, Hattie, 201
Williamson, Martha, 218
Willie F., Hockenhull, 290
Willis, Banister, 153
Willis, Benjamin, 154
Willis, Catherine, 154
Willis, Christiana, 153
Willis, David, 153-154
Willis, Edward, 198
Willis, Elizabeth, 153-154
Willis, Filmer, 270
Willis, Freeman, 153
Willis, Henry, 152, 154
Willis, James, 153
Willis, Jane, 153
Willis, John, 153-154
Willis, Joice, 154
Willis, Joseph, 152-154
Willis, Joycey, 154
Willis, Kesiah, 153, 154
Willis, Mary, 153-154
Willis, Nancy, 154
Willis, Nicholas, 154
Willis, Peter, 152
Willis, Randal, 153
Willis, Robert, 153
Willis, Sarah, 153-154
Willis, Solomon, 153
Willis, Sophie, 227
Willis, Stephen, 152
Willis, Susan, 153
Willis, Thomas, 152-153
Willis, William, 153-154
Willoughby, Margaret, 662
Willoughby, Robert, 662
Wills, Lila Gantt, 371
Wilson, Anna, 228
Wilson, Charity, 324
Wilson, James, 179
Wilson, Jane, 262
Wilson, John, 222
Wilson, Mary, 249
Wilson, Ruby, 222
Wilson, Ruth, 243
Wilson, William Oliver, 222
Winder, Caroline, 274
Winford, Seth, 197
Wingfield, Catherine, 784, 786, 789
Wingfield, John, 770, 784-785, 787
Wingfield, Katherine, 780
Winstead, Grandof, 47
Winstead, Sally, 196
Wister, Samuel, 292, 298
Witcher, Fannie, 232
Withers, Sarah, 169
Withers, Susan, 169
Witherspoon, Rosalind, 233
Władysław II the Exile, 500-503
Womack, Judith, 60
Womack, Mary, 199
Womeck, William, 60
Wood, Hendale, 627
Wood, Jessie, 245
Wood, John, 352
Wood, Katie, 288
Wood, Mary Boyd, 89, 92, 354
Wood, Ted, 259
Woodrove, Anne, 25
Woods, Robert, 114
Woodson, Elizabeth, 181
Woodson, Fannie, 172
Woodson, Joseph, 156
Woodson, Mary, 156
Woodson, Matt, 172
Woodson, Stephen, 156
Woodson, Tucker, 193
Woodward, Thomas, 231, 342
Word, Ellen J., 210
Wright, Carolyn, 373
Wright, Philip, 228
Wright, Theresa, 160
Wrybeard, Alan, 613
Wyatt, David, 227
Wyatt, Edwin, 276
Wyatt, William, 173
Wynn, Thomas, 223, 339
Xtopher, Charles, 279
Yancey, Carrie, 367, 369
Yaqub, Abu, 408, 412
Yaroslav I the Wise, 567-568
Yaroslavich, Igor, 577, 580
Yaroslavich, Vyacheslav, 577
Yaroslavna, Anna, 567
Yates, George, 247
York, Amabella, 696
Young, Elizabeth, 153
Young, John, 257
Young, William, 223
Younger Hugh, 730
Zachery, Anna Glance, 223
Zouche, Joyce, 746
Zouche, William, 745
Zouche, William, of Mortimer, 744
Zvonimir, Demetrius, 457
Fulk Family
Abbott, Benjamin, 1, 10, 12, 18-22, 24, 27-28, 41
Abbott, Caroline, 11
Abbott, Eli, 29
Abbott, Elizabeth, 1, 4, 9, 11
Abbott, Elizabeth Jane, 39
Abbott, Evans, 27
Abbott, Fred, 29
Abbott, Hans, 11
Abbott, Hudgins, 9
Abbott, Ira P., 1
Abbott, James, 11, 23
Abbott, James Madison Jr., 27, 29
Abbott, James Madison Sr., 27
Abbott, John, 29
Abbott, Joseph, 11, 13, 24
Abbott, Lucinda, 11
Abbott, Lucy, 13
Abbott, Madison, 28
Abbott, Mary, 13, 20-21, 28
Abbott, Mary D. Evans, 27
Abbott, Oliver, 11
Abbott, Ruby, 28
Abbott, Sarah, 12-13, 19
Abbott, Sterling, 9-13, 19, 27-30
Abbott, Thomas, 29
Abbott, Wiley, 29
Abbott, William, 2, 11, 13, 18, 21-22, 24
Abott, Mary, 24
Bachmann, Margreth, 16-17
Barker, Louis Sexton, 1
Barker, Sylvia Peal, 1, 18
Barracks, Benton, 28
Barracks, Jefferson, 27
Blalack, Milbinton, 24
Boone, Daniel, 20
Brevard, John, 13
Carson, Thomas, 25
Devers, Martha, 9
Devers, Michael, 9
Drone, Noah, 8
Dyer, Frederick, 10
Edwin, Marion, 5
Essex, Elizabeth, 26
Essex, Joseph, 26
Etherton, Andrew, 19
Evan, Mary, 28
Evans, Daniel, 26
Evans, David, 26
Evans, Edward, 26
Evans, James, 26
Evans, Joseph, 26
Evans, Mary, 29
Fisher, Jane, 25
Fulk, Alice Maude, 18
Fulk, Elizabeth Abbott, 4
Fulk, Emanuel, 1-3, 5, 19, 40
Fulk, Ira P., 1, 4, 6-7. 38
Fulk, Jane, 3-4, 18-19
Fulk, Marion, 8
Fulk, Maude Alice, 1, 5, 7, 18
Fulk, Nelson S., 4, 7
Fulk, Sylvester, 5-6
Fulk, Sylvester, Nelson, 7
Fuqua, Obadeah, 25
Gerhard, Johannes, 15
Gerhard, Mary, 15, 48
Grierson, Benjamin Henry, 30
Hans, George Maiers, 16, 45
Hans, Martin Maiers, 16-17, 46
Harris, Bonnie, 18
Henn, Anna, 14, 16-17
Henn, Martin, 14, 17, 47
Henn, Michael, 17
Henry, Benjamin, 31
Hudgens, Elizabeth, 27
Hudgens, Mary, 13-14, 27
Hudgens, Pleasant, 14
Hudgens, William, 11, 13-14, 19, 24, 27, 42
Hudgins, Sterling, 9, 11
Jacobs, John, 21
Jacobs, Lucy, 19
Johnson, Spencer, 27-29
Kimble, Barny, 26
Lamb, Richard, 17
Long, Alexander, 25
Lopp, John, 26
Madison, James, 27-29
Maiers, Agnes, 16
Maiers, Casper, 17
Maiers, Christopher, 16
Maiers, George, 16
Maiers, Jakob, 15-17, 47
Maiers, Martin, 15-16
Maiers, William, 11
Martin, Elizabeth, 11
Martin, Hans, 15-17, 46
May, Helen, 18
Meiers, George, 16
Merrill, Nancy, 28
Meyer, Jacob, 26
Meyers, Hannah, 11
Meyers, Jacob, 23
Miarr, Michael, 26
Mier, Elias, 26
Mier, Simon, 26
Miers, Caty, 25-26
Miers, John, 26
Mires, Jacob, 26
Mires, John, 26
Mires, Michael, 26
Myars, George, 26
Myars, Jacob, 26
Myars, John, 26
Myars, Michael, 26
Myars, Peter, 26
Myers, Barbara, 16
Myers, Caty, 14, 18, 25-26
Myers, Christn, 26
Myers, Daniel, 14
Myers, David, 16
Myers, Elizabeth, 16
Myers, Garney, 14
Myers, Hannah, 14, 16, 26
Myers, Hepler, 25
Myers, Jacob, 25
Myers, Joseph, 14
Myers, Lucy, 14
Myers, Margaret, 14, 26
Myers, Maria Catharine Hepler, 25
Myers, Mary, 16
Myers, Michael, 11, 14-16, 19, 26, 43-44
Myers, Susanna, 16
Myre, Michael, 26
Myres, Barbarah, 26
Myres, Christian, 26
Myres, George, 26
Myres, Mary, 26
Nelson, Sylvester, 5, 7
Pearson, Joseph, 28
Phillips, Fannie, 28-29
Sexton, Louis, 1, 18
Sharp, Marion C., 1
Sharp, Marion Jr., 1
Sink, Jacob, 26
Sloan, Agnes, 25
Sloan, John, 25
Spurgin, William, 26
Swink, George, 21
Wayne, John, 31